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我国优化资本结构的原则与措施探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从我国与本文国家在企业资本结构方面的差异分析入手,分析了我国企业现行资本结构的特征及其形成原因,提出了优化我国企业资本结构的基本原则应当是:政策性指导与技术性研究相结合,存量资本调整与增量资本注入相结合,优化我国企业资本结构的基本措施应当是:进行政策性调整,调整现有存量资本结构,完善资本市场环境和培育有充分自主理财权的市场主体,目前应优先使用股权筹资来优化我国企业的资本结构。  相似文献   

This paper presents and discusses the main challenges that an archipelago like Indonesia is facing in improving its connectivity. Distinguishing between intra‐island, inter‐island, and international connectivity is essential in order to understand the nature of the challenges and causes behind the bottlenecks. High domestic shipping costs are identified as one key challenge. The Government of Indonesia has identified improved connectivity as a key issue in promoting economic growth, especially in the manufacturing sector, now that Indonesia can no longer rely on commodities as a driver of growth. Better infrastructure, regulations, and coordination among stakeholders are crucial components in promoting improved connectivity for manufacturing growth. Promoting investment in infrastructure is necessary, including both hard and soft infrastructure. However, Indonesian experience highlights that without regulatory reform and improved policy coordination, infrastructure investment will continue to lag behind. There is a need for an improved and empowered governance structure to turn investment plans into reality.  相似文献   

我国在市场监督管理方面存在部门较多、职能交叉、政出多门、效率不高等方面问题,这些问题与我国法制不够健全、经济管理体制不够完善有关,在监管职能的划分、机构的设置以及人员配备上不够规范有关。为此,我们提出要建立和完善市场监督的法律体系、高效、权威、统一的监管体制,采取相应措施,保证我国市场经济健康有序的发展。  相似文献   

农地流转实际上是相关利益主体谋取各自利益最大化的交锋和博弈,而非农产业对农村劳动力的消化吸收率以及统一的社会保障客观上决定着农地流转的进程。显然,农地的有序流转是必须的,而急躁冒进只能事与愿违。从国家粮食安全、耕地底线和社会稳定的战略高度看,保障农地流转中农民利益的最大化意义重大而深远。  相似文献   

由于顾客转换行为对于服务企业所造成的巨大影响,针对顾客转换服务商逐渐成为一个重要的研究问题.基于已有的研究,本研究对顾客转换服务商动因进行了归纳,并通过引入顾客感知价值变量,设计了顾客转换服务商的概念模型,对转换动因进行了归因分析与假设,并利用实证数据对模型进行了检验.研究发现,企业不可控因素往往直接导致顾客产生转换倾向,顾客感知价值对企业可控因素导致的顾客转换倾向起着重要的传递作用.同时,核心服务的失败是导致顾客服务商转换倾向生成的关键前因.  相似文献   

在农村社会保障制度运行的过程中,利益主体的行为选择会影响农村社会保障制度的运行效率。文章通过运用博弈的理论和方法,分析了各级政府和农民行为选择的机理和影响因素,据此提出建立司法、行政、社会监督于一体的监督体系、加大财政支持的深度和广度、建构政府利益平衡机制等优化农村社会保障制度运行环境的途径。  相似文献   

发展农业循环经济是我国现代农业的现实选择   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
农业循环经济是遏制农业污染,提高农业资源有效利用的机制创新。它所体现的农业和谐发展是资源节约型经济发展,是农业可持续发展的有效路径,是农民生态致富之路,对改善生态环境、提高农民生活质量、促进农业发展具有重要作用。本文通过对农业循环经济的内涵进行深入剖析之后,提出发展农业循环经济是我国实现农业可持续发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

优化城市生态经济结构   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
城市经济结构问题是我国城市经济的基本问题。当前我国正在进行城市经济结构调整,以生态经济学的理论为指导,研究我国城市经济结构类型的选择,以及优化我国的城市生产结构、城市流通结构和城市组群结构等问题有重要的现实意义。本文试对这方面的问题作一些探讨。  相似文献   

近20年来,各国金融业,包括对银行业、非银行金融机构、证券市场在内的综合监管的趋势已十分清晰。总结金融业综合监管的国际经验,考察综合监管模式正反两面的理论,并对各国监管的实践经验进行评价,得到的启示是:第一,完整意义上的综合金融监管意味着对保险业和证券业更高的监管水准,以及对金融行业监管更大的一致性;第二,完整意义上综合金融监管并不具有缩减监管人力资源和监管规模的意义。  相似文献   

Recent theoretical contributions to the problem of job mobility decisions during the transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy suggest that individuals self-select into specific forms of job mobility behaviour on the basis of their unobservable characteristics. In this case, standard results from both simple treatment–control comparisons of average income and from OLS regressions of reduced-form earnings equations do generally not identify any causal effect of job mobility on income. This paper addresses the endogeneity problem related to job mobility in a quasi-experimental framework and estimates the returns to (early) job mobility in the Eastern German transition process for the period 1990–96. Identification is based on instrumental variables estimation. Two instruments are suggested that account for some of the variation in the job mobility behaviour throughout transition. They allow further for a natural distinction between forced and voluntary movers on the basis of the local average treatment effect (LATE) interpretation of IV estimates. Estimation results contrast strongly with results from both simple treatment–control comparisons and simple OLS estimation. They suggest negative returns to forced job mobility as opposed to positive returns to voluntary job mobility early in transition, thus stressing the existence of heterogeneous returns to job mobility.  相似文献   

从1998年实施的积极财政政策尽管对遏制我国经济紧缩起到了巨大的作用。但是由于我国体制转轨所形成的内生性紧缩效应以及由于我国积极财政政策本身的缺陷,如波及效应、联动效应、内耗效应使我国积极财政政策绩效并未达到最优,需要通过相关的制度创新和完善财政政策操作手段来提高积极财政政策的绩效,有效提升我国内需,带动经济发展。  相似文献   

Textbooks regularly interpret the second fundamental theorem of welfare economics by claiming it asserts that any desired Pareto optimum can be achieved by market prices.  相似文献   

人民代表大会制度,是在中国共产党领导下的、符合中国国情的、治国安邦的根本政治制度,已经走过了50年的历程。它忠实代表人民意愿、积极行使人民权力。人民代表大会制度,要在新的历史条件下得到进一步的完善和发展,必须整合权力资源,推进执政为民。  相似文献   

The role of across‐firm differences in product quality and firms' competitiveness in determining the spatial patterns of within‐product export unit values across destinations is examined in this paper. Using product level export data, it is shown that the average export unit value of a product shipped from the USA or Korea increases with distance and decreases with destination market's size. However, within‐product average unit values for products exported from China and India decrease with distance and increase with market size. To interpret these different spatial patterns of unit values across exporting countries, model of quality heterogeneity is developed in which firms differ in their workers' skill level and higher‐skilled workers show greater productivity in performing tasks that improve product quality. The model predicts that in relatively skill‐abundant countries, exporting firms specialize in high‐quality products using relatively cheap skilled labor, whereas, in relatively skill‐scarce countries, firms that produce lower‐quality products are more competitive.  相似文献   

尽管各地政府和企事业单位均采取积极措施引进高层次科技人才,但实践效果却不尽如人意,其中一个重要原因在于,对高层次科技人才评价不够科学。在对高层次科技人才进行界定后,构建包括“品德、知识、能力、业绩、影响力”五位一体的高层次科技人才评价指标体系,并采用能够凸显个体优势的竞优评析法,设计出指标权重以及相应评价模型,在此基础上,对拟引进某区域中心城市的10位高层次科技人才进行评价。结果表明,竞优评析法能有效识别出高层次科技人才的个体优势,评价结果兼顾了个性化和民主性,为竞优评析法在高层次科技人才评价中的推广应用提供了支持。  相似文献   

完全信息条件下的技术标准转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在开放标准竞争过程中,具有完全信息的消费者理性预期产品的网络规模,仍然可能产生过度惯性或者过度动量的现象,技术标准转换偏离了社会最优要求.在需求萎缩的有限使用寿命产品市场,承诺产品升级、提高产品使用寿命等研发方面的努力,有助于新技术标准实施性能表演战略,成功完成市场技术标准转换.  相似文献   

本在介绍了各类交流调速方法及其主要特点和应用基础上,深入分析了我公司进口的精密卷绕机由原来的直流调速系统改造为交流调速系统的情况。  相似文献   

Environmental and Resource Economics - In this study we examine whether and why preferences for environmental quality improvements depend on current quality. We conducted contingent valuation...  相似文献   

针对具有层次结构的竞优评价问题,提出了一种兼顾行为个体和整体的双重优势的评价方法。首先,以竞优思想为指导,利用目标规划方法构建优势特征识别模型,充分挖掘行为个体和整体的优势特征;然后,基于各行为个体的评价信息差异程度确定其话语权重;接着,通过构建一个集成优化模型将个体优势与整体优势进行集成,得出属性权重向量;最后以一个算例证明了该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

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