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预测是需求管理的重要内容以及供应链运作的源头与基础,也是连锁零售企业优化供应链需求管理的起点.我国连锁零售企业要想在激烈的竞争中快速反映市场需求、降低供应链库存、提高服务水平,进而提高企业的竞争力,必须不断提高需求预测的准确性.本文分析了我国连锁零售企业供应链需求预测现状和存在的问题,阐述了需求预测偏差给连锁零售企业乃至整个供应链带来的严重后果,并有针对性地提出了提高需求预测准确性的方法和步骤.  相似文献   

秦炳海 《商业时代》2007,(28):13-14
供应链管理对连锁零售企业来说至关重要。本文通过对连锁企业门店缺货原因的分析,指出连锁零售企业在供应链管理中的弊端,并提出加强门店日常营运管理和连锁企业供应链的管理,是连锁零售企业降低缺货率、提高营运绩效的有效途径。  相似文献   

连锁零售企业实施供应链管理的难点与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着世界经济危机的影响,国外零售连锁巨头进入中国市场,以及当前我国连锁企业已步入微利时代,我国零售连锁企业正面临着残酷的竞争和考验,企业要在激烈竞争的市场中得以生存和发展,必须实施供应链管理。通过分析我国零售连锁企业实施供应链管理所面对的困难,提出推进我国零售连锁企业开展供应链管理的思路和对策。  相似文献   

随着世界经济危机的影响,国外零售连锁巨头进入中国市场,以及当前我国连锁企业已步入微利时代,我国零售连锁企业正面临着残酷的竞争和考验,企业要在激烈竞争的市场中得以生存和发展,必须实施供应链管理。通过分析我国零售连锁企业实施供应链管理所面对的困难,提出推进我国零售连锁企业开展供应链管理的思路和对策。  相似文献   

网络零售来势汹汹,是否真的危及传统零售?网络销售是否成本很低而存储和展示空间无边界?网上销售和网下销售渠道是否可以完美结合?中国连锁经营协会近期发布《传统零售企业开展网络零售业务研究报告》,对传统零售商开展网络零售的现状、优劣势、存在的主要问题进行分析和建议。报告的主要发现如下:  相似文献   

家电零售行业从卖方市场过渡到买方市场后,盈利模式从差价销售向供应商返利转变。目前我国的家电零售行业正处在这一阶段。低价销售和规模采购是抢夺市场份额的利器。而此时由于行业整体的集中度较低,百货公司依然是市场中主要竞争者之一。  相似文献   

无论是超市、大卖场、便利店,还是专卖店、专业店,都走上连锁之路,就连百货商场也在走向连锁,这己成大势所趋。迅速打造中国人自己的连锁零售企业的“航空母舰”,己成为中国零售企业与外国零售企业抗衡的当务之急。  相似文献   

在中国几千年中医文化中,有一系统领中医精髓的经典医理:通则不痛,痛则不通,指的是血气顺畅则人体无痛无病,不顺畅别人体有痛有病。万物一理,将这一经医用于连锁经营体系中,则可说“物流通,则连锁经营体系不‘痛’;连锁经营体系‘痛’,则物流不通”。由此可见,物流在连锁经营体系整体运营中所具有的重要战略意义,甚至可以说,物流关系着连锁企业的生死存亡。[编者按]  相似文献   

中国连锁经营协会2009年度行业发展情况调查日前结束,2009中国连锁百强名单3月25日正式对外发布。2009年,连锁百强销售规模达到1.36万亿元,同比增长13.5%。百强企业门店总数达到13.7万个,门店总数增长18.9%。百强企业销售额占社会消费品零售总额的11%,与2008年基本持平。  相似文献   

Managing the logistical issues resulting from changes in assortment depth in the retail supply chain is challenging, involving various complex tradeoffs. While increasing assortment depth can increase sales, it also increases inventory‐holding costs and reduces the amount of space for other items. As space is taken from existing items to increase assortment depth, it reduces the inventory‐holding capacity of existing items on the shelf, increasing expected annual cost of lost sales. The paper presents a conceptual model of the relationships between assortment depth, category gross margins, and the logistical concerns resulting from inventory costs and out‐of‐stocks. Evidence for the significance of depth and resulting costs are provided in an examination of 100 product categories from a case study of a retail grocery chain.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of investment in information technology in a supply chain. The results of that investigation are presented by focusing on an empirically tested supply chain relationship model containing both behavioral and operational constructs. The four behavioral constructs represented in the model are relationship trust, relationship commitment, relationship dependence, and long‐term relationship orientation. The four operational constructs represented in the model are retailer investment in interorganizational information technology, perceived supplier investment in interorganizational information technology, logistics efficiency, and logistics effectiveness. Among other findings, the results of the investigation found that perceived supplier investment in interorganizational information technology has a significant and positive effect on logistics efficiency.  相似文献   

全球化背景下农产品供应链的发展及对策研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
兰萍 《北方经贸》2005,(12):15-17
在全球化背景下,构建和发展我国农产品供应链体系迫在眉睫。本文在借鉴国外经验的前提下,分析了我国农产品供应链的结构模式,并提出促进农产品供应链发展的对策。  相似文献   

To investigate the construct of Supply Chain Management and its antecedent construct of a Supply Chain Orientation, reliable, valid scales of each are needed. In this study, we developed measurement scales for a supply chain orientation (SCO) and supply chain management (SCM). Validity and reliability of the developed scales were established and the relationship between a SCO, SCM, and business performance was also established, providing evidence of nomological validity. The implications of these findings for managers and researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

Collaboration with external supply chain entities influences increased internal collaboration, which in turn improves service performance. This relationship may be the key to helping managers understand how best to facilitate behavioral change. The implication is that collaborating with customers and suppliers is a first step toward effective collaboration within the firm.  相似文献   

The renaming of the Council of Logistics Management (CLM) to the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) ushered in some interesting definitional dialogue and debate within the practitioner and academic communities. Inherent in emerging definitions is the notion that SCM encompasses activities traditionally considered aspects of production, logistics, marketing, and operations management. Defining SCM in such a broad scope (i.e., a “within” and “across” functions perspective), while considered by many scholars as the true representation of the essence of SCM, creates confusion regarding the appropriate organizational level within a business that is best suited for managerial decision making regarding the phenomenon. This paper contributes to the emerging SCM dialogue by highlighting the functional spaces (the “within” function perspective), relationships, and conceptual overlaps (the “across” functions perspective) between marketing, logistics, production, operations, and supply chain management. By comparing and contrasting the literature‐based conceptual boundaries of each discipline, a framework is proposed that more clearly captures the essence of the SCM decision making sphere. Managerial insights and future research implications are presented.  相似文献   

Integration has been recognized as critical to successful supply chain management. However, an extensive literature review revealed no consensus in its conceptualization. The current study attempts to address this research gap by providing a better definition and operationalization of supply chain process integration. With empirical support, it is proposed that internal and external supply chain process integration should be treated as two separate constructs, each comprised of two dimensions: connectivity and simplification.  相似文献   

The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Air Force, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government. In a world of turbulent change, resilience is a key competency since even the most carefully designed supply chain is susceptible to unforeseen events. This article presents a new Supply Chain Resilience Framework to help businesses deal with change. The conceptual framework is based on extant literature and refined through a focus group methodology. Our findings suggest that supply chain resilience can be assessed in terms of two dimensions: vulnerabilities and capabilities. The Zone of Resilience is defined as the desired balance between vulnerabilities and capabilities, where it is proposed that firms will be the most profitable in the long term. We identified seven vulnerability factors composed of 40 specific attributes and 14 capability factors from 71 attributes that facilitate the measurement of resilience. The article concludes with managerial implications and recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

An important aspect of implementing supply chain management is the formation of appropriate linkages between members of the supply chain. While practitioners and academics have championed the value of partnerships for this purpose, the challenge is to find effective methods for developing the appropriate type of relationship. This paper describes a large‐scale validation of a previously developed model that can be used to structure business relationships. Implementation issues are documented and direction is provided for managers interested in using this tool for tailoring key relationships.  相似文献   

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