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可持续消费是我国经济发展过程中必要建立的消费模式,是建立在国情基础之上的正确选择,是未来经济发展的必然趋势。建立可持续消费模式要求我们坚持科学消费的原则,坚持可持续消费,以法律来规范个人和政府的消费行为,完善居民的收入分配格局,积极引导人们的消费行为,从而建立可持续消费模式。  相似文献   

“十五”计划是进入新世纪的第一个五年计划,我们面临着在实现工业化的同时实现信息化,在建立市场经济的同时迎接经济全球化的严峻挑战;与此同时,建立在知识经济和经济全球化基础之上的新经济,也为我们提供了新的机遇。为此,我们要认真研究新经济对我国“十五”时期经济社会发展所带来的巨大影响。  一、新经济对经济结构调整的影响  建立在经济全球化基础之上的,以高新科技产业的增长、互联网的推广以及电子商务的拓展为特征的新经济,在推动经济增长的同时,推动了经济结构的调整,从而大大地提高了劳动生产率。作为新经济支柱…  相似文献   

竞争规律是优胜劣汰,适者生存。企业资源是竞争优势的基础和源泉,竞争优势是企业生存发展的基石。有形资源是必须的,是企业生存和发展的基础,无形资源建立在有形资源基础之上,企业能力又是建立在有形资源和无形资源基础之上的。而竞争优势是建立在企业资源之上的。  相似文献   

孙淑英 《中国经贸》2012,(16):13-13
经济的稳定建立在经济增长的基础之上,但经济稳定和经济增长并不是等同的概念,这是因为经济稳定应是建立在经济可持续发展之上的稳定。而经济增长也不代表经济发展,如果只有产出的增加而无其他的改变那只能是有增长而无发展。经济增长如果不伴随着相应的政治体制、社会领域的变革,还会造成社会不稳定。  相似文献   

在当前全球经济仍然处于衰退、经济复苏遇到多方面阻力的情况下,现实的选择是进一步做好扩大内需工作,维护当前经济形势的稳定趋暖。虽然在启动经济的非常时刻需要加大政府投资,但其最终目的是为了振奋消费信心。未来经济的增长速度不仅要靠投资来确保,更要依赖消费确保经济增长的质量。只有消费需求稳固了,庞大的内需才能真正成为经济增长的内生性因素,经济回暖才能建立在可靠的基础之上。  相似文献   

当代大学生爱情观与心理健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生恋爱是身心发展的需要,对其心理健康会产生积极的促进作用,但这必须是建立在真正的爱情基础之上,反之不仅不利于心理健康,而且还会产生危害。因此,有必要在深刻理解爱情观基础之上,探讨大学生的爱情心理特点以及对其心理健康带来的影响,帮助他们树立正确的爱情观。  相似文献   

我国自然垄断产业管制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统自然垄断理论是建立在规模经济的基础之上,现代自然垄断理论建立在范围经济和成本劣加性的基础之上,通过自然垄断产业的界定以及成因判断政府管制的标准和程度,并对目前我国的情况提出政策建议.  相似文献   

传统自然垄断理论是建立在规模经济的基础之上,现代自然垄断理论建立在范围经济和成本劣加性的基础之上.通过自然垄断产业的界定以及成因判断政府管制的标准和程度,并对目前我国的情况提出政策建议。  相似文献   

"十五"计划是进入新世纪的第一个五年计划,我们面临着在实现工业化的同时实现信息化,在建立市场经济的同时迎接经济全球化的严峻挑战;建立在知识经济和经济全球化基础之上的新经济,为我们提供了新的机遇.为此,我们要认真研究新经济对我国"十五"时期经济社会发展所带来的巨大影响.  相似文献   

张延平 《特区经济》2004,(9):144-145
知识经济是建立在知识和信息的生产、分配和使用基础之上的经济。知识经济是以不断创新的知识为主要基础而发展起来的,它依靠新的发现、发明、研究和创新,是一种知识密集型的经济。伴随着知识经济时代的到来,国际经济一体化的形成,以及由信息技术推动的经济变革的迅猛发展,我们已经进入了一个崭新的经济时代。  相似文献   

Social conformity and information-based herding have been studied extensively in the social sciences, but there is little experimental evidence on how financial incentives impact the likelihood that an individual will follow the crowd. We present the results of a pair of two-stage online experiments where we use answers to and confidence about trivia questions—with and without information about the choices of others—to test the impact of financial incentives on an individual's likelihood of engaging in herd behavior (i.e., switching their answer to the most popular answer when it is revealed). We find strong evidence that individuals are more likely to herd when there are financial incentives to be correct, suggesting that individuals are less likely to rely on their own beliefs and judgments when the stakes are higher. We also exploit the unique design of our experiments to show that in the absence of information about others' choices, men report higher levels of confidence than women.  相似文献   

曹廷求  王文韬 《改革》2020,(5):94-107
使用系统广义矩估计方法,选取我国省级面板数据,通过实证检验刻画金融发展对经济增长的缓释效应及其实现机制。实证结果表明:在经济政策不确定性条件下,金融发展对经济增长的正向作用形成了独特的缓释效应,选择替代变量进行稳健性检验后依然显著存在。渠道检验显示:缓释效应主要通过金融摩擦渠道和投资渠道进行传导。进一步检验发现:不同经济发展水平和不同产业结构的地区的缓释效应存在差异,在中西部和东北地区的作用效果相对更大,第三产业占比较高的地区影响更强。为此,应重视我国各地区金融发展的积极作用,大力推进金融供给侧结构性改革,在新时代发挥好金融发展对经济增长的缓释功能。  相似文献   

The Asian financial crisis has several critical implications for the saving behavior in the crisis-hit economies as well as in other Asian economies, which are summarized as follows: increase in economic uncertainty; increase in poverty; decrease in public confidence in financial institutions; financial liberalization; and reduction in corporate leverage ratio. Putting these together, the postcrisis saving rates in the crisis economies are likely to decrease without government interventions. Although the uncertainity factor may contribute to an increase in short-term saving, an abated level in household income and corporate output and slow GDP growth will lead to a contraction in saving rates. Increased poverty, diminished public confidence in banking institutions, and the increased variability of business sales will further contribute to a reduction in saving rates of the household and corporate sectors. Keeping this in mind, the postcrisis saving policy should consider stronger macroeconomic stabilization policies to reduce the underlying economic uncertainty to encourage long-term savings/investments; improving the public confidence in financial institutions through financial restructuring and a proper deposit insurance scheme in place; channeling informal sector saving into the formal financial institutions; and promoting propoor saving policies.  相似文献   

Through the Asian financial crisis, many key international economic issues have come to the forefront the stability of the international financial system under the IMF, “Asian values”, the universal validity of the Asian Economic Development Model, China's leadership in the regional world economy, Japan's role in the region, and the immunity of Greater China from the current financial crisis. Currently, most Asian countries seem eager to redress structural problems involving the government sector, banking, and corporate governance. In the process of this full scale restructuring, Korea must reevaluate its economic relationship with Central Asia. This paper argues that Korean financial crisis stems basically from the system failure. Furthermore, since a small open economy carries with it intrinsic vulnerabilities, the government should be more careful in securing optimal foreign exchange, opening capital markets based on the economy's absorption capacity. In this respect, the banking industry should be run based on the profitability of capital. Once banking industries are distorted by the practice of government‐led policy loans, it is more difficult to correct those customized distortions. The banking industry should play a larger role as the “brain of the economy”, sensing abnormalities of the economy. Moreover, in today's increasingly interdependent global economic system, no single country can solve its problems without close coordination of its policy with the outside world. An early warning system to signal financial instability would help developing economies in modernizing and strengthening their domestic financial institutions and would also work as a supplement to the IMF standby fund. Also, human resource management has proven too important to be neglected. Central Asia could derive lessons from the above Asian “failure”, not the Asian “miracle”, to avoid inappropriate policies and to deepen its economic development.  相似文献   

周丹  王玉帅 《特区经济》2012,(9):254-256
产业空心化是指以制造业为中心的物质生产和资本,大量、迅速地转移到国外,使物质生产在国民经济中的地位明显下降,造成国内物质生产与非物质生产之间的比例关系严重失衡的经济现象。本文主要从出口下降、成本上升、对外直接投资增加、国际游资涌入、实体信心缺失等方面分析了次贷危机背景下我国产业空心化出现的原因,指出了次贷危机加速了我国产业空心,同时,提出通过兼顾金融与实体领域监管与改革,传播正确价值观等应对策略,减缓甚至阻断我国产业空心化进程。  相似文献   

资产价格泡沫崩溃时对经济的负面影响主要有摧毁市场信心,导致经济停滞,侵蚀企业资本,引发金融危机,导致经济紧缩等。防范资产价格泡沫崩溃对经济的负面冲击,应强化经济基础,优化产业结构,健全金融体系,提高抗风险能力,增加货币政策的公信力,稳定市场预期等。  相似文献   

陶丽婷 《特区经济》2013,(11):68-70
金融发展是影响经济增长的至关重要的因素之一,本文利用20032013年的季度数据,通过构建联立方程模型,使用广义矩估计(GMM)方法研究了中国股票市场、金融中介与经济增长之间的关系。实证结果表明:股票市场发展并不是经济增长的原因,而经济增长促进了股票市场繁荣;金融中介的发展促进经济增长,而经济增长时由于金融中介的逆向操作往往使得金融中介的总体规模降低;股票市场发展与金融中介发展相互促进。据此,我们认为我过的金融市场还不够完善,应进一步完善体制,规范操作,促进经济协调发展。  相似文献   

Poorly developed financial markets are widely believed to block economic growth, because only modern financial intermediaries such as banks can mobilize large amounts of financial capital at low cost. This claim is supported by cross country regressions, but the regressions assume that credit intermediation is measured accurately before modern financial intermediaries arrive. If traditional intermediaries were mobilizing large amounts of financial capital before banks or other modern intermediaries appear, then the strength of the relationship between financial development and economic growth would be cast into doubt. Using an original panel dataset from nineteenth-century France, we provide the first estimates of how much financial capital key traditional intermediaries (notaries) were mobilizing for an entire economy during its first century of economic growth, and we analyze the lending that the notaries made possible in French mortgage market. The amount of capital they mobilized turns out to be large. We then analyze the effect that financial deepening had on the notaries as banks spread and find that the banks' and notaries' services were in all likelihood complements. The implication is that the link between financial development and economic growth may therefore be weaker than is assumed.  相似文献   

金融服务对经济增长的重要性已广为接受,但对改善贫困的意义还不为人们所熟知.为弱势群体、弱势产业和弱势地区提供金融服务,即普惠金融,在促进贫困群体和地区发展起到了重大作用.但我国普惠金融生态还存在着许多问题和不足,受到金融服务设施缺乏、供给能力薄弱、激励机制不足和法律制度缺失等因素限制.优化普惠金融生态的路径主要有市场准入政策、财政政策、货币政策和监管制度创新等几个方面.  相似文献   

近年两岸金融交流合作取得重大进展,但因台湾对大陆开放的幅度十分有限,两岸金融往来的不平衡性不仅没有缩小反而更为扩大。推动台湾金融扩大对大陆开放有助于两岸金融往来的公平化,也将对两岸金融业与两岸经贸关系产生积极的影响。台湾应遵循ECFA达成的共识,采取逐步推进、渐进加快方式,务实有效地促进金融市场对大陆的开放。  相似文献   

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