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酒店是人们外出旅行解决食宿问题的最佳选择。在人们选择入住酒店的同时,食品安全问题也成为重点关注的问题之一。酒店食品安全不仅与人们入住酒店的服务体验相关,它更涉及人们外出旅行时的饮食安全。为进一步提升酒店食品安全的保障,本文将通过论述酒店食品安全的特点及影响因素,针对性提出关于酒店食品安全的保障措施,为当前酒店食品安全管理提供参考。 相似文献
统计数据的质量是统计工作的生命 ,准确的统计数据是各级决策部门制定政策、计划 ,进行科学决策的重要依据 ,是对社会经济活动进行管理、监督、控制的重要尺度 ,也是搞好统计监督和服务的基础。当前在深化改革的过程中 ,党和国家的有关方针、政策和措施 ,贯彻落实的情况如何 ,在执行中出现了一些什么新的情况、新的问题 ,这都迫切需要来源准确可靠、及时全面的统计数字作为反馈和回答。这就要求我们要把提高统计数据的质量放在统计工作的突出地位。一、影响统计数据质量的主要因素(一 )从统计工作本身看。第一 ,现行的统计机制缺乏约束能力… 相似文献
<正> 近年来水产养殖业迅猛发展,但水产动物的病害也日趋严重:仅鱼类病害就已超过100种,其中危害严重的达10余种,有些甚至造成了灾难性损失,如20世纪90年代初淡水鱼暴发的出血性败血症、前几年广东部分地区流行的鳜鱼出血病等,而虾蟹等水产动物的病害也呈上升趋势,如当前我国养殖的南 相似文献
全株玉米青贮因其营养价值高,适口性好等特点,已成为反刍动物最重要的饲料来源,青贮玉米的质量直接影响反刍动物的生产性能和经济效益,本文对影响青贮玉米质量的因素进行了探讨,并结合生产实践提出了改善措施,以期最大限度地提高青贮玉米饲料利用率。 相似文献
影响猪瘟免疫效果的几种因素及防治措施 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
猪瘟作为一种急性、热性、高致病性传染病,对世界各国的畜牧业造成了巨大的经济损失,因此提高猪瘟免疫效果刻不容缓。文章对影响猪瘟免疫效果的几种因素及防治措施进行探讨。 相似文献
在食品理化检验过程中存在很多影响因素,例如人为因素、试剂因素和样本因素等。本文分别描述了影响食品理化检验的因素,并强调了要积极加强实验室质量控制和分析控制工作,提升食品理化检验质量,促进食品质量检验工作效率和工作质量的提升。 相似文献
稻农采用节水技术影响因素的实证分析——自然因素和经济因素效应及其交互影响的估测 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文对16个省(区、市)25个县(市、区)4686个农户采用旱耕水整、旱育秧、干湿交替灌溉及全程节水等水稻节水技术情况的调查和分析表明:农户人均收入、种稻规模、所在区域等特征因素以及年降雨量、灌溉费等自然因素和经济因素,明显影响稻农采用节水技术;灌溉费与年降雨量存在显著的交互影响;灌溉收费机制对稻农采用节水技术有显著影响。因此,构建与用水量挂钩的收费机制,可有效促进稻农采用节水技术。 相似文献
猪瘟作为一种急性、热性、高致病性传染病,对世界各国的畜牧业造成了巨大的经济损失,因此提高猪瘟免疫效果刻不容缓。文章对影响猪瘟免疫效果的几种因素及防治措施进行探讨。 相似文献
冰雪灾害对野生动物的影响与恢复的思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对2008年雪灾的受灾点广东省大瑶山保护区进行实地考察,通过样线和访谈的方法进行了调查,结合当地情况系统地分析了冰雪灾害对野生动物的影响;对灾区野生动物的恢复提出了思考性意见. 相似文献
我国天然红豆杉资源濒危因子分析及其保护途径探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
王玉震 《国土与自然资源研究》2008,(4)
介绍了红豆杉的利用价值和我国天然红豆杉资源分布情况;在生物因子和人为因子两方面,结合野外红豆杉群落调查的结果,阐述了我国红豆杉资源濒危的原因;提出了对我国天然红豆杉资源保护的途径. 相似文献
The influence of farm input subsidies on the adoption of natural resource management technologies 下载免费PDF全文
Stefan Koppmair Menale Kassie Matin Qaim 《The Australian journal of agricultural and resource economics》2017,61(4):539-556
Farm input subsidies are often criticised on economic and ecological grounds. The promotion of natural resource management (NRM) technologies is widely seen as more sustainable to increase agricultural productivity and food security. Relatively little is known about how input subsidies affect farmers’ decisions to adopt NRM technologies. There are concerns of incompatibility, because NRM technologies are one strategy to reduce the use of external inputs in intensive production systems. However, in smallholder systems of Africa, where the average use of external inputs is low, there may possibly be interesting complementarities. Here, we analyse the situation of Malawi's Farm Input Subsidy Program (FISP). Using panel data from smallholder farm households, we develop a multivariate probit model and examine how FISP participation affects farmers’ decisions to adopt various NRM technologies, such as intercropping of maize with legumes, use of organic manure, water conservation practices and vegetative strips. As expected, FISP increases the use of inorganic fertilizer and improved maize seeds. Yet, we also observe a positive association between FISP and the adoption of certain NRM technologies. For other NRM technologies, we find no significant effect. We conclude that input subsidies and the promotion of NRM technologies can be compatible strategies. 相似文献
Oscar J. Cacho Susan Hester Daniel Spring 《The Australian journal of agricultural and resource economics》2007,51(4):425-443
The detectability of invasive organisms influences the feasibility of eradicating an infestation. Search theory offers a framework for defining and measuring detectability, taking account of searcher ability, biological factors and the search environment. In this paper, search theory concepts are incorporated into a population model, and the costs of search and control are calculated as functions of the amount of search effort (the decision variable). Simulations are performed on a set of weed scenarios in a natural environment, involving different combinations of plant longevity, seed longevity and plant fecundity. Results provide preliminary estimates of the cost and duration of eradication programs to assist in prioritising weeds for control. The analysis shows that the success of an eradication program depends critically on the detectability of the target plant, the effectiveness of the control method, the labour requirements for search and control, and the germination rate of the plant. 相似文献
吴勇 《国土与自然资源研究》2003,(3):21-22
四川省山地多,平地少,耕地比重小,人口多且分布不均衡。主要农耕区四川盆地人地矛盾尖锐。控制耕地占用和人口增长。加大农业科技投入是实现四川省耕地可持续发展的重要措施。 相似文献
编制自然资源资产负债表是开展领导干部自然资源资产责任审计的依据。首先明确了自然资源资产核算的范围和主体,按照权责发生制对自然资源资产相关会计要素进行了确认。其次,深入剖析了国土资源、森林资源、水资源和海洋资源等自然资源资产核算账户的设置,遵循公允价值计量原则,探析了成本核算法、市场价格法和收益现值法等价值计量方法。最后,基于实物量化基础上的货币化计量思想,编制了系统与综合的自然资源资产负债表,并以浙江省嵊州市的一个农业综合开发项目为例,尝试阐明了自然资源资产负债表的实践应用,有助于为各地实施领导干部自然资源资产责任审计提供理论支撑和实践借鉴。 相似文献
基于可持续发展的海洋资源保护与开发 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着我国海洋科学技术平的日益增强,海洋经济已经成为我国国民经济发展的重要组成部分。海洋资源开发在推动国民经济发展的同时,海洋资源自身的可持续性也承受着前所未有的压力。论文论述了我国目前海洋资源开发与保护的现状,从海洋观念、法律法规及海洋管理三个方面分析了存在海洋资源开发过度现象的原因,并从海洋资源保护与开发、海域使用管理、完善相关法律法规、海洋资源监测及海洋环境影响评价等方面,提出实现海洋资源可持续开发建议。 相似文献
This paper presents the reasons for uncontrolled land-use changes in the water resource basins of Istanbul. These changes are evaluated with a Geographical Information System (GIS), using four Landsat (1990, 1995, 2000, 2005) satellite images. Additional spatial information about capital improvement projects (highways and the Bosporus bridges), industrial land-use decisions, land ownership, and jurisdictional boundaries is also utilized. We observe that the most critical land-use changes have occurred in places with higher accessibility, mostly in close proximity to the metropolitan city center. The literature describes large public capital improvement projects (primarily the Trans European Motorway – TEM) as the primary reason for a trend of illegal occupation of public lands; however, the TEM should not be considered as the sole reason. This study explores other possible causes for these illegal developments in the water resource basins, grouped into three broad dimensions physical, socio–economic–political, and legal. Finally, we put forward possible policy suggestions for the preservation of the limited surface water resource basins in Istanbul. 相似文献
紫鹊界梯田景观资源与旅游开发 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
何丽芳 《国土与自然资源研究》2006,(4):75-76
具有2000多年历史的湖南省新化县紫鹊界梯田,气势恢宏,景观奇特,文化内涵丰厚,有观赏、体验和教育等多方面的旅游价值;通过分析其旅游开发中不协调的因素,对紫鹊界梯田景观的旅游开发,提出了积极融入大桂林旅游经济圈、开发文化特色的旅游产业和原生态特色的旅游产品等对策措施。 相似文献
The evolution of Australia's natural resource management programs: Towards improved targeting and evaluation of investments 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This paper examines the evolution of Australia's natural resource management programs over the past two decades. The story is one of major paradigmatic shifts with implications for the design and operation of similar programs worldwide. Since 1983, Australian Governments have approved the National Soil Conservation Program, the National Landcare Program, the Natural Heritage Trust, the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality and a new program called Caring for Our Country. These programs have seen a transition from the early days of attitude change to the creation of new regional institutions and direct payment systems for environmental stewardship. Despite these advances recent audit reports have mirrored those from the United States and the Europe. They identify problems of ineffective targeting, monitoring and evaluation of expenditure. This paper considers the efficiency and effectiveness of alternative program designs in Australia. Two major design improvements are suggested: (a) systems for linking expenditure to outcomes and (b) adopting standardised metrics for valuing outcomes. This will permit the application of benefit-cost and cost-effectiveness analysis and, ultimately, improved returns on investment. 相似文献