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黄菁 《财贸研究》2010,21(5):8-16
从分析经济增长和环境污染的相互影响机制出发,运用联立方程的估计方法对中国2003—2007年的278个城市的环境数据进行实证分析。实证结果表明:环境库兹涅茨曲线的倒U型假说在中国城市似乎成立,但是不同污染物的排放与经济增长之间可能存在着完全不同的影响机制。产业结构对环境污染的影响可能比较复杂,需要注重各行业结构对环境污染的影响。环保投资对于工业废水和工业SO2的减排作用非常显著。然而,目前的环境污染治理投资远不足以遏制城市经济发展带来的环境污染,未来仍然需要增加环境污染治理投资,以有效减少各种环境污染物的排放。  相似文献   

本文通过理论建模结合实证检验的方法,深入分析了中国财政透明度对腐败的影响.研究结果表明,财政透明度的提高能够抑制腐败,但目前作用相对有限,贸易开放度、民营化、公务人员工资及政府规模对腐败有显著负影响,教育水平和经济发展水平对腐败没有显著影响;夏普里值分解的结果进一步揭示了各变量对腐败的相对贡献度,财政透明度的相对贡献度较小但有逐渐上升趋势.  相似文献   

宁优俊 《中国市场》2011,(5):105-109
众多学者研究表明腐败对经济增长存在大小不等的负面影响,但也有一些国家存在高速经济增长同高腐败现象并存的"双高之谜";本文选择"金砖四国"作为"双高之谜"的研究目标国,选择影响经济增长的腐败及其他相关变量,在Mo建立的经济增长与腐败关系模型基础上建立分析模型,利用1994—2008年年度数据,实证分析腐败对"金砖四国"经济增长的影响并分析其原因;实证结果显示"金砖四国"存在"双高之谜"并非必然,也不显著,腐败对巴西和中国的经济增长影响是消极的,而对印度和俄罗斯的经济增长影响却是积极的。  相似文献   

陈健 《财贸研究》2010,21(5):105-112
基于1998—2008年全球多样本国家宏观季度数据,对国际资本流动状况从相对实体经济发展角度做了考察,总体而言,国际资本流动呈加速上升趋势。基于脉冲响应和方差分解模型的分析表明:国际资本流动具有典型的"自我强化"特点;其对实体经济增长的推动作用具有相对更大的波动性;在国际资本大规模、加速流动环境下,利率在刺激全球经济增长和调控价格水平中的作用已经变得非常有限。  相似文献   

苏振天 《财贸研究》2010,21(3):45-50
安徽省产业结构与进出口在近几年均取得了快速的发展,但与发达省份相比,仍存在较大差距。基于安徽省1981—2008年的相关数据,利用VAR模型对产业结构与进出口之间互动关系的实证分析结果表明,安徽省产业结构与进出口存在长期动态均衡关系,三者相互影响。政策建议是:决策者应该意识到产业结构调整与进出口对安徽省经济增长的重要意义;不断完善进出口结构,推动产业结构的升级,并进一步促进进出口的快速发展。  相似文献   

利用随机前沿分析方法(SFA)测算和分解中国2001—2007年间私营工业部门的全要素生产率(TFP),研究结果表明:新时期私营工业部门有着年均10.64%的快速全要素生产率增长,但其严重依赖于技术进步,而非技术效率和规模效率的提升,且技术效率所代表的经营管理水平一直呈下降趋势。私营工业部门全要素生产率增长在区域间存在巨大差异,整体上呈现一种"马太式"特征。  相似文献   

王水平 《财贸研究》2010,21(6):32-38
外商投资对东道国产业安全的影响主要是通过产业控制实现的。当前,国内各界对中国零售业安全的担忧起因于外商投资在华扩张所带来的极大冲击。对零售业的市场控制力、股权控制力、外资来源国集中程度、主流业态被外资控制程度等四个方面的实证测评表明,目前中国零售业的自主控制力因外商投资扩张正在快速减弱,中国零售业的安全水平已处于"基本安全"的下档。因此,应尽快调整零售业利用外资的相关政策,以防范外来风险。  相似文献   

卢二坡 《财贸研究》2010,21(4):23-28
区域经济周期是一个特殊的研究领域,对安徽省经济周期特征进行分析,并对安徽与全国及其他地区经济周期的同步性进行研究。结果表明:改革以来安徽省经济周期波动出现了一系列积极变化,经济自主增长能力不断增强;安徽省与全国经济周期的同步性总体呈上升趋势;在不同阶段,安徽省与不同地区经济周期的同步性也有所不同。  相似文献   

康志勇 《财贸研究》2010,21(1):100-108
在系统分析经济全球化对中国本土装备制造业自主创新影响机制的基础上,借助于1999—2003年间中国本土装备制造业企业的微观数据,运用Tobit模型对经济全球化对本土装备制造业企业自主创新的影响进行了实证检验。实证研究的结论揭示,总体来说,经济全球化对中国本土装备制造业企业的自主创新具有积极的促进作用。无论是外资企业的进入、出口规模的扩大及其引发本土市场竞争的加剧都对本土企业的自主创新活动有积极的促进作用。按企业规模分类的检验显示,"市场竞争"以及外资的进入对于所有企业自主创新的作用是统一的,具有积极的促进作用;但是出口的作用表现出明显的差异性,规模越大的企业出口的促进作用越明显,规模越小的企业出口反而具有抑制作用。  相似文献   

城乡间收入差异和经济增长的课题缺乏定量的实证研究,本文基于我国城乡收入差异现状,利用地级市的经济数据,分别采用O L S和空间计量模型进行回归分析,空间计量的引入是考虑到经济增长和城乡差异的空间自相关特征。结论表明在我国当前发展状态下,经济增长和城乡收入差异均有较为明显的空间自相关性,且二者之间存在着负相关:城乡收入差异对经济增长呈现出较为明显的阻碍作用,而随着经济的增长,城乡收入差异水平也逐渐下降,城乡间收入差距呈现出缩小的趋势。  相似文献   

桑百川 《中国市场》2010,(50):29-32
经历32年的渐进式改革开放,我国对外贸易、外商投资、对外投资等全面发展,并融入全球经济主流。进入后危机时期,国内发展和对外开放都面临许多新的挑战与机遇。本文结合新时期的形势,按照科学发展观,提出了包括确立"中性"的外贸战略等统筹国内发展和对外开放的具体内容和路径。  相似文献   

利用滤波技术提供的处理数据的优点,建立波动与增长计量经济学模型,以研究中国经济波动与经济增长的相关关系,并运用现代流行的图形分析和矩分析对研究结果进行检验和验证,认为在1979年以前,波动对增长有负的溢出效应;1979年~1990年作为改革开放政策的过渡期,在这段时间内各地区的波动与增长关系先后发生改变;1990年以后,波动对增长具有正的溢出效应.  相似文献   

本文在现有理论文献的基础上,从经济规模、地区劳动力和土地面积多角度构建了外资利用水平的无量纲指标:业绩指数、人均指数、地均指数以及综合指数;提出用综合指数的离散系数来表征利用外资的区域聚集度;在此基础上,建立了计量经济模型,探讨外资聚集度对经济增长的影响。并以江苏省为例,展开实证分析。  相似文献   

公衍照  杨明 《商业研究》2011,(10):98-104
我国持续的国际收支失衡反映了以往开放战略的缺陷,其导致的福利损失是巨大的。从国际货币体系中心与外围关系视角看,作为国际货币体系的外围国家,中国外向型经济扩张必然会导致目前的国际收支失衡,反映了中心与外围国家之间的不平等关系。实现国际收支基本平衡需要的不仅是外资、外贸等政策的调整,只有从国家经济发展战略的角度,重新审视以往的对外开放战略,树立科学的对外开放观,实施开放战略的转型,才能改变目前的国际收支结构,避免福利的巨大损失。  相似文献   

Corruption is understood as an act in which the power of public office is used for personal gain in a manner that contravenes the rules established by the governing structures of a society. This study attempts to offer an extension to the empirical model employed by Balasubramanyam et al. (1996 ) by analysing how FDI determines economic growth within the new growth theory framework when the degree of corruption is considered. Thus, the study seeks to examine the way in which corruption can have an impact on the economic growth of developing countries whose trade strategies differ (either IS and EP). It suggests that further insight can be gained by considering how corruption might interact with the trade policy in affecting economic growth. This is examined using a fixed‐effects, simultaneous equation model for 17 countries over the period 1994–2004. The results show that the level of corruption strongly and negatively influences foreign direct investment in both IS and EP countries. However, when the corruption index is interacted with domestic investment, the influence on foreign direct investment is positive and significant for IS countries only. The most interesting outcome of the study is the effect of the interaction term between foreign direct investment and the corruption perception index on economic growth, which is found to be greater in magnitude for the EP countries than for the IS countries.  相似文献   

Corruption has become an increasingly salient issue in recent years due to the increasing pressure placed on top management teams of multinational firms to maintain high moral standards in all facets of their operations. The level and scope of corruption in a particular country is worthy of consideration as companies seek potential export markets and global partners. While macro-level academic research related to causes of corruption has burgeoned in the past decade, there is a lack of depth and breadth with respect to corruption research in Latin America. The current study analyzes patterns of software piracy (a notorious type of corruption) for 20 Latin American nations. Results indicate that economic growth, foreign direct investment, Internet usage, and development assistance relate to software piracy rates in Latin America.  相似文献   

姜睿 《商业研究》2013,(3):52-58
改革开放以来,我国经济建设取得了举世瞩目的成绩,经济的快速发展带动了能源消费的快速增长。本文选取1978-2010年我国石油和天然气消费数据与历年GDP总量数据,运用国际上广泛采用的协整理论和Granger因果关系检验,试图揭示我国油气消费与经济增长之间的内在关系,旨在为研究油气需求的影响因素以及油气价格的形成机制打下基础。  相似文献   

International government and corporate corruption is increasingly under siege. Although various groups of researchers have quantified and documented world-wide corruption, apparently no one has validated the measures. This study finds a very strong significant correlation of three measures of corruption with each other, thereby indicating validity. One measure was of Black Market activity, another was of overabundance of regulation or unnecessary restriction of business activity. The third measure was an index based on interview perceptions of corruption (Corruption Perceptions Index or CPI) in that nation. Validity of the three measures was further established by finding a highly significant correlation with real gross domestic product per capita (RGDP/Cap). The CPI had by far the strongest correlation with RGDP/Cap, explaining over three fourths of the variance.Corruption is increasingly argued to be a barrier to development and economic growth. Business students often do not see ethics courses as being as relevant as other value-free disciplines or core courses. The data in this study suggests otherwise. Sustainable economic development appears very dependent on a constant, virtuous cycle that includes corruption fighting, and the maintenance of trust and innovation, all reinforcing each other.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of both religion and culture [as measured by the cultural clusters of countries in the GLOBE study of House et al. (Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, 2004)] on the levels of perceived corruption. Covering the period from 2000 to 2010, the study uses three different measures of perceived corruption: (1) the World Bank’s Control of Corruption measure, (2) Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, and (3) Heritage Foundation’s Freedom from Corruption Index. A system of three simultaneous equations is used, with the jointly endogenous variables being (a) perceived corruption, (b) perceived government legitimacy, and (c) perceived government effectiveness. The results show that both cultural and religious differences are incrementally related to perceived corruption, even after controlling for other economic and political factors. Specifically, relative to the Protestant Christian religion, the non-Protestant Christian religion, the Islamic religion, and Other Religion/No Religion are positively associated with higher corruption (or negatively with anti-corruption), but the Buddhist and Hindu religions appear to be not significantly different from the Protestant Christian religion. On the cultural side, compared to the Anglo-Saxon cultural tradition, the other European clusters are incrementally positively associated with higher corruption, but this tendency is offset by more effective political governance, thus leading in the case of the German and Nordic cultures to levels of corruption not statistically different from the Anglo cluster. All the non-European cultural clusters are associated with significantly higher corruption tendencies, but the overall effect is mitigated partially by either greater perceived political legitimacy (Latin-American, Middle-Eastern, Caribbean, and Pacific Islander), or greater political effectiveness (Confucian and South-East Asian).  相似文献   

随着我国国际竞争力的不断增强和"走出去"战略的逐步实施,我国已经成为世界上主要的对外直接投资来源地。本文运用最新的经济统计数据,对我国经济发展水平和对外直接投资之间的关系进行实证研究,以此分析判断我国对外直接投资所处的发展阶段和未来趋势。结果表明:一方面,我国的对外直接投资与邓宁的投资发展周期理论相吻合;另一方面,我国现阶段的对外直接投资实际情况与理论预期还存在一定的差距,对外直接投资的发展阶段滞后于经济发展水平。  相似文献   

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