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This paper reports on innovations in management accounting systems (MAS) in three Australian manufacturing enterprises. The study is based on the premise that systems characteristics of the MAS innovations develop in response to triggers for adoption, and the outcomes achieved from the innovative systems will depend on the effective implementation of the costing systems. The MAS innovations implemented include activity-based costing, activity-based management, benchmarking, integrated budgetary system, key performance indicators and balanced scorecards. Five factors influencing the successful implementation of innovative MAS are proposed: commitment to the initiatives; a successful pilot application; incremental development; appropriate training; and integration with other processes and systems.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of management accounting systems (MAS) design on the relationship between: (1) strategic business unit (SBU) strategy and SBU performance and (2) perceived environmental uncertainty (PEU) on SBU performance. MAS design was defined in terms of the extent to which managers use broad scope MAS information for managerial decision making. The responses of 62 SBU managers, drawn from a cross-section of manufacturing companies in Western Australia, to a questionnaire survey were analysed by using a path analysis. The results suggest that SBU strategy and PEU are important antecedents of MAS design, and that broad scope MAS information is an important antecedent of SBU performance.  相似文献   

The shift to world-class manufacturing strategies has necessitated complementary changes in management accounting systems (MAS). Using survey data obtained from top manufacturing executives at 253 US firms, this study empirically examines the relationship between the level of just-in-time (JIT) practices implemented by US manufacturing firms and the performance measures and incentive systems that are incorporated in their MAS. The statistical tests provide empirical evidence that the use of non-traditional performance measures such as bottom-up measures, product quality, and vendor quality, as well as incentive systems of employee empowerment and compensation rewards for quality production are related to the degree of JIT practices implemented.  相似文献   

The academic literature is critical of management accountants for their failure to initiate change and their inability to promote changed accounting information systems and performance measurement. The motivation for this study is provided by Kaplan (1986) who suggests that ‘when manufacturing operations change, the last and most difficult component to change is the accounting system’, and by Dunk (1989) who finds that accounting innovations lag operational innovations and that there are benefits arising from minimizing the time taken to adopt new accounting measures.The introduction of new management accounting systems to support management initiatives, provides the opportunity to investigate those factors contributing to accounting lag, and to determine those strategies which might usefully be employed to reduce accounting lag. This study examines the responses of accounting systems to TQM implementations at six diverse manufacturing sites in Adelaide, South Australia.Wolfe (1994), Rogers (1995), Gosselin (1997) and Bjornenak (1997) provide a theoretical framework for the investigation of the diffusion of accounting innovation and suggestions of the contextual factors which will influence its impact. This study suggests that industry sector, management commitment, organizational structure, participation and financial performance are all influential in the diffusion process, but in an inconsistent manner.  相似文献   

Many companies are undergoing organizational changes encompassing innovative approaches to organizing production processes, restructuring work practices and developing new planning and control mechanisms. This paper explores the role that management accounting played in the development of performance measurement systems within five organizations implementing change programs. The major case study is of a large manufacturing firm undertaking changes which included the development of team structures, the adoption of a customer-focused strategy and the implementation of new performance measurement systems. In this company, a lack of integration of operational performance measures with strategic priorities contributed to poor integration of team activities with overall strategy. The paper proposes five interrelated factors that may help explain the extent to which management accountants contribute to the development of integrated performance measures and change programs. Case evidence drawn from a further four firms is presented to provide some validation of conclusions drawn from the primary case study.  相似文献   

This study examines the interactive effects of management accounting systems (MAS) design and task uncertainty on managerial performance. MAS design was defined in terms of the extent to which managers use broad scope MAS information. The responses of 42 managers, drawn from a cross-section of Australian manufacturing companies, to a questionnaire survey were analysed by using a multiple regression technique. The results showed that under a high task uncertainty situation, the extent of use of broad scope MAS information led to effective managerial decisions and hence to improved managerial performance. On the other hand, under low task uncertainty situations, the extent of use of broad scope MAS information led to information overload which was dysfunctional to managerial performance.  相似文献   

This study examines the interacting effects of management accounting systems (MAS) and perceived environmental uncertainty on small business managers' perceptions of their performance. Results obtained from using a multiple regression and partial derivative analyses of responses to questionnaires distributed to a sample of 42 managers/owners of light engineering manufacturing firms in Australia, confirmed the hypothesis that the effects of MAS on performance were dependent on environmental uncertainty. Under high levels of uncertainty, sophisticated MAS had a positive effect on performance but under low levels it had a negative effect.  相似文献   

This study examines the moderating effect of tolerance for ambiguity, a personality variable, on the relation between management accounting systems (MAS) design and managerial performance. MAS design was defined in terms of the extent to which managers» use of broad scope MAS information for managerial decision making. The responses of 63 managers, drawn from a cross-section of Australian manufacturing companies, to a questionnaire survey were analysed by using a multiple regression technique. The results indicate that the use of broad scope MAS information interact with tolerance for ambiguity to affect managerial performance. The results indicate that an appropriate «fit» between manager's personality variable of tolerance for ambiguity and the extent of use of broad scope MAS information for managerial decisions will lead to improved managerial performance.  相似文献   

This paper presents a longitudinal case study of strategic transformation in a complex organisation – Her Majesty's Naval Base (Clyde). The research identifies nine Critical Success Factors from the change management literature and analyses their position in driving the transformation. Findings suggest that many of the success factors suggested by the literature were not present during the transformation. However the presence of a robust performance management system within the organisation resulted in significant progress towards the strategic goals despite the absence of other factors. This paper demonstrates how strategic change can be accomplished by the use of more operational toolsets such as performance management systems.  相似文献   

This study explores management accounting systems’ (MAS) effect on organizational performance in turbulent environments. The information generated by MAS has a different impact on organizational performance depending on its main purpose of use (control or coordination) according to transaction costs theory. Data from a survey with 42 complete answers from medium sized organizations operating in the province of Cordoba (Argentina) show that MAS positively impact organizational performance in turbulent environments if used to coordinate up to a certain level. Their purpose of use is better modeled as another independent variable but not as a mediator between external factors and organizational performance. Previous case studies suggested that MAS's purpose of use was mediating between external factors and organizational performance, but this study shows that in turbulent environments the idea is not valid as managers’ decisions do not affect uncontrollable external factors (market and technology). Performance in medium sized organizations operating in Latin America improves if MAS are used to coordinate, while limiting their use for control purposes to certain and definite tasks such as cost measurement, compensation and incentive mechanisms.  相似文献   

This paper uses empirical evidence to examine the operational dynamics and paradoxical nature of risk management systems in the banking sector. It demonstrates how a core paradox of market versus regulatory demands and an accompanying variety of performance, learning and belonging paradoxes underlie evident tensions in the interaction between front and back office staff in banks. Organisational responses to such paradoxes are found to range from passive to proactive, reflecting differing organisational, departmental and individual risk culture(s), and performance management systems. Nonetheless, a common feature of regulatory initiatives designed to secure a more structurally independent risk management function is that they have failed to rectify a critical imbalance of power - with the back office control functions continuing to be dominated by front office trading and investment functions. Ultimately, viewing the 'core' of risk management systems as a series of connected paradoxes rather than a set of assured, robust practices, requires a fundamental switch in emphasis away from a normative, standards-based approach to risk management to one which gives greater recognition to its behavioural dimensions.  相似文献   

The authors discuss the benefits of considering material environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors when investing in emerging and frontier markets. Companies that operate in these markets face a myriad of operating challenges, and management teams that respond to such challenges effectively can achieve superior financial performance over time. They are able to grow faster, achieve higher profitability, reduce their cost of capital, and manage exogenous risks better than their peers. For investment managers, integrating sustainability into the analysis process provides a differentiated lens to identify companies that possess strong competitive advantages that can drive value creation over time. At the same time, it can help investment managers avoid companies that have embedded risks in their business model or operations that may not be entirely visible to the market. Finally, given the early‐stage nature of many of these markets and the sometimes uneven understanding of sustainability issues at a company level, the authors argue that active ownership can be an important driver of alpha generation by fund managers. Engaging constructively with board members and management teams to improve a company's ESG profile can help drive operational improvements, strengthen the risk management function, and upgrade investors’ perception of the quality of the management team.  相似文献   

文化产业投资影响因素与绩效的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文进行了文化产业投资影响因素与投资绩效关系的实证研究,提炼出生产因素、消费因素、投资因素和环境因素等四个影响因素,并依据北京、湖南、广东和上海四个地区的文化产业相关部门、企业和人员的341份调查问卷进行实证研究,研究结果表明,各影响因素对投资绩效的影响基本得到验证。本文的研究将为文化产业投资的管理和决策实践提供一定的理论指导。  相似文献   

Increasing competition in the market, due to the application of modern manufacturing technology, deregulation of economies, and privatization or corporatization of government owned enterprises, makes decision makers use of management accounting systems more important (Bromwich, 1990). There have been calls for research into the use of management accounting systems under the changing circumstances (Kaplan, 1983; Shank and Govindarajan, 1989; Bromwich, 1990; Bromwich and Bhimani, 1994).This paper reports the results of a study which offers an explanation for the relationship between intensity of market competition and business unit performance, by incorporating into the model managers use of the information provided by the management accounting system (MAS). To assess the relationship, data were collected from 61 business unit managers by way of personal interviews. The results indicate that the intensity of market competition is a determinant of the use of the information which, in turn, is a determinant of business unit performance. In other words, managers use of the information plays a mediating role in the relationship between the intensity of market competition and business unit (BU) performance. An interpretation of the results is that those organizations which use the information can effectively face competition in the market and thereby improve performance.  相似文献   

This paper examines the financially focused strategies now evident amongst institutions competing for space in the global higher education system. In their search for increasing financial self‐sufficiency, universities and other higher education providers are examined for their primary competitive strategies. The study provides comprehensive evidence of their cost and operating efficiency strategies, facilitated by increasingly pervasive financial performance accountability systems. The primary operational strategies of teaching and research are found to have been transmogrified into strategies of customised education and research that is primarily focused upon and measured in terms of its funds generation. These trends contribute to complex performance management and accountability challenges as universities’ senior managers balance their internal financial ambitions with the expectations of external stakeholders, while simultaneously projecting sanitised imagery through corporate public relations strategies.  相似文献   

The increasing dominance of Asian manufacturing firms in the global economy has raised an important issue: whether these firms' superior manufacturing performance is caused by their management control systems, the national culture of their employees, or the interaction of these two factors. This experimental study provides a direct test of the effects of national culture and management control system on manufacturing performance. The dimension of national culture studied was individualism (vs collectivism) because this work-related attribute has been noted as a major difference between Asian and Western cultures. In turn, the focus on cultural individualism motivated a study of two aspects of management controls: work flow interdependence and pay interdependence. The results are consistent with cultural individualism and management controls having independent, but not interactive, effects on manufacturing performance. The potential implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Managers’ work-related values (WRVs) have important implications for designing appropriate management accounting systems (MAS) in organisations. This paper examines the effect of the interaction between managers’ WRV for innovation and budget emphasis (an integral part of MAS) on their organisational commitment. The sample consisted of 109 managers from production, marketing and support departments within Australian manufacturing firms. Hypotheses were tested using both quantitative and qualitative data collected by a questionnaire survey and post-survey interviews. The results indicate that the adoption of low budget emphasis led to high organisational commitment when managers’ WRV for innovation was high, but not when managers’ WRV for innovation was low. The results also indicate that marketing managers held higher WRV for innovation than production managers. The post-survey interviews provide further insight into how a more customer- and competitor-focused subculture of marketing managers and a more technical- and efficiency-focused subculture of production managers may promote the difference in their WRV for innovation, and affect their attitudes towards budget emphasis. The findings of the study have implications for design of performance evaluation systems for managers in functionally differentiated organisations.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a survey of manufacturing companies, and uses structural equation modeling to examine the relationships between the changing competitive environment, and a range of organizational variables as antecedents to management accounting change. The results indicate that an increasingly competitive environment has resulted in an increased focus on differentiation strategies. This, in turn, has influenced changes in organizational design, advanced manufacturing technology and advanced management accounting practices. These three changes have led to a greater reliance on non-financial accounting information which has led to improved organizational performance.  相似文献   

Environmental issues have become an important consideration for a growing number of organizations. Eco‐control may represent a valuable tool to help organizations address such issues. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the eco‐control practices adopted by Canadian organizations and to understand the antecedents and consequences of their adoption. More specifically, this study examines (i) the extent to which eco‐control practices are deployed within organizations, (ii) the factors and motivations that lead organizations to implement eco‐control practices, and (iii) the impact of adoption on firms’ managerial and operational environmental actions as well as on environmental and economic performance. Using survey data from a sample of 249 Canadian manufacturing firms, this article shows that environmental missions, environmental policies, environmental strategic planning, environmental budgets and environmental performance indicators are the most frequently adopted eco‐control practices among the investigated firms, while environmental incentives seem to be less frequently adopted. The results of this study also suggest that competitive and ethical motivations as well as size, environmental exposure and stakeholder pressure are all important factors in explaining eco‐control practice adoption by Canadian manufacturing firms. Moreover, the results of this study show that organizations that have undertaken more intensive managerial and operational environmental actions have also adopted more intensive eco‐control practices. Organizations adopting more intensive eco‐control practices perform better both environmentally and economically performance than firms adopting less intensive eco‐control practices.  相似文献   

This study examines whether using customer accounting systems for resource allocation purposes is a source of sustainable competitive advantage. Based on a longitudinal data set comparing the performance of firms that adopt customer accounting and their industry benchmarks, we find that financial performance increases post adoption, leading to significant abnormal positive performance vis-à-vis average industry benchmarks (4–5%-points ROA difference) in the first two years following the adoption. However, we also show that this effect deteriorates over time, suggesting that the adoption of management accounting systems is a source of temporary rather than sustainable competitive advantage. The results are robust to other strategic events around the time of adoption, different matching of peers, and the influence of other factors that could be expected to influence firm performance. We discuss the implications of these findings for management accounting research and practice.  相似文献   

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