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探析正义究竟是什么、正义与非正义究竟谁能获得更大的利益、二者谁更能使人获得幸福及二者有什么差别等有关城邦和正义观的问题.研究城邦统治者的智慧和能力、辅助者的勇敢和意气和城邦所有人的自我节制,再由正义将三者有机结合统一达到一个和谐的整体.以柏拉图在《理想国》中的论证逻辑,探究正义城邦的结构、特点、功能及运行机制.  相似文献   

两千四百年前,柏拉图提出建构理想国的美好蓝图,如今习近平主席提出要实现中国梦,二者具有一定的契合性。本文将通过从柏拉图在《理想国》中提出的个人正义、城邦正义、哲学王和教育思想出发,在当下实现中国梦的伟大历史进程中,对其宝贵思想进行重新解读,寻找柏拉图理论对实现中国梦的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

王明伟 《乡镇企业科技》2011,(36):112-112,116
辩诉交易向现行的刑法原则和司法程序提出了挑战,但是,在刑事案件数量居高不下与司法资源相对有限的紧张关系中,辩诉交易的选择既是无奈的,也是理性的。至关辩诉交易制度存否的问题是,在辩诉交易制度中,应当最大限度地保障司法正义的实现。而保障司法正义的主要途径在于:限制辩诉交易的案件范围和交易的内容、幅度;对辩诉交易实行有效的司法监督;设立司法救济手段,对严重牺牲正义的辩诉交易以审判监督程序加以纠正。辩诉交易能够经受考验而与司法正义共存,因而辩诉交易的实践可以进入刑事司法改革的视野。  相似文献   

辩诉交易向现行的刑法原则和司法程序提出了挑战,但是,在刑事案件数量居高不下与司法资源相对有限的紧张关系中,辩诉交易的选择既是无奈的,也是理性的。至关辩诉交易制度存否的问题是,在辩诉交易制度中,应当最大限度地保障司法正义的实现。而保障司法正义的主要途径在于:限制辩诉交易的案件范围和交易的内容、幅度;对辩诉交易实行有效的司法监督;设立司法救济手段,对严重牺牲正义的辩诉交易以审判监督程序加以纠正。辩诉交易能够经受考验而与司法正义共存,因而辩诉交易的实践可以进入刑事司法改革的视野。  相似文献   

怎样购买美国企业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国企业并购的法律环境可以概括为:一个总原则、三项基本法律和适当限制。一个总原则:自由的市场交易原则。在美国,企业是否有并购需要以及并购对象的选择与并购行为的实施,完全是企业根据市场需要,为谋取竞争优势和利益最大化而采取的市场行为。企业并购是一种自由的市场交易活动,由买卖双方通过自由谈判的公正交易达成,原则上政府对企业并购不加干预。  相似文献   

闻实 《成功之路》2011,(2):47-48
“读书应该成为一种生活方式”,这是“一代大师”任继愈的一种人生体悟,是他的一种生活主张,也是他对世人的—个忠告。  相似文献   

古希腊七贤之一的毕阿斯生活在一个城邦里。一次城邦遭到围攻,居民们纷纷带上自己最贵重的财物逃离,只有毕阿斯一个人赤手空拳。人们惊讶地问他为什么这样离开,他回答说:“因为我的一切都在我的身上!”  相似文献   

王永利 《价值工程》2010,29(5):251-252
柏拉图是西方著名政治思想家,其一生致力于理想国家的探索和追求,其代表作《理想国》便集中地体现了他的政治理想。我们今天可以从政治发展的角度,审视他的德法兼治的思想以及城邦公民的公民精神,以期对中国当前和谐社会的建设提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

信息经济学说:在经济生活中存在一种现象,它叫“信息不对称”。当市场的一方无法观察到另一方的行为,或无法获知另一方行动的信息时,就产生了信息不对称的情形,这一现象的存在,会使经济活动部分失效,它主要表现在:一、不公平。比如,经常逛商店的家庭主妇通常比工作繁忙的人更容易买到物美价廉的商品,股票大户比普通公众具有更多的获利机会;二、“道德风险”和逆向选择”。前是指当交易双方签订协议后,其中一方利用多于另一方的信息,有目的地损害另一方的利益而增加自己利益的行为,比如,房屋财产保险前,人们会很注意防火防盗,但投保之后,多半就不太注意添置防火有具、防盗设施了。后是指当市场的一方如果能够利用多于另一方的信息使自己受益而使另一方受损,那么他将倾向于对方签订协方进行交易。生活中常说的“买的没有卖的精”实际上就是对逆向选择结果的一种感慨。因为信息不对徇一种客观存在,所以信息经济学并没有提出消除信息不对称,而是主张针对不同的情况采用不同的方法,缩小交易双方对信息掌握程度的差异。  相似文献   

信用是建立在诚实可信基础上的心理承诺与契约实践相结合的意志和能力,信誉是诚实品德的社会评价,信义是中华民族的传统美德,是经济生活、社会生活应该遵循的准则。市场经济是一种信用化的商品经济,由于市场交易必须受价值规律和竞争规律的影响,故须在市场信用机制的作用下进行,而市场主体的“经济人”的特性使其具有难以遏制的利己欲望和投机心理,所以市场交易与风险时刻相伴,  相似文献   

产权交易市场是我国近年来兴起的一种新型资本市场,其诞生与发展与国有企业体制改革、国有资本退出工作密切相关。本文回顾了我国产权交易市场的兴起与发展历程,综合各级、各地法规与规章的表述,对产权交易市场的性质进行了明确的界定。在此基础上,论述了产权交易市场的一般功能和特殊功能,并以此为出发点,从非上市公司的股权、地方排污权、金融类产权、农村综合产权和文化产权的交易等方面,就产权交易市场的业务创新渠道进行了探索和阐述。  相似文献   

The paper proposes a novel approach to predict intraday directional-movements of currency-pairs in the foreign exchange market based on news story events in the economy calendar. Prior work on using textual data for forecasting foreign exchange market developments does not consider economy calendar events. We consider a rich set of text analytics methods to extract information from news story events and propose a novel sentiment dictionary for the foreign exchange market. The paper shows how news events and corresponding news stories provide valuable information to increase forecast accuracy and inform trading decisions. More specifically, using textual data together with technical indicators as inputs to different machine learning models reveals that the accuracy of market predictions shortly after the release of news is substantially higher than in other periods, which suggests the feasibility of news-based trading. Furthermore, empirical results identify a combination of a gradient boosting algorithm, our new sentiment dictionary, and text-features based-on term frequency weighting to offer the most accurate forecasts. These findings are valuable for traders, risk managers and other consumers of foreign exchange market forecasts and offer guidance how to design accurate prediction systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, I use a unique proprietary dataset from the foreign exchange market to examine the existing hypotheses on price clustering. I find that market uncertainty plays an important role in price clustering. Moreover, since trading behavior changes under different market conditions, market timing also affects the likelihood of price clustering. The results support both the price resolution hypothesis (Ball et al. J Futures Mark 5:29–43, 1985) and the negotiation hypothesis (Harris Rev Financ Stud 4:389–415, 1991). Since the data covers the interbank foreign exchange market, which is the market for the professional bank dealers, the attraction hypothesis is less likely to be a plausible explanation for price clustering in the foreign exchange market.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the variables of oil price, exchange rate and stock market index to explain how they interact with each other in the Mexican economy. The examined period includes monthly data from January 1992 to June 2017. A Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR) is implemented that includes oil prices, the nominal exchange rate, the Mexican stock market index, and the consumer price index. Results indicate that the exchange rate has a negative and statistically significant effect on the stock market index; this indicates that an appreciation of the exchange rate is related to an increase in the stock market index. It is also found that the consumer price index has a positive effect on the exchange rate and a negative effect on the stock market index. The results also indicate that oil prices are statistically significant against the exchange rate, concluding that an increase in oil prices creates an appreciation of the exchange rate. In addition, the impulse-response functions show that the effects found tend to disappear over time.  相似文献   

Enriching Exchange   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A bstract AS economic sociologists have been arguing for some time, markets are not to be abstractly opposed to other social relations but rather to be understood as embedded in them, and indeed subject to the same kinds of analysis as other social relations. However, many accounts of embeddedness explain it in structural terms and still operate with an impoverished notion of culture. On the other hand, relatively few cultural sociologists have considered cultural dimensions of economic action. I first argue that there is a rich agenda for cultural investigation which has yet to be fully exploited in economic sociology, and fascinating work on economic embeddedness which could be enriched with more culturally oriented analysis and research. I go on to distinguish three issues on this agenda which are more often collapsed, arguing that the meaning of markets should be investigated in terms of the cultural construction of objects of market exchange, the cultural construction of parties to market exchange, and the cultural construction of norms of exchange. Distinguishing these three dimensions of market culture is productive because it links apparently disparate types of investigation and allows more precisely specified questions about their relations. Finally, I suggest that norms of market exchange are drawn from a richer symbolic repertoire than is usually imagined: reciprocity and redistribution, as well as market norms, are likely to be important as norms of mundane market action.  相似文献   

近年来,我国旅游业发展的功能已不再是仅仅赚取外汇或经济收入,而是进入到服务于社会生产生活、增强市场经济发展活力、满足人民日益增长的物质文化需求、促进国际交流合作、改善国家形象的新历史阶段。2009年是落实"十一五"规划的关键一年,而2010年是总结"十一五"规划并筹备"十二五"规划的重要一年,对旅游业发展的思考,除了如何进一步转变旅游经济的增长方式,还必须回归到更强调市场在资源配置中的基础作用,培育市场主体在推动旅游经济持续健康发展中的关键作用。本文从旅游市场主体的涵义和分类入手,运用利益关系者理论分析了不同主体间的相互关系。同时,通过分析我国旅游市场主体发展现状和亟待解决的问题,提出了改善旅游企业运行状况、激发旅游消费者出游需求和提升旅游服务者综合素质的对策。  相似文献   

随着市场竞争日益加剧,人才流动也成为经济生活中的正常现象,企业员工离职现象也越来越普遍。企业应通过与员工保持"终身交往",进行双向的价值交换和个性化沟通,使员工为企业创造最大的价值,将离职员工变成企业的宝贵资源。  相似文献   

自21世纪以来,中国货币市场与外汇市场均发生了翻天覆地的变化。对近十年中国货币市场深化发展进程汇市弹性与压力问题的实证结果表明,更富弹性的汇制、更高市场化程度的汇市倾向于高发展水平的货币市场;同时需要政府对外汇市场的逐步放开,使得汇率的波动与调控逐步市场化。货币市场越深化发展,需要更具弹性的汇制与更具自由化的外汇市场与之相协调发展。伴随货币市场的稳步发展,中国汇制的选择更趋合理、更具弹性。  相似文献   

In this paper I investigate the impact of overnight floating of the official rate and easing foreign exchange restrictions on post-unification domestic inflation rate. After analysing the behaviour of an economy under dual foreign exchange markets, an official market with a crawling foreign exchange rate and a free illegal parallel market. The paper also shows that maintaining a unified free exchange rate depends on the degree of foreign exchange restrictions under dual foreign exchange system and on the level of the official reserve that prompts foreign exchange liberalisation policy. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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