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覃柳琴 《企业天地》2003,(11):31-32
南贵昆经济区是国家实施西部大开发战略的三大重点区域之一,加快南贵昆经济区的形成,有利于优化地区产业结构,促进生产力的合理布局和区域内的经济繁荣和社会稳定,为此,需要推行开放式,走效益优先,优势互补,各展所长的发展路子,南贵昆经济区各省区要充分利用独特的区位优势,打破行政区域的限制,消除地区封锁和贸易壁垒,实现资源与要素共享,最终形成竞争、有序、统一、开放的区域性大市场,进而通向新的国际区域经济合作与分工。南贵昆经济区在实施西部大开发中的作用南(宁)贵(阳)昆(明)经济区是国家实施西部大开发战略的三大重点区域之一。国…  相似文献   

区域经济差异是改革开放以来我国经济和社会发展中备受学术界、政府和广大民众关注的一个重大问题。区域经济发展不平衡的失控是威胁社会和谐及协调发展的重要障碍。深入分析长江三角洲、珠江三角洲和海峡西岸经济区经济发展的差异,对加快三大经济区之间的协调发展,壮大区域经济实力具有重要的参考价值。本文首先运用衡量经济发展水平的相关指标和经济区位商来比较分析三大经济区的经济差异,在实证研究的基础上,依据分形理论中的R/S分析法预测区域经济差异的发展趋势;其次,从历史经济联系、区位条件等方面来比较分析形成三大经济区经济差异的影响因素;最后,选择了协调发展这个论题,来探讨推进三大经济区协调发展的政策选择,从而缩小它们之间的经济发展差异。  相似文献   

中国是一个幅员辽阔、民族众多的人口大国,既有东部沿海经济较发达的地区,也有西部广大的经济欠发达地区。如此,保险业的发展也不均衡,呈现出由东向西的梯度特征,这种不均衡至少表现在以下几个方面:一是地区发展的不平衡,主要体现在沿海长三角经济区、珠三角经济区、环渤海经济区与中部经济区、东北经济区和广大西部经济区域的差异;二是区域内发展的不平衡,如广东和广西的差别,广州与韶关的差别、沈阳与阜新的差别等;三是城乡差别。[编者按]  相似文献   

顾秀芬  姜金红 《价值工程》2021,40(26):59-61
物流业是国民经济发展的基础,海西经济区物流业在整体稳步提升的同时也呈现出区域间发展的不均衡性.本文以海西经济区为研究对象,基于泰尔指数对海西经济区物流业发展的非均衡性进行了实证研究,从相对差异和绝对差异两方面对海西经济区物流发展差异进行测度.研究结果表明:从绝对差异来看海西经济区组内差异占主导地位,从海西三大区域物流发展差异来看,海西东部差异最大.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的日益深化和西部大开发战略的实施,出口贸易对陕西经济的发展起着越来越重要的作用。本文运用面板数据模型分析陕西省三大经济区域出口贸易与其经济增长的关系及其差异,在此基础上提出更好地发挥出口贸易以促进陕西省各个区域经济平衡协调发展的建议。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,以市场为导向的产业集群在广东、江浙等地的形成与发展,促进了区域产业结构的优化和升级,成为拉动区域经济增长的新型经济组织形式。重庆作为西部经济发展的中心城市,充分借鉴其他产业集群的成功模式,利用中央直辖、三峡工程建设、西部大开发三大历史机遇,结合自身优势发展产业集群,对于重庆经济乃至西部经济的整体崛起,具有重要的战略意义。[第一段]  相似文献   

低碳经济评价指标体系构建及实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁晓玲  雷厉  仲云云 《城市问题》2013,(1):56-61,91
以我国29个省份和东、中、西三大区域为评价对象,从低碳排放和发展能力两个层面,构建了中国区域低碳经济评价指标体系,并利用TOPSIS方法进行了实证分析。实证结果表明,中国整体的低碳经济发展水平较低,省际间及三大区域间差异显著。东部地区的低碳经济发展水平远大于中西部地区,东、中、西部分别表现为相对低碳、中碳和相对高碳的经济发展特征。中西部地区在实现经济增长的同时,应尽可能地降低碳的排放,以提升区域低碳经济发展水平。  相似文献   

净碳转移水平关乎区域碳排放流动效果,影响区域碳排放权分配与可持续发展。运用MRIO模型对30个省区市2012—2017年的净碳转移水平进行测算,并利用Dagum基尼系数法,从区域内、区域间、超变密度3个方面对净碳转移水平区域差异进行分解。研究发现:整体来看,中国净碳转移水平整体逐渐提高,由净碳转入转为净碳转出,但区域和省域间差异较大,东部地区净碳转移水平最高,各省域中北京、上海、浙江、广东、重庆的净碳转移水平较高;从区域差异来看,研究期内区域净碳转移水平整体差距在逐渐缩小,区域内净碳转移水平差异最大的是西部地区,区域间净碳转移水平差异最大的是东部地区与西部地区之间;从贡献率来看,区域间差异是影响净碳转移水平区域差异的最主要因素,其次为区域内差异,最后为超变密度差异。  相似文献   

当前,区域间数字经济发展不平衡问题显现,过大的数字经济发展差异制约着区域经济的协同发展。运用熵值法、基尼系数分解法以及收敛模型,考察了中国八大综合经济区2010—2021年数字经济发展情况、区域差异及其收敛性。研究发现:我国数字经济发展水平整体呈现上升趋势,八大综合经济区数字经济发展水平也均实现了增长,但各地区之前数字经济发展空间差异较大;全国数字经济发展的总体差异呈下降趋势,北部沿海地区的区域内部差异最大,长江中游的区域内部差异最小;全国以及东北地区、北部沿海地区、南部沿海经济区均存在σ收敛特征;全国与北部沿海地区、东部沿海地区、长江中游地区、西南地区、西北经济区数字经济发展均存在绝对β收敛,但收敛速度不一。研究结论为分析八大综合经济区数字经济时空格局提供依据,对促进区域经济协调发展具有政策启示。  相似文献   

关中—天水经济区是西部大开发十一五规划确立的三大重点经济区之一,也是西北地区惟一一个经国务院批复的国家战略层面的经济区,不仅要努力加快自身发展,增强经济  相似文献   

This study investigates public knowledge of basic economics and public opinion on economic issues. The primary data sources are five national surveys, administered from 1992 to 1999, which contain a rich set of questions to conduct multiple tests and comparisons of the factors that affect economic knowledge and public opinion. As a whole, the results offer significantly stronger evidence of factors that influence knowledge and opinion than is possible from a study of a particular sample of adults using a single set of survey questions.The analysis proceeds in two ways following methods that were originally used with one of the five data sets, a 1992 survey of adults (Walstad, 1997). First, a regression model is specified and estimated with each data set to identify how personal characteristics, general education, course work in economics, income, and political party affect economic knowledge. Second, probit analysis is used to evaluate the effect of economic knowledge on public opinion on selected economic issues after controlling for the above variables. The results from the 1992 data serve as the baseline for comparing the findings across the other surveys.  相似文献   

城市化对经济增长推动作用的经济学分析   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
经过国内理论界20多年来的研究与争论,已经基本上就我国存在低度城市化的问题方面达成了共识.但是对于城市化对经济增长的作用机理研究得仍然不够.文章以城市化对经济增长有推动作用这个已经达成共识的结论为阐述的观点,以宏观经济学、微观经济学的理论为基础,力图达到对城市化对于经济增长推动的作用机理进行系统的阐述.  相似文献   

Recently, interest in the methodology of constructing coincident economic indicators has been revived by the work of Stock and Watson (1989b). They adopt the framework of the state space form and Kalman filter in which to construct an optimal estimate of an unobserved component. This is interpreted as corresponding to underlying economic activity derived from a set of observed indicator variables. In this paper we apply the Stock and Watson approach to the UK where the observed indicator variables are those that make up the Central Statistical Office (CSO) coincident indicator. The time series properties of the indicator variables are examined and three of the five variables are first difference stationary and are cointegrated, the remaining two are stationary in levels. We then construct two alternative measures of economic activity, each of which deals with the different orders of stationarity of the variables. The first uses the levels of the observed component variables that allows for the cointegrating relationship. The second imposes stationarity on the I(1) variables before the estimation by taking first differences. The levels index is viewed as the preferred specification as it allows for the long-run relationships between the variables and has a superior statistical fit. ©1996 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study aims to examine the short and long term impacts of economic liberalization on economic growth in case of Pakistan from 1971 to 2011. Economic liberalization consists of reforms in both trade liberalization and financial liberalization. This study contributes to the existing literature by constructing an economic liberalization index using principal component analysis. Our results show, firstly, that economic liberalization reforms have a positive impact on economic growth in the short run. However, trade liberalization is negatively associated with economic growth in the long-run. Secondly, the estimated coefficients through rolling window show that impact of economic liberalization on real GDP is unstable during the selected period of sample. This study recommends to policy makers to enhance human capital by having more expenditure on education sector. In addition, financial reforms by way of a sectoral credit allocation should be introduced to further promote the economic growth.  相似文献   

In the second of two articles, Sir Alfred Sherman, advisor to Conservative leaders in the 1970s and 1980s and a founder of the Centre for Policy Studies, continues his review of post-war economic policy and calls for a new tableau economique that would identify the contradictions in economic policy.  相似文献   

一种新的经济形态——单身经济正在兴起。单身经济出现的原因是什么这种以"单身"为诉求点的商业模式及形态又将指向何方  相似文献   

Why have freedom and the liberal economy declined in Africa since independence? Charles Mensah of the independent Institute of Economic Affairs in Ghana offers an economic explanation.  相似文献   

Trust and economic organisation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Markets induce trust through repeat dealing and the development of reputation. Organisations economise on the use of trust through the appropriate assignment of ownership rights. Trust is not therefore simply a useful'outside'entity which economic analysis takes for granted. The production and'allocation'of trust are, at least partially, an outcome of the operation of the economic system. An important'unintended consequence'of government regulation which does not attract sufficient study and comment is the implicit undermining of trust-inducing market mechanisms and organisational structures.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model in which in each of a succession of time periods the State and the private economy interact to determine rules under which the private agents will operate in the next period, and rules and resources that constrain interventions of the State in the next period. The set of State institutions, called regulators, that are the instruments of State intervention is endogenously determined in each period. The model is a multiperiod game consisting of two phases. The first is a (noncooperative) game played by private economic agents in each period, the rules for which are given by the regulators in the preceding period. The second phase is political. In each period the private agents acting politically determine the legal and budgetary constraints under which the regulators will operate in the next period, and thereby determine the noncooperative game to be played in the next period. Formal entities in the model allow a wide variety of regulatory instruments and transfer payments to be represented.  相似文献   

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