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西江流域水文过程的多气候模式多情景研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用HBV-D水文模型和IPCC AR4 提供的气候模拟数据,对西江流域的逐日径流过程进行了多气候模式、多温室气体排放情景模拟。在此基础上基于模拟资料和观测资料分析了流域过去及未来气候和水资源变化趋势,应用Wakeby广义极值分布函数分析了洪水强度和频率的变化。结果表明:(1)HBV-D模型在模拟西江流域逐日径流过程表现出较高性能,所选GCMs可客观反映研究区气温和降水变化,Wakeby函数能较好地拟合多时段多情景的洪水序列。(2)与全球升温趋势一致,流域气温也呈上升趋势,以夏季升温最为显著,且高排放情景升温趋势高于较低排放情景,高排放情景到2080s 年均气温约升高2.9°C。(3)1960—2006 年年降水量和年径流量呈减少趋势,未来则呈增加趋势,且未来长期变化大于中期变化,中期变化大于短期变化。(4)洪水强度随预估时间延长逐渐增强、频率逐渐增加,到2080s洪量可达基准期的1.3倍,重现期由30年缩短到2~10年。丰水期径流以及洪水强度增强、频率增加将给西江流域水资源管理特别是防汛抗洪增加压力,并可能对现有一些防洪工程造成威胁。  相似文献   

我国滨海山丘区城市上游有山丘区,洪水下泄速度较快;下游受到潮水的顶托作用,内河洪涝水无法外排入海,洪涝灾害频发。城市化的进程也改变了原有下垫面的产汇流特性,既不能采用原有天然流域设计洪水计算方法,也不能采用城市排水的计算方法。论文针对快速城市化中的滨海山丘区的特点,分析了城市市政排水计算公式、水利推理公式和非恒定流法之间的区别,提出了利用推理公式、管道汇流和非恒定流法相结合计算小流域设计洪水的方法。以赣榆县柘汪-石桥片区为例,分别采用上述3种方法计算其设计洪水。结果表明:非恒定流方法的计算结果比推理公式方法小,该方法比较符合滨海山丘区的洪水特性,可为城市建设和河道规划提供依据。  相似文献   

本文通过对史河流域内山区水利工程及小水电站统计数据分析,具体以黄泥庄水文站测验结果为例,阐述了小水电工程建设对史河黄泥庄水文站水文要素和水文规律所产生的影响,提出如何通过改变测验手段以适应新的水文变化需求.  相似文献   

江锦红 《人民长江》2010,41(14):15-19
由于受河道安全泄洪能力的限制,建设防洪水库已成为防治山洪灾害的主要工程措施之一,但受库址、坝址、造价、移民、生态等多方面的制约,建设防洪水库往往需要付出沉重的代价。针对山洪暴涨暴落、洪峰大洪量少的特点,提出了平时不蓄水,洪水来临时,单一削减洪峰的新型防洪水库—滞洪削峰水库。在分析河道最大安全泄洪流量和滞洪削峰水库运行特点基础上,提出了滞洪削峰水库的选址、选型要求及滞洪削峰水库大坝主要尺寸的确定方法。由于滞洪削峰水库削减洪峰流量非常突出,在山洪灾害防治中将发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

The performance of a small runoff-basin water-harvesting system (negarim) was evaluated under a typical Mediterranean arid environment in Jordan. Rainfall, runoff, catchment area, soil water storage, and crop evapotranspiration were analyzed as elements of one system. Three micro-catchment areas (25, 50, and 75 m2) and three surface treatment methods (natural, plastic cover, and compaction) were used. Runoff efficiency was evaluated for 16 storms. Storage efficiency was evaluated for eight periods by monitoring soil water balance in the crop root zone. The overall efficiency of the water-harvesting system was determined as the ratio of the amount of water stored and used by the crop to the amount of rainfall received in the catchment area. The overall efficiency of the system varied from over 85% to as low as 7% depending on the size of the catchment and the root zone capacity. Gains in runoff improvement were lost when the soil moisture in the cultivated area was near field capacity. The required ratio of the catchment area to the cultivated area was found to be strongly related to the root zone storage capacity and the rate of consumptive use as well as rainfall-runoff characteristics.  相似文献   

Small mountainous coastal basins display steeper gradients, suggesting intensified river transport. However, there is little information about downstream trends in rivers with low discharge and material fluxes across coastal plains and its influence on land‐sea material transport. This study examined 2 years of river discharge, suspended sediment and nutrient concentrations, fluxes and yields from upstream to the upper estuary of a typical South‐east Atlantic Basin. This study provides data about the material retention capacity of the coastal plain. The results indicated that the coastal plain did not affect nutrient concentrations, but reduced turbidity, inducing chlorophyll a and consequently primary productivity in the lower river basin and upper estuary. The coastal plain attenuated the increasing downstream material fluxes, but also curbed suspended sediment and TN fluxes, across the lower river/upper estuary. In contrast, TP and PO43? fluxes increased sharply across the coastal plain. This was influenced by natural and anthropogenic P inputs from soils and run‐off to the river channel. These exceeded the retention capacity of the coastal plain and result in a high export efficiency of this nutrient to the sea.  相似文献   

根据逊毕拉河流域内主要控制站的多年水文资料,从降水、蒸发、径流、水质、洪水、冰情等方面进行了深入分析。介绍了河流的基本情况,总结出其水文基本特征。  相似文献   

文中将改进的萨克拉门托流域水文模型,应用于横道河子小河站进行径流的多年连续模拟,结果表明,这种模型对于小河也有效。  相似文献   

汤旺河是松花江干流左岸一级支流,发源于伊春市乌伊岭林业局桔源林场西北部的小兴安岭山谷,河道全长509km,流域面积20 838 km2。汤旺河流域地处中高纬度,属寒温带大陆季风气候,季节变化明显。多年平均水面蒸发量为541 mm。多年平均降水量为617.4 mm。  相似文献   

辽河流域辽宁省内水文特性浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了辽河流域(辽宁省内)的气象、水文基本情况,分析了降雨和径流的时空分布以及蒸发、泥沙特性。  相似文献   

辽河流域水文特性浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对辽河流域自然地理环境进行了介绍,并对流域的降水、蒸发、径流、历史暴雨洪水、暴雨特点及成因和洪水的组合特性的分析。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to present a distributed hydrological model especially dedicated to urban catchments, and able to represent hydrological processes usually neglected in urban modelling, such as evapotranspiration, infiltration in roads, or direct infiltration of soil water in sewers. This model, called URBS (as Urban Runoff Branching Structure) is distributed considering the spatial variability of land use which is well known thanks to urban databanks managed by GIS. The production function is detailed at each cadastral parcel scale, and the runoff produced is routed by a simple transfer function. The estimation of the input parameters of the model is mostly based on physical considerations, and the model is applied on a suburban catchment in Nantes (France) in order to evaluate the interest of the distribution of the hydrological variables.  相似文献   


This study proposes and tests a new approach to detect and analyze changes in flood regime using a distributed hydrological model (EasyDHM), using the Second Songhua River basin, China, as a case study. Model calibration and parameter sensitivity were used to represent flood regimes in a 60-year series (1954–2013), with three different flood regime periods identified. The changes in flood regime were estimated by model parameters, flood result residuals and the overall process in the hydrological model in the three periods. The results show that human activities significantly impacted flood regimes, with significant flood regime change largely attributed to increases in water storage in multiple small reservoirs. Flood volume was reduced significantly between the periods in all three watersheds. The parameters also changed in variety between the periods. The study highlights the importance of incorporating data on small-reservoir constructions in flood control systems.  相似文献   

通过对两种水文计算方法所得出的烟筒山水文站洪峰流量成果的比较分析,可见各个频率下的两种方法成果的差值比值均在允许误差范围内.虽然地区综合线法的成果值偏大、偏安全,但这种方法是对一个地区的笼统的计算,过于粗略,不能反映出当地的典型情况.经分析,对于烟筒山水文站洪峰流量值决定采用频率分析法所得出的组合洪峰流量成果.  相似文献   

利用环境同位素及水文实验研究集水区产流方式   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
顾慰祖 《水利学报》1995,(5):9-17,24
在专门设计建筑的的3个实验集水区内,测得降水有地面及地面下的各种径流响应,对1979-1992年多次产流现象经水文试验和环境同位素氚及氧-18进行了研究,识别出分别属于地面径流和地面下径流的共11种产流方式,各种产流方式中只有少数遵循达西定律,多数涉及水分通过水-气界面的特殊土壤水流动问题而与此不符。  相似文献   

1水文档案在防汛抗旱工作中的作用 水文档案具有时间性、系统性和连贯性等特点.认真研究水文档案的形成、特点,对我们做好防汛抗旱工作有着十分重要的作用.  相似文献   

对新疆皮山河流域自然地理、气候、水系、河流概况、降雨、径流的时空分布特征及其年内分配、年际变化、洪水特征、泥沙、水质等进行了分析,以找出本流域频发生洪水(包括水库溃坝型洪水)灾害的原因,研究皮山河流域的水文特征变化规律。  相似文献   

本文根据该站实测水文资料,简要介绍了该站历年洪水洪峰流量、年径流量,并对洪水组成、洪水历时进行分析.  相似文献   

Terrestrial hydrological features of the Pearl River basin in South China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jun Niu  Ji Chen   《Journal of Hydro》2010,4(4):279
This paper presents the terrestrial hydrological features of the Pearl River basin in South China by using a macro-scale hydrological model, the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model, and a routing scheme. Without calibration, the VIC model is used to simulate streamflow, evapotranspiration and soil moisture change at a daily time step for the period 1951–2000. After aggregation of daily output, it is observed that the VIC streamflow simulation is comparable to the observation at a month step. Moreover, from the model simulation, the study reveals that the monthly soil moisture change varies dynamically for maintaining the basin water balance, and both of the streamflow and evapotranspiration are dominant hydrological processes over the basin. With the routing scheme, the hydrological simulation from the VIC model is investigated at a daily step. It is observed that the scheme can improve the simulation of the timings and magnitudes of the daily streamflow peaks significantly, and the temporal scale of the influence of the routing on the streamflow simulation is less than 2–3 weeks in the Pearl River basin.  相似文献   

干旱区若干水文过程研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
干旱区严重缺水,土地荒漠化的部分原因是对现有水资源的不合理管理和利用,本文从提高水分利用效率(WUE)的角度,就干旱区降雨截留、水分入渗和土壤蒸发等若干水文过程的影响因素及其机理的研究进展进行评述.在干旱区,冠层截留雨水损失很少,但树干茎流可以使水分和养分在植物根部富集,提高了水分和养分的利用效率,并且在灌丛周围,水分入渗较多,树荫具有减少土壤蒸发的作用;土壤物理结皮可以减少水分入渗,增加蒸发,但关于生物结皮的作用还存在争论,干沙层的保水机理有待深入;砂田砾石层具有截留雨水、增加入渗和减少蒸发的作用.目前对干旱区这些水文过程的认识还停留在植株或中小尺度,需要在较大尺度加深对水循环过程的综合理解.  相似文献   

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