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Economic theory does not have many tools, but that does not preventIt from being a tool.  相似文献   

This paper compares results from two surveys among American and European industrial organisation (IO) economists on various IO and broader economic issues. Although differences between the two groups are generally rather small, some systematic differences seem to exist. These differences are more pronounced when judgments about the efficacy of government policies and the workings of the market are concerned than when judgments about methodology and the present and future state of the IO field are concerned. American IO economists tend to exhibit more confidence in the market's capability to allocate resources than their European counterparts.  相似文献   

This article presents and explores a rich new data source to analyse the determinants of pay and job rank among academic economists in the UK. Characteristics associated with individual productivity and workplace features are found to be important determinants of the relative wage and promotion structure in this sector. However, there is also a substantial unexplained gender pay gap. Men are considerably more likely to work in higher paid job ranks where there are also substantial within-rank gender pay gaps. We show that the nature of the gender pay gap has changed over the last two decades; but its size has not, suggesting a role for suitable policy intervention.  相似文献   

This study examines the opportunity cost of non‐research responsibilities on research output. Using a sample of early career faculty members who received their Ph.D. in economics, we consider the effect of two dimensions of time use on research output: (1) time allocation, or how time is divided between research and other duties and (2) time concentration, or how research time is distributed during the academic year relative to summer months. This second dimension has not been used in prior studies on research productivity; however, the inherent delays in the publication process as well as start‐up costs may imply that concentrating research time exclusively in the summer months reduces research output. We find that both dimensions of time use are significant predictors of peer‐reviewed publications and that time concentration is a significant predictor of submissions. We find gender differences in both dimensions of time use, which are attributable to gender differences in employment at research institutions and on‐going childcare responsibilities.  相似文献   

面向用户的数据结构及数据访问技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
数据库是实现信息处理技术的基础,构建统一数据格式的输入输出接口,设计风格统一的数据访问界面是设计信息处理软件系统的关键。基于上述观点,笔者以实例论述了基于用户的数据结构组织及数据访问技术,总结了实现信息处理系统的行之有效的技术路线。  相似文献   

This paper studies firms' data privacy and cybersecurity choices. We emphasise the strategic interdependence between these decisions and demonstrate that security in both the market equilibrium and the social optimum tends to be higher when data is shared. We also identify important market failures in the sense that firms tend to under-invest in security and over-share data. Our welfare analysis of a minimum security standard, disclosure and consumer education policies, liability rules and consumer mitigation strategies highlights the need for a co-ordinated approach to regulation.  相似文献   

广州擎天新材料研究开发有限公司——专业生产:TH系列环保型水性上光油 广州擎天新材料研究开发有限公司开发生产的TH凹印、胶印系列环保型水性上光油,广泛适用于食品、烟草、医药、化妆品、日常消费品等包装印刷品的表面精饰,上光光泽在40—90%范围内任意可调,选择范围大;透明度高,不易泛黄;耐高温,具有良好的热封性;结膜速度快,干燥迅速;  相似文献   

广州擎天新材料研究开发有限公司 专业生产:TH系列环保型水性上光油 广州擎天新材料研究开发有限公司开发生产的TH凹印、胶印系列环保型水性上光油,广泛适用于食品、烟草、医药、化妆品、日常消费品等包装印刷品的表面精饰,上光光泽在40—90%范围内任意可调,选择范围大;透明度高,不易泛黄;耐高温,具有良好的热封性;结膜速度快,干燥迅速;产成品平整度好,抗卷性强;包装类印刷品通常需要很强的耐磨性,TH耐磨型水性上光油能完全满足这一要求。同时,TH系列水性上光油比溶剂型上光油有更好的适用性,在各类纸张、纸板上都能  相似文献   

数据仓库技术的产生及发展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
数据仓库技术 ( DW)是近年来出现并迅速发展的一项技术。本文主要从数据仓库的定义 ,基本特性 ,数据组织方式等几个方面简要阐述了数据仓库在综合决策支持系统中的应用。  相似文献   

分析了现场寿命数据的4种类型,即寿终数据、右删失数据、左删失数据和区间型数据的特点.结合实例说明了含有删失数据的可靠性函数估计的几种方法,对于现场寿命数据分析与可靠性评估具有参考价值.  相似文献   

浅谈统计数据质量存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会经济的发展,统计失实现象日渐严重,统计工作者应当立足本职,加强职业道德,提高专业水平,加大统计执法力度,保证统计数据质量,使我们的统计工作更好地服务现代社会经济。  相似文献   

Data analysis is a key element of the research process. Accordingly, appropriate doctoral training in data analysis is vital to the strategic management field's future. We used a two‐study design to evaluate quantitative data analysis trends and doctoral training. An analysis of Strategic Management Journal articles from 1980 to 2001 reveals that, contrary to some predictions, the use of general linear model techniques such as regression has increased over time. However, the use of more specialized techniques, including those suitable for examining longitudinal data, discrete events, and causal structure, has also grown substantially. A survey of recent doctoral graduates shows that, although skilled with general linear models, many are ill prepared to use specialized techniques. Based on our findings, we offer suggestions aimed at bridging gaps between what doctoral students (and other researchers) know and what they need to know about data analysis. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is argued that the nature of the industry levelrelationship between advertising and sales can givesome indication of the form of competition in anindustry. Hence, this paper examines whether there isa long-run, stable, equilibrium relationship betweenadvertising and sales for food and soft drinksindustries. Results suggest that the variables arenon-stationary, but do not contain seasonal unitroots. Cointegration is not identified between softdrinks industry advertising and sales, which, togetherwith the results of differenced variable regressions,suggests that rivalry between firms in this industrymay be intense.  相似文献   

本文研究了数据库系统、分布式数据库和统计数据库的安全性。研究了数据加密技术。  相似文献   

根据油田的开发阶段现状和油水井现场资料管理的实际,在采油厂范围内全面实施了以建章立制网络化管理为主线的油水井现场资料质量监督与管理。主要实施了油水井分类监督管理方法;油水井现场资料录取运行管理网络、现场资料质量监督体系网络和现场资料验收结算网络等项管理方法;以提高监督水平为目的技术业务培训和加强现场资料运作过程中质量监督等项措施。  相似文献   

We examine the effects of broadband speed on county unemployment rates in the U.S. state of Tennessee. We merge the older National Broadband Map dataset and the newer FCC dataset in lengthening our broadband access data over the period 2011–2015. Extending the dataset improves the precision of the estimates. Our panel regressions control for potential selection bias and reverse causality and show that broadband speed matters: unemployment rates are about 0.26 percentage points lower in counties with high speeds compared to counties with low speeds. Ultra-high speed broadband also appears to reduce unemployment rates; however, we are unable to distinguish between the effects of high and ultra-high speed broadband. We document beneficial effects of the early adoption of high speed broadband on unemployment rates. Better quality broadband appears to have a disproportionately greater effect in rural areas.  相似文献   

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