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据业内人士预计,本世纪初的10年中,建筑涂料主要是朝着高性能、环保型、抗菌功能型的方向发展,高品质环保涂料将得到较大发展。目前国内外墙涂料开发重点是适应高层建筑外墙装饰需要,具有高耐候性、高耐沾污性、高保色性和低毒性的水乳型涂料。现在国内外涂料企业争相开发的新型涂料产品有机氟碳树脂,其耐候性超过15~20年,适应高层建筑、公共建筑以及市政工程装饰防护的更高要求,是市场前景非常广阔、技术含量较高的新型涂料产品。其次还有交联型丙烯酸系列环保、安全的绿色涂料,其中包括水性涂料系列、绿色环保型和抗菌型内…  相似文献   

张洁 《民营科技》2011,(12):203-203
在现代外墙装饰中,外墙涂料是装饰中常用的方式之一。但是,受外墙涂料自身特性影响,外墙涂料饰面极易受风雨、日照等因素影响,造成外墙涂料脱色、剥落等问题。针对这样的情况,现代外墙涂料进行了喷涂工艺、涂料材料等多方面的改进与创新,以此解决外墙涂料饰面的相关问题。现就外墙涂料饰面存在的问题进行了简要的论述与分析,为我国外墙涂料行业的发展以及涂料研究提供更多的资料。  相似文献   

在建筑施工的过程中,建筑涂料作为饰面装饰的主要材料,对建筑物起着保护和装饰的作用,外墙建筑涂料饰面的特点是造价低,便于施工,丰富建筑物的色彩等,在建筑装饰中应用广泛.本文在分析建筑外墙涂料选用原则的基础上,提出了建筑外墙涂料在建筑装饰面的应用策略.  相似文献   

在建筑施工的过程中,建筑涂料作为饰面装饰的主要材料,对建筑物起着保护和装饰的作用。外墙建筑涂料饰面的特点是造价低,便于施工,丰富建筑物的色彩等,在建筑装饰中应用广泛。本文在分析建筑外墙涂料选用原则的基础上,提出了建筑外墙涂料在建筑装饰面的应用策略。  相似文献   

<正> 本技术生产的固化型丙烯酸酯外墙涂料系室温固化或风干固化型水乳漆,耐温、耐老化、耐雨水冲刷、耐污染性均远高于目前通用的苯一丙外墙涂料(热塑性涂料),可适用于宾馆、饭店、商店等高级建筑物的耐久性外墙保护和装饰,涂膜丰满,色泽鲜艳。本涂料可调配成各种颜色也可配制彩砂涂料、喷涂浮雕艺术品等。  相似文献   

文章阐述了外墙抹灰(涂料)施工过程中采用的手动吊篮脚手架施工技术、吊篮的安装方法.安全防护措施,以及外墙涂料施工过程中的质量控制等。  相似文献   

文章根据工程实际,介绍了外墙涂料工程施工用工具、基层处理、施工条件要求、施工质量管理、建筑涂料及其施工技术,分析了影响建筑涂料工程质量的因素,并提出了防治措施等。  相似文献   

<正> 钢塑涂料 随着社会的发展,生活水平的提高.新型建筑材料的实际应用与市场需求日益提高,我们在原有仿瓷涂料的基础上进行了改进与突破。采用价格低廉的钙质原料,应用全新的二次成膜机理,经催化塑化研制成功了钢塑涂料。涂膜光泽优雅.正看似瓷,侧视如镜,硬如钢,耐擦洗,既可作内、外墙涂料.又可调成多种色彩成为彩色涂料。与仿瓷涂料比,其生产成本降低50%,墙体用量降低30%,并可省去纸筋石灰层  相似文献   

近年来,建筑业作为国民经济新的增长点得到了突飞猛进的发展,因此各种建筑装饰材料也随之应运而生。我国建筑涂料按其用途分类可分为:内墙涂料、外墙涂料、防水涂料及其它涂料。目前国内水性内墙涂料主要有两类,一类是聚乙烯醇水玻璃以及在此基础上进行各种改进的低档水溶性内墙涂料;另一类是各种中、高档的合成树脂乳液  相似文献   

我国习惯使用的外墙涂料过氯乙烯、聚乙烯醇缩丁醛等在使用中存在的主要问题是:装饰质感比较平淡;易褪色变色;耐久性不够理想。国外建筑涂料品种中粗骨料涂料的发展十分迅速。 彩砂涂料是粗骨料涂料的一种。研制彩砂涂料的目的,一是解决涂料褪色、变色问题;二是从耐久性和装饰效果方面提供一类中、高档建筑涂料。采砂涂料从研制着色骨料入手,用着色骨料代替一般涂料中  相似文献   

针对物流配送路径规划问题,以可视图法所建的求解环境为基础,利用蚁群优化算法,提出了一种在障碍物环境下求任意两点间的最短路径方法,算法采用了优势个体指导机制,保证了最优解的搜索能力和解的全局收敛性。实验结果证明,该算法收敛快,可靠性高。与传统算法相比,该算法具有全局最优解方面的高效性,明显提高了路径搜索效率。  相似文献   

宋长青  赵依林 《物流科技》2011,34(11):76-79
从农产品物流与城乡统筹发展的关系出发,指出影响重庆农产品物流发展的制约因素,并根据问卷调查的数据,尝试运用AHP法测算出各制约因素的影响程度值,进而揭示出阻碍重庆农产品物流发展的制约瓶颈,希望能为政府及相关部门制定发展农产品物流制度安排和政策提供参考。  相似文献   

I offer new evidence on the adjustment of local labor markets to geographic shifts in labor demand within US metropolitan areas using a unique data set in which metropolitan subregions are geographically matched across the 1970–1980 and 1980–1990 decades. The evidence uncovered paints the following picture. Workers, especially those with less education, make incomplete adjustments within metropolitan areas in response to intra-metropolitan demand shifts. Although blacks may not make especially limited adjustments, they have disproportionately suffered deleterious effects from job movements because the demand shifts have tended to be away from their places of residence.  相似文献   

A number of emerging challenges including globalization, economic pressures and the changing nature of work has combined to create a business environment that demands innovative, flexible training solutions. Simulations are a promising tool for creating more realistic, experiential learning environments to meet these challenges. Unfortunately, the current literature on simulation-based training paints a mixed picture as to the effectiveness of simulations as training tools, with most of the previous research focusing on the specific technologies used in simulation design and little theory-based research focusing on the instructional capabilities or learning processes underlying these technologies. This article examines the promise and perils of simulation-based training, reviews research that has examined the effectiveness of simulations as training tools, identifies pressing research needs, and presents an agenda for future theory-driven research aimed at addressing those needs.  相似文献   

Current approaches to understanding the management of people in Africa are often framed within a pejorative 'developing/developed' world paradigm that not only paints a negative view of management in Africa, but also assumes the need to develop towards the 'developed' world approach. Cross-cultural analysis that focuses first on historical and current cultural interaction across continents suggests a difference between an instrumental view of people as a resource to serve the ends of the organization and a humanistic view which sees people as having a value in themselves. This offers a more useful paradigm for progressing both research and practice in this area. Both a conceptual model and a typology of management systems are offered as a way forward. Research should also focus on cross-cultural difference and interactions at cross-national and interethnic levels. This will facilitate a cross-cultural approach to management development and team building through developing synergies in organizations in Africa  相似文献   

Through observation of an accounting system development project, this study examines how user knowledge of work, organization, and information system is transformed. The study employs the framework of historical materialism to explicate the interplay of knowledge and material conditions. The findings suggest that contradictions within the material condition, both in the resulting designs and in relations between users and developers, engender crises and trigger alteration of existing knowledge, and that new knowledge is created and validated through negotiating and specifying material designs. Knowledge transformation is shown to be historical in that knowledge is based on material condition at a certain moment and therefore is subject to change due to contradictions in the material condition. Therefore, often knowledge is transformed only partially as users and developers settle on a design to replicate existing practices with new features designed for different practices, producing contradictions for further transformation. The historical interplay of knowledge and material conditions paints a holistic picture of knowledge transformation through information system design.  相似文献   

本文通过对某大学设计院的发展历程,对企业成长中遇到的困难和问题进行深入剖析,阐述企业 转型期的战略对企业的飞跃的重要性以及对转型期企业战略的制定规则,并通过对企业的SWOT分析,利 用迈克尔·波特五力模型分析,制定出企业转型期的战略及战略目标,并提出具体的实施措施,以期对处于 转型期的科研院所有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

I study a revenue-neutral reform of the U.S. income tax and welfare system that involves the adoption of a Negative Income Tax (NIT). The reform is undertaken in a life-cycle economy with individual heterogeneity and uninsurable idiosyncratic labor risk. The optimal NIT consists of a 22% rate and a transfer equivalent to 11% of per-capita GDP. The ex-ante average welfare gain is a 2.1% annual increase of individual consumption. I show that a NIT outperforms a flat tax reform (income tax plus deduction) by a considerable margin. The key consequence of the reform is that high-productivity agents increase their relative importance in the labor supply at the expense of low-productivity agents.  相似文献   

浅谈如何提高医院招聘的有效性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孙玉萍 《价值工程》2010,29(31):69-70
在经济高速发展的时代,如何招聘一支高素质的员工队伍,塑造医院的良好社会形象,拓宽医院的生存发展空间成为当务之急。本文以某三级医院人力资源部门招聘工作为例,对怎样提高人员招聘的效率进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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