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根据环境库兹涅茨曲线的假设,环境恶化与经济增长之间存在着倒U型曲线的关系,即随着经济的发展,环境质量先恶化,当经济发展达到某一个临界值的时候,环境质量由于人们的环境保护意识的增强而有所改善。因此,本论文将原油、煤炭及电力的消费作为环境恶化的指标,建立相关模型,对我国能源消费领域的环境库兹涅茨曲线进行实证分析,以期通过对具体数据及实际的分析,得出一些有益于中国经济与环境可持续发展的政策及建议。  相似文献   

李渊 《产业与科技论坛》2013,12(10):31-32,17
本文通过对广西25年内人均GDP与工业排放污染物三废之间的关系进行分析,发现了三大污染物的环境库兹涅茨曲线形状各异,其中两大污染物排放呈现上升趋势。因此可知,广西的经济发展在一定程度上仍然是建立在环境污染的基础之上的;高增长,高污染的经济增长方式在短时期内不轻易发生改变;广西今后的环境改善很大程度上取决于政策取向。  相似文献   

该文的目的是探讨在中国这样一个正在进行工业化的发展中大国中,经济发展与二氧化碳排放量的关系,检验环境库兹涅茨曲线是否适用于中国.1978~2008年的数据显示,我国国内生产总值与二氧化碳排放量呈现N形关系,此外,另外两个重要的变量是:出口反映了众所周知的污染避难所假设;第一产业的总产值变化反映了产业结构的变化.据此,应...  相似文献   

根据玉溪市1994~2009年经济与环境数据,以工业废水、工业烟尘、工业粉尘、SO2排放量、工业固体废弃物等权相加作为环境污染程度指标,人均GDP为经济发展指标,建立玉溪EKC模型.研究发现在人均GDP达到25000~30000元时环境污染指数出现拐点,环境污染程度最大.进一步分析了得出不合理产业布局和所实行的环境经济政策是玉溪环境库兹涅茨曲线的决定性因素.  相似文献   

基于库兹涅茨曲线理论,在调查分析武汉市经济发展与水环境现状的基础上,依据武汉市2003-2017年工业废水排放量与人均GDP为原始数据建立EKC曲线模型。实证研究发现,武汉市工业污水排放总量与人均国民生产总值之间呈现倒N型关系,且两个拐点分别为2008年和2009年。在研究武汉市相关政策的基础上,针对武汉市水环境污染与经济发展的现状给出相关建议,提出可持续发展策略。  相似文献   

本文在对循环经济做了系统的定义基础之上,分析了循环经济发展模式对环境库兹涅茨曲线的影响。环境库兹涅茨曲线虽然不能避免,但是通过发展循环经济,我们可以提前跨越自己面对的曲线的顶点,而且也可以降低跨越的高度。因此到目前为止循环经济是实现经济与环境最佳互动关系的发展模式。  相似文献   

以环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)理论为基础,根据南京市统计年鉴1993~2006年的经济与环境数据,构建了以南京市工业“三废”排放量为因变量,人均GDP为自变量的环境库兹涅茨曲线模型,运用统计软件SPSS对南京市近几年经济发展与环境污染的关系进行相关分析,做出经济指标与各环境指标的回归模型图,发现南京市的经济增长与环境污染之间存在着密切关系。研究表明,南京市环境库兹涅茨曲线并不完全符合标准的“倒U形”,而是呈现两种情况:工业废水曲线为“U形+倒U形右侧”;工业废气曲线和工业固体废物曲线呈现非EKC关系。  相似文献   

运用环境库兹涅茨曲线,对广州、佛山、肇庆三个处于不同工业化阶段城市的工业废水排放量、工业废气排放量、工业固废产生量与人均GDP的关系进行拟合,并运用灰色关联分析法分析其主要影响因素。三市不同污染指标的EKC形状各异,呈现出不同的经济发展与环境污染的关系;除广州市工业废水排放量和佛山市工业废气排放量外,其余各种污染均呈现不同程度的增长趋势;工业污染排放受多种因素影响,不同工业化阶段主要影响因素各不相同,但经济规模和经济结构对工业污染变化的影响始终是巨大的。  相似文献   

本文基于"库兹涅茨曲线假说"的扩展视角,揭示了腐败和经济增长及腐败的影响因素--工资水平、政府反腐力度和经济开放度之间的关系.我们的实证结果表明:我国的确存在腐败的库兹涅茨曲线,当前政府的反腐力度还未达到应有的效果,腐败和公务员工资呈负相关但和经济开放度呈正相关.需要意识到现阶段我国仍处于腐败的库兹涅茨曲线的左半部份,...  相似文献   

建立环境污染评价指标,在此基础上运用协整的分析方法考察中国经济增长与环境污染的关系。希望通过对经济增长与环境污染关系的形成机理的分析,可以为我国产业政策的选择提供参考路径。  相似文献   

This paper provides new empirical evidence on delinking and Environmental Kuznets Curves (EKC) for greenhouse gases and other air pollutant emissions in Italy. A panel dataset based on the Italian NAMEA (National Accounts Matrix including Environmental Accounts) for 1990–2001 is analysed. The highly disaggregated dataset (29 production branches, 12 years and nine air emissions) provides a large heterogeneity and can help to overcome the shortcomings of the usual approach to EKC based on cross-country data. Both value added and capital stock per employee are used as alternative drivers for analysing sectoral NAMEA emissions. Trade openness at the same sectoral level is also introduced among the covariates. We find mixed evidence supporting the EKC hypothesis. The analysis of NAMEA-based data shows that some of the pollutants such as two greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) and CO, produce inverted U-shaped curves with coherent within-range turning points. Other pollutants (SOX, NOX, PM10) show a monotonic or even N-shaped relationship. Macro sectoral disaggregated analysis highlights that the aggregated outcome should hide some heterogeneity across different groups of production branches (industry, manufacturing only and services). Services tend to present an inverted N-shape in most cases. Manufacturing industry shows a mix of inverted U and N-shapes, depending on the emission considered. The same is true for industry (all industries, not only manufacturing): although a turning point has been experienced, N-shapes may lead to increased emissions with respect to very high levels of the economic driver. In general, EKC evidence is more pronounced for greenhouse gases. The results suggest that analysis at macro sector (whole industry, manufacturing only and services) can be the most promising approach to future research on EKC.  相似文献   

This paper clarifies some conceptual shortcomings of the empirical environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) literature that arise because of the hitherto inadequate application of unit root and cointegration techniques. The literature to date has ignored the fact, and a fortiori the consequences, that powers of integrated processes are themselves not integrated processes. The paper explains why standard methods should not be applied and discusses some recently proposed viable estimation and testing approaches for cointegrating polynomial regressions. The application to CO2 and SO2 emissions data shows that using appropriate methods leads to strongly reduced evidence for a cointegrating EKC compared to typical but conceptually not sound findings. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

责任型领导,作为领导力研究领域的一个新兴概念,将关注焦点从传统的领导-下属二元关系拓展至组织内外各利益相关者,有助于应对来自社会各界的挑战,是对传统领导理论的新发展和新超越.文章介绍了责任型领导的概念、测量维度、前因与后果,深入探究了责任型领导的作用机制,总结出责任型领导能通过社会交换、社会学习、信息加工和社会资本等中介机制对个体、组织产生积极影响.最后,文章对未来研究作了展望.  相似文献   

The Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis suggests that, as a country's national income grows, environmental degradation subsides as the population demands a cleaner environment. On the other hand, critics of the Environmental Kuznets Curve claim that many polluting industries simply relocate offshore, where environmental compliance is less costly. They then export their products back to their previous home countries. This is known as the Pollution Haven hypothesis. This article demonstrates how pollution havens can falsely give the appearance of an Environmental Kuznets Curve by analysing lead emissions from the US automotive tyre manufacturing industry.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the implementation of environmental policies and how government engagement impacts on a firm's environmental performance based on a sample of Chinese listed firms in the eight most polluting industries over a 10‐year period. The findings of the study demonstrate that government engagement, measured as ownership structure, is positively correlated with environmental performance, measured by environmental capital expenditure, for state‐owned firms, but no significant relation is found for non‐state‐owned firms. In addition, non‐state‐owned firms are more likely to perform better in terms of environmental investment after the 2006 enactment of a new policy explicitly linking environmental issues with political incentives to regional governments. This study also reports that corporate environmental performance impairs firm value for state‐owned firms but has no impact on firm value for non‐state‐owned firms, suggesting that investors negatively respond to environmental investments made by state‐owned firms as a result of government engagement/political pressure. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

引言从年度增长率周期来测量,始于2000年的本轮经济周期的扩张期到目前为止已经持续了7年时间,这在新中国经济发展史上是史无前例的。2006年GDP增长10.7%,达到本轮经济周期扩张的最高水平。耐人寻味的是,近3年的高速增长是在政府一系列宏观调控的背景下取得的。2007年1季度,GDP增长11.1%,创造了近10年来的同期最高增速,再次出乎人们的普遍预料,显示增长势头依然十分强劲。同时,居民消费价格指数逐月上升,3月份当月突破“警戒线”,达到3.3%,通货膨胀压力显现。2007年我国经济运行是否会再次出现“过热”?全年的经济增长速度会再创本轮周期…  相似文献   

燕茹 《价值工程》2021,40(5):14-15
为了加深对化工项目环境影响评价要点及注意问题的重视程度,本文立足于当前化工行业建设的现实情况,这是化工企业的项目建设者在未来一段时间内需要面临的问题,从四个角度提出化工项目环境影响评价优化策略,分别为严把化工项目环境前置条件,布局合理、路径便捷,严格控制化工项目环境时机,开展区域性建设项目的影响评价和公众参与机制的引进...  相似文献   

东部企业"西进":环境影响因素、行为特征及其绩效   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在问卷调查和实地考察的基础上,对东部企业“西进”过程中的环境影响要素,行为特征及其绩效进行了统计分析。结果显示,基础设施薄弱是阻碍东部企业“西进”最主要的环境因素。目前东部“西进”企业的盈利率与其东部公司相比不很理想,大部分“西进”企业的盈利率都低子或持平于其东部公司,但是,大部分的东部“西进”企业对未来的盈利前景看好,等等。这可为东部企业积极参与西部大开发、提高“西进”的成功率提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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