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中央汇金注资重组,能否为水深火热的券商导演“6·8”奇迹?这个疑问的答案,又牵涉另一个颇受争议的问题:中央汇金注资银河证券能否达到预期目标?  相似文献   

李树梅 《东北之窗》2011,(17):111-111
复习了三年,她终于考上了大学,因此,她的年龄长我三岁,在我们那个219女生宿舍,她被称为老大。老大名叫胡晓燕,但我们谁也不愿意叫她的名字,都叫她老大,后来甚至男生都这样称呼:"你们老大。"  相似文献   

照相机的闪光灯映射下,丁世忠开怀大笑,走上台和来自美国的NBA主席亚当·萧华握手,亚当·萧华身后,NBA冠军布鲁克林篮网队凯文·加内特、NBA传奇巨星山姆·帕金斯等人站成一排,等待着丁世忠到来。台下有人大声喊了一声,“安踏是冠军。”丁世忠回头,向台下伸出了大拇指。  相似文献   

社会上存在的一些问题,影响社会环境、人民生活,浪费国家财产,危害人民的身心健康。这些问题百姓是干着急,但说了不算,逐渐成了老大难。但说了算的“老大”抓了,老大难就不难了。  相似文献   

7月30日,金象大药房(下称“金象”)成为北京市首家获得“绿十字”使用授权的药店,同时,其旗下又有12家门店获得“优良药店”荣誉。  相似文献   

在个人的价值都被否定之后,幸福就根本没有存在的根基了。老大那个豪迈的宣言大概只是编剧和导演的一厢情愿罢了。  相似文献   

子规 《环球财经》2010,(7):114-115
在资本市场这个“江湖”中,总是有一些广为流传的故事,或令人瞠目结舌,或匪夷所思。即使已经无法考证其真正来源,但却在市场的口口相传中越来越经典,越来越具有警示意义。本刊新辟“资本轶事”栏目,为您讲述资本江湖中的风风雨雨。  相似文献   

刘曼 《今日重庆》2006,(5):60-63
从《大汉天子》中足智多谋的“平阳公主”,到央视版《神雕侠侣》里任性刁蛮的“郭芙”, 再到《白蛇传》中妖娆妩媚的“小青”,重庆籍青年演员陈紫函的名字开始家喻户晓。观众对她的评价是:恬静温柔、聪慧可人,古典而又不失现代气质。大侠金庸先生对她演绎的形象也是宠爱有加,亲自赠言称:“挺讨人喜欢的紫函”。  相似文献   

5·12汶川特大地震,汶川之殇,四川之殇,中国之殇。死者安息,生者奋进。然而灾难又带给我们思考,在灾难面前我们是否真的无能为力?大自然的咆哮我们是否只能听之任之?在回顾灾难,我们发现了这样一个奇迹——地震发生之时,德阳市旌阳区城南街道辖区13万余居民无一人因灾死亡,且在第一时间便以街道为单位派出有生力量开始参与到抗震救灾的行动中。城南街道办事处党政一班人常年奋战在辖区防震减灾体系的建设中,从防震减灾科普进社区到应急志愿救援队的建立,城南经验在这场举世震惊的特大地震中创造了奇迹……  相似文献   

通览永新的专著,没有空话、大话、套话、虚话,没有口号文化、墙上文化、面子文化、官僚文化。我认为贯穿全书的一个灵魂就是“实”,这种实既表现为战略与制度的无形之实,也表现为行为、行动的有形之实。实是企业文化的根,实是文化企业的果。没有实的企业之文化是虚假的、空洞的,是伪文化;没有实的文化之企业是软弱的、有病的,是伪企业。  相似文献   

The article covers the scale and dynamics of changes in the model of ownership in Russian big companies in 2007–2014. In brief these changes can be described as the shift from sole ownership to the coalition of shareholders. Analysis of empirical data demonstrates that this shift started in the prosperous mid 2000-ties and continued both in crisis and post crisis periods.  相似文献   

蒋革 《特区经济》2007,219(4):251-252
近年来,我国的零售业发展迅速,大卖场更是成为发展的热点之一。本文分析了大卖场在我国的发展现状;从商品策略、竞争对手和利润源等三方面对大卖场的市场竞争模式进行了剖析;指出要实现大卖场在我国的可持续发展,必须努力实现三个转变。  相似文献   

This paper, which continues the authors’ paper in the previous issue (No. 3, 2006), details the state of Russian big business in the last six years and brings out some of the most important trends and mechanisms.  相似文献   

A definition of big business as applied to contemporary Russia is given and its principal forms of subsistence and development phases are identified. The article focuses on the recent Fundamental Shift, or the transition from integrated business groups to companies, and its internal political and external economic causes and implications are revealed. Much attention is paid to the changing role of ownership relations, a new pattern of interaction with the state, and the dynamics of big business’s industry pattern. An appendix lists leading Russian companies and integrated business groups as of the end of 2005.  相似文献   


Before the First World War, the Swedish brewing industry was organised into cartels that fixed prices and established distribution areas. During the inter-war years, the major combines in the three biggest cities strengthened their position, since they controlled the market in the most populated areas. Because of the agreements within the brewing cartel Bryggeriidkareförbundet, there was hardly any competition among the breweries and the only way to expand the business was to buy cartel-associated smaller breweries in the fixed ‘natural distribution area’. When the cartel ceased to exist in the mid 1950s, the agreements among AB Stockholms Bryggerier in Stockholm (StB), AB Pripp & Lyckholm in Göteborg (P&L) and AB Malmö Förenade Bryggerier in Malmö (MfB) were informally maintained. They managed to expand in their old distribution areas and beyond, but there was no interference in each other's home market.

This article examines why and how these agreements finally came to an end and the effects of the increased competition. The so-called ‘beer war’ between StB and P&L during the early sixties paved the way for negotiations, which in the end led to a merger of the breweries and a new big combine – Pripps – was created. We take up questions related to the formation of the company, its market expansion, the diversification and other organisational strategies. Pripps's monopolistic position on the Swedish market and the institutional pressure that followed started a process leading in the end to a reorganisation and a holding company, PRIBO, was formed in the early 1970s. A few years later the majority of PRIBO's brewing division (Pripps) was bought by the Swedish state and the rest of PRIBO was sold to one of the upcoming holding companies in Sweden during that time – Beijer Invest.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore whether the changing composition of output in response to technology shocks can play a significant role in the propagation of shocks over time. For this purpose we study two multisector real business cycle models, with two and three sectors. We find that, although the two-sector model requires a high intertemporal elasticity of substitution of consumption to match the various dynamic properties of US macroeconomic data, the three-sector model has a strong propagation mechanism under conventional parameterizations, as long as the factor intensities in the three sectors are different enough.  相似文献   

大珠三角与西部大开发战略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邝国良  陈兰 《特区经济》2001,(11):14-16
一、从梯度推移发展战略到均衡增长战略转移 在改革开放之初,我国社会生产力水平低,各项资源,尤其是资本严重不足,极大地制约了我国经济的发展,若在当时实行均衡发展战略,则无法突破资本稀缺这一瓶颈,为追求全国经济的最大增长,将资源配置到发展条件较好的东部沿海地区,我国实行的是优先发展东部沿海地区的非均衡梯度推移发展战略。……  相似文献   

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