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This study examines U.S. judges' attitudes toward the public accounting profession and the extent to which they have changed over the last 16 years: (a) early in the decade of the 1990's (1993), (b) late in the decade of the 1990's, but before the Enron and subsequent corporate accounting debacles (1997), (c) three years after the Enron debacle (2003), and (d) following the recent market collapse related to the failures of our financial institutions (2009). As previously reported (Reckers et al., 2004) attitudes of judges toward the public accounting profession are known to be representative of the views of other stakeholders (lawyers, jurors and MBAs) and would be expected, and have been found, to be relatively stable over time. Nonetheless attitudes are subject to change if given a substantial stimulus and the corporate debacles at the beginning of this decade, the corresponding CPA firm litigation and the demise of Arthur Andersen arguably constituted such a stimulus. It was reported that a significant erosion of judges' attitudes toward the public accounting profession could be measured in 2003 (Reckers et al, 2004). Given that judicial attitudes have been found to be significantly correlated with judgments rendered in a laboratory experiments, sharp erosion of attitudes is a concern. Judges were re-examined in 2009 to determine if attitudes had potentially rebounded. Reasons to expect attitudes may have rebounded include (a) expectations related to federal reforms of the auditing profession (e.g., SOX, PCAOB), (b) lack of recent accounting scandals, and (c) the financial institutions debacles of 2008. In comparison to the perceived abuses of the financial industry revealed in 2008, the earlier accounting abuses may have faded away.  相似文献   

This study compares personalities of senior accounting students with public accountants using a rigorous personality instrument, the 16PF. Comparisons are made between accountants and students, between accountants and students by gender, between male and female students, and between students and junior accountants. For all comparisons made, the findings indicate significant differences exist, both overall and for individual personality factors. Implications of these findings for accounting educators concerning curriculum emphasis, content, and counseling of students are discussed, together with possible implications for the profession.  相似文献   

This paper draws on Gramsci's concept of hegemony to examine and explain the circumstances leading to the re-emergence of the public accounting profession in China in the early 1980s. In particular, the paper attempts to understand the political and ideological influence upon the professionalisation process of the Chinese accountants. The paper not only highlights a major difference between the professionalisation process of the public accounting profession in China as compared to the West, but also the authoritative and dominant role assumed by the Chinese state in the whole societal set-up. Through effectively exercising its political and ideological leadership, the state successfully mobilised the Chinese accountants in the implementation of its economic-related agenda. The paper demonstrates that the state has clearly achieved hegemony within the accounting community, and further suggests that the state-accounting profession relationship could be likened to the father–son relationship as encompassed within the Confucian notion of wu lun.  相似文献   

A broad debate about the harmonization of public sector accounting standards in Europe is underway. The authors provide arguments in favour of harmonization, but they also acknowledge the existing pluralism and diversity by taking stock of the state of play in 14 European countries. The paper makes a proposal for a way forward for policy-makers and standard-setters, in which the benefits of harmonization can be obtained without obliging EU member countries to necessarily abandon their current public sector accounting systems.  相似文献   

This first paper in the Special Issue on “Modern slavery and the accounting profession” considers how various branches and functions of the accounting profession in business operations and supply chains are implicated by the move to end modern slavery. Accounting has always been involved with slavery practices. When slavery was legal, accounting focused on reporting slaves as assets and expenses in the accounts. In these more humane times, now that ownership of slaves is illegal, the accounting profession has different functional responsibilities towards modern slavery. These include external reporting in line with and above and beyond requirements of legislation; internal management accounting to build awareness and support planning, control and decision making to reduce modern slavery risk and look for opportunities from mitigation; and audit and assurance to ensure credibility of claims made by business. The papers presented in this Special Issue touch upon some of the key aspects of the connection between modern slavery and management control systems, corporate disclosures and the historical role of professional auditors/the accounting profession, but much remains to be achieved in the research agenda ahead.  相似文献   

会计信息失真与会计行业诚信道德   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
会计信息失真是当前严重影响社会经济生活正常秩序的突出问题.会计信息失真的表现形式多样,原因也是多方面的.  相似文献   

This study is a longitudinal study of student and public accounting firm recruiter attitudes relative to the importance attached to various student qualities for entry-level accounting positions. Utilizing survey techniques, the opinions of 122 students and 60 recruiters were collected prior to the publication of the Big 8 Perspectives paper. For comparison purposes, survey techniques were used to collect the opinions of 106 students and 63 recruiter six years following the release of the Perspectives paper. In general there was little change in the relative importance that public accounting firm recruiters attach to various student qualities and students understanding of how those qualities are valued by recruiters.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a historical review of the evolution of accounting and the accounting profession in Egypt. Such a review aims at providing the perspectives necessary to understand and evaluate the contemporary scene. The origin of accounting practices in Egypt can be traced to ancient Egyptian civilization, and the temples exhibit paintings of early accounting records and activities. Modern accounting practices can be dated from November 1883, when Egypt adopted the Commerce ACT. In the ensuing 125 years (1883–2008), Egyptian accounting practice can be divided into three stages: record keeping (1883–1939); financial reporting under changing economic regimes (1939–1975); and the move to adopt international accounting standards in an attempt to liberalize and integrate the Egyptian economy into the global economy (1975–). Each one of these stages reflects the impact of the socioeconomic conditions prevailing at the time. The evolution of accounting in Egypt demonstrates its ability to adapt in response to changing conditions. While there are several lessons to be drawn, and their relevance is noted, it is especially important for the accounting profession to anticipate changes in order to be responsive, in a timely manner, to the changing needs of the society.  相似文献   

In the last two decades, serious accounting scandals occurred in large companies (e.g. WorldCom and Enron) and in the banking sector (e.g. BCCI, Barings, Allied Irish Bank and Baninter). Then the problem of creative accounting with its legal and illegal aspects has come into agendas of business firms and governments. In this paper, a certain type of creative accounting practices (i.e. fraud) has been examined in the light of a Turkish case (i.e. the Imarbank Scandal). It has been found that deficiencies in the legal frameworks for banking and accounting, inadequacies in the autonomy of governmental regulation and supervision bodies, practical difficulties in enforcing legal and ethical rules due to the slow functioning of the judicial system are significant reasons for creative accounting practices in addition to the personal greed of both owners&top management of Imarbank and its customers. However, the intention and capability of political power in combating such kind of corruption are also crucial.  相似文献   

The accounting profession in the United States recently shifted from self-regulation by peer review to statutory regulation by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). Using this shift, I compare outcomes from self-regulation and statutory regulation for the same group of firms. I find that firms choosing their own reviewers, and firms choosing reviewers likely to be connected through prior relationships, tend to receive peer review opinions more favourable than their subsequent PCAOB reports, suggesting that some firms obtained ‘friendly’ reviews in the peer review era. On the other hand, reviewers with relevant industry knowledge are less likely to give such favourable reviews. Further, reviewers from the same geographic area are likely to give peer reviews that are more negative than the subsequent PCAOB reports. Additional analysis suggests that peer reviewers from similar industry or geographic areas bring greater firm-specific expertise to the reviewing process. In the PCAOB regime, I find that firms inspected later tend to receive PCAOB reports more favourable than their peer reviews, suggesting some trends over time in PCAOB reporting. Overall, the findings help in understanding the influences on each approach to regulation, and suggest a nuanced understanding of both approaches as having strengths as well as weaknesses.  相似文献   

This paper addresses recent critiques of the accounting profession by the authors in Critical Perspectives on Accounting(CPA) (Vol. 9, No. 5, 1998); Briloff (1990), Briloff (1993), Briloff (1994); and Francis (1994), from Jean Baudrillard’s poststructural semiotics perspective. Relying on his phases of the image and orders of simulacra schemes, the paper concludes that (1) theCPA authors merely reiterate arguments and Whiggish remedies that have been around for a long time, (2) the profession no longer has any sacred covenant with society, (3) the Income sign produced by accountants no longer refers to nor has any rapport with any real referent, and (4) that auditing working papers are simply mirror images of other mirror images. The paper then draws out some of the possibilities of poststructuralist analyses for revitalizing the Critical Accounting project. In response to Moore’s (1991) observation that the project is “politically conservative" and has “placed nothing at stake," our analysis manifests the stake as no more nor less than the profession’s near-monopoly on accounting services.  相似文献   

This paper considers the contemporary role of critical academic accountants. Arguably, academics have been to some extent cut off from the “real world" writing fairly inaccessible papers for each other. Critical accounting academics are certainly concerned with theory but too often they try to develop their theory without active engagement in the outside world. This could have had the effect of making them rather pessimistic about their own agency and the potential for social reform. The paper draws upon the academic and political work of Pierre Bourdieu1as an illustration of an academic who has managed to fuse theory and practice in a more optimistic manner. Critical accounting in Scotland is considered from this perspective. The case of the Clydebank asbestos sufferers is highlighted as an example of where critical accounting researchers might like to test their theoretical skills. The paper also discusses the campaign to end tuition fees in Scotland and the Centre for Social and Environmental Research which is based in Glasgow.  相似文献   

The wave of postmodernism has reached accounting studies. With it that wave has brought new thought provoking and inspiring ideas such as: the local determination of meaning and the proposition that meaning of signs comes from other signs, not from reality. However, if these ideas are left abstract, they may not inspire accounting education with their full potential. Hence, this paper offers a three-stage framework of analysis, the so-called strategy of critical reading, which draws upon ideas of postmodernism and hermeneutics. The framework suggests how the reading of accounting texts could find new insights from postmodern ideas, without lapsing into a linguistic idealism that would deny the world any external reality independent of language.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the relative personality preferences of accounting and non-accounting graduates seeking to enter the accounting profession. This study is motivated by the recent changes within the Australian accounting profession to encourage non-accounting graduates to enter the discipline, a key motivation for which is a perceived need to attract a greater diversity of individuals to pursue careers in accounting. Using the personality preferences (as measured using the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator [MBTI]) as an indicator of diversity, the results of this study signify that accounting and non-accounting graduates seeking to enter the accounting profession are likely to share similar personality preferences. The implications of this finding for a range of stakeholders associated with the accounting profession, and for matters such as stereotypical images of accountants, graduate recruitment, and university and professional curriculum development are discussed.  相似文献   

Society’s perception of the legitimacy of the accounting profession and its members is grounded in the verbal and visual images of accountants that are projected not only by accountants themselves but also by the media. The paper uses the critical literature on stereotypes to examine how books written for a general readership on Enron and other recent corporate failures portray accountants and accounting, and the implications their authors draw for corporate governance and the survival of the financial system. The paper explores how commentators have analyzed the changing activities of accountants (including the rise of consulting) and have contrasted the personalities of “founding fathers” of the US accounting profession with their early 21st-century successors. The paper concludes that changing stereotypes of accountants are evidence of “negative signals of movement” for accounting as a profession.  相似文献   

A longitudinal field survey was undertaken to investigate the effects of occupational reality shock on the organizational commitment attitudes, intentions, and behavior of professional accountants. Comparative data was collected over a one year period from a sample of accountants employed in the controller's division of a large (Fortune 100) industrial firm and from a sample of accountants employed by a “Big Eight” public accounting firm. The results portray reality shock as having a significant, asymmetrical impact on the work-related attitudes, intentions, and to a lesser extent behavior of accountants employed in both organizational settings.  相似文献   

This paper provides a review of the critical accounting literature on Africa highlighting the paucity of studies in this area and outlining the objective of this special issue of Critical Perspectives on Accounting. The paper also provides some directions for future critical accounting research focused on Africa, arguing that the continent presents significant research opportunities for the critical accounting community and therefore joins the chorus for more scholarship in this area.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the links between class, deprivation and subject choice in the area of business studies, including Accounting and Economics, in Scottish secondary schools. Given the paucity of prior research, this study is necessarily exploratory but its findings will provide a basis for future research in Scotland and elsewhere. First, the literature on the link between deprivation and education is reviewed. Pierre Bourdieu's conceptualisiation of habitus, field and capital are introduced and provide the theoretical framework for the ensuing discussion. Second, the implications for accounting education at both school and university, and for the accountancy profession are examined. Third, the results of interviews, analysis of statistical data provided by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Qualifications Authority and two questionnaire surveys, one of Heads of Departments of Scottish secondary schools and the other of first year accounting students at Scottish universities, are reported in order to explore whether there are any indications of links between class, deprivation and subject choice in the area of business studies in Scottish schools. Finally, the implications of the research findings are discussed and conclusions offered.  相似文献   

13年前,刚刚20岁的我从黑龙江省牡丹江一所中专学校毕业,分配到大庆石油管理局的会计师事务所工作,而后的注册会计师行业经历,竟成为我引以为自豪甚至要穷其一生为之奋斗的职业。  相似文献   

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