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封兰 《经济研究导刊》2009,(13):221-222
苏童的祖辈由扬中移居到古城苏州谋生,祖辈们的移民意识深深地渗进了苏童的血液和思维之中,使他无法摆脱对虚幻“故乡”的眷恋和描绘。苏童对先人的传说与故事似乎是情有独钟,从表面上看,他以其独特的切入视角不经意地向人们讲述着祖辈、父辈们的经历。但是,当他在记忆与梦幻之中重现先人的足迹时,自己紧跟着掉进了逃亡的陷阱。苏童的叙述总伴随着一种逃亡意识,一种被追逐感,如同一个梦者。试图从小说人物命运的角度探寻苏童小说中人物的逃亡情结。  相似文献   

董波 《理论信息》2000,(10):33-34
在美国立国初期,政府曾经通过各种手段使其疆域不断向西扩展。其中最突出的是土地开发政策,以及大力发展交通和扶植教育事业。  相似文献   

当地时间11月4日.美国民主党总统候选人贝拉克.奥巴马在总统选举中击败共和党对手约翰·麦凯恩.当选第56N美国总统.成为美国历史上首位非洲裔总统。稍后奥巴马在芝加哥发表讲话说,美国已开始改变。由于目前美国正处于金融危机时刻.一直以“变革”为竞选口号的奥巴马的当选.无疑给美国乃至世界一点鼓励.并希望他能够在上任后采取有效措施、实行新的经济政策以改变目前的状况。  相似文献   

美国历史上的土地拍卖与分期付款出售制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
燕阳山 《经济论坛》2002,(23):70-70
美国是一个商业性民族,早在200多年以前,像现代的“拍卖”和“分期付款”制度在美国就已大行其道。美国联邦政府利用这两种现代的商业手段来推销美国西部广袤的土地。其规模之大,制度之复杂,亦可谓空前绝后。即使在200多年后的今天,也很少有哪个国家能赶上美国当时的土地拍卖和分期付款规模。美国的半壁江山差不多都是通过商业性的拍卖和分期付款制度出售出去的。美国的土地拍卖制度始于1785年国会制定的《土地出售法令》。当时美国独立后在西部获得了辽阔的土地,如何处理这些土地成为当时摆在这个新国家面前的一个十分紧迫…  相似文献   

概述在20世纪的最后十几年中 ,伴随着互联网络的蓬勃发展 ,电子商务这一新的交易形式已悄然崛起 ,1998年美国的在线商品交易额高达130亿美元 ,预计到2003年 ,该数目将高达1080亿美元。1998年上半年 ,美国股票交易的22%是通过互联网进行的 ,随着美国经济的持续增长和网络技术的安全性和可靠性的提高 ,这一数字还在猛增。此外 ,随着雅虎等网站的成功发展 ,通过互联网进行的广告业务日益增长 ,据专家分析 ,2003年以前 ,互联网将可与无线广播并驾齐驱 ,继电视和报刊杂志之后 ,成为第三大广告媒体。由于电子商务的迅…  相似文献   

对社会历史发展是否存在规律 ,理论界一直存在着争议。社会历史发展的前提与结果都是客观的。从历史主体和历史活动本身所具有层次性、从历史活动的主体背后必然隐藏着动因、从人类的活动本身所具有特性来看 ,历史发展是具有客观规律的。但我们应该完整地、准确地理解历史规律的客观性。面对社会历史规律 ,我们应该高扬人的主观能动性 ,化必然的自由转化而来的必然为自由 ,使客观规律始终成为“为我之物” ,防止客观规律再度演化为现实的异己力量 ,危害人类的生存和发展。  相似文献   

美国证券市场发展的历史演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈红 《经济经纬》2006,(1):133-136
资本市场上美国新发行股票由1921年的1,822支增加到1929年的6,417支;1929年以前,美国政府奉行的是经济自由主义,在大危机的背景下,国家直接干预的要求成为必然。道·琼斯工业指数从1973年的1050点左右的高峰跌到1974年底570点的谷底,跌幅达45%左右。经济的持续上升带动了股市的繁荣。1987年10月19日是美国股市的黑色星期一,道·琼斯指数随着美国经济经济的持续增长,美国股票市场也走上了十年的大牛市之路。当然,美国证券市场的发展,既非平坦大道,也不是孤立突进的。影响股市兴衰的因素是多种多样的。有些是理性的,有些是非理性的。  相似文献   

唐代以后,随着全国经济重心的南移,抚州成为北方人南迁的重要定居区域,尤其是唐末五代,地方割据势力兴起,危全讽入主抚州数十年,采取保境安民,劝课农桑,招徕商旅的政策,使农业和手工业得到一定程度的发展,呈现出“既完且富”的局部繁荣景象,吸引了大批中原人士竞相投奔。两宋时期,经过进一步开发,已经是“盱江南北,田园如绣,树如烟云,鲜有旷土。”这个时候抚州人口有多少?  相似文献   

<正>在近代中国乡村借贷体系中,私人借贷、店铺借贷、典当借贷以及钱会借贷等传统借贷形态一直占居统治地位。其中,除了钱会借贷为互助借贷以外,其他三类借贷主要属于高利贷,而私人、店铺借贷又是传统高利贷的核心。高利贷新中国成立之前,高利贷在农民借贷中一直扮演着霸主角色。如何评价高利贷与农民之间的关系?以往无  相似文献   

考察了美国研发资金投入的历史过程;认为该过程可以分为民间分散投入时期、政府投入快速增加时期、确立国家对科技的全面支持时期、冷战后时代4个阶段;分析了美国研发投入的特点;同时。借鉴美国研发投入的经验提出对中国研发投入的启示。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a number of issues that have arisen in my efforts to deal with the history of American institutional economics in the interwar period. The specific issues addressed here are (1) the choice of time frame; (2) the definition of institutionalism in terms of its commonly held ideas; (3) the treatment of the network of personal contacts that make up the institutional movement; (4) the treatment of certain institutional and cross-disciplinary connections and supports; and (5) the variety of reasons lying behind the relative decline in the position of institutional economics after World War II. Each of these issues is discussed in light of historical material and examples and with a view to detailing the specific challenges and possible solutions involved.  相似文献   

The American Economic Association is shown to have played a steady and significant role in the development of economic education  相似文献   

章莉 《财经研究》2006,32(7):126-133
财产权利具有两面性,一方面它是反对专制特权、增进个人自由以及促进市场经济效率的有效手段;另一方面在没有任何制度制约的情况下,财产权利的垄断极易导致对劳动者权利的侵犯。因此,我们应当在社会公正和平等目标的指导下,通过增强政府、工会组织以及工人自身力量的权力制衡方法规范财产权利的作用方式,遏制其消极作用的发挥。  相似文献   

美日企业治理结构变迁的历史比较制度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用历史比较制度分析方法,考察美、日等国家企业治理结构变迁的历史进程,逻辑一致地给出了企业治理结构变迁的理论解释。企业治理结构变迁的一般规律是:随着某项资本重要性发生变化,该项资本所有者拥有企业所有权的比例也相应发生变化,导致企业治理结构由一种模式向另一种模式演进,而这一过程又受到文化传统的影响。  相似文献   

The evocative figure of a South haunted by its troubled past is a staple of representations of the region, and such representations not only create a problematic identity for the region but simultaneously produce a privileged national identity through the process of internal orientalism. This article connects internal orientalism with the notion of the double Janus to explain the similarities between America's attitude toward Southern history and its assertion that Japan and Germany bear historical burdens of their own. The inward-looking face of the double Janus is informed by the discourse of internal orientalism and gives Americans an opportunity to judge an internal spatial Other (the South), particularly with regard to the region's history (as a result American geopolitical identity is cleansed from the historical burdens that are construed as Southern). This practice as a righteous judge of the Other serves the US hegemon and its outward-looking face of the double Janus in that the rhetorical practices deployed to discuss Japanese and German history have been honed through the assessment of the burdens of Southern history.  相似文献   

The worst global economic storm since the 1930s may be beginning to clear,but another cloud already looms on the financial horizon:massive public  相似文献   

The article provides an economic interpretation of Kelsen's theory of decentralized governments. It helps to distinguish different forms of federalism and in particular the corresponding conflicts of principalship inside the governmental structure. The model is applied to the early American constitutional history and shows how opposed views of agency relationships in the constitution foreshadowed what would later end up in a civil war.  相似文献   

The economic history of antebellum southern slavery has been and is the subject of ongoing debates among scholars. The literature includes assessments about the efficiency of slavery as well as about the adequacy of slave living standards and diets. Yet this literature under appreciates the important biologic and historical role that parasitic diseases played in the history of slavery. Recognizing the role of parasitic diseases calls into question some prevailing interpretations of slavery. Lacking direct evidence on slave diets, scholars turned to anthropometric evidence as proxies for the living standards of slaves, leading to the prevailing view that adult slaves were given adequate sustenance, but slave infants and children were severely malnourished. We argue it was not slave diets, but the combination of the plantation system and diseases that caused abnormally small slave children. The diseases that concern us, primarily hookworm and malaria, affected slaves ('blacks') and free labor ('whites') differently. Many slaves were concentrated on large plantations with infants and younger children crowded into 'nurseries.' This system allowed the maintenance and spread of diseases that adversely affected younger slaves. Southern white children however were less likely to be raised in conditions so conductive to parasitic diseases. The disease ecology of the antebellum South has implications for the prevailing view that slavery was more efficient than free labor. Biologic evidence indicates that people of tropical West African ancestry are more resilient to the effects of hookworm and malaria than European descendents. Thus when whites did contract these diseases, they were more afflicted than blacks. When slaves entered the adult work force they were taken from disease breeding grounds (slave nurseries) and sent into relatively (for blacks) healthy fields, while whites that went into the fields found a disease environment that was typically worse than that of their childhood. If black adults were more productive than were white adults because of a greater resilience to parasitic diseases, then part of any measured difference in productivity between slave and free farms should be attributed to the disease resistance of African descendents, rather than to any inherent efficiencies of slavery.  相似文献   

The debate over the minimum wage is often conducted on a technical level, primarily focusing on the effects of wage increases. In recent years the debate has often been between those who maintain that increases in the minimum wage will result in disemployment, particularly among teenagers, on the one hand and those who maintain that increases will offer much needed assistance to the poor on the other. Lost in this focus have been serious discussions of the ethical grounds for such a policy. Core to the issue of the minimum wage are questions of justice and the type of society we would like to create. This article argues that the technical approach to the minimum wage so often taken is an outgrowth of a particular conception of justice, one predicted on liberal neutrality. A different conception of justice would enable us to view the minimum wage as but one tool for achieving other social objectives. Moreover, a justice approach to the minimum wage would enable us to consider our values because we would be required to engage in a more philosophically grounded discussion of the policy and the issues it raises.  相似文献   

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