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社会支持系统与大学生心理健康的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨大学生所感受到的社会支持情况与其心理健康的关系,采用社会关系网络问卷和症状自评量表(SCL-90)对哈尔滨市两所高校430名大学生进行了施测。结果表明,大学生感受到来自重要他人的肯定与支持、陪伴与亲密感、满意度等,主要与SCL-90的抑郁、精神病性、人际关系敏感呈显著负相关;来自重要他人的冲突和惩罚与SCL-90的9个维度都存在显著正相关。因此,在高校心理健康教育中,要重视学生良好社会关系网络的建立与利用。  相似文献   

In the search for ways to boost agricultural productivity for the take‐off of the so‐advocated agricultural transformation, we investigate in this paper whether there is room under current technologies to boost agricultural productivity through technical efficiency, focusing on the five administrative regions of Togo. We use a regional stochastic frontier model, which assumes that farmers maximize return to the outlay in order to account for potential endogeneity and regional heterogeneities to a panel data for the period 2000–2014. The findings reveal that technical efficiency in agriculture varies considerably across regions and over time. In addition, our results indicate that the country can rely on irrigation intensification to sustain its move towards higher agricultural technical efficiency, while higher rainfall variability puts additional pressure on the achievement of such objective. The policy message drawn from this study supports policy strategies designed to promote irrigation and increased rainfall variability management tools, such as weather insurance, as sound agricultural technical efficiency driven options.  相似文献   

选取超大城市流动人口作为研究对象,采用比较分析的方法,分析中国超大城市流动人口健康教育状况;采用 计量回归的方法,研究个体特征因素、家庭特征因素、流动特征因素、公共服务供给与获得这四个方面的指标对中国 超大城市流动人口健康教育水平的影响。结果表明,中国超大城市流动人口的健康教育水平低于其他地区,有较大 提升空间;个体特征因素、家庭特征因素、流动特征因素、公共服务供给与获得四个方面的指标对超大城市流动人口健康教育水平均有较强影响。  相似文献   

The longitudinal Three City Study (TCS) of low‐income families with children measures food hardships using fewer and some different questions from the standard U.S. instrument, the Household Food Security Survey Module (HFSSM) in the Current Population Survey (CPS). We use a Rasch measurement model to identify thresholds of very low food security among households and among children in the TCS that are comparable to thresholds from the HFSSM. We also use the TCS to empirically investigate the determinants of food insecurity and of these specific food insecurity outcomes, estimating a multivariate behavioral Rasch model that is adapted to address longitudinal data. The estimation results indicate that participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program reduce food insecurity, while poverty and disability among caregivers increase it. Besides its longitudinal structure, the TCS measures many more characteristics about households than the CPS. Our estimates reveal that financial assistance through social networks and a household's own financial assets reduce food insecurity, while its outstanding loans increase insecurity.  相似文献   

Ratz Ram 《De Economist》1981,129(2):253-261
Summary This paper questions the usefulness of econometric specifications in which current school enrollment structure is included as a regressor in income distribution functions. Theoretically, the postulate of current school enrollment pattern affecting present income distribution is argued to be implausible. Empirically, using a sample of 70 countries, it is shown that, in terms of R z and plausibility of the estimated coefficients, specifications that treat school enrollment structure as the dependent variable with income inequality as one regressor, are superior to those that have income inequality as the dependent variable and school enrollment structure as one of the regressors.Jan C. Stewart provided excellent research help. The author alone is responsible for all errors and deficiencies.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine interregional income inequalities in Indonesia from 1975 to 1992, Williamson's weighted coefficient of variation is used to measure interregional income inequality. We also perform a sectoral decomposition analysis to investigate the extent to which industrial sectors contribute to the overall weighted coefficient of variation. One major finding is that, although interregional income inequality remained fairly stable in non-mining GDP during the study period, it has undergone a significant change in structure. The contribution of the tertiary sector to inequality, though still dominant, has gradually declined. The secondary sector, meanwhile, is playing an increasingly important role, reflecting its growing share of GDP. Inequality is much smaller in consumption expenditure than in non-mining GDP. Its consistently high levels in fixed capital formation reflect the uneven distribution of investments over space in Indonesia.  相似文献   

This article investigates the contribution of inter-regional disparity to total national inequality in household expenditure, by decomposing national inequality into within- and between-province components. This is done by applying the Theil inequality decomposition technique to household expenditure data from the National Socio-Economic Survey. Whereas inter-provincial disparity accounted for 12–14% of total inequality among urban households and 7–8% among rural households, urban–rural disparity accounted for 22–24% of total national inequality. A Kuznets curve drawn according to the 1993 Susenas data indicates a peak inequality value of 0.27 (using Theil index T) when the share of urban households reaches 53.2%; this share is much larger than the actual 1993 urbanisation level of 32.1%. Further urbanisation is therefore likely to raise total inequality, even if other conditions remain stable.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper provides econometric evidence linking African countries’ per capita total as well as government health expenditures and per capita income to two health outcomes: infant mortality and under‐five mortality. This relationship is examined using data from 47 African countries between 1999 and 2004. Health expenditures have a statistically significant negative effect on infant and under‐five mortality rates. The magnitude of our elasticity estimates are in consonance to those reported in the literature. For African countries, our results imply that total health expenditures (as well as the public component) are certainly important contributors to health outcomes. In addition, we find that both infant and under‐five mortality are positively and significantly associated with sub‐Saharan Africa. The reverse is true for North Africa. While ethnolinguistic fractionalization and HIV prevalence positively and significantly affect the health outcomes, higher numbers of physicians and female literacy significantly reduce these health outcomes. These results have important implications for attaining the targets envisioned by the Millennium Development Goals. The data implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the implications of contract farming for gender inequalities in rural Mozambique. Contract farming is often considered one of the major tools of agribusiness development. It broadly includes those arrangements under which producers commit to providing cash crop to a buyer firm. This paper exploits a panel dataset (2002–2005) collected by the Mozambican Ministry of Agriculture among a nationally representative sample of rural households to explore contracts’ implications for gender equality both across and within households. We look at both the participation of female‐headed households in contracts and the impact of establishing a contract on a set of intra‐household women empowerment indicators. Concerning the first, our results confirm a (small though significant) effect of selection out of contracts of households where a woman is the household’s head. With regard to the second, we expect contrasting effects to be at work: on the one hand, increased income may relax budget constraints improving women’s living conditions, and on the other, we may expect a shift in favour of men of the control over the household’s assets. We find different results according to the indicator used; after controlling for selection bias, we find no effect on control over land but a negative effect on women’s access to extension services.  相似文献   

儿子上小学三年级,聪慧、好玩,一不留神还会闯点小祸,然后低垂脑袋等着挨训,一边还会用眼睛偷瞄,看我的脸色。但儿子的人缘很好,朋友挺多,这主要在于两点,一是仗义,二是有爱心。去年,他一个非常要好的同学全家去了云南,临别时,两人哭得稀里哗啦,非常不舍。后来,他们经常通过电话联系,虽说见不着面,但感情一直不减。自同学走后,儿子对云  相似文献   

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