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一、分销渠道的定义斯特恩(Louis·W·Stern)等认为,分销渠道是促使产品或服务顺利被使用或消费的一整套相互依存的组织。简单来说,分销渠道就是产品从生产者到顾客手中所经过的组织或个人,它包括生产者、中间商和用户。企业生产出来的产品,只有通过一定的分销渠道,才能在适当的时间、地点,以适当的价格供应给用户,从而克服生产者和消费者之间的差异和矛盾,满足市场需要,实现企业的营销目标。分销渠道是由一系列相互依赖的各种不同的制度安排所组成。它执行的工作是把商品或服务从生产者转移到消费者手中,它弥合了产品、服务和其使用者之…  相似文献   

宗宜 《经济研究导刊》2013,(36):103-104
任何消费行为的发生,都是一定消费心理驱动的结果。消费者消费心理包括消费心理过程与个性两个维度。心理学视角下,分析其消费行为发生的内在心理现象与规律是厘清消费心理的前提基础。企业的成功营销必须在厘清消费者消费心理的基础上,制定迎合、引导其消费心理的营销策略。  相似文献   

适应消费心理,改进企业营销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从两个角度论述了适应消费心理、改进企业营销工作的对策,一是为消费者提供满意的产品(通过品牌、包装、价格等);二是树立企业的美好形象(通过广告、公关、感情投资等),从而与消费者建立一个共赢的市场。在新时期新条件下,企业不仅要提供产品的实体,更应关心消费者,了解他们的愿望和要求,使他们从购买过程中得到最大的心理上的满足,这才是市场经济条件下企业立于不败之地的根本。文章的创新之处在于抛开营销策略组合的传统模式,以消费心理为主线贯穿于企业经营管理过程的始终。由于消费心理复杂多变,企业的目标顾客也各不相同,一些观点还有待于实践的验证。  相似文献   

许照红  张峰 《经济论坛》2003,(21):46-46
营销创新是指企业尽可能地利用新的手段,最有效、最省钱地谋求新的市场的开拓和新的消费者的挖掘。最近几年,我国宏观环境发生变化,使营销创新成为企业发展的当务之急。上个世纪90年代末,我国买方市场形成,使得企业面临日益激烈的同行业和同类产品竞争,企业要提高自己的市场占有率,必须依靠营销创新挖掘新的消费者和争取其他品牌的消费者。一些产品原有市场的容量饱和,企业要想提高销售额,也必须通过营销创新,开拓新的市场。最近几年,由于社会发展,人们的生活水平日益提高,消费观念发生变化,消费者的消费需求出现分化。消费需求的个性化、多…  相似文献   

旅游地游客满意度测量的方法和量表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张言庆 《经济论坛》2007,(11):74-75
一、期望-绩效方法 期望绩效方法(expectation-performance approach)来源于心理研究中的对比理论.该方法假定消费者在购买和消费一项产品或服务前,已经具有该产品或服务的相关认知.这种认知主要是对将要消费的产品或服务未来表现的预期,即期望.消费者倾向于在消费过程中或消费后将这种期望与所实际感受到的产品或服务表现进行比较.  相似文献   

马玉平 《经济师》2001,(1):159-160
世界各国的大多数产品都规定有品牌。品牌是消费者获得商品信息的一个重要来源,品牌产品能得到消费者的认同,能给消费者质量的保证,并带来相应的心理价值。随着市场经济的不断完善和同一产品多样化品牌的出现,品牌选择已经成为消费者购买决策的主要依据。同时,品牌本身可以增加产品的价值,“名牌产品具有威望价值”,可以使企业吸引更多的品牌忠诚者,从而树立起良好的企业形象,因此,大多数企业都乐于为其产品规定品牌。但是,并非所有的企业或所有产品都必须采用品牌,实行品牌化。首先,由于产品本身的特性或制造过程统一实行标准化,这些产品在…  相似文献   

产品单价低、单位利润小、消费面广、消费频度高,必须靠广泛的市场覆盖产生规模销量才能盈利;厂家不可能大面积直营,只能依靠总代理、经销商、零售店分销;通路复杂、琐碎、路径长、售点多,通路中经销商的综合素质相对其他行业也较低。这些特点决定了日用品行业对通路的依赖性高,管理难度大。同时也决定_,日用品营销必须牢牢抓住两个核心的问题——价格、利润。  相似文献   

用产品文化含量提高产品竞争力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
产品是文化的载体 ,产品文化含量能满足消费者的心理需要、能提高产品的附加值、能提高市场占有率。所以 ,企业可用产品文化含量提高产品竞争力。本文认为我国已经为企业提高产品文化含量创造了广阔的市场空间 ,企业必须抓住这一理想时机 ,了解目标市场 ,进行创造性思维 ,对文化含量高的产品进行广告宣传 ,使市场得以开拓  相似文献   

确定品牌的核心价值是品牌建设与经营工作的重中之重。食品企业应主动适应现代社会消费趋势,与目标消费群进行深度心理沟通,重新发现与诠释产品与消费者之间的关系,赋予产品全新而独特的个性、精神或文化内涵。  相似文献   

把握消费者的心理变化规律,预测潜在的消费需求,提供符合消费者需求的产品和服务,及时调整企业营销策略,提高消费者满意度,已经成为企业获得可持续发展的重要战略.  相似文献   

朱星文 《当代财经》2006,(4):107-112
现代会计的发展走过了从自由放任到政府监管的历程。纵观会计发展的历史,无论是单纯依赖市场调节的自由放任还是运用政府调控力量的政府监管都不能根治会计中的造假问题,并在历史上造成了经济灾难。鉴于此,本文在回顾会计发展历程的基础上,借鉴现代治理理论的研究成果,提出会计的全面治理理念,以期达到根治会计造假的目的。  相似文献   

Two firms sell horizontally differentiated products on a platform; one product has generic design, whereas the other has polarized design. Consumers search sequentially for products and prices. We show that there always exists an equilibrium where firms correctly expect consumers to first search the product with polarized design. If the platform is able to choose a search order for consumers, generally it lets consumers search the product with polarized design first. The polarized–generic ordering can be achieved using a generalized English auction when product designs cannot be observed by the platform.  相似文献   

This article examines the different demands for direct and indirect flights within sub-Saharan Africa. It develops both a simple reduced form model and a more refined two equation simultaneously system to examine bookings and fares on the major air transportation corridors. Using panel data, this allows estimation of the different fare elasticities of demand for direct and indirect services between the continents’ major cities as well as assessing the respective merits of the two models used.  相似文献   

According to the “Generalized Darwinism” movement (GD), the three principles of variation, selection and retention/replication (labeled “Darwinian” in some variants of GD) can and should be used as a meta-theoretical framework for the explanation of evolutionary processes in the sociocultural domain. Despite their biological origins, the various variants of GD aim at redefining these principles in a way that is supposed to abstract from any domain-specific particulars. We argue that in order to qualify as an adequate meta-theoretical framework for evolutionary economics, GD should not only inspire and guide positive theory development in evolutionary economics, but also be able to support viable practical policy implications. Examining its potential to do so, however, leads us to the conclusion that in its specific deductive variant proposed by Hodgson & Knudsen (HKGD), it risks systematically misguiding evolutionary policy advice. Competing variants, such as the one proposed by Pelikan, fare better in this regard.  相似文献   

许多案例证实,跨国IT公司在华发展、壮大的关键在于其本土化策略的实施。具体地说,应该做到虚心了解中国,提供中文网址、为中国消费者量身订做产品或服务、组建中国化的人才梯队,与中国本土企业建立共赢效应等。  相似文献   

In a market environment with random detection of product quality, a firm can employ umbrella branding as a strategy to convince consumers of the high quality of its products. Alternatively, a firm can rely on external certification of the quality of one or both of its products. We characterize equilibria in which umbrella branding fully or partially substitutes for external certification. We also show that the potential to signal quality is improved if consumers condition their beliefs on the source of information, namely whether information comes from external certification or from random detection.  相似文献   

随着我国绿色农产品产业的加速发展,广大消费者迫切希望加强并参与到绿色农产品生产企业的证后监管。当前,以立法的形式规定绿色农产品生产企业承担信息公示的义务,是保障消费者知情权、加强社会监督,实现绿色农产品市场健康发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

Whilst there are many models discussing the mechanics of financial crises, the notion of predation seems to be insufficiently taken into consideration as one of the explanatory behavioral factors, although it would enrich the understanding of dysfunctional financial markets. This paper provides a stylized model for disruptive and toxic economic behaviors in the context of predatory markets like the subprime crisis of 2007–2009. In this context, we investigate why consumers and sellers buy products they know to be toxic. Conventional economic models contain classical tenets that assume that consumers are rational and search for utility maximization; however, these models cannot straightforwardly explain the behaviors consumers and sellers adopted during times of financial crises, known as “exuberantly irrational”. Hence, we use and expand on a predator-prey perspective that endeavors to capture such behaviors more effectively while showing that four market variables must be considered together over time – consumers, suppliers, toxic products and regulations. Our analysis shows that during the GFC, consumers and lenders as well as regulators embraced whole-heartedly, and contrary to common economic sense, the development and marketing of toxic products. Their behaviors were actually quite rational in the context of a poisoned market. Such observation could assist in drafting regulations.  相似文献   

We develop an “optimal market share rule” model of cartel behavior which when applied to the OPEC cartel appears capable of explaining its stability and responses to changed market events. In particular, by attaching importance to market shares based approximately on costs, OPEC members can by maintaining optimal shares deter deviant member attempts to break cartel rules. After a thorough discussion of the theory, the model is tested empirically using a Markov probability model. The estimated Markov transition matrix is further decomposed into what Theil has called the exchange matrix and the mean passage matrix. Dynamic adjustment processes in the market are revealed by the latter while an emerging pattern of OPEC member surveillance of consumers is revealed by the former which facilitates cartel stability. Inspection of these matrixes further suggests that after the formation of OPEC there is evidence of less potential for producer conflict while there appears more evidence for consumer conflict. While these results must be tentative in view of the fact that they have been estimated using a simplified two consumer — two producer model and limited data, it is argued that the results are highly suggestive and the approach in this study can be extended to cover all producer and consumers, and can be integrated into a complete model of the world oil market.  相似文献   

商业网站对在线信息消费主体的人文关怀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商业网站是目前访问率最高的网站,它对网络用户的影响是不可忽视的。鉴于商业网站所提供的服务产品的特性,商业网站对消费主体有一定的异化作用。为了促进商业网站的健康发展,更好地服务网络用户,商业网站产品开发管理中应注重价值理性,充分考虑对消费主体的人文关怀。  相似文献   

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