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广西北部湾经济区——中国西部沿海重要经济增长区,包括南宁、北海、钦州、防城港4市;成渝经济区——中国西部经济实力最强地区,包括四川省和重庆市的大部分地区;关中一天水经济区——中国内陆经济开发战略高地,包括陕西省的西安、铜川、宝鸡、咸阳、渭南、杨凌、商洛7市和甘肃省的天水市。 相似文献
YIN Hua WU Bin 《事业财会》2008,(5)
本文采用δ收敛考察欧盟(欧共体)在1955年-2000年和东盟在1965年-2005年区域经济一体化与经济增长收敛的关系,发现欧盟在1955年-1990年呈现显著的经济增长收敛,而东盟成立后经济增长呈发散趋势。本文通过分析认为,呈现经济增长收敛的区域经济一体化具有如下特点:一是经济一体化成员国消除了彼此间的贸易壁垒,区域内部基本实现自由贸易;二是经济一体化成员国之间的贸易流量成为各自对外贸易的主要流量;三是FDI效应导致成员国之间的资源配置进一步优化。 相似文献
自从罗默和卢卡斯研究经济增长内生机制的论文发表以来,现代经济增长理论的研究进入了一个新的发展阶段。本文中,我们将对新经济增长理论中存在大量争鸣的一个理论假说──收敛性假说,进行多种形式的量化描述,分析各种收敛性之间的联系、区别和计量检验方法,论证经济增长收敛和发散的本质原因,并且通过对收敛性假说的分析,提出几点关于我国经济增长路径如何接近先进国家经济发展均衡轨迹的建议。 一、收敛性假说的基本形式 在对一些国家经济增长轨迹长期的实证分析当中,人们发现,即使不同国家的初始资源和技术水平之间存在差异,那… 相似文献
中国地区经济增长的收敛性:时间序列的经验研究 总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28
本文运用Bernard & Durlarf (1995,1996)的时间序列分析法,通过对中国东中西部三大地区内和地区间人均产出序列的协整关系检验,从一个新的视角研究了我国地区内和地区间经济增长的收敛性。实证结果表明,东部和西部地区内的经济增长具有收敛性,而中部地区内和三大地区间的经济增长却不存在收敛趋势。另一个发现是中部各省的经济增长在长期受三个共同冲击的影响,东中西部地区的经济增长在长期受两个共同冲击的影响。 相似文献
江苏经济增长收敛性的经验分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文试图在经济增长文献所预测出的收敛性理论的基础上,对江苏地区间的经济增长差异做出实证的分析,为实施区域经济共同发展战略提供相应的理论参考。本文首先对江苏地区间经济增长差异进行了实证描述,接下来在结合了江苏经济发展的具体情况之后,对江苏自1993年以来地区间人均GDP发展水平和增长差异的原因提供了较为详细的考察,最终得出了有关的基本结论和相关的政策启示。 相似文献
淮海经济区的城市经济联系格局分析 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
运用重力模型和综合客运模型,对淮海经济区城市间的经济联系势能及经济联系流强度进行测度,据此分析该区的城市经济辐射与经济隶属情况.结果表明,淮海经济区城市间的经济联系势能结构表现为以徐州、商丘、临沂、淮安为重要节点呈放射状分布.经济联系流强度的空间分异格局以徐州为中枢,形成徐州、济宁、临沂、阜阳、蚌埠五大网络结点,构成"开"字型架构.经济联系势能和经济联系流强度在徐州与周边城市的联系上表现出明显的一致性.最终将淮海经济区划分为核心、汴商、莱泰、临照、盐淮5个城市经济区. 相似文献
文章以柯布-道格拉斯生产函数为模型构建的理论基础,采用卢卡斯人力资本外部性模型分析法,选取中原经济区1985~2010年统计数据,研究中原经济区人力资本投入、物质资本投入、劳动力投入与经济增长之间的关系.回归分析表明,人力资本对中原经济区经济增长的贡献率不是很高,物质资本是经济高速发展的主要推动力,人力资本对经济增长仍有很大提升空间.最后从中原经济区实际出发,提出了加大教育投资等有针对性的建议. 相似文献
文章以柯布-道格拉斯生产函数为模型构建的理论基础,采用卢卡斯人力资本外部性模型分析法,选取中原经济区1985~2010年统计数据,研究中原经济区人力资本投入、物质资本投入、劳动力投入与经济增长之间的关系。回归分析表明,人力资本对中原经济区经济增长的贡献率不是很高,物质资本是经济高速发展的主要推动力,人力资本对经济增长仍有很大提升空间。最后从中原经济区实际出发,提出了加大教育投资等有针对性的建议。 相似文献
西部发展应当是什么样的模式,是值得深思的问题。建国以来,我国主要采取粗放型的经济增长完成了工业化的初始阶段。国际经验表明,工业化中期的经济增长,一方面依赖于投资的继续扩大,另一方面依赖于技术水平的大幅度提高,这与工业化初始阶段经济增长主要依赖于外部投入已有很大不同。而我国经济增长方式还停留在粗放型增长上,主要表现为:1、积累水平高,但新建项目低水平重复严重。1998年投资率为35.8%,但企业低水平重复现象严重,经济增长的内在质量不高,形成了一些低效或无效供给。质次低档产品大量充斥市场,造成资源… 相似文献
改革开放以来,长江三角洲、珠江三角洲和环渤海经济圈作为中国经济的龙头有力地带动了经济的增长。在这个增长过程中,科技的力量起着重要的作用,不仅传统的工业需要高科技的更新与改造,而且作为科技载体的高新技术产业在经济中所占的份额也越来越大。因此,衡量一国或地区经济的实力和持续增长的后劲,区域科技竞争力是一个重要的指标。通 相似文献
Irena Grosfeld 《Economics of Planning》1990,23(1):1-19
The theory of economic reforms in Soviet Union and Eastern Europe did not follow the development of western economic theory. Although the fundamental economic issues are different in the West and in the East (employment and inflation versus shortages and lack of technological progress) the reform economics is concerned with the optimal mix of centralisation and decentralisation, of market and hierarchy, of autonomy and control, and-more recently-of public and private. All these issues have been extensively treated in western economic literature.This paper overviews those fields in contemporary economics which could offer the East European reformers an enlightening perspective and useful tools in their search for a new institutional solution. Four such fields are presented: comparative economic systems, theory of incentives, literature stressing relative costs and benefits of different institutional solutions and comparing market and nonmarket failures, and the theory of property rights.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the conference Plan and/or Market. A Comparative Study of Reform Economics in Soviet-Type Societies, organized by the Institut für die Wissenschaften von Menschen in Vienna in December 1988. Useful comments by Pierre-André Chiappori, Ellen Comisso, Roger Guesnerie, Pavel Pelikan, Richard Portes, Kazimierz Poznanski and Gérard Roland are gratefully acknowledged. 相似文献
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Cristina Mioara Vasile 《现代会计与审计》2008,4(12):52-57
This paper presents and analyses the differences in the eco-models implemented worldwide (such as whether and how carbon taxes being "recycled"), or in their efficiency parameters (inconsistent parameter values that account for different results). This is the assumption that a real tradeoff exists between the production of environmental goods. The present article empirically proves that something must be given up in order to gain something else, and once equations are specified to trace out the path of the economy over time, the natural economic formulation of such equations will embody the notion of economic and bio-tradeoffs. 相似文献
By making use of a panel dataset that covers 61 provinces of Vietnam over the period 1997 to 2006, this paper examines the
link between financial development and economic growth. Our analysis, which is based on endogenous growth theory, reveals
that financial development has contributed to economic growth in Vietnam. We find that high ratio of credit to Gross Provincial
Product (GPP) has accelerated economic growth in Vietnam. We also found a strong positive link between financial development
and economic growth when alternative measures of financial development were used. The impact of foreign direct investment
on economic growth will be stronger if more resources are invested in financial market development. 相似文献
Robert A. Jarrow 《The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance》2014,54(2):194-207
This paper constructs a simple yet robust model of financial crises and economic growth where financial markets affect real economic activity. Financial markets increase real output by facilitating investment through the borrowing/lending of capital. However, the borrowing of capital is risky due to randomness in the firms’ production. Financial crises occur when output and liquid capital are insufficient to meet required loan payments and systemic defaults occur. In this model, a financial crisis caused by systemic defaults can shift the economy from an equilibrium with positive borrowing/lending to an equilibrium with no borrowing/lending. In this no-lending equilibrium, neither traditional fiscal or monetary policy tools are effective in increasing output. Fiscal and monetary policy can only increase the likelihood of the equilibrium evolving to a borrowing/lending equilibrium. 相似文献
This paper approaches the problem of inequalities in China. It is specifically focused on analyzing the effects of intra-provincial disparities on the development of the 28 mainland provinces in China. Intra-provincial inequalities, as measured by the Theil index, seem positively related to growth, albeit the results are only convincing for the coastal provinces. A case-by-case analysis, however, suggests highly diversified patterns, including linear or an inverted U-shape for the fastest growing coastal provinces and virtually no relationship for the majority of regions. The results corroborate some questions raised earlier about actual policy-making standards in China. 相似文献
We analyze the impact of micro-founded political institutions on economic growth in an overlapping-generations economy, where
individuals differ in preferences over a public good (as well as in age). Labour- and capital taxes finance the public good
and a public input. The benchmark institution is a parliament, where all decisions are taken. Party entry, parliamentary composition,
coalition formation, and bargaining are endogenous. We compare this constitution to delegation of decisionmaking, where a
spending minister (elected in parliament or appointed by the largest party). Delegation of decisionmaking tends to yield lower
growth, mainly due to the occurrence of production inefficiency. 相似文献
The-Hiep Nguyen 《Managerial and Decision Economics》1984,5(1):49-53
The present paper discusses methods originally proposed by Adams and Miovic in 1968 (then refined and used later by many other authors) for calculating the output elasticity of useful energy consumption (?). We first show that this methodological approach is quite dubious. Better alternative methods of estimation are then proposed. We also stress that, since the marginal rate of interfuel substitution depends on the GDP functional form, the simulataneous use of several functional forms of GDP in energy studies leads obviously to misleading interpretations. Using thermal efficiency coefficients and OECD countries figures for the 1959–73 period, we finally found that ? did steadily fall from high values to values which are still higher than one. 相似文献