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七、注意事项1.注意把握与生产经营活动有关。我国现行的税收政策对业务招待费的范围却没有作出详细的解释,但《企业所得税法实施条例释义》中指出:业务招待费支出的税前扣除的管理必须符合税前扣除的一般条件和原则,如企业开支的业,  相似文献   

马琳 《财会学习》2009,(6):26-27
2009年4月16日财政部、国家税务总局发布了<关于企业资产损失税前扣除政策的通知>(财税[2009]57号),新的资产损失税前扣除政策(以下相同)同2005年8月9日国家税务总局发布的<企业财产损失所得税前扣除管理办法>(国家税务总局令第13号)相比,在范围、申报时间、审批权限等方面发生了一些变化,下面笔者对这些变化进行一一分析,供读者参考.  相似文献   

方飞虎 《财会学习》2013,(10):52-54
《财政部、国家税务总局关于广告费和业务宣传费支出税前扣除政策的通知》(财税[2012]48号,以下简称"48号文")文件规定:"对签订广告费和业务宣传费分摊协议(以下简称分摊协议)的关联企业,其中一方发生的不超过当年销售(营业)收入税前扣除限额比例内的广告费和业务宣传费支出可以在本企业扣除,也可以将其中的部分或全部按照分摊协议归集至另一方扣除。  相似文献   

程辉 《税收征纳》2012,(10):46-48
企业广告费和业务宣传费税前扣除问题,《企业所得税法实施条例》第四十四条作了“不超过当年销售(营业)收入15%的部分,准予扣除”的原则性规定,而《财政部、国家税务总局关于部分行业广告费和业务宣传费税前扣除政策的通知》(财税[2009]72号)文,对化妆品制造等企业的广告费和业务宣传费税前扣除作了特殊规定,由于该通知执行至2010年底止,从2011年开始是按30%还是恢复按15%扣除,成为了悬念。2012年5月30日,财政部、国家税务总局联合发布了《财政部国家税务总局关于广告费和业务宣传费支出税前扣除政策的通知》(财税[2012]48号,  相似文献   

徐双泉 《税收征纳》2005,(10):38-39
广告费与业务宣传费的所得税处理是企业经常碰到的一个问题,它们之间有区别也有联系,在涉税处理中弄清两项费用的区别与联系,对正确进行企业所得税账务处理,正确申报纳税很有必要、根据企业会计制度的规定.企业发生的广告费与业务宣传费均通过“营业费用”科目核算,期末全额抵减本年利润;但是两者的税前扣除条件及扣除标准并不相同;再加上有的行业广告宣传费不得税前扣除,有的行业的广告费与业务宣传费可合并计算扣除等情况.这就要求企业税前扣除广告费与业务宣传费时要特别加以注意。  相似文献   

正税前扣除凭证是指在计算企业所得税应纳税所得额时,证明企业支出发生并据以进行税前扣除的凭证。目前我国现行税收法律法规中,在国家税务总局层面上尚未出台有关企业所得税税前扣除凭证管理的统一规定,仅宁夏回族自治区税务局和江苏省地税局于2012年度发布实施了《企业所得税税前扣除凭证管理办法》,对税前扣除凭证的相关备查资料进行了明确和规范。笔者以自身对税前扣除凭证政策规定的理解,结合商业银行企业所得税汇算清缴实践工作,以业务及管理费税前扣除凭证为例,对其政策规定、种类和特征、形式和要件等进行归纳和分析,并对税前扣除凭证的要点把握提出相关建议。文章观点有待大家共同探讨。  相似文献   

为加强保险企业所得税的征收管理,结合保险企业退保业务的实际情况,现对保险企业发生的与退保业务相关的佣金支出所得税前扣除问题通知如下: 一、保险公司退保业务发生之前已实际支付的与退保业务相关的佣金,准予在企业所得税前扣除:退保业务发生之后再支付与该退保业务相关的佣金,不得在企业所得税前扣除。[第一段]  相似文献   

为适应我国财会制度改革和加强企业所得税管理的需要,进一步规范现行企业所得税税前扣除,不久前同家税务总局发布了《企业所得税税前扣除办法》(以下简称《办法》),这一办法与现行的企业所得税税前扣除制度相比,有较大的变化.  相似文献   

蔡巧萍 《新理财》2006,(10):16-17
税前扣除范围和标准 1.税前扣除范围。各方面的意见认为,税前扣除应当适应现代企业制度和技术创新的要求,充分体现对纳税人的劳动补偿、资本补偿、技术补偿和风险补偿,明确纳税人每一纳税年度发生的与取得应纳税收入有关的所有必要和正常的成本、费用、税金、损失,都可以在税前扣除。  相似文献   

国家税务总局公告2012年第15号(以下简称"15号公告")第五条规定:"企业在筹建期间,发生的与筹办活动有关的业务招待费支出,可按实际发生额的60%计入企业筹办费,并按有关规定在税前扣除;发生的广告费和业务宣传费,可按实际发生额计入企业筹办费,并按有关规定在税前扣除。"2012年5月9日,国家税务总局办公厅作出了《关于企业所得税应纳税所得额若干税务处理问题公告的解读》,其中的第六条对15  相似文献   

We investigate whether the nature of differences between national GAAP and IFRS is associated with differential changes in the value relevance of R&D expenses after the adoption of IFRS across countries. Using a difference-in-differences study on a sample of public companies in nine countries that covers pre-IFRS and post-IFRS periods during 1997–2012, we find that the value relevance of R&D expenses declines after IFRS adoption in countries that previously mandated immediate expensing or allowed optional capitalization of R&D costs. On the contrary, there is no change in the value relevance of R&D expenses for countries that switched from the mandatory capitalization rule to IFRS. We also investigate the moderating effects of national institutions on the changes in the value relevance of R&D expenses after IFRS adoption. We find that in countries with stronger investor protection, the changes in the value relevance of R&D expenses are larger. In addition, changes in the value relevance of R&D expenses are smaller for countries whose national culture is characterized by higher uncertainty avoidance. Our findings highlight the importance of both accounting standards and national institutions in explaining the changes in the value relevance of accounting information after IFRS adoption.  相似文献   

We dissect the portion of stock price change of the fiscal year that is recognized in reported accounting earnings of the year. We call this portion earnings recognition timeliness (ERT). The emphasis in our dissection is on empirical identification of two fundamental precepts of financial accounting: (1) the matching principle, which is manifested in the recognition of expenses in the same period as the related benefits (i.e., sales revenue) accrue; and (2) recognition of expenses in the current period due to changes in expectations regarding earnings of future periods (we refer to these expenses as the expectations element of expenses). Although the expectations element has implicitly been at the core of much of the recent empirical literature on asymmetry in the earnings/return relation, it has not been explicitly identified. This recent literature is based on the premise that bad news about the future leads to more recognition of expenses in the current period (such as write‐downs) whereas good news about the future tends to have a much lesser effect on expenses of the current period; asymmetry in the expenses/return relation is captured implicitly via the observation of asymmetry in the earnings/return relation (i.e., asymmetry in ERT). Since the ERT reflects the relation between sales revenue and returns, matched expenses and returns, as well as the relation between the expectations element of expenses and returns, a focus on the expectations element may lead to sharper inferences. Our straightforward empirical procedure permits a focus on this element.  相似文献   

We investigate whether a firm's intangible investments should be measured and separated from operating expenses. We find that the information extracted from accounting reports of investments and earnings is different when intangibles are measured and identified separately from operating expenses than when intangibles are left commingled with operating expenses. This difference in the market's information causes a change in the behavior of market prices, inducing changes in the firm's investments and cash flows. Thus, from a real effects perspective, measuring intangibles is not unambiguously desirable. We identify the conditions under which providing information on intangibles may be desirable. This study also shows the inadequacy of statistical associations between accounting numbers and prices as a basis for evaluating the desirability of measuring intangible investments. We show that the measurement of intangibles alters the very distribution of cash flows about which the measurement regime is seeking to provide information.  相似文献   

本文选取我国沪深A股亏损上市公司为研究样本,对2010年首次亏损而在2011年扭亏的上市公司是否会在扭亏年度内进行盈余管理,以及运用何种手段进行盈余管理及并对其有效性进行分析.运用模型以及多元线性回归方法进行实证研究发现:首次亏损上市公司财务报表中的营业外收支、资产减值准备、营业成本、投资收益及管理费用等更容易受到企业的操控.因此建议,为提高各方对会计信息的识别能力,企业的股东、债权人和监管机构等利益相关者要警惕此类指标的异常变动.  相似文献   

本文根据2016年中国家庭追踪调查数据,运用面板数据回归方法和倾向得分匹配法(PSM)研究微观经济个体参保行为对医疗费用支出的影响。研究表明,城镇职工医疗保险参保行为显著提高了医疗总费用和自付费用,城乡居民医疗保险参保行为对降低医疗总费用和自付费用具有一定的积极作用,新农合参保行为显著降低了医疗总费用,对自付费用的降低具有一定的积极作用。运用PSM法解决内生性问题和消除选择性偏差后得到的净效应结果与上述发现基本一致。参保行为与医院等级的交互分析表明,选择社区诊所等基层诊疗机构就诊可显著降低医疗总费用和自付费用,选择综合医院就诊则显著提高医疗总费用和自付费用。此外,参保行为对医疗费用支出的影响具有个体和区域异质性。据此,建议增强基层医疗卫生服务能力,进一步提高统筹层次,推进公共卫生服务均等化。  相似文献   

This paper shows how survival-contingent investment-linked payouts can enhance investor wellbeing in the context of a portfolio choice model which integrates uninsurable labor income and asymmetric mortality expectations. In exchange for illiquidity, these products provide the consumer with access to mutual-fund style portfolio choice, as well as the survival credit generated from pooling mortality risk. Our model generates optimal asset location patterns indicating how much to hold in liquid versus illiquid survival-contingent payouts over the lifetime, and also asset allocation paths, showing how to invest in stocks versus bonds. We show that the investor who moves her money out of liquid saving into survival-contingent assets gradually from middle age to retirement and beyond, will enhance her welfare by as much as 50%. The results are robust to the introduction of uninsurable consumption shocks in housing expenses, income flows during the worklife and retirement, sudden changes in health status, and medical expenses.  相似文献   


Models used to derive optimal contributions to health care flexible spending accounts (FSAs) typically assume an employee’s household annual out-of-pocket health care expenses are an absolutely continuously random variable. This assumption, however, ignores the fact that some employees may be able to accurately predict a portion of their household annual out-of-pocket health care expenses and often actually incur only those expenses during the plan year, implying that a mixed random variable may be more appropriate. In addition, data have shown that employees are setting contributions at lower levels than existing absolutely continuous models would suggest is optimal. Using a mixed model of household annual out-of-pocket health care expenses we prove that it is often optimal for employees to contribute an amount equal to their household annual predictable out-of-pocket expenses, thus avoiding the risk of forfeiture. We also propose a practical rule of thumb that employees may use for setting their FSA contributions. Overall, we recommend that employees use their FSAs to cover only their highly predictable out-of-pocket health care expenses rather than use their FSAs as a contingency fund to pay for unlikely or unexpected outof-pocket health care expenses.  相似文献   

An analytic model is developed to examine the role of rent-seeking expenses on tax legislation. Rent-seeking expenses are found to be only a fraction of the tax benefits at stake. Rent-seeking expenses increase when firms cannot cooperate, when very general tax legislation is proposed, and when there is legislative support for tax cuts.  相似文献   

Companies incur costs whenever they deliver something of value to another party, and not just when cash changes hands… If options aren't a form of compensation, what are they? If compensation isn't an expense, what is it? And, if expenses shouldn't go into the calculation of earnings, where in the world should they go?  相似文献   


The increasing risk of poverty in retirement has been well documented; it is projected that current and future retirees’ living expenses will significantly exceed their savings and income. In this paper, we consider a retiree who does not have sufficient wealth and income to fund her future expenses, and we seek the asset allocation that minimizes the probability of financial ruin during her lifetime. Building on the work of Young (2004) and Milevsky, Moore, and Young (2006), under general mortality assumptions, we derive a variational inequality that governs the ruin probability and optimal asset allocation. We explore the qualitative properties of the ruin robability and optimal strategy, present a numerical method for their estimation, and examine their sensitivity to changes in model parameters for specific examples. We then present an easy-to-implement allocation rule and demonstrate via simulation that it yields nearly optimal ruin probability, even under discrete portfolio rebalancing.  相似文献   

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