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酒店在生产经营中最为关注的是客户因素,并以宾客的需求和利益为中心,最大限度地满足宾客的需求。提高宾客满意度可以增强宾客的忠诚度,增强酒店的整体声誉,增加酒店的盈利等。宾客满意度是影响酒店持续发展的重要因素之一。宾客满意度测评作为一种管理方法,可以帮助酒店探析宾客满意的影响因素。通过对宾客满意度概念、重要性及国内外研究的阐述,提出建立客史档案,加强与宾客沟通;创建以宾客满意为中心的服务理念;尽最大努力满足宾客个性化、多样化需求;有效处理宾客投诉;加强酒店人员促销策略等提高酒店宾客满意度的对策建议。  相似文献   

对酒店而言,宾客售后服务具有重要意义。宾客服务质量的评价是建立酒店的良好口碑的关键,本文就目前酒店管理中对宾客售后服务的重要意义进行了探讨,并就其在酒店运营中的运用作了深入的思考。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,近几年,酒店业也在我国得到迅速发展,为了在市场竞争中不被淘汰,各酒店都在提高宾客满意度方面做了很多努力。本文首先对宾客满意度理论进行说明,明确其基本概念和重要测量指标。再分别引出色调及装饰的概念,分析它们各方面是如何对宾客满意度进行影响的。最后,基于以上分析和在综合各学科知识及实地对酒店宾客进行调研的基础上得出酒店色调、装饰对宾客满意度的作用方式和影响路径,从而帮助酒店选择色调、装饰设计的最优方案,以期达到提高酒店的酒店服务水平和宾客满意度的目的。  相似文献   

在酒店经营中,大堂副理应能高效地发挥处理宾客投诉的功能,不仅和客人达成共识,同时赢得酒店其他员工的尊重与信任,从而获得内部支持。为此,大堂副理需要形成以下一些正确认识。  相似文献   

杨杰 《饭店世界》2006,(4):16-17
对于酒店服务来说,宾客是我们的“上帝”、是我们的“朋友”,但服务是一个过程,是一个将酒店产品进行展示,获得接受、认可的过程,整个过程需要酒店与宾客双方共同投入。换句话说,就是管理上也需要双方共同参与,服务过程与消费过程是相辅相成、互相影响的,因此,酒店能够促使宾客积极参与到酒店的经营管理中来,也是提高宾客满意度的一个行之有效的管理方式。  相似文献   

宾客的满意度不仅取决于酒店良好的硬件和优质的服务,很多时候不同会议宾客之间常常会互相影响,这些影响并非宾客故意为之,而是常常由于宾客类型以及宾客接受服务的时间、地点以及其他因素的不同而产生。宾客的交互影响会给一方或者双方宾客在酒店的工作、生活造成不便。一旦酒店处理不好,受到影响的宾客可能会将不满转嫁到酒店,这将大大降低顾客满意度,从而影响顾客忠诚度。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的不断发展,人民的生活水平得到了持续提升,从以前的重温饱重饮食向重质量重娱乐的方向转变,在此背景下,我国旅游业得到了前所未有的发展机遇,旅游市场也在不断扩张,并且旅游的消费方式和旅游形式也更加多样化。这种变化对于酒店来说是一次机会,酒店是旅游的中转站,在旅游过程中占有重要比重,酒店想要在激烈的竞争中得到利润的最大化提升,就要做好经营管理工作,而宾客关系管理是其中的重要内容。本文针对我国高星级酒店宾客关系管理工作进行了分析,对其工作现状、存在的缺陷和上升策略等内容做出了探讨,目的在于促进酒店的发展,以供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,发生在酒店的盗窃案件有所上升,案件呈现流动化、组织化、智能化等特点。在此类案件中,不法分子偷盗的目标主要有两类:一是来店消费的宾客,二是酒店的设备设施。前者甚于后者,发生的机率最大,主要因为客人麻痹大意,财物保管不善。这类案件既需要酒店加强治安防范,更需要宾客自身加强防范,不给犯罪分子可乘之机。  相似文献   

在饭店服务中宾客投诉时有发生,本文通过对宾客投诉产生的环境、原因的分析,全面阐述了宾客投诉的哲理、类型和处理宾客投诉的原理和方法。  相似文献   

This study examines whether a single marketing strategy is sufficient to cover the Chinese market. Using data from four regions and nine industries, it finds that major regional differences in consumer preferences make regional market segmentation an attractive option. In more developed regions, consumers rely more on perceived quality and public brand image but less on quality expectations. Uyghurs care more about perceived quality and personal recognition but less about quality expectations than Han Chinese. Personal recognition is more important to southern than northern Chinese. Overall, consumer preference structures are influenced more strongly by differences in economic development than subculture.  相似文献   

This paper discusses revenue management; a technique that focuses on decision making that will maximize profit from the sale of perishable inventory units. New technologies management plays an important role in the development of revenue management techniques. Each new advancement in technology management leads to more sophisticated revenue business capabilities. Today decision support revenue management systems and technologies management are crucial factors for the success of businesses in service industries. This paper addresses the specific case of customer groups in hotels. This paper introduces a new decision support system that sets the revenue maximization criteria for a hotel. The aforementioned system includes a set of demand forecasting methods for customers and addresses a general case considering individual guests and customer groups. The system also incorporates deterministic and stochastic mathematical programming models that help to make the best decisions. The actual revenue depends upon which reservation system the hotel uses. A simulation engine makes a comparison between different heuristics of room inventory control: the results include performance indexes such as occupancy rate, efficiency rate, and yield; it compares results and chooses one of them. The system proves its suitability for actual cases by testing against actual data and thus becoming an innovative and efficient tool in the management of hotels' reservation systems.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model of the effects of perceived justice on customer satisfaction and intent following a service or product failure and a recovery attempt. We tested the model using two field studies that captured customer perceptions over time, and the results largely support the model’s path estimates and explanatory power. Study One also supports the hypothesis that procedural and interactional justice are more influential in forming overall firm satisfaction than distributive justice. As hypothesized, satisfaction with recovery was a stronger predictor of the likelihood of spreading positive word-of-mouth (WOM intent) than overall firm satisfaction, and overall firm satisfaction was a stronger predictor of purchase intent than satisfaction with recovery. The results also suggest that satisfaction partially mediates the effects of justice on WOM intent and purchase intent. Finally, we draw on the findings of this study to offer implications for service recovery researchers and managers.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate the influence of hotel hospitality on hotel guest satisfaction along with the moderating effect of the hotel servicescape on the relationship between hospitality and satisfaction. In this preliminary study, which involved 403 hotel guests in Malaysia, we employed a questionnaire survey as the main method of data collection. The structural equation modelling (CFA) used to assess the model revealed a good fit. A hierarchical moderated regression analysis was performed and showed statistical support for the positive influence of hotel hospitality on guest satisfaction as well as a positive moderating effect of servicescape. Copyright © 2013 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While it is widely accepted that managing customer complaints is crucial for companies, the question of how best to manage these complaints is still a matter of debate. A growing number of studies highlight the effectiveness of digital complaint channels on customer behaviour and satisfaction, suggesting that direct human interaction is no longer necessary in the recovery process. Building on this observation, our research questions the interest of maintaining or not direct human interactions in the management of customer complaints. We carry a quantitative study on 427 respondents, which shows that when the recovery process involves human interaction, customers have a better perception of justice and of the company's relational efforts and are more satisfied with the resolution process. Customers are responsive to human interaction in the service recovery process. Thus, from a managerial point of view, complaint management should be part of a consumer centric approach that includes verbal exchanges (face to face or by phone). As tempting as it may seem to companies to completely digitize complaint management, we believe that maintaining direct human interactions is beneficial to customer relationships.  相似文献   

There is no doubt about the relevance of complaint management for customer retention. But complaint management-objectives can only be achieved if complaints registered by the firm give a comprehensive view of the annoyances perceived by customers. In fact, a considerable share of annoyed customers do not complain and many complaint articulations are not registered. Because of these “unvoiced” and “hidden” complaints, registered complaints show only the tip of the “annoyance iceberg” leading to misinterpretations and wrong allocation decisions. As a countermeasure, the concept of evidence-controlling is developed in this paper. Relevant key figures are identified, effective information gathering is demonstrated and managerial implications and open research questions are discussed.  相似文献   

To move their businesses in a positive direction, service providers are increasingly adopting contactless technologies. However, the influence of contactless service (CS) on important customer outcomes has been ignored. This study formulated a research framework to investigate the roles of customer anxiety and sociability in the relationship between CS and customer loyalty in the hotel setting. The findings revealed that CS is positively related to customer loyalty. Pandemic-related customer anxiety helps transit the positive impact of CS on customer loyalty. However, customer sociability dampens the effects of CS on customer loyalty. More specifically, as customer sociability increases, the positive impact of CS on customer loyalty decreases directly and indirectly via customer anxiety. Our findings provide novel contributions to the emerging CS literature by disclosing the psychological mechanisms under the “contactless effect” and the potential theoretical boundary condition. In addition, the findings deliver practicable benefits to service managers in fighting the COVID-19 crisis.  相似文献   

Proper complaint handling can lead to increased customer satisfaction. This study dealt with explanations and compensation regarding a complaint situation in a restaurant. The results showed that customers really do not care who explains the reason for the unsatisfactory service or who offers compensation, as long as they receive both.  相似文献   

This study examines the determinants of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the Peruvian mobile phone market. Based in a survey to 1259 customers, Multinomial Logit and GSEM estimations show how determinants of customer satisfaction can be assessed when satisfaction is measured through ordered categorical data. The results confirm that in mobile phone market Customer Satisfaction influences strongly on Customer Loyalty, and in turn Loyalty is an important determinant of Customer Retention. In contrast with previous literature, this study identified the differentiated influence of diverse factors on positive and negative customer satisfaction categories. Indeed while results show that quality of service assessments made by customers had a significant impact on both negative and positive customer satisfaction categories; assessments of other service attributes like customer care, information on tariffs and plans and billing clarity, only showed a significant statistical influence on positive categories of customer satisfaction. Similar asymmetrical results were found with regard to other economic, socioeconomic and geographical determinants of customer decisions. As well, an analog effect is also observed in the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty, where only positive satisfaction assessments helps to explain the loyalty of users. Finally, results show that while satisfaction can be identified as a powerful cause of CR, switching barriers did not deter more demanding customers to switch to alternative carriers, suggesting that recent pro-competition regulatory reforms implemented in Peru contributed to reduce these barriers to competition in mobile markets.  相似文献   

Prior empirical investigations have found in-store information programs have little effect on sales volume. The current study examined the relationship between point-of-purchase information and consumer purchasing and satisfaction. Consumers who responded positively to the information program were found to purchase more from the relevant product category. Additionally, they were more satisfied with their purchases and with the store environment. Food marketers can reap long term direct and indirect benefits by providing information that is salient, easily assimilated and available at the point-of-decision.  相似文献   

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