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张咏 《饭店世界》2000,(6):13-13
在饭店产品和服务的生产与交换过程中,客人一旦发现了问题或遇上了麻烦,都会有所抱怨和不满,而在现场能倾听到客人意见的第一人无疑是直接面客的一线员工。那么,如何通过一线员工将其得到的客人的意见、建议及相关信息,快速而有效地反馈到酒店的领导层那里,并通过针对性强的措施予以解决,由此来不断提升酒店的服务档次和品位?  相似文献   

酒店的前台是住店客人对酒店第一印象和最后印象的发生地,是酒店业务运行的中心。前台服务的范围非常的广泛,包括预定接待客务关系等等。前台布局的合理化和工作程序的简洁化对于酒店的服务及对客印象化是一个良好的开端,而前台往往要求员工业务专业性强,因此一般酒店前台设有两个岗位,即前台接待与前台收银。前台接待主要负责预定销售客房,办理客人入住流程,办理客人离店手续,电话接听服务五解答客人疑问处理客人投诉意见要求等。前台收银主要负责住店客人的各项费用的结算工作。在中国很大一部分酒店的前台接待与收银都采用的是分式工作,员工各自做各自的岗位工作。但随着近几年酒店服务业的发展,一些酒店已经将酒店的接待与收银这两个岗位合并成一个岗位,由此本文就探讨一下酒店前台接待与收银合并的利与弊。  相似文献   

随着饭店业竞争的日益激烈,宾客对饭店服务质量的要求越来越高,这就要求饭店必须重视员工情商,培养高情商服务团队,满足客人的"情感需求"。本文通过分析酒店服务的行业特点、发展现状,从酒店员工情商七个因素来分析酒店员工情商的特征及高情商对酒店服务质量提高的重要作用。  相似文献   

酒店在生产经营中最为关注的是客户因素,并以宾客的需求和利益为中心,最大限度地满足宾客的需求。提高宾客满意度可以增强宾客的忠诚度,增强酒店的整体声誉,增加酒店的盈利等。宾客满意度是影响酒店持续发展的重要因素之一。宾客满意度测评作为一种管理方法,可以帮助酒店探析宾客满意的影响因素。通过对宾客满意度概念、重要性及国内外研究的阐述,提出建立客史档案,加强与宾客沟通;创建"以宾客满意为中心"的服务理念;尽最大努力满足宾客个性化、多样化需求;有效处理宾客投诉;加强酒店人员促销策略等提高酒店宾客满意度的对策建议。  相似文献   

随着中国酒店业蓬勃发展,各大酒店都在为如何满足客人的各种需求而费尽心思,力求创新,追求卓越,但往往忽略了员工需求的满足。酒店员工是酒店最重要的利益相关者,是为客人创造正性情感体验的主体,只有快乐的员工才能产生快乐的客人。真正读懂酒店的员工,需要了解他们的需求,满足他们的愿景,尊重他们,信任他们,善待他们,减缓他们的压力和工作强度,酒店员工需要来自上司的称赞,提高职业自豪感,这样,在服务过程中才能心怀感恩的给客人带来春天般的温暖。  相似文献   

"在凯悦,我们一直致力于为客人提供热诚亲切的服务,我们积极寻求客人的反馈和意见,从而不断提高自身水平,更好地为客人带来创新的体验与享受。目前凯悦在大中华区已经拥有20间酒店,并且将会持续不断的发展壮大。同时,我们也非常高兴能有机会在全球范围内,为来自中国的尊贵客人量身打造礼遇服务,使他们拥有更好、更有特色的旅行体验。从深远意义上来讲,我们相信凯悦‘您好’计划的推出,将是凯悦提升大众品牌喜爱度及宾客忠诚度上的重要一步。"  相似文献   

中国旅游饭店发展到今天,硬件条件已经可以和国际接轨了。但是软件,特别是服务方面还跟不上。而直接为客人提供服务的是一线员工,他们素质的高低决定着服务质量的好坏。本文从酒店的罚款制度入手,探讨酒店人性化管理的具体实施方法。笔者以美国心理学家斯金纳的强化理论为理论依托,用案例分析的方法探讨强化理论在酒店管理中的应用效果,进而提出有效利用罚款制度改善激励管理效果的意见和建议。  相似文献   

随着酒店竞争的加剧,几乎所有的酒店都推出了针对宾客各种特殊需求的个性化服务,让宾客获得心理上和精神上的满足和愉悦,提升了宾客的满意度和忠诚度。应该说,个性化服务是酒店提升服务质量和水平的一项重要措施。但在实际工作中却存在许多“服务陷阱”。这里的“服务陷阱”是指对客服务的目的和出发点是好的,但结果却造成了宾客的不满和投诉。  相似文献   

前厅部是创造酒店形象的第一个部门——客人一般接触到的第一个人是预定员,机场代表是客人到达旅游目的地见到的第一个朋友,行李员和迎宾员是宾客抵店时最先见到的员工,前台员工是第一个了解客人独特需求的人。所以,前厅部是客人了解酒店的第一个窗户,也是抓住客人感受瞬间和赢得客人忠实感的第一个机会。如何在第一瞬间赢得客人的忠实感,取决于两个重要的因素:业务流程和工作态度。合理的业务流程体现了酒店的专业化程度,在高效率的接待工作中,员工可以通过充分的沟通更好地预见客人的需求,提供量身定做的服务。同时,员工专心和专注的工作态度才能体现酒店业殷勤好客的实质,带给客人宾至如归的感觉。  相似文献   

俞劼 《饭店世界》2008,(3):24-25
征访宾客能使酒店管理层及时发现服务中存在的问题,从而实现服务质量预先控制的目的。宾客反馈的信息,可以帮助酒店改善硬件设施的合理性,更是有效控制服务质量的手段,防止投诉发生。良好的宾客征访可以巩固宾客关系,增加宾客对酒店的好感,使宾客成为酒店忠实的长期客户,还能丰富客史档案,为个性化服务提供条件。而征访方法的错误会侵犯到宾客的权益,使宾客对酒店服务产生反感,故征访宾客是非常讲究技巧的。  相似文献   

More hotels adopt ecofriendly practices and implement innovative technologies to reduce carbon footprints and increase a viable green image. Many hotel guests value hotels that offer up-to-date technology and demonstrate sustainability efforts through various sustainable programs. Previous studies investigated how ecofriendly practices would induce higher customer loyalty and increase the image of a hotel brand in the past decade and reported the benefits of implementing green efforts in hotels. This study, which included distributing surveys to over 1200 existing hotel guests in 2013–2014 in the southeastern United States, examined how technologies, innovations, and sustainable-effort-related factors have an impact on customer perceptions, selection decisions, experience, and post-experience.  相似文献   

通过对扬州市高星级酒店的住客进行的问卷调查及对酒店相关人员的访谈,反映出初次入住酒店的顾客和入住经历两次或两次以上的顾客对酒店的吸引力要素存在感知差异。这些要素包括清洁度、位置、房价、安全、服务质量、酒店声誉、个性化(卓越)服务或设计、酒店文化氛围等方面。再结合IPA的分析方法得出结论:高星级酒店可以将顾客入住经历作为市场细分的一个依据。对于初次入住酒店的顾客可以在环境、服务质量和酒店声誉上下功夫;另外要留住顾客,提高其忠诚度,酒店就必须对酒店产品科学定价,酒店整体的设计上融入地域性的文化因素,在规范化服务的基础上追求个性化的卓越服务。  相似文献   


This research proposes private label branding as a strategy that can have a positive effect on guest satisfaction and loyalty in hotels that cater to travelers seeking a special hotel experience. We test this using a sample of guests in two hotels: a five-star luxury hotel (N = 225) and a boutique hotel (N = 101). Findings show that in the luxury hotel but not the boutique hotel, perception of a private label had a direct impact on loyalty, and an indirect impact on loyalty through its effect on guest satisfaction. The theoretical implications and recommendations for hoteliers based on the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

挑选适合酒店工作的员工是酒店成功的前提,是创造满意客人的关键。合适的酒店员工可为客人提供满意的情感体验,提升酒店在客人心目中的地位,切实提高酒店的激励效果。因而酒店管理者对合适的员工应建设一个开放型的上下级沟通环境,鼓励员工从工作中寻找乐趣,制定高标准的服务程序,提倡酒店的合作精神,并努力促使员工自行解决问题,同时关注员工的职业生涯发展,从而进一步的提高酒店的激励成效。  相似文献   


As economic conditions improve, hotels are investing in new ways to improve service quality and perceived value that hopefully will lead to better customer satisfaction and loyalty. This study took a new look, with newly developed scales, at the antecedents and consequences of relationship quality in the hotel service environment to shed new light on the factors hotels have to deal with to achieve their objective of satisfied and loyal customers. Using a structural equation model, it was determined that the tangible and intangible factors of perceived value, timeliness, and hotel facilities are antecedents of hotel quality. Hotel quality, subsequently, is a determinant of both customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, consistent with previous research, customer satisfaction is not a guarantee of customer loyalty.  相似文献   

In this paper, the impact of two service quality metrics (star rating and customer rating) on hotel room sales and prices is investigated. Two of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, Paris and London, are chosen. It is found that a higher customer rating significantly increases the online sales of hotels. The study results show that a 1% increase in online customer rating increases Sales per Room up to 2.68% in Paris and up to 2.62% in London. Contrary to expectations, higher stars do not increase the sales. It is also shown that higher customer ratings result in higher prices of the hotel and the prices of high star hotels are more sensitive to online customer ratings.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate the influence of hotel hospitality on hotel guest satisfaction along with the moderating effect of the hotel servicescape on the relationship between hospitality and satisfaction. In this preliminary study, which involved 403 hotel guests in Malaysia, we employed a questionnaire survey as the main method of data collection. The structural equation modelling (CFA) used to assess the model revealed a good fit. A hierarchical moderated regression analysis was performed and showed statistical support for the positive influence of hotel hospitality on guest satisfaction as well as a positive moderating effect of servicescape. Copyright © 2013 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

浅析酒店前厅部服务质量问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酒店前厅部是酒店的窗口部门,其服务质量对酒店形象、服务质量与管理水平和经济效益有很重要的关系。部分酒店对前厅部门的管理重视程度不够,导致了前厅部服务人员在客房销售方式方面技巧不足、与其他各部门沟通不畅、人员流动量大、人才流失严重等问题。酒店应加强对前厅服务工作的管理,强化对服务人员客房销售技巧的培训,努力提升员工的素质与业务操作水平,规划员工职业生涯,建立人才储备制度,用事业留人,有效提高前厅服务质量,吸引更多客人入住,创造更高的经济效益。  相似文献   

This paper has several aims: (a) to identify an empirical taxonomy of quality management (QM), (b) to assess whether more advanced QM hotels achieve better performance levels and (c) to analyse whether hotels with better performance levels have more advanced QM levels. This paper contributes to identify a taxonomy of QM in hotels showing the association between a particular level of QM and different performance dimensions. In addition, the paper sheds light on the possible selection effect in the hotel industry. The study finds that hotels with higher QM levels have better hotel guest satisfaction and employee satisfaction, efficiency and better business performance. It also shows that hotels with better performance levels develop QM to a greater extent. Accordingly, QM level is one factor among others that explain better performance levels in hotels. Also, good performance can facilitate the implementation of QM practices.  相似文献   

This paper discusses revenue management; a technique that focuses on decision making that will maximize profit from the sale of perishable inventory units. New technologies management plays an important role in the development of revenue management techniques. Each new advancement in technology management leads to more sophisticated revenue business capabilities. Today decision support revenue management systems and technologies management are crucial factors for the success of businesses in service industries. This paper addresses the specific case of customer groups in hotels. This paper introduces a new decision support system that sets the revenue maximization criteria for a hotel. The aforementioned system includes a set of demand forecasting methods for customers and addresses a general case considering individual guests and customer groups. The system also incorporates deterministic and stochastic mathematical programming models that help to make the best decisions. The actual revenue depends upon which reservation system the hotel uses. A simulation engine makes a comparison between different heuristics of room inventory control: the results include performance indexes such as occupancy rate, efficiency rate, and yield; it compares results and chooses one of them. The system proves its suitability for actual cases by testing against actual data and thus becoming an innovative and efficient tool in the management of hotels' reservation systems.  相似文献   

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