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We examine the wealth effects of the announcement of issues of different types of convertible securities by UK firms and find significant negative effects on shareholder wealth. We however, also find that when the sample is partitioned by method of issue, privately placed convertible bonds, in contrast to previous research, exhibit a negative impact on firm wealth. Further, we also find negative wealth effects for firms that issue convertible securities to refinance previous debt or finance specific acquisitions. However announcements of convertible bond issues, for the purpose of financing capital expenditure schemes, show significant positive wealth effects. Finally, we find mixed support for testable predictions of the main theoretical models relating cross-sectional firm characteristics of convertible bond issuers to abnormal returns.  相似文献   

Share price reactions to announcements of 61 private placements of convertible debt securities are investigated and a significant positive average abnormal return of 1.80% is documented. This unique result contrasts with the negative average abnormal return associated with public sales of convertible debt securities. The positive effect on common shareholders' wealth appears to be related to the relative size of the private issue and unrelated to the degree to which the convertible bond is “out-of-the-money” at issuance.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence on the valuation effects of convertible debt issuance. Common stockholders earn significant negative abnormal returns at the initial announcement of a convertible debt offering, and also at the issuance date. In contrast, the average valuation effect on common stock at the announcement of non-convertible debt offerings is only marginally negative, and is zero at issuance. The significant negative average effect on common stock value appears not to be systematically related to either the degree of leverage change induced by the convertible debt issuance or the extent to which the proceeds from issuance are used for new investment or to refinance existing debt. If, as appears likely, the issuance of convertible debt on average increases financial leverage, these results are inconsistent with evidence from other recent studies documenting common stock price effects of the same sign as the change in leverage. The evidence suggests that convertible debt offerings convey unfavorable information about the issuing firms, but the specific nature of such information remains unidentified.  相似文献   

Firms that issue convertible debt have high debt- and equity-related costs of external finance. Existing theories of convertible debt finance differ primarily in their identification of the specific causes of the debt- and equity-related costs of external finance. To assess the theoretical issuance motives separately, we propose a simple framework that characterizes how issuers should design convertible debt to efficiently mitigate specific debt- and equity-related costs of external finance. We provide evidence from 588 security offer announcements that supports the hypotheses that: (1) convertible debt can be designed to mitigate different combinations of debt- and equity-related costs of external finance and (2) share price reactions depend on the security design decisions. The results also illustrate that the relations between firm value, financial leverage, investment opportunities, and the rate of future growth are more complex among convertible debt issuers than situations where firms issue standard financial securities.  相似文献   

Little empirical evidence is available on the nature of the trade-offs between the debt- and equity-like components of convertible bonds. Such information would be useful to firms considering the issuance of convertible bonds. Furthermore, complete understanding of the leverage implications of convertible bond issuance depends on the market's view of the proportions of the implicit debt/equity mix. The current study develops a two-equation model that estimates the relative contributions made to the value of primary issue convertible bonds by the debt and implicit warrant components. The model's distinct approach affords an opportunity to evaluate the empirical relationship between the value of the implicit warrant and the theoretical determinants of that value by isolating the individual components of the convertible bond's value.  相似文献   

Many firms issue hybrid securities, such as convertible debt, instead of standard securities like straight debt or common equity. Theoretical arguments suggest that convertible debt minimizes costs for firms facing high debt- and equity-related external financing costs. Theory also suggests that an appropriately designed convertible security provides efficient investment incentives. We show, however, that firms on average perform poorly following the issuance of convertible debt. The empirical evidence suggests that the efficient investment decisions predicted by theory are not in fact achieved by the actual design and issuance of convertible debt securities. An alternative interpretation of convertible debt offers is that investors ration the participation of some issuers in the seasoned equity market.  相似文献   

Increasingly serious ecological problems have generated considerable focus on environmental-friendly green bonds. Although it has been experiencing rapid development, the rationales behind its issuance remained largely unexplored. This paper makes an initial discussion based on China. We analyze the roles of potential factors that might affect issuers to choose between green or conventional bonds, as well as identify the confrontational combinations of the statistically significant determinants. A sample of green and matching conventional corporate bond issuance records since 2016 is studied through the binary choice regressions (Probit and Logit) and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fs-QCA). The results demonstrate different motives and premises drive firms to choose green or conventional bonds when using debt financing. This choice can be eventually attributed to the financing demand and the preference of issuers. The factors related to bonds' specific characteristics, issuers' financial features, and external ambience conditions might play significant roles in this decision process. Additionally, we summarized three causal paths affecting the green bond issuance choice. Overall, this paper provides a knowledge basis for targeted encouraging green bond issuance, some corresponding implications are also concluded.  相似文献   

The unique regulatory environment of REITs casts doubt on the traditional theoretical process by which REIT managers base their convertible debt issuance decisions on issuer condition and prospects. Anecdotal evidence shows that REITs may have catered to demand by investors, including a demand by convertible bond arbitrageurs when issuing convertible debt. This study examines the rationale behind convertible debt issuances by REITs, focusing on the possible impacts of investor demand and market timing. The results suggest that investor demand significantly affects convertible debt issuance decisions by REITs while certain unknown factors appear to have contributed to the sudden increase of convertible debt offerings in 2006 and 2007. REITs also time the market to conditions in the public debt market. The results only partially support the offered risk-shifting, risk-uncertainty, backdoor-equity, and sequential-financing hypotheses.  相似文献   

The present paper examines changes in risk characteristics of a firm when it issues convertible bonds by studying the change in beta before and after the issuance of convertible bonds. Using a sample of 149 firms, strong evidence was found of change in beta, along with significant heterogeneity across firms. On average, the beta of a firm issuing convertible bonds declines, although 40 per cent of firms showed an increase in beta. A cross‐sectional regression shows that after controlling for the reversion‐to‐mean phenomenon, the change in beta is significantly related to potential dilution of equity as well as to increase in debt, but is not significantly related to either the change in bond rating of a firm or to the stated use of funds from issuance.  相似文献   

This study examines the announcement impact of bank holding company (BHC) security offerings on shareholder wealth. The results from this study regarding the effects of preferred stock, convertible debt, and straight debt issuances are largely consistent with previous studies. However, in contrast to previous studies pertaining to both BHCs and nonfinancial firms, this study does not find statistically significant negative announcement effects of common stock issues. This particular finding is consistent with the argument that an increase in the capital ratio may have a positive impact on common stock prices of BHCs under certain circumstances.  相似文献   

We focus on the stock price reaction to convertible bond offering made by financial institutions and find that the cumulative abnormal return over the three day interval around convertible bond issuance is 1.41 percentage higher than that for non-financial institutions. This result supports our hypothesis that since financials are heavily regulated, the market is less likely to assume that the issuance of convertible bond by financials signals information that are overvalued. Our results remain robust after controlling for a number of firm-, issue-, and market-specific characteristics as well as the level of short selling pressure induced by convertible bond arbitrageurs.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the long-term performance of publicly traded firms that issue straight debt, convertible debt, or common stock. Declines in firm performance following issuance are consistent with declines in firm value at announcement and issuance, and suggest that convertible debt and common stock are substantially equivalent. This study is consistent with the pecking-order and Miller-Rock models, but inconsistent with the leverage-signaling model. Despite a significant decline following issuance, firms issuing common stock or convertible debt perform better, on average, than the industry before, at, and after issuance. This is consistent with younger, riskier, higher-growth firms being the predominant issuers of common stock and convertible debt.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that firms choose negotiated issuance over competitive despite its apparently higher net interest cost. This result is shown to arise partly from failure to correct for a selectivity bias in the choice of issuance procedures. Two stage analysis is used in a model that includes qualitative and limited dependent variables to re-estimate the net interest cost difference between competitive and negotiated issues. Results support the hypothesis that the choice of issuance procedure is consistent with shareholder wealth maximization. Examination of debt issues subject to Rule 50 of the Public Utility Holding Company Act indicates that the regulation, as applied, is not effective.  相似文献   

This paper hypothesizes that hot convertible debt windows represent periods with lower convertible debt-related financing costs. Supporting this premise, we find that the stock price impact of Western European convertible debt announcements is significantly less negative during hot convertible debt windows. Importantly, this result holds while controlling for equity and straight debt issuance volumes and for macroeconomic conditions. In addition, stockholders are less sensitive to issuer- and issue-specific financing costs during hot convertible debt markets. Overall, these findings indicate that hot convertible debt markets represent windows of opportunity for convertible debt issuance. Firms with high idiosyncratic financing costs act accordingly by timing their convertible debt offering during a hot market.  相似文献   

We document that, in recent years, over 60% of convertible bond issuers conduct concurrent transactions including share repurchases, call option purchases, warrant sales, seasoned equity offerings, and stock lending program initiations. We investigate the determinants of issuers' choice of concurrent transactions and find that a proxy for capital supply (flows to convertible bond arbitrage hedge funds) is a significant determinant. Option purchases are more likely when capital supply is low and the convertible is dilutive to earnings. SEOs are more likely when firms have valuable growth opportunities and capital supply is low. Convertible issuers establish lending programs when arbitrageurs likely encounter difficulty shorting their stock, suggesting that these firms facilitate short selling in their own stock. These results suggest that, in the convertible bond market, the influence of capital supply extends beyond the issuance decision to the use of concurrent transactions and that these transactions offer important flexibility to issuers. We find that average equity market announcement effects differ when issuers conduct concurrent transactions. Consistent with models of adverse selection, concurrent transactions that reduce the dilutive impact on earnings, thereby making the design more debt-like, are associated with less negative announcement effects. Conversely, concurrent transactions that increase the dilutive impact on earnings, thereby making the design more equity-like, are associated with more negative announcement effects.  相似文献   

In the context of convertible bond issuance, we examine the impact of arbitrage activity on underlying equity markets. In particular, we use changes in equity short interest following convertible bond issuance to identify convertible bond arbitrage activity and analyze its impact on stock market liquidity and prices for the period 1993 to 2006. There is considerable evidence of arbitrage-induced short selling resulting from issuance. Moreover, we find strong evidence that this activity is systematically related to liquidity improvements in the stock. These results are robust to controlling for the potential endogeneity of arbitrage activity.  相似文献   

江轩宇  贾婧  刘琪 《金融研究》2021,490(4):131-149
本文在我国保持宏观杠杆率基本稳定及实施创新驱动发展战略的现实背景下,从债券融资的视角,探讨债务结构优化对企业创新的影响。研究发现,债券融资与企业创新之间显著正相关,表明债券融资优化企业债务结构、提升企业创新能力的积极作用占据主导地位。进一步研究表明:(1)债券融资能够通过降低整体债务融资成本并延长整体债务期限促进企业创新;(2)债券融资对于银行贷款存在溢出效应,即企业通过债券融资,还能降低银行贷款利率、延长银行贷款期限,进而促进企业创新;(3)产品市场竞争和代理问题会在一定程度上削弱债券融资对企业创新的促进作用;(4)不同类型的债券对企业创新能力的作用存在异质性,债券发行的便利性是其影响企业创新的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

This article studies the shareholder wealth effects associatedwith 875 new security issues in Japan from January 1, 1985,to May 31, 1991. The announcement of convertible debt issueshas a significant positive abnormal return of 1.05 percent.There is an abnormal return of 0.45 percent at the announcementof equity issues that is off-set by an abnormal return of 1.01percent on the issue day. Abnormal returns are negatively relatedto firm size, so that large Japanese firms have abnormal returnsless different from those of U.S. firms than small Japanesefirms. Our evidence is consistent with the view that Japanesemanagers decide to issue shares based on different considerationsthan American managers.  相似文献   

The maturities of newly issued convertible bonds vary substantially over time. Firm-specific determinants of maturity from the straight debt literature are relevant for convertible bonds. However, the growth of the convertible arbitrage industry and the role of convertible arbitrage hedge funds have changed the importance of firm characteristics in the convertible bond market. Recently issued convertible bonds come with particularly short maturities that serve as substitutes for call provisions. This substitution implies that backdoor-equity and sequential-financing rationales for issuing callable convertible bonds are also applicable for non-callable convertibles with shorter maturities.  相似文献   

While units of debt with warrants are not structured as perfect substitutes for convertible bonds, there is reason to believe that firms view the two securities as viable alternative methods of raising funds. Analyses of the capital market effects of the announcement of the plan to issue and the issuance of units of debt with warrants provide unique evidence of the “penalty-free” issuance of an equity-like security. Evidence is found to support the conjecture that units are typically issued by smaller, riskier firms than are convertible bonds. However, there is no evidence that the use of this security is interpreted by the market as a sign of financial distress.  相似文献   

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