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网络状产业链的价值创新协同与平台领导   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在网络状产业链中,创新由分散的模块生产商和互补品生产商独立进行,传统的一体化组织模式不再适用,需要新的创新组织形式。平台领导者通过一系列的策略,协调网络状产业链各参与主体的价值创新行为。本文将防降价均衡(UPE)用于网络状产业链价值创新的动态博弈过程中,揭示平台领导者实现模块标准升级的相关策略与模块和网络等技术参数的匹配关系。平台领导企业通过模块规则的知识产权策略、互补品创新的横向兼容决策、标准升级的纵向兼容决策等,形成封闭策略组合和开放策略组合,协同模块生产商、互补品生产商的行为,实现价值创新协同,通过最终顾客价值的创造,吸引消费者购买新产品,实现标准的升级。  相似文献   

基于博弈论的逆向供应链合作利润分配研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
逆向供应链成员的合作与否的博弈是以追求利润最大化为目的的,且又能够合理分配增加的总体利润,这样成员之间才能保持长久稳定的合作关系.本文基于单一制造商和单一第三方回收商的逆向供应链,运用博弈理论,分析了逆向供应链上制造商和第三方回收商在不同博弈结构下的利润,得出非合作博弈的均衡解和合作博弈的均衡解,在此基础上,得出双方合作会带来更多的整体利润和合作双方是基于贡献来分配增加利润的结论.  相似文献   

本文在物联网环境下,考虑制造商剩余制造能力共享的动态性及对需求产生的影响,借助微分博弈研究了单个云平台和制造商构成的两级供应链制造能力共享问题。分析了供应链中制造商占主导的Stackelberg博弈、纵向合作以及云平台提出成本分担契约的情形,构建了相应的动态模型,得到反馈均衡策略及利润;发现合作共享能提高供应链整体利润,一定条件下实施的成本分担契约能实现供应链的协调;最后,通过数值分析,验证了结论的有效性。  相似文献   

运用博弈论的基本原理,构建了组织内部纵向信任行为的二人博弈模型,分析了不同策略组合下各博弈方的信任条件和影响信任水平的因素,并对改善和提高组织内部纵向信任水平进行了简要策略设计.  相似文献   

在中国钢铁产业进行大规模横向并购重组、提高产业集中度的背景下,钢铁产业链纵向整合蓄势待发.在微观界定了钢铁企业规模两个内涵的基础上,以规模经济、范围经济、降低交易成本为理论出发点,基于钢铁产业链纵向整合的视角,分析了组建专业化公司的必要性和可行性,即从区域、产业、企业3个层面来讲,组建区域专业化公司是实现规模经济、范围经济及降低交易成本三者的最佳结合点,提出了具体的操作方案与前景展望,从而实现风险汇减、提高钢铁产业整体竞争力.  相似文献   

文章利用博弈论的静态博弈理论,对总承包商与分包商在总分包合作生产模式下基于项目的单期博弈时,各种战略选择中各方的收益进行了详细分析,得出了总承包商不合作而分包商不合作、总承包商不合作而分包商合作两种均衡解.深入地研究了博弈结果得出结论,追逐单个项目利益最大化的短期总承包商与分包商的合作生产模式,不利于建设项目的总体目标实现;为此必须建立总承包商与分包商的长效合作机制,以及建立与健全对建设项目建设过程的外部监控机制.研究结论可为建筑业总分包合作模式的健康发展,以及建筑业企业总承包商与分包商合作关系决策提供重要依据.  相似文献   

物流外包下的多层级物流服务网络业务分配的均衡优化, 有助于整合优势资源, 提升物流服务效率和服务水平。为解决物流服务网络中物流需求市场以及各层级物流服务商之间非合作博弈下的业务分配均衡问题, 本文建立了基于变分不等式的物流服务网络业务分配均衡优化模型, 求得了物流需求市场费用最小化、物流服务商利润最大化条件下, 多级服务网络中的业务分配量和分包价格。通过算例验证了模型的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

在经济组织选择的既有理论中,因交易费用理论(尤其是资产专用性的假定前提)和规模经济理论自身的缺陷,而无法用于正确指导实践.经济组织的选择应符合组织演进的动态均衡约束条件,只有在专业化分工的背景下,对交易费用理论进行动态化修正并结合生产成本理论才能指导市场参与者在博弈中作出相对理性的决策.  相似文献   

集群供应链技术创新行为实质上是一个多维度的动态演化发展过程.本文分别建立了集群供应链横向同质性企业群体和纵向异质性企业群体创新合作的演化博弈模型,分析了不同维度下的集群供应链技术创新行为的演化路径和影响因素.研究结果表明:基于横向和纵向两个不同维度的集群供应链技术创新行为的演化结果主要受创新合作收益、创新投入成本、补偿收益和创新网络收益4个要素的影响;最后根据研究结果,给出了相关政策建议.  相似文献   

产业链纵向关系与分工制度安排的选择及整合   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
产业发展过程中的产业链现象越来越受到关注。产业链中上下游企业之间存在着高度的分工,分工制度安排的优化与产业链稳定性有着密切的关系。产业链中分工制度安排包括:企业分工、准一体化契约分工和市场分工。成本与收益的比较是决定分工制度安排选择的主要因素,成本与收益的变化又决定了分工制度安排的进一步整合。通过实施不同的产业链纵向关系可以实现不同分工制度安排的选择与整合。  相似文献   

在未来很长一段时间内,中国移动都必须面对一个难以回避,更难以回答的问题:这个中国最大的通信运营商会不会成为中国最大的银行?  相似文献   

With the acquisition of UMTS licenses Mobile Operators (MOs), have often been obliged to deploy 3G network infrastructures covering at least a given percentage of users by a given date. This paper discusses the rationale for imposing these minimum coverage requirements by regulatory bodies. To that end, a model is built, which studies the incentives for MOs to compete for market share and over coverage within an unregulated environment where MOs are assumed to be free to enter sharing agreements and to negotiate a reciprocal roaming charge. Within this framework, it is first shown that MOs would deploy their infrastructure to guarantee the coverage of the entire territory (population), but they would avoid any network duplication in order to maximize rents from roaming revenues. It is then discussed whether a minimum coverage requirement is the best policy to reduce these excess rents, or whether alternative measures could be adopted which could serve other goals as well, such as the avoidance of network duplication.  相似文献   

国产手机厂商纷纷倒下,正在不断地验证着一个魔咒:冒进者难逃厄运!和主业PC差异甚远的手机业务终于告别了联想集团。通过一系列运作,联想集团在今年1月底以1亿美元的价格将其手机业务出售给了4家私募基金Jade  相似文献   

This paper examines the causes and effects of mobile number portability (MNP) and provides a survey of its implementation in Europe. It first examines the competitive effects and costs of introducing MNP. Next, it discusses how to charge for MNP. It argues that a price cap regime starting from the average cost of porting is likely to provide appropriate incentives. Finally, it reviews recent experience with implementing MNP in Europe. Differences in the speed of porting and porting charges appear to explain part of the differences in the use of MNP across countries.  相似文献   

移动商务的特征与效益分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
移动商务是一种新型的电子商务交易方式。本文就移动商务的概念、特征以及移动商务所能带来得效益等方面,作详细的阐述。  相似文献   

The continuing absence of innovation in Europe’s mobile services industry is identified and characterised here, with such examples as mobile Internet and mobile music. Innovation failure is a critical factor leading to a lack of high-income jobs, network effects, and price reductions for data services. Most mobile service innovations have been made in Japan in ‘clubs of operators’ with their suppliers. Apple USA followed the same model of control with its iPhone. Conversely, a lack of this critical type of competition characterises European operators. Revenues per citizen are in some countries similar to those in Japan, but with handsets with less functions. Europe and all other regions face the challenge of competing with Japanese and US innovators. The lessons to be learned are (1) becoming aware of the situation, (2) allocating spectrum that covers a sufficient population size to allow technological competition, and (3) developing a strong customer orientation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of competitive interaction among mobile telecommunications operators. Operators can offer services in twoseparate markets, urban and rural areas, and customers commute between them. Market coverage of an operator can then be interpreted as a parameter of vertical productdifferentiation. The main implication is that the industry has strong features of a``natural oligopoly': Only a limited number of operators with possibly different coverage cansurvive in equilibrium. It is also shown that competing operators do not have an incentiveto reach roaming agreements over non-overlapping areas. On the contrary, roamingcan be easily agreed upon by colluding operators.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》1999,23(7-8):585-593
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries have mobile markets ranging from one of the world's largest GSM networks to fledging new services. Market structures, the extent of competition and the scope of regulation also vary widely. South Africa dominates regional cellular development with over 90% of SADCs nearly three million subscribers. Major factors driving cellular growth are:
  • 1.Substitution for fixed line for customers on waiting lists.
  • 2.The attractiveness of “prepaid”, especially for people without credit options.
  • 3.The potential for roaming.
Regulation has been light-handed and not consistent across the region, missing a number of opportunities to boost mobile cellular access through license conditions, competition and tariff limitations. If all tariffs fell to the lowest level in the region, then the number of subscribers (excluding South Africa) by the year 2005 could be nearly four times the estimate at current tariffs. With the effective regulation and market stimulation, the region's mobile subscribers could exceed the number of fixed subscribers in only a few years.  相似文献   

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