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中国国际金融中心的崛起:沪港的目标定位与分工   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
中国加入 WTO与经济的持续高速增长给中国大都市崛起为亚洲国际金融中心带来历史机遇。沪港金融中心的目标定位和分工将是中国在亚洲国际金融中心竞争中胜出的重要条件。本文重点探讨四个问题 :中国崛起为亚洲时区国际金融中心的可能性 ,沪港金融中心的目标定位与分工 ,沪港金融中心发展面临的主要问题 ,以及促进沪港金融中心发展的相关政策建议  相似文献   

古新 《亚太经济》1991,(2):50-54,64
国际金融中心是指国际间货币资金运动和信用活动高度集中的场所和网络中心。凭籍得天独厚的优良海港、亚洲交通枢纽的地理位置、自由开放的经济体制和中西互补的人文素质,香港经济于70年代腾飞,香港金融于80年代即端居国际金融中心地位。  相似文献   

早在20世纪30年代,上海就是中国的商业金融中心、亚洲最主要的金融中心和远东国际金融中心.  相似文献   

香港作为国际金融中心的众多优势中,其中举足轻重、不可或缺的优势就是与中国的联系,或者说,是“中国因素”的影响。从发展趋势看,香港极有可能成为“中国的纽约”,这种态势将大大加强香港作为亚洲主要国际金融中心的份量和地位。  相似文献   

陈功  贺军 《西部论丛》2002,(3):38-41
2001年11月,安邦首席策略分析师陈功和高级分析师贺军在国际金融中心香港,就2002年中国经济形势和金融问题对摩根士丹利(亚洲)董事总经理谢国忠进行了专访。  相似文献   

林宇 《特区经济》2005,(6):34-35
一、香港国际金融中心的现状分析在20世纪90年代后半期,由于受亚洲金融危机的影响,香港的银行业、资金市场等均受到不同程度的冲击,香港国际金融中心的地位遭遇严峻考验。但自2001年起,香港经济进入温和增长时期,各景气指标趋向良好。2003年本地实质性国民生产总值增加3.3%,200  相似文献   

新加坡作为一个新兴的城市岛国,近几年来经济飞速发展,现已成为连接五大洲与四大洋的国际贸易中心和国际金融中心,是亚洲四个新兴的工业化国家之一。新加坡取得了这样的发  相似文献   

[香港《亚洲时报》3月2日]香港一直以拥有国际金融中心、运输和后勤中心和亚洲最受欢迎旅游目的地之一这些地位而倍感自豪,它的经济几十年都是依赖于金融、旅游、船运和后勤这些传统产业支柱,其国民生产总值居于大部分发达国家之上。  相似文献   

本文以国际金融中心的定义为基准,以金融中心发展理论为依据,以金融中心发展需要具备的必要条件为支撑,分析了香港新加坡两大亚洲金融中心未来的发展走向,优劣势对比及启示。认为不论香港与新加坡哪一方引领亚洲经济快速发展,都将是我们非常高兴看到的情形,因为我们期待更多金融中心在亚洲的诞生,并期待着它们,可以带领亚洲经济迈向一个新的高度。  相似文献   

一、我国建设离岸金融市场的重要意义 1.离岸金融市场是国际金融中心的必要组成部分。离岸金融市场产生于二十世纪五十年代后期的欧洲,七十年代后它在许多国家与地区获得了蓬勃发展,主要形成了以境外美元市场为主的欧洲货币市场、欧洲债券市场、亚洲美元市场等。离岸金融市场提升了金融城市在全球各国际金融中心成长中的竞争力,  相似文献   

It is imperative that Asian Economic Community be built, either seen from internal or external environment. The clarification of the concept ASIA in the sense of Asian Economic Community is necessary. While China increasingly plays the role of a locomotive in the Asian economy, India, as one of the fastest growth economies in the world and with a population of 1 billion, is entitled to be another core in Asian Economic Community. In the process of building the Community, the diversity of such factors should be taken into account as politics, culture, economy, and religion. Also, it is proposed in this paper that new thinking be followed for Asian Economic Community, i.e., framework precedes details; ASEAN works as the main axis driven by multi-wheels; Cooperation out of Competition for Win-Win for All.  相似文献   

因东亚地区区情复杂,加上构建东亚共同体也是一个复杂的艰巨工程,有关各方在参与范围、对象等问题上存有分歧,为此东亚共同体建设只能是区域合作的长远目标。从发展趋势看,10+3应该成为共同体的基础,中日韩应该在其中发挥重要作用,加强与区域外国家尤其是美国的政策协调也至关重要。  相似文献   

Pegging the RMB exchange rate to the Asian currency unit (ACU) has not, at least in the short term, been proved a better solution than pegging to the US dollar or pegging to a G‐3 (US$, Japanese yen and euro) currency basket. Although the Asian currency unit can help Asian economies to keep the relative price of regional currencies stable, the cost of joining a formal regional monetary cooperation is the relinquishment of the autonomy of their domestic policies. Asian monetary cooperation needs to provide more potential benefits if it is to attract Asian economies. We argue that Asian monetary cooperation should be designed to solve the problem of regional trade imbalance, and regional exchange rate policy coordination should be adopted as the first step towards exchange rate cooperation. (Edited by Zhinan Zhang)  相似文献   

安蕾 《南方经济》2019,38(8):21-38
近年来,东亚一系列区域金融合作引起了学术界对地区金融一体化现状和收益的极大兴趣。文章基于价格和数量的测度考察了东亚地区金融一体化的程度:抛补利差和股权溢价的β收敛结果表明,危机之前东亚金融市场的全球和区域一体化并行,但在近几年,区域一体化趋势更强劲,超过了全球一体化;金融引力模型的结果表明,东亚主要的跨境金融投资者的区域内金融资产持有量比金融引力模型预测的水平更大。此外,面板回归确定了较高的金融一体化作为更广泛的金融发展的关键组成部分,会显著降低东亚国家对发达国家的经常账户失衡,因此,区域层面的金融一体化可以作为加强东亚国家的增长来源和提高经济弹性的重要政策路径。  相似文献   

王文忠  杨兴全 《新疆财经》2012,(3):29-37,68
本文以沪深两市A股2004年-2007年度非流通股交易发生控制权转移公司为样本,基于投资者保护角度研究金字塔结构与控制权私有收益的关系。研究发现,两权分高度、金字塔结构控制层级、控制链条及其复杂程度与控制权私有收益显著正相关,金字塔结构实质上成为控股股东获取控制权私有收益的传送带;进一步检验发现,投资者保护环境的改善在降低控制权私有收益的同时,还能抑制金字塔结构与控制权私有收益的正相关性。  相似文献   

Implications of financial crisis for east Asian trend growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The article sets the Asian financial crisis in the context ofthe developmental state model of Asian development and seesit as, in part, the downside risk of a financial liberalizationthat was badly handled but nevertheless appropriate as a stimulusto better productivity performance. The East Asian economiesare shown still to have a large labour productivity gap withthe leading OECD countries and substantial scope for furtherrapid catch-up growth. Historical experience suggests that thepolicy response to the crisis is fundamental not only to immediaterecovery prospects but also to realizing this remaining fastgrowth potential.  相似文献   

Asian currencies lack regional policy coordination and are therefore subject to volatilities such as the Asian currency crisis of 1997/99. As the Asian currencies have already been observed to be ‘flying-in-unison’, a stable exchange rate arrangement can be helpful as the next step of evolution for regional financial stability. We consider that creating a cluster effect from coordinated efforts/policies of policy-makers can lead to regional exchange rate stability. To demonstrate this cluster effect, a three-party-game is computed for an Asian bloc, viz-á-viz US dollar and the Euro, based on a Nash and a cooperative equilibrium. The cluster effect would generate external and internal pressures that work towards the formation of a regional currency, although the exact form of exchange rate regime would have to await political consensus. There are substantial welfare gains within Asia network economy through currency cooperation. The formation of an Asian currency bloc would also create counter-balance to the current dominance of the US dollar and the Euro. Like the epic story of Three Kingdoms who sought hegemony in Chinese history, the Asian currency bloc will contend with many possible outcomes of competition as well as cooperation.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes East Asian interdependence in the face of global imbalances. A macro-econometric multinational model is used, describing Korea, Japan, China and the rest of East Asia in their respective relations with the United States as well as with the rest of the world. US imbalances and their expected consequences, notably a depreciation of the dollar and the slowdown of US demand, have rather contrasted effects on East Asian economies, depending on relative magnitudes of the two components. Korea is more affected by the dollar depreciation while China is more exposed to the US slowdown. Japan, less open and less dependent on the US market, is less touched. The correction of East Asian exchange-rate misalignments, which have prevailed since the beginning of the 2000s, would badly affect East Asian economies if undertaken too abruptly. Lastly, the perspective of creating an area of stabilised exchange rates between won, yen and other currencies, organized either as a common currencies basket system or in a regime based on the ACU, is explored preliminarily. Sets of simulations comparing adjustment mechanisms between East Asian countries, with or without the possibility of monetary adjustment, illustrate the cost of precluding exchange-rate adjustments in the case of asymmetric demand shocks.  相似文献   

日本经济模式的显著特点就是政府主导,东亚其他国家和地区的发展模式又与日本发展模式极为相似,这就是通常所说的东亚"发展型国家"。那么,日本政府导向型经济的具体特征是什么?对其他东亚国家和地区有什么影响?发展型国家与比较优势是怎样结合的?日本主导的东亚经济格局正在发生那些变化?本文力图回答这些问题。  相似文献   

在2001—2004期间,亚洲货币的外汇交易量增长比全球市场更加迅速,其中人民币外汇交易增长特别强劲。对人民币未来预期因素似乎正在加入到美元日元即期汇率形成机制中并对亚洲外汇市场施加着重要影响。总体看来,具有更加弹性汇率的亚洲货币将以有效汇率为导向进行交易,美元的影  相似文献   

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