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本文通过比较2014版企业所得税申报表与2008年版的异同,总结出新报表的要点有增加企业基础信息表、期间费用明细表、所得税政策等内容,据此为企业填报所得税报表提出指导建议。  相似文献   

新会计准则的颁布,对所得税费用的核算产生了巨大的影响,新准则内容的变化使所得税处理也相应发生变化,所得税费用确认和计量的原则、方法也有较大变更。新准则所得税会计出现的许多新观点,是会计实务的新发展,也更加贴近了现代社会经济发展的要求。  相似文献   

依法纳税是纳税人应尽的义务,而税务筹划亦是其应当享有的正当权利。在现实经济生活中,税务筹划已逐步成为纳税人理财的重要手段之一。在新形势下,企业作为纳税人,怎样熟悉了解我国企业所得税相关法律制度,利用税法所提供的优惠政策及可选择性条款,合法合理进行税务筹划,为企业提高经济效益已经成为当今企业一个必修的课题。  相似文献   

I study a revenue-neutral reform of the U.S. income tax and welfare system that involves the adoption of a Negative Income Tax (NIT). The reform is undertaken in a life-cycle economy with individual heterogeneity and uninsurable idiosyncratic labor risk. The optimal NIT consists of a 22% rate and a transfer equivalent to 11% of per-capita GDP. The ex-ante average welfare gain is a 2.1% annual increase of individual consumption. I show that a NIT outperforms a flat tax reform (income tax plus deduction) by a considerable margin. The key consequence of the reform is that high-productivity agents increase their relative importance in the labor supply at the expense of low-productivity agents.  相似文献   

Access to finance has embraced by policymakers as an important tool for promoting inclusive development and achieving long-run financial security, while most studies provide macro-perspective evidence. Fewer yet, have taken into the additional role that digital finance may be playing. In this paper, we combine access to formal finance and digital finance into one framework. Based on the 2015 China Household Finance Survey data, we measure access to financial services from a microscopic perspective and construct a digital finance indicator. We then present evidence that both access to formal finance and digital finance significantly promote households’ consumption, and these effects are much larger for rural households and poorer households in China. Our finding also lend support to the conjecture that digital finance is more beneficial for inclusive development.  相似文献   

The low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) program has developed over two million rental homes for low-income households since 1986. The perception of deterioration in school quality has been a main reason for community opposition to LIHTC projects in middle- and upper-income areas. In this paper, we examine the impact of LIHTC projects on the nearby school performance using data on all LIHTC projects and elementary schools in Texas from the 2003–04 through 2008–09 academic years. We employ the longitudinal structure of the data to control for school fixed effects and estimate the relationship between the opening of nearby LIHTC on campus-level standardized test scores and performance ratings. We address the potential selection biases by controlling for preexisting trends in school performance prior to the study period. We find no robust evidence that the opening of LIHTC units negatively impacts the performance of nearby elementary schools.  相似文献   

This paper explores the asymmetry in the response of GDP to tax shocks before and after 1980 as first noted in Romer and Romer (2010). I find that there are two main reasons why output responds more strongly to tax shocks before 1980 than after. First, a greater sensitivity of the effect of tax shocks on output to the state of the economy before 1980 explains about half of the difference between periods. Second, before 1980 the effect of tax shocks on households is indirect and lowers total personal income and nondurable goods consumption. After 1980 tax shocks affect personal tax payments directly, causing disposable income and savings to change. This finding affirms Romer and Romer’s hypothesis that households are more likely to consumption smooth. However, I find that households after 1980 consumption smooth in response to a change in their direct tax burden not, as Romer and Romer posit, because they have greater access to financial services.  相似文献   

企业所得税是税收实务教学中的难点,企业所得税的会计核算及纳税申报又是实务操作中的难点,基于工作过程系统化的职业课程设计理念,我们开发了"企业所得税报税实务"课程,本文论述了该课程的开发背景、课程设计、教学实施以及考核评价等内容。  相似文献   

湛泳 《城市问题》2003,(4):50-52,23
从住房制度改革的角度入手 ,探讨了住房制度改革对居民收入分配差距的影响 ,在此基础上提出了相应对策与建议。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2020,44(3):100811
This study employs two market liberalization programs in China, the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (SHSC) program and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect (SZHSC) program, as an exogenous shock to stock market liberalization to explore the impact of market liberalization on tax avoidance. By employing the staggered difference-in-difference regression on Chinese listed firms, we found that market liberalization reduces tax avoidance by approximately 13.1%. This result is robust under parallel trend examination, falsification test, alternative regression methodology, and different measurements for tax avoidance. Additionally, this effect is greater for non-state-owned firms and for firms that have less external monitoring, higher information asymmetry, and stronger financial constraints.  相似文献   

This paper examines the marginal effects of an employment expansion in China’s public sector on the unconditional distribution of “wage income” using the unconditional quantile estimation suggested by Firpo et al. (2009). Empirical data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey is split into three sub-samples to eliminate the effects of the Asian financial crisis in 1997 and the subprime financial crisis in 2008 on our empirical results. To explore the marginal effects, the empirical unconditional distributions of wage income “before” and “after” an expansion of the public employment have been graphed and compared. It has been found that an expansion of China’s public employment reduces the dispersion of wage income and hence alleviates income inequality in China. Besides, an expansion of public employment makes the symmetrical unconditional distribution of wage income become leftward skewed. Given these findings, an expansion of the public employment caused by the strategy of “guojin mintui” could mitigate China’s income inequality.  相似文献   

研究目标:考察中国企业参与全球价值链的持续时间及其决定因素。研究方法:采用2000~2007年中国企业面板数据,通过生存分析模型进行研究。研究发现:中国企业进入和退出全球价值链(GVC)的企业数量大体呈上升趋势,企业总体嵌入GVC的持续时间较短,均值为1.827年,且随着持续时间增长企业生存的危险性逐渐降低。其中东部地区企业、加工贸易企业、民营企业和外资企业在GVC中的生存率更高,风险率更低,持续嵌入GVC的能力更强。出口发达国家的企业、加工贸易企业、民营企业、外资企业和具有较好研发能力、全要素生产率较高、规模较大、融资约束较小、年龄较小的企业退出GVC的概率更低,嵌入GVC的持续时间更长。研究创新:构建企业层面价值链嵌入程度指标,并运用生存分析创新性地考察中国企业在全球价值链中的进入退出行为。研究价值:对评析贸易开放的利得以及寻求“中国制造”在全球价值链中持续经营的模式具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

本文分析了个税起征点变动对纳税能力的影响机理。本文基于2005~2012年我国居民收入分组数据,采用构建的收入分布纳税能力测算积分模型和PLS路径模型,估算了我国居民个人所得税纳税能力和个税起征点改革对纳税能力的影响效应。研究发现,2005年以来我国居民平均收入水平有较大的提高,收入分布呈厚尾分布特征,其标准差呈弱平的倒“U”形变化趋势。2006年和2008年两次个税起征点的调整并没有改变纳税能力的增长态势,却影响着税务部门的征缴行为,税收努力指数的波动表明,税制改革与征纳税人预期行为的强关联关系,2011年的个税起征点改革对纳税能力有较大影响;PLS路径模型估计显示,居民收入的增长对纳税能力影响最大,个税起征点改革则是通过增加居民收入、影响征缴行为来间接地影响纳税能力。  相似文献   

申志芳 《企业技术开发》2007,26(12):52-53,56
文章结合新会计准则及新企业所得税法,对新政策下固定资产主要涉及新企业所得税业务及会计处理进行了论述。  相似文献   

We estimate the effect of household appliance ownership on the labor force participation rate of married women using micro-level data from the 1960 and 1970 U.S. Censuses. In order to identify the causal effect of home appliance ownership on married women's labor force participation rates, our empirical strategy exploits both time-series and cross-sectional variation in these two variables. To control for endogeneity, we instrument a married woman's ownership of an appliance by the average ownership rate for that appliance among single women living in the same U.S. state. Single women's labor force participation rates did not increase between 1960 and 1970. We find evidence in support of the hypothesis that the diffusion of household appliances contributed to the increase in married women's labor force participation rates during the 1960's.  相似文献   

We use a SVAR approach to the effects of fiscal and monetary policies, as well as their interactions (policy mix) for the US and the Euro Area (EMU). Overall, our results show that these two cases are different from each other. First, while in the case of the US there is evidence of Keynesian monetary policy, the same is not true in the case of the EMU. Second, considering the effects of the global economic and financial crisis, there is evidence of non-Keynesian fiscal policy in the case of the EMU (expansionary fiscal consolidation), while it does not hold in the case of the US. Third, there is evidence supporting the traditional inverse relationship between monetary policy interest rates and inflation in the case of the US, whereas in the case of the EMU there is a price puzzle (frequent in SVAR studies). Fourth, the baseline model seems to be robust in the case of the US, when considering the effects of the economic and financial crisis 2007–2009, while the opposite holds in the case of the EMU. However, in both cases, the policies seem to act as complements. Another similarity appears when analysing the relationship between public spending and taxation, where there is evidence supporting a fiscal retrenchment.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(2):100985
We revisit the relation between budget deficits and current account deficits for 28 European Union countries from 1996 to 2019. We find that an increase in budget deficit of 1 pp of GDP results in a deterioration of the current account deficit of 0.318 pp of GDP, which supports the Twin Deficits Hypothesis. On the other hand, dynamic panel estimates partially corroborate the Ricardian Equivalence Hypothesis in the presence of a fiscal rules index. In addition: i) the relation between the two deficits is asymmetric and the negative impact of the recent Eurozone banking and sovereign debt crisis on the current account balance is observed; ii) with right-wing governments, the impact of the budget balance on the current account balance is mitigated; if the government is on the left, the impact of the budget balance on the current account balance is amplified; iii) after 2010, the budget balance positively affects the current account balance; and iv) the positive impact of the budget balance on the current account balance is higher in the cases of non-Eurozone countries, high budget deficit countries, and low exports countries, whereas it is lower in the cases of Eurozone countries, low budget deficit countries, and high exports countries.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of trade liberalization on inequality. We develop a theoretical framework that generates economy-wide distributions of wealth and income for different levels of trade protection. The model unambiguously determines the effect of liberalization on inequality; and rationalizes why larger inequality can be the outcome of a welfare enhancing policy, as households reduce their buffer savings when liberalization lowers the price of food. The framework reconciles the increase in inequality, the fall in the value of land, and farmers’ opposition to freer trade, that have featured in different liberalization episodes. We also present empirical support for the model’s predictions.  相似文献   

We analyse the effect of active labour-market programmes on the hazard rate into regular employment for newly arrived immigrants using the timing-of-events duration model. We take account of language course participation and progression in destination country language skills. We use rich administrative data from Denmark. We find substantial lock-in effects of participation in active labour-market programmes. Post programme effects on the hazard rate to regular employment are significantly positive for wage subsidy programmes, but not for other types of programmes. For language course participants, improvement in language proficiency has significant and substantial positive effects on the hazard rate to employment.  相似文献   


We investigate the effects of fiscal decentralization on income inequality using a sample of 23 OECD countries over the period 1971–2000. We utilize novel and robust measures of fiscal decentralization based on different degrees of fiscal autonomy of sub-central governments. Our results highlight the importance of both the nature of fiscal decentralization—expenditure versus revenue—and the extent to which independent spending responsibility and taxing powers are actually assigned to local governments. A higher degree of tax decentralization is associated with higher household income inequality within a country. Thus, even if fiscal decentralization could be attractive according to efficiency reasons, it may actually have undesirable consequences on the income distribution.  相似文献   

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