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Existence of a monetary steady state is established in a random matching model with divisible goods, divisible money, an arbitrary bound on individual money holdings, and take-it-or-leave-it offers by consumers. The monetary steady state shown to exist has nice properties: the value function, defined on money holdings, is strictly increasing and strictly concave, and the distribution over money holdings has full support. The approach is to show that the “limit” of the nice steady states for indivisible money, existence of which was established in an earlier paper, as the unit of money goes to zero is a monetary steady state for divisible money. For indivisible money, the marginal utility of consumption at zero was assumed to be large; for divisible money it is assumed to be large and finite.  相似文献   

Existence of a monetary steady state is established for a random matching model with divisible goods, indivisible money, an arbitrary bound on individual money holdings, and take-it-or-leave-it offers by consumers. The background environment is that in papers by Shi and by Trejos and Wright. The monetary steady state shown to exist has nice properties: the value function, defined on money holdings, is strictly increasing and strictly concave, and the measure over money holdings has full support.  相似文献   

This paper considers three alternative specifications of passive monetary policies in a simple dynamic macroeconomic model of an inflationary economy in which both the dynamics of wealth accumulation and the evolution of inflationary expectations play central roles. These policies include one in which the real stock of money is held fixed; one in which the rate of nominal monetary growth is held constant; and a third in which the real stock of government bonds is held fixed. We compare the dynamic behavior of the system as well as its steady state properties under these alternative policies. Two expectations hypotheses—the adaptive and perfect myopic foresight—are considered and their implications related at some length.  相似文献   

This paper studies currency substitution in an environment where agents' inflation tax-evasive demand for foreign money is balanced by the concern for the possibility that the government may impose economy-wide capital controls under which foreign currency transactions are costly. Under the assumption of endogenous beliefs, the results show a persistent demand for foreign money despite efforts by the government to reduce inflation. In addition, the economy can exhibit multiple, Pareto-ranked steady states with different levels of currency substitution. The stability analysis suggests that the economy converges to the inferior steady state, on the "wrong side" of the Laffer curve.  相似文献   

This paper examines price‐level determination from the perspective of portfolio choice. Arbitrages among money balances, bonds, and investment goods determine their relative demands. Returns to real balance holdings and after‐tax returns to investment goods determine the relative values of nominal and real assets. Because expectations of government policies ultimately determine the expected returns to both nominal and real assets, the price level depends on interactions among current and expected future monetary and fiscal policies. The quantity theory and the fiscal theory emerge as special cases produced by restricting both the margins and the policies considered.  相似文献   

We construct and analyze a tractable search model of money with a non-degenerate distribution of money holdings. Analytical tractability comes from modeling decentralized exchange as directed search, which makes the monetary steady state block recursive. By adapting lattice-theoretic techniques, we characterize individuals? policy and value functions, and show that these functions satisfy the standard conditions of optimization. We prove that a unique monetary steady state exists and provide conditions under which the steady-state distribution of buyers over money balances is non-degenerate. Moreover, we analyze the properties of this distribution.  相似文献   

We develop an intertemporal optimizing model of a small open economy with both durable and nondurable consumption to address the implications of alternative tax policies. An increase in lump sum taxes reduces the steady state level of consumption and improves the stock of foreign bonds. Consistent with empirical evidence, durable consumption exhibits initial excess volatility. Though an increase in the tax on durables increases the demand for nondurables and improves the bond holdings in the steady state, an increase in the tax on nondurables has insignificant effects on the stock of foreign bonds and the consumption of durables. Using quarterly data from the UK and estimating generalized impulse response functions we find empirical support. We also calibrate the welfare implications of different tax policies.  相似文献   

《Ricerche Economiche》1996,50(1):57-68
Real money balances are held separately forconsumptionandportfolioreasons. When real balances are a state variable in the investor 's optimization problem, there is a specific inflation-hedging portfolio. An investor hedges against inflation when the effect of real money holdings on the marginal utility of wealth is negative. We show that a decrease in real balances due to inflation has two opposite effects on the marginal utility of wealth. On the one hand, the decrease in real balances reduces consumption, which in turn raises the marginal utility and decreases the marginal cost of consuming: this explains why an investor would normally hedge inflation. On the other hand, the decrease in real balances tends to increase the marginal cost of consuming. When this second effect dominates, we have the somewhat surprising result that the investor reverse-hedges inflation.  相似文献   

Recent versions of pairwise random matching models of money with divisible and perishable goods are amended to allow individuals to hold more than one unit of an indivisible asset. The asset resembles a fiat asset, except that nominal holdings of it yield a small amount of utility. There is a general upper bound on the number of units of the asset that individuals can hold. A steady state with trade is shown to exist. The model is applied to study numerically the effect on welfare of the degree to which the asset is divisible.  相似文献   

The paper provides expressions for optimal international reserve holdings under floating exchange rates These expressions indicate why reserves are held under a floating regime and why the level of reserve holdings under floating rates may be similar to holdings under fixed rates.  相似文献   

Summary. We consider a monetary growth model essentially identical to that of Diamond (1965) and Tirole (1985), except that we explicitly model credit markets, a credit market friction, and an allocative function for financial intermediaries. These changes yield substantially different results than those obtained in more standard models. In particular, if any monetary steady state equilibria exist, there are generally two of them; one of these has a low capital stock and output level, and it is necessarily a saddle. The other steady state has a high capital stock and output level; either it is necessarily a sink, or its stability properties depend on the rate of money creation. It follows that monetary equilibria can be indeterminate, and nonconvergence phenomena can be observed. Increases in the rate of money creation reduce the capital stock in the high-capital-stock steady state. If the high-capital-stock steady state is not a sink for all rates of money growth, then increases in the rate of money growth can induce a Hopf bifurcation. Hence dynamical equilibria can display damped oscillation as a steady state equilibrium is approached, and limit cycles can be observed as well. In addition, in the latter case, high enough rates of inflation induce the kinds of “crises” noted by Bruno and Easterly (1995): when inflation is too high there are no equilibrium paths approaching the high-activity steady state. Received: November 18, 1995; revised version: March 26, 1996  相似文献   

The problem of optimal taxation when the government must levy distorting taxes to meet its revenue needs is considered for a monetary economy with financial intermediaries. In contrast to most other studies of optimal taxation in a monetary economy, money is treated as an intermediate good which is held because doing so economizes on the scarce resources that must be devoted to the exchange process. Attention is focused on the roles of the inflation tax, reserve requirements, and deposit taxes. The key result is that revenue considerations do not justify taxing cash and deposits. That is, the optimal tax structure calls for adopting the optimum quantity of money rule and setting deposit taxes to zero. When the optimal tax structure is in place, reserve requirements turn out to be irrelevant from both the fiscal and welfare perspectives.  相似文献   

Negative international transmission of economic expansion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper uses a conventional two-sector real trade model and demonstrates how, within that framework, the relative price effect resulting from a demand expansion in one country may quite plausibly generate negative effects in overall activity abroad. It is shown how, under the chosen assumptions of wage rigidities, the transmission of an expansion which occurs through the relative price effect may be decomposed into (a) an employment effect and (b) a terms-of-trade effect, either of which may be positive or negative. Expansions resulting from (i) an increase in the money supply and (ii) increases in government expenditure on the importable and exportable commodity are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary. We study the implications of random discount rates of future generations for saving behavior and capital holdings in a steady state competitive equilibrium with heterogeneous population. A well-known difficulty in deterministic economies with heterogeneous households is that in steady state only the most patient households hold capital. In this paper we state conditions under which this random discounting is sufficient for households other than the most patient ones to save. We thus provide a simple and natural way of overcoming the aforementioned difficulty. Received: December 28, 1998; revised version: May 19, 1999  相似文献   

Modern theories of government finance stress the importance of an economy’s fiscal deficits in determining the course of monetary policy. Modern growth theory stresses the role of monetary factors in economic growth. This paper explores how these two are interrelated, using a simple AK growth model, one with money, reserve requirements, and government debt. We provide a comprehensive look at the coordination of macroeconomic policy and its effects on long-run growth under three alternative coordinating arrangements. We uncover some unconventional results regarding the relationship between growth and a number of policy variables; these rest squarely on the constraint of the coordination process.  相似文献   

财政政策、货币政策与国外经济援助   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过把国外经济援助分成直接对私人的经济援助和直接对政府的经济援助来讨论这两类经济援助对政府财政政策和货币政策的影响。我们发现对私人的经济援助的增加可以使得私人消费水平和政府公共消费水平增加 ,但是它也导致政府收入税税率和通货膨胀率的提高 ;另一方面 ,对政府的经济援助增加可以使得均衡时的私人资本存量、私人消费水平和政府公共消费水平增加 ,同时可以使得均衡时的收入税税率和通货膨胀率下降。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of the monetary instrument choice for local equilibrium determinacy under sticky prices and different fiscal policy regimes. Corresponding to Benhabib et al.'s results for interest rate feedback rules [Benhabib, J., Schmitt-Grohé, S., Uribe, M., 2001. Monetary policy and multiple equilibria. American Economic Review 91, 167–185], the money growth rate should not rise by more than one for one with inflation when the primary surplus is raised with public debt. Under an exogenous primary surplus, money supply should be accommodating—such that real balances grow with inflation—to ensure local equilibrium determinacy. When the central bank links the supply of money to government bonds by controlling the bond-to-money ratio, an inflation stabilizing policy can be implemented for both fiscal policy regimes. Local determinacy is then ensured when the bond-to-money ratio is not extremely sensitive to inflation, or when interest payments on public debt are entirely tax financed, i.e., the budget is balanced.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the usual Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans optimal-growth theory is applicable to decentralized monetary economies and illustrates, with a simple model, how optimal growth can be achieved via a simple monetary policy. Securities and the endogeneity aspect of the money supply are explicitly introduced. This paper shows that the steady state under optimal growth is a saddle point, that the dynamic behavior of the capital-labor ratio and real per capita consumption is identical to that found in the usual literature in which money is not introduced, and that the optimal monetary policy is “counter-cyclical.”  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a monetary random-matching model where both goods and money are perfectly divisible, production is costly, and there is no exogenous upper bound on agents' money holdings, information on which is private to the agent. We show that there is a continuum of stationary equilibria where agents have either no money or a set amount, and buyers spend all their money. As in the previous studies, the equilibrium value function is step-like, which emerges as a self-fulfilling prophecy. The endogenous upper bound on agents' money holdings is the result of private information on agents' money holdings. Buyers post an offer that is accepted only by sellers without money, who set a higher value on money.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of the government sector in post-Keynesiantheories of growth and distribution. It shows the possibilityof reconciling two views on income distribution, present inthe post-Keynesian tradition, which the literature has consideredalternative. By following Kaldor's suggestions on the role thatmonetary and fiscal policy can play in maintaining steady growthconditions, we find that distributive variables depend bothon the rate of growth of the economy, as pointed out by Kaldorand Pasinetti, and on the money rate of interest, as suggestedby Sraffa and by the subsequent elaborations of a monetary theoryof distribution. The paper first verifies the validity of thePasinetti theorem and the dual theorem, and shows that thesetheorems do not always hold when the government sector is explicitlyconsidered. It extends the analysis to the case of the corporateeconomy and institutional distribution, clarifying limits tothe neo-Pasinetti theorem related to the assumption of an endogenousvaluation ratio in steady-growth equilibrium and to the factthat this theorem does not hold when real capital investmentis also financed through the issue of firms' bonds.  相似文献   

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