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甜甜 《旅游时代》2012,(1):62-77
香港作为购物天堂,品牌服装、化妆品、电子产品等商品向来很受欢迎。香港每年的打折季主要有两次,分别在夏季与冬季期间。随着冬季来临,新一轮打折季即将拉开序幕,计划去香港扫货的血拼族要提前安排行程,尽早做好出行准备。  相似文献   

紧邻外滩,半岛酒店的对面,一座红砖建筑低调的矗立着。时不时会看到林志玲、刘嘉玲模样的美女闪入其中,更可见劳斯莱斯、兰博基等豪车扎堆停泊。它就是益丰外滩源!前身是益丰洋行的益丰大厦始建于1911年,在外滩经历百年风雨后,华丽转身成为一间名媛富豪荟萃的顶级精品购物会所。虽说楼内品牌都是奢华大牌:BV国内最大旗舰店、Valentino上海旗舰店、GUCCI男装定制概念店……却沿袭着欧洲贵族不爱张扬的低调传统,安静的橱窗广告、优雅的老克勒导购、淡雅甜美的香气,外滩源更像是位于欧洲老城的商业店铺,充满着人文艺术气质和历史的沉淀。除了国内时尚粉们耳熟能详的大牌,  相似文献   

购物筐 《旅游时代》2012,(11):86-93
对于购物达人来讲,"血洗"各大时尚购物地是他们最大的快乐,一场时尚购物游是给他们最好的礼物。当他们带着对旅程的美好记忆和众多战利品回到现实生活中时,会悄然发现,原来生活并不是那么枯燥,旅游也不是想象中那么无聊,旅途的点滴中都串联着以前不曾发现的快乐。  相似文献   

金融街购物中心:京西的高档次商业街多年以来,北京档次最高的购物中心都在东部,以前是赛特、燕莎以及国贸商城,后来的东方新天地和新光天地风头也很劲。然而,2007年9月16日,这个经过近5年的酝酿和4次推迟入市的波折金融街购物中心一露真容,就成了北京西区最奢侈的高档购物中心之一。推荐理由:金融街购物中心由金融街旗下公司全资控股,并参照纽约第五大道、巴黎香榭丽舍大道等老牌国际名店设计,总体量达8.9万平方米。世界顶级品牌LV、迪奥、古驰、菲拉格慕将  相似文献   

"第一夫人"向来从另一个侧面代表一个国家的形象,她们的言行举止,衣着打扮不但仅受到所属国人民的注视,更受到了全世界人民检阅。如今第一夫人们更像一位时尚明星,她们所穿着的时尚品牌也许因此鱼跃龙门。接下来,我们为您揭示第一夫人与时尚品牌之间的关系。眼看着彭丽媛style已经席卷了大  相似文献   

购物是旅游者永恒的话题,不管是什么季节、什么地点,游客们总能找到适合自己的购物天堂。春秋变换之际,正是时尚达人血液沸腾之时。管它201 2的传言如何甚嚣尘上,在奢侈品"奴隶"的内心深处,物质永远至上——前提是,这物质是新鲜、独特、唯美、高贵的,而且永远有更新、更好、更特别的存在。让我们趁着这最好的时光,向地球的12个奢侈殿堂进发。  相似文献   

关于巴黎的浪漫,我想就不必多言了,不过,巴黎除了是"浪漫之都"外,也是"时尚之都",但你千万不要以为,浪漫和时尚是可以划等号。生活中有很多人非常浪漫,却往往因囊中羞涩,而使得浪漫指数大打折扣;而另外一些阔少,虽然财大气粗,但很多庸俗的令人作呕,所以,巴黎这座能把时尚和浪漫完美融合的城市,实在不可多得。  相似文献   

华尔道夫饭店(Waldorf AstoriaHotel)为希尔顿酒店集团旗下最奢华的品牌。旗下的酒店与度假村分布在全球20多个标志性目的地,各自拥有着魅力独特的风格、恒久的建筑与深厚的历史,非凡之最彰显其中。在每一个华尔道夫酒店中,您都能感受到无与伦比的贴身服务和细致入微的关爱。在这里,奢华品味所蕴含的一切让您留下一个个难以忘怀的瞬间。上海外滩华尔道夫是目前亚洲唯一一家华尔道夫品牌酒店。上海外滩华尔道夫酒店坐拥举世闻名的上海外滩核心地带,完美的结合了周边街区的历史文化与21世纪温文尔雅的情调。酒店由两栋大楼组成,一栋新落成的现代化塔楼连接着一栋全套房的历史建筑楼。曾经是具有传奇色彩的上海总会,也  相似文献   

世界上最大的汽车不要傻乎乎地以为你家门口的两截大公共就是世界上最大的汽车了!真正的最大汽车,是德国的利勃海尔T282和卡特彼勒797!T282于1999年正式投产,其载重量达到了惊人的327吨;此外,T282B为其升级版,于2004年投放市场,采用西门子/利勃海尔交流传动系统,有多种动力配置,最大的一款柴油机DDC/MTU20V4000为V型20缸,排量90升,重10.5吨,扭矩为14457牛米。车辆运行时,柴油机带动交流发电机发电,电流经过转换后,驱动位于后轮内的轮毂电动机。尽管其动力总成数据看似疯狂,但其最高车速仅可达到64千米/小时,不过,其363吨  相似文献   

喜欢购买信任产品是中国内地游客跨境购物的一大特点,其根源主要在于国内信任产品行业危机,这场危机的重要原因就是制度信任的缺失.研究认为,在跨境购买信任产品的情景下,制度信任会通过调节产品外部属性对购物意愿的作用,从而在境内外的老字号与初创品牌之间形成一种强者愈强,弱者愈弱的“马太效应”.通过两个情景实验,探讨境内外不同的制度信任对品牌历史、用户规模和参考群体这3个产品外部属性的调节作用.结果表明:(1)制度信任会调节品牌历史和用户规模对购买意愿的影响,也会调节品牌历史和参考群体对购买意愿的影响.(2)对于老字号而言,制度信任会增强消费者的从众效应和外群体从众效应,从而对老字号产生“锦上添花”的作用.(3)对于初创品牌而言,制度信任会弱化消费者的从众效应和外群体从众效应,从而对初创品牌产生“雪上加霜”的作用.  相似文献   

茶饮到一定程度,便要讲究境界。第一是识茶。中国茶品类繁多,各有特色。饮者的最起码功夫,要一尝便知什么茶。至少也要懂得花茶、绿茶,红茶,乌龙茶、黑茶的区别。其次便是要分辨得出茶的优劣。茶的品质差别极大,也极细。同是绿茶,龙井与碧螺春有差别;同是龙井,特级与一级有差别;同是乌龙茶,岩茶与铁观音有差别;同是岩茶,本山与外山有差别。虽然不必如专业茶师那么精确,至少也要闻得出香型,喝得出醇厚浅薄,这才能品出韵味。  相似文献   

海林,以林海雪原著称于世.冬天,银妆素裹,格外神奇,玉树琼花,格外壮丽.为雪赋诗,为雪泼墨,为雪铸灵魂,打造冰雪文化,以雪谋发展,已成为这里人们的生活主题.……  相似文献   

发动汽车,一路飞驰,收集沿途最独家的户外美景,越野的魅力让人难以抵挡。不过,对于想要越野的朋友来说,只有一辆高性能的越野车而没有基本的越野常识也是不够的。怎样面对陡坡、窄道,如何从容面对各种土壤,等等,都是越野族们所必知的。本期就为大家简单介绍一下户外越野的入门常识。出发前检查越野是非常具有挑战性的驾驶,复杂的地形和崎  相似文献   

Susan 《旅游时代》2012,(5):82-89
SPA已经成为一种生活方式,它是宠爱自己的象征,是最能让女人感觉幸福的手段之一。当全球旅行已经成为商务女性的固定日程,为何不把优质的SPA添加到你的行程中?我们为你搜索亚洲9所最精彩的SPA,是你今生绝不可错过的美妙享受!  相似文献   

This study explored the influence of advertising brochures that feature endorsers and informational content for a restaurant located in a highly competitive district of Seoul, Korea, that primarily targets foreign tourists. The study examined the effects of three types of endorsers (customer, chef, and owner) on the responses of Japanese tourists. A total of 300 questionnaires were collected from Japanese tourists after personal interviews were conducted at locations in Seoul frequently visited by Japanese tourists.Of the three types of advertisement endorsements tested for Japanese tourists’ attitudinal responses and purchase intentions, the owner spokesperson was found to be the most effective endorser. However, the chef endorsement and the customer endorsement showed similar influences on the Japanese tourists’ attitudinal or behavioral responses. Among the four brochure treatments that tested the effects of resumes and photos, brochures that included both a resume and a photo were found to be the most effective, followed by brochures that only included a photo and brochures that only included a resume. In contrast, the group of brochures that included neither a resume nor a photo was found to be the least influential.  相似文献   

This study investigated the choice and pursuit of adolescents’ most important and interesting leisure activity. It is underpinned by the concept of serious leisure, recent perceptions of seriousness as a continuum and calls for incorporating contextual elements of serious activity pursuit. A questionnaire survey was administered to 832 students from 10 secondary schools in Hong Kong. Students were asked to nominate leisure activity that they regarded as most important and interesting as well as to complete an adapted version of the Serious Leisure Inventory and Measure (SLIM). Results showed the popularity of sports and performance and graphic arts activities and of psychological reasons for activity choice. There were variations in activity choice between boys and girls and across schools as well as across levels of seriousness in activity pursuit. The study adds to the scant knowledge of adolescents’ serious leisure and enhances understanding of motives for and meanings of serious engagement.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread use of recommendation labels on restaurant menus, no prior research has investigated their impact on diners’ menu decisions. To bridge that gap, this study examines the joint effect of recommendation type (chef recommended vs. most popular) and culture (individualistic vs. collectivistic) on diners’ purchase intention. The results indicate that Indians showed higher levels of purchase intention when the recommendation involved a popularity (vs. expertise) cue, while Americans responded more favorably to an expertise (vs. popularity) cue. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that self-construal is the underlying mechanism explaining the culture effect for popularity cues. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Tourism destination competitiveness is a multidimensional concept that is widely studied in the academic literature, but multiple factors make its measurement a difficult task. In this article, we design a synthetic index to rank the 80 countries that attract the majority of international tourists by level of tourism competitiveness. In order to do this, we use all of the simple variables included in the 2017 Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index, proposing a new methodology for the construction of this synthetic index, which it solves the problems of aggregation of variables expressed in different measures, arbitrary weighting and duplicity of information; issues that remain unresolved by the TTCI. Likewise, we analyse the most influential dimensions in tourism competitiveness. Air transport infrastructures, cultural resources and ICT readiness are the key dimensions that explain the main disparities.  相似文献   


Two research questions were addressed by this study: (1) to determine the predominant social units in which individuals participate in their two most enjoyable recreation activities, and (2) to determine if a relationship exists between the social units with which individuals participate in their two most enjoyable activities and the reasons for participating in these activities. Outdoor activities predominated as individuals’ two most enjoyable activities with a marked predominance of participation in the family/friends social group. Two discriminant analyses revealed a strong relationship between social units of participation and reasons for participation. The reasons of family togetherness, relation with nature, being with people, escaping the family, escaping physical pressure, and meeting new people were the primary discriminating variables in pre‐dicting the social unit of participation. However, these reasons were not, in general, viewed as primary reasons for engaging in one's most enjoyable activities. Therefore, it may be concluded that the type and degree of social interaction desired vary with the social unit of participation, but the primary reasons for participation remain relatively stable regardless of the social unit of participation.  相似文献   

Utilizing a qualitative, grounded theory approach, we examined the travel experiences of transgender and gender non-confirming tourists, an under-researched segment of the tourist population. We report findings based on 15 in-depth, semi-structured interviews, which were analyzed for emergent themes. We found that traveling as a transgender and gender non-confirming individual can be complex with at least some or many additional considerations, behavioral changes, and emotional labor related to their gender identity and gender expression when moving into different spaces or situations. Transgender and gender non-confirming tourists often have feelings of fear and anxiety related to sharing and avoiding sharing their gender identity when going through tourist processes related to identification documents, security thresholds, and check-in procedures. However, participants also reported having positive experiences while traveling. Based on these findings, a substantive theory of transgender and gender non-confirming tourist experiences was developed.  相似文献   

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