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正跨境贸易人民币结算,意味着外贸企业多了一个币种选择权。企业应力求对结算币种的选择运用更加娴熟,提高贸易结算水平,减少货币结算损失,促进企业降本增效。2009年4月,上海、广州、深圳、珠海、东莞等城市率先开展跨境贸易人民币结算试点,这意味着人民币走向国际化迈出了坚实的第一步。2010年6月,随着人民币二次汇改的启动,跨境人民币贸易结算扩展至20多个省市及  相似文献   

随着CAFTA的建成和进一步发展,需要稳定的、可信赖的结算币种.人民币长期以来在广大边境地区使用的现实和在美国次贷危机引发的经济危机中的稳定表现,赢得了各国的信任,凸显了使用人民币在CAFTA范围内进行结算的意义和可行性.但同时也面临着诸多的挑战,需要从保持经济持续发展、人民币汇率稳定、健全金融监管机制、完善金融服务、加强与周边国家的沟通合作等多方面加以完善.  相似文献   

国际贸易结算货币选择理枞民币跨境结算的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘旗 《经济论坛》2010,(1):9-12
通过国际贸易结算货币选择理论分析,得出国际贸易结算货币的选择受到出l=r商品的差异性、结算货币的交易成本、出口国的市场份额和经济体的实力、出口国货币的汇率制度及金融市场发展程度的影响。人民币跨境结算是一个渐进的过程,推进人民币跨境结算除了要做好技术性的工作,还需要提升出口产品的差异性和质量,加强国内金融市场的建设。  相似文献   

云南省边贸出口人民币结算退税试点工作对我们的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,由于我国国民经济持续协调发展、人民币币值稳定且预期汇率坚挺,人民币成为边贸计价结算的主要币种之一,在我国周边地区得到了较为广泛的流通使用。对以人民币结算边贸出口实行退税,扩大边境地区对外交往和经济贸易,推动我国经济区域化、国际化进程具有现实意义。国务院办公厅在《关于促进东北老工业基地进一步扩大对外开放的实施意见》(国办发[2005]36号)中提出:研究在东北地区进行边境小额贸易出口货物以人民币结算的出口退税试点。为此,我们根据国务院决定已经于2004年1月先期开展边贸出口人民币结算退税试点工作的云南省的相关情况进行了调研,得到一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化的影响下,国际贸易日趋发展和成熟.对于国家贸易来说,贸易的结算方式主要包括汇付、信用证、托收以及银行保证函、备用信用证、国际保理业务和福费廷,以及各种结算方式结合使用.本文对当前国际贸易中使用比较多的几种结算方式进行分析比较,介绍了各种国际结算方式的概念和特点,以及影响贸易结算方式选择的主要因素和选择的策略进行了详尽的探讨和研究.  相似文献   

国际交易媒介职能的发展关乎一国货币的国际化进展程度,该职能的微观市场表现即为国际贸易中企业结算货币的选择。基于此,本文对20世纪70年代发展至今的结算货币选择理论的研究进行了仔细梳理和阐释。伴随着欧元的发展,对该理论的研究经历了从纯理论到理论和实证相结合、从微观和宏观层面的独立研究到宏微观相结合的发展历程。在新开放经济宏观经济学视角下,企业结算货币选择模型将企业结算货币的选择从微观经济学层面转变为宏观经济领域的重要研究变量。文章最后,本文依托于相关理论并结合大量贸易数据,提出制约人民币国际交易媒介职能发展的重要因素即是我国出口产品差异化程度过低,企业缺乏竞争力。  相似文献   

郑重 《经济论坛》2014,(12):9-15
跨境贸易人民币结算在我国发展迅速,但是对于跨境贸易人民币结算下的货币政策研究并不多。本文建立了含有微观基础的随机的开放经济模型,比较了不同结算货币安排下的消费稳定性、物价稳定性以及消费水平,并由此得出结算货币选择对货币政策的影响。本文的研究还表明,一国即使在国际贸易价格主动权竞争中被打败,依然可以通过力争结算货币资格来维护本国消费者的利益。  相似文献   

随着社会不断地发展,我国经济水平逐渐提高,多边贸易发展迅速,国家贸易结算货币是选择对汇率风险和交易成本的降低已经得到了国家贸易商所的高度重视.现阶段,我国国际贸易规模逐渐扩大,人民币汇率的预期预算对金融市场的发展来说提供了很大的帮助,同时还能在一定程度上提人民币的结算额.但是,如果国内的通货膨胀就会阻碍人民币结算额的上升,这对国家经济的发展来说造成了很大的影响.基于此,本文在国际贸易结算货币选择理论的视角下的跨境贸易人民币结算问题的思考进行了简单的研究.  相似文献   

外贸经营权放开后,我国有大量的民营企业涉足外贸领域,参与国际竞争。由于多数民营企业存在底子薄、资金少、抗风险能力差的缺陷,因此选择一种安全稳妥并能增强竞争力的国际结算方式就显得格外重要。作为一种新兴的国际结算业务,国际保理能很好地满足民营外贸企业的上述要求,从而成为其国际结算的理想选择。  相似文献   

论销售结算方式与增值税纳税筹划   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
增值税应纳税额是以销售收入为依据计算确定的。根据会计准则规定,销售方式不同,对收入的确认时间也不同。本文针对销售结算方式的选择问题进行论证,阐述企业应如何选择最优的销售结算方案,有效地进行增值税纳税筹划。  相似文献   

Some labour contract negotiations involve strikes while most conclude with immediate settlement. This article offers a model of union‐firm negotiation with private information to show that either strikes or immediate settlement will take place in the equilibrium. Different from most signalling literature where the signals are exogenously given, this article endogenizes the choice of signals. We compare two signals, the employment level and the strategic delay. We show that the low‐revenue firm will choose the signal which gives it higher payoff while separating itself from the high‐revenue firm.  相似文献   

The authors investigate the choice of currency of invoicing in international trade under exchange rate fluctuations. Predictions derived from a model developed by Donnenfeld and Zilcha in 1991, and others, regarding the optimal choice of currency of invoice are tested for imports into Canada. The authors employ a unique dataset from Customs Canada that covers a six-year period and lists all currencies used for invoicing by industry. The empirical results support the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between the extent of invoicing in the importer's national currency and exchange rate risk, and a negative relationship between invoicing in the exporter's currency as well as invoicing in a third currency and exchange rate risk. The empirical results further indicate that relative size of a country plays a role in determining the currency of invoicing.  相似文献   

A number of writers have argued in recent years that massive international currency substitution has been a major cause of exchange rate volatility and monetary instability in the United States and other major countries. Such analysis is frequently coupled with recommendations for a return to pegged exchange rates. This paper critically examines the evidence presented for this currency substitution view. It argues that the weight of latest research suggests that direct international currency substitution has not been of major quantitative importance for the U.S. However, empirical evidence supports traditional views that international capital mobility can generate substantial short-run monetary interdependence even under flexible exchange rates. Thus, even though international currency substitution is of little importance to U.S. monetary conditions, a broader range of international considerations may be of considerable importance for the U.S. economy.  相似文献   

Tourism is a major source of service receipts for many countries, including Taiwan. The two leading tourism countries for Taiwan are Japan and the USA, which are sources of short‐ and long‐haul tourism, respectively. As a strong domestic currency can have adverse effects on international tourist arrivals through the price effect, daily data from 1 January 1990 to 31 December 2008 are used to model the world price, exchange rates, and tourist arrivals from the world, the USA and Japan to Taiwan, and their associated volatility. Inclusion of the exchange rate and its volatility captures approximate daily and weekly price and price volatility effects on world, US and Japanese tourist arrivals to Taiwan. The heterogeneous autoregressive model is used to approximate the slowly decaying correlations associated with the long‐memory properties in daily and weekly exchange rates and international tourist arrivals, to test whether alternative short‐ and long‐run estimates of conditional volatility are sensitive to the long‐memory in the conditional mean, to examine asymmetry and leverage in volatility, and to examine the effects of temporal and spatial aggregation. The approximate price and price volatility effects tend to be different, with the exchange rate typically having the expected negative impact on tourist arrivals to Taiwan, whereas exchange rate volatility can have positive or negative effects on tourist arrivals to Taiwan. For policy purposes, the empirical results suggest that an arbitrary choice of data frequency or spatial aggregation will not lead to robust findings as they are generally not independent of the level of aggregation used.  相似文献   

陆前进 《财经研究》2012,(1):94-102
文章研究"金砖五国"货币合作的可能形式,构建了稳定的篮子货币作为贸易结算货币,为货币合作提供政策建议。文章首先考察了汇率之间的关系,认为一种货币的加权几何平均汇率能够消除不同货币表示币值的差异,在此基础上构建了篮子货币指数;其次研究了篮子货币波动最小的货币权重的选取,通过最优化方法获得最优权重;最后模拟计算了"金砖五国"篮子货币的权重,并探讨了如何把篮子货币最优权重转化为具体的货币篮子,同时给出了篮子货币和各国货币之间的汇率关系。  相似文献   

自2009年中国跨境贸易人民币结算试点开展以来,人民币结算额不断上升,但同时也面临一些问题。以广西为例,边境贸易发展推动了广西经济实力的上升,创新了银行业务,为跨境贸易人民币结算累积了丰富经验。但在货币监管、监测统计等方面还存在问题。因此,我国要扩大人民币区域影响力,创新结算业务,构建统一的货币兑换和清算体系以及完善人民币跨境收支监测管理体制等,从而推动人民币国际化发展路线。  相似文献   

国际货币与非国际货币之区分构成了当前国际金融体系典型的非对称特征。该种区分必将影响不同国家间汇率及汇率制度的选择。本文试图提出一种观点:发行非国际货币的发展中国家所选择的汇率制度可以形容为"储备型汇率制度"。在该种制度下,中央银行对外汇市场不断进行干预以实现其国际货币储备的不断积累,由此而造成本币长期贬值(或低估)和贸易的持续顺差。该种观点不仅与当今世界汇率与汇率制度分布之事实相一致,而且还可通过一个反映发展中国家中央银行行为的动态优化模型进行严格的理论证明。尽管"储备型汇率制度"可能与当前IMF所规定的反"货币操纵"条款相冲突,但是在当前这种不公正和非对称的国际货币体系下,该制度无疑是发展中国家的最优选择。  相似文献   

International Trade and Currency Exchange   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
On the international scene, away from national legal rules, the use of different currencies is largely due to the operation of the "Invisible Hand". The paper develops a three-country model of the world economy. This links real trade patterns with currency exchange structures in a general equilibrium framework which includes transaction costs on foreign exchange markets. In the presence of strategic complementarities, there are multiple equilibrium structures of currency exchange for a given underlying real trade pattern. The existence conditions of these different equilibria are characterized, using the trade links between countries as the key parameters. Finally, repercussions on world output of the choice of a currency exchange structure are analysed.
"So much of barbarism, however, still remains in the transactions of most civilized nations, that almost all independent countries choose to assert their nationality by having, to their own inconvenience and that of their neighbours, a peculiar currency of their own."
John Stuart Mill, 1848.  相似文献   

Based on 69 sample countries, this paper examines the effect of macroeconomic fundamentals on real effective exchange rates (REER) in these sample countries. Using the misalignment of actual REER from its equilibrium level, we have estimated the factors explaining the extent of currency over- or under-valuation. Overall, we find that the higher the flexibility of the currency regime, the lower is the misalignment. The estimates are robust to different sub-samples of countries. We then explore the impact of such misalignment on the probability of a currency crisis in the next period, indicating the extent to which misalignment could be used as a leading indicator of a potential crisis. This paper thus makes a new contribution to the debate on the choice of exchange rate regime by bringing together real exchange rate misalignment and currency crisis literature.  相似文献   

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