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设计了一种新型微带-悬置微带线和波导-悬置微带线的过渡结构。此过渡模型工艺简单、尺寸紧凑、加工精度不高,在较宽的频带范围内实现了较好的过渡特性。这种过渡设计可以改善悬置微带电路的应用范围,同其它电路或系统可以更好地综合应用。通过仿真设计和样品测试,在整个Ka频段,波导-悬置微带线过渡结构插入损耗小于0.75 dB。  相似文献   

分析了不对称槽线混合结构T型接头的传输特性,设计了一种由不对称槽线混合桥结构组成的X频段宽带功分器,应用于8~10.3 GHz频段。该功分器主要包括微带-槽线过渡结构和不对称槽线混合桥结构,在实现电磁能量耦合传输的同时还具有良好的功率分配性能。电路没有引入专门的相移电路就可实现可调的相移。电路仿真结果表明,在工作频段内,回波损耗优于-15 dB,插入损耗优于-5 dB,隔离度优于-5.8 dB。测试结果与仿真结果基本吻合,证明了设计的有效性。  相似文献   

东南部人口稠密,西北部人口稀少是我国人口分布的基本特点.以瑷珲-腾冲线对我国东西两壁人口分布状况的划分为依据,结合影响人口分布的主要因素及我国古今的人口分布状况的差异,分析历史上多次大规模的人口迁移对我国东西两半壁人口分布格局形成的影响.  相似文献   

介绍了高性能的宽带检波器的CAD设计方法及测试结果。该检波器采用波导E面集成电路形式 ,通过对极鳍线实现波导微带过渡 ,采用高频电磁场仿真软件和微波电路CAD软件完成该检波器的设计。测试结果表明 ,该设计方法实现的检波器具有优良的性能  相似文献   

频率步进合成高分辨雷达体制受目标径向运动速度的影响极大,为了获取目标准确的高分辨距离像,需要做运动补偿。目标运动速度的估计精度直接决定速度补偿效果。首先分析了顺序跳频和随机跳频两种高分辨信号的特点,然后概述了相参合成处理实现高分辨的方法,最后研究了目标运动对这两种信号合成一维距离像的影响,并在此基础上提出了一种新波形的设计方法,从而大大提高了目标速度的估计精度。  相似文献   

针对高灵敏度接收机对频率合成器的高技术指标要求,构建了一种融合了直接模拟、直接数字以及间接数字的频率合成技术方案,根据该方案,成功实现了频率合成器的工程研制。通过测试,频率合成器相位噪声达-112 dBc/Hz@5 kHz,杂散抑制优于-75 dBc,频率分辨率小于1 kHz,10 MHz跳频时间约为13 μs,满足了高灵敏度接收机对频率合成器的高技术指标要求,为高纯度频率合成器的实现提供了一条新途径。  相似文献   

陈超  韩中阳 《北方经贸》2014,(7):171-173
2013年被誉为中国的互联网金融元年。这一年,各类互联网金融平台和产品层出不穷,给予银行业新的威胁和思考.银行在互联网金融冲击下的转型方案是:开展混业经营。打造全能型银行;把握富裕人群,重点发展财富管理业务;物理网点与网络渠道相结合,建设多渠道经营模式;建设商业银行自己的电商平台;培养全面复合型金融人才.  相似文献   

本文探讨了法与金融学对转型经济的研究以及这种研究对法与金融学发展的影响。本文的分析结论表明:一方面法与金融学对转轨经济中的许多经济现象提供了富有洞察力的解释,并成为进一步研究转型经济的重要"利器";另一方面,这也促使法与金融研究范式自身的重要转型,进而丰富法与金融理论体系以及它与经济学其他研究领域的融合。  相似文献   

技术变迁可以分为渐进式变迁和革命式变迁(或称为突变),分别对应技术创新的连续变化和不连续变化。根据技术变迁的间断性平衡的观点,以及量子力学中的原子能级跃迁模型,通过分析二者结构和特性的相似点,提出了技术能级跃迁模型,将所有的技术跃迁时间、能级、路径以及技术价值等信息综合在一起可以得到技术能级图,通过此图可以了解技术跃迁的时间、投入、技术所处的状态以及技术未来发展趋势等重要信息。  相似文献   

This research compares and contrasts the current state of development in the retailing industry in the transition economies of Poland and Romania. Two issues examined in this research are (a) the process of market reforms and resulting developments in store-based and non-store retailing, including the competition among large multinational retail chains and small local retail stores, and (b) the structure of the retail industry in terms of market share of 17 different categories of retailers within their respective sectors, namely, grocery retailers, specialty retailers, and non-store retailers, and overall growth registered by these retailers in the last 5 years (2004–2009). Managerial implications of the findings in terms of the opportunities and challenges in different categories of retailing business in the two countries are discussed, and directions for future research are identified.  相似文献   

设计了一种用于移动载体平台的新型天线,天线为圆极化、宽带、宽角覆盖且可嵌入 载体平台安装。在微带天线的基础上,通过将高介电常数、空气介质层、频率选择表面(FSS )技术结合 使用,实现了可嵌入式电小宽频带圆极化微带天线:对应波长仅为038λ(长)×0 38λ(宽)×009λ(高);相对带宽为14%;圆极化增益能在120°范围内大于 -1 dB。目前,该天线已应用于实际工程中,并取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

This article compares the ethical attitudes of Ukrainian business professionals with those of United States business professionals. A widely used survey instrument consisting of 16 hypothetical situations involving ethical dilemmas was employed to gather information on ethical attitudes in the two countries. On 13 of 16 vignettes, Ukrainian respondents demonstrated less stringent ethical attitudes than did their United States counterparts. Possible reasons for these differences are discussed, with primary emphasis on the transition from one economic system to another that is underway in Ukraine. Comments from Ukrainian respondents are presented so as to give an indication of the thought processes behind the questionnaire responses. Olena Vynoslavska is Head of Psychology and Pedagogics Chair at the National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv. She has been a research scholar under the sponsorship of the International Research and Educational Exchange program of the United States Department of State at Baylor University. Her research has included international comparative studies of entrepreneurship and management techniques. Joseph A. McKinney is Ben H. Williams Professor of International Economics at Baylor University. He was previously on the faculty of the University of Virginia, and has served as visiting professor or research scholar to universities in Japan, France, the United Kingdom and Canada. His research interests include business ethics, international trade policy, and regional economic integration. Carlos W. Moore is the Edwin W. Streetman Professor of Marketing at Baylor University, where he has been on the faculty for more than 30 years. His research interests include business ethics, marketing and advertising evaluation, and small business strategies. He has done consulting on bank marketing and new product development. Justin G. Longenecker is Emeritus Professor of Management at Baylor University. His research interests include business ethics, entrepreneurship, and family business. He is co-author of the leading text on small business management, and is the author of scholarly articles on various aspects of business management.  相似文献   

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