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We add the Bernanke–Gertler–Gilchrist model to a modified version of the Smets–Wouters model of the U.S. in order to explore the causes of the banking crisis. The innovation of this article is estimating the model using unfiltered data allowing for non-stationary shocks in order to replicate how the model predicts the crisis. We find that ‘traditional shocks’ account for most of the fluctuations in macroeconomic variables; the non-stationarity of the productivity shock plays a key role. Crises occur when there is a ‘run’ of bad shocks; based on this sample they occur on average once every 64 years and when they occur around 10% are accompanied by financial crisis. Financial shocks on their own, even when extreme, do not cause crises – provided the government acts swiftly to counteract such a shock as happened in this sample.  相似文献   

This paper studies the role of the equity price channel in business cycle fluctuations, and highlights the equity price channel as a different aspect to general equilibrium models with financial frictions and, as a result, emphasizes the systemic influence of financial markets on the real economy. We develop a canonical dynamic general equilibrium model with a tractable role for the equity market in banking, entrepreneur and household economic activities. The model is estimated with Bayesian techniques using U.S. data over the sample period 1982Q01–2015Q01. We show that a dynamic general equilibrium model with an equity price channel well mimics the U.S. business cycle. The model reproduces the strong procyclicality of the equity price. The equity price channel significantly exacerbates business cycle fluctuations through both financial accelerator and bank capital channels. Our results support the increasing emphasis on common equity capital in Basel III regulations. This is beneficial in terms of financial stability, but amplifies and propagates shocks to the real economy.  相似文献   

This paper examines the stock market linkages within the Asia-Pacific region and between Asian markets and the U.S. market over the period of January 2000 to June 2010, employing the dynamic conditional correlation GARCH model. Our results show that there exist very high correlations among the stock markets during the 2008 financial crisis. Therefore, consistent with the finding in literature, there are no diversification benefits during the financial crisis. However, our results show that there are still substantial opportunities for global investors to improve the risk-return performance between China and other markets during the sample period. In addition, we find evidence that the U.S. market significantly affects the stock markets in the Asia-Pacific region. Using T-GARCH model, there is a strong evidence of an asymmetric effect on conditional variance except stock markets in China and Malaysia.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of financial frictions in affecting the transmission of U.S. real and financial shocks to Canada using a dynamic stochastic general‐equilibrium model with an active banking sector and financial frictions. We find that the U.S. banking and interbank markets can be a potentially important source of variability of Canadian output and inflation—consistent with the financial crisis. The presence of both the demand and the real supply sides of credit in the model help to capture the stylized facts of both the domestic and the international business cycles.  相似文献   

Nafeesa Yunus 《Applied economics》2018,50(36):3899-3922
This study analyses the impact of the 2007–2008 U.S. financial crisis on the structure of interdependence among several major global real estate and equity markets. Moreover, it performs a step-by-step comparative analysis to evaluate similarities and differences in the convergence patterns of global real estate markets vis-à-vis global equity markets. Long-run results indicate that global real estate markets were less integrated than global equity markets prior to the crisis. Since the crisis, however, both global real estate and global equity markets have become highly integrated with the U.S. real estate and equity markets, respectively, and have fully converged. Short-run analyses indicate that during the pre-crisis period, global real estate markets were highly exogenous and independent. In contrast, global equity markets were comparatively more interdependent with one another and more endogenous. After the crisis, however, both global real estate and equity markets reacted strongly to shocks emanating from the U.S. markets, although the impact of the U.S. real estate market on the global real estate market is more pronounced than the effect of the U.S. equity market on the global equity markets. Finally, the study shows that U.S. real estate and equity markets are the channels of transmission or the sources of trends that drive global markets over the long-run and the short-run.  相似文献   

This article applies multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA) and multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis (MF-DCCA) to investigate cross-correlation behaviours between two kinds of stock markets trading volumes and investor fear gauges covering the data of U.S. stock markets from 2 January 2004 to 31 July 2018. The empirical results show that the dynamic relationship between stock markets trading volume fluctuations and different kinds of investor fear gauges are multifractal and find that the dynamic relationship is strongly anti-persistent. Moreover, financial crisis in 2008 has a significant impact on the cross-correlated behaviour, suggesting that stock market trading volume fluctuations and investor fear gauges are more susceptible to each other during the financial crisis period. Through the rolling windows analysis, we also find that the stock markets trading volume fluctuations and different kinds of investor fear gauges are anti-persistent dynamic cross-correlated.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来资本主义经济金融化趋势显著,以金融资本为主导的积累模式在一定时期内刺激了资本主义经济增长,但也为由美国次贷危机引发的2008年国际金融危机埋下了祸根.而今,距离危机的爆发已经十余年,危机后当代资本主义也经历了一系列调整.本文考察了危机后美国政府的系列"再工业化"政策、新自由主义持续强劲的势头、新形势...  相似文献   

The paper aims to test the existence of financial contagion between foreign exchange markets of several emerging and developed countries during the U.S. subprime crisis. As a result of DCC-GARCH analysis, we find the evidence of contagion during U.S. subprime crisis for most of the developed and emerging countries. Another finding is that emerging markets seem to be the most influenced by the contagion effects during U.S. subprime crisis. Since financial contagion is important for monetary policy, risk measurement, asset pricing and portfolio allocation, the findings of paper may be interest of policy makers, investors and portfolio managers.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the change in policy multipliers in the U.S. relative to their pre-2008 financial crisis levels. It also estimates the likely impact of the 2020 stimulus packages implemented to address COVID-19. The analysis is based on an augmented Blanchard-Perotti model that allows for the dynamic effects of shocks to the central bank balance sheet, real interest rates and debt levels on economic activity. The results suggest that expenditure multipliers have fallen post-2008, mostly because of higher government debt, implying that the effectiveness of fiscal policy has declined. They also suggest that the impact of quantitative easing is beneficial, but requires sizable interventions to have noticeable effects on real GDP. Because of rising debt stocks, dealing with a crisis is becoming more and more costly despite the current low interest rate environment.  相似文献   

This paper uncovers the fact that cognitive discounting modeled à la Gabaix (2020) is highly generalizable to alternative models and expectational assumptions by offering a mathematically tractable way of introducing behavioral elements in linearized models. This is not the case for other models of bounded rationality, as most derivations, if not all among those proposed up to today, are algebraically too cumbersome to be of general applicability.This finding is used to introduce cognitive discounting into the Smets and Wouters (2007) model, hence building and estimating the first micro-founded behavioral medium scale DSGE model, to my knowledge. The empirical estimation shows that the data prefers a substantial degree of bounded rationality even in a model with as many frictions as the Smets and Wouters model.  相似文献   

This comment points out mismeasurement of variables in the DSGE model in Smets and Wouters (2007) and in models that follow the Smets-Wouters measurement procedures. The mismeasurement errors appear to be large.  相似文献   

There is a strong correlation between corporate interest rates, their spreads relative to Treasuries, and the unemployment rate. We model how corporate interest rates affect equilibrium unemployment and vacancies, in a Diamond–Mortesen–Pissarides search and matching model. Our simple model permits the exploration of U.S. business cycle statistics through the lens of financial shocks. We calibrate the model using U.S. data without targeting business cycle statistics. Volatility in the corporate interest rate can explain a quantitatively meaningful portion of the labor market. Data on corporate firms support the hypothesis that firms facing more volatile financial conditions have more volatile employment.  相似文献   

The recovery from the recent global financial crisis exhibited a decline in the synchronization of Asian output with the rest of the world. However, a simple model based on output gaps demonstrates that the decline in business cycle synchronization during the recovery from the global financial crisis was exceptionally steep by historical standards. We posit two potential reasons for this exceptionally steep decline. First, financial markets during this recovery improved from particularly distressed conditions relative to previous downturns. Second, monetary policy during the recovery from the crisis was constrained in developed economies by the zero bound, but less so in Asia. To test these potential explanations, we examine the implications of an increase in corporate bond spreads similar to that which took place during the recent European financial crisis in a three‐region open‐economy dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model. Our results confirm that global business cycle synchronization is reduced when zero‐bound constraints across the world differ. However, we find that the impact of reduced financial contagion actually goes modestly against our predictions.  相似文献   

This article estimates dynamic conditional correlations of stock returns across countries by using DCC–GARCH model and analyse spillover effects of the 2008 financial crisis on the NIE’s stock markets. The results show that there is no regime shift in mean equation of the correlation coefficient during the financial crisis. It may imply there are no mean spillover effects of the US financial crisis on the NIE’s stock markets. However, there are volatility spillover effects of the financial crisis sparked in 2008 from the US to the NIE’s markets.  相似文献   

2008年发生的美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机给世界各国的经济特别是金融行业带来了强烈的冲击.金融危机主要通过投资渠道、贸易渠道、汇率渠道以及预期渠道直接或间接影响四川经济.为估算这种影响,文章基于自回归移动平均模型(ARIMA)的特殊性,选取了2000~2008年的样本数据,运用时间序列建模技术,从直接影响和间接影响两个维度7项指标所描述的经济发展指标上,详尽分析研究了国际金融危机对四川经济的影响.文章克服了实际工作部门在测算该种影响时,不考虑经济序列长期发展趋势的不足,并就其对我国经济和四川经济发展的影响作了探讨,在此基础上,提出四川省市应对经济危机的措施,以供相关部门决策时参考.  相似文献   

美国次级房贷危机已对全球股市和美国经济产生较大影响。分析美国次级房贷危机产生的背景和原因,并指出中国的抵押贷款市场存在的重大风险。我们应该以美国次级债危机为借鉴,为中国房地产市场发展和金融市场的健康发展获得一些启示,并做好风险防范措施。  相似文献   

美国次级房贷危机已对全球股市和美国经济产生较大影响。分析美国次级房贷危机产生的背景和原因,并指出中国的抵押贷款市场存在的重大风险。我们应该以美国次级债危机为借鉴,为中国房地产市场发展和金融市场的健康发展获得一些启示,并做好风险防范措施。  相似文献   

This paper shows that news shocks amplify macroeconomic volatility in any purely forward-looking model, whereas results are ambiguous when including a backward-looking component. We also investigate numerically the volatility effects of news shocks within the Smets and Wouters (2003) model.  相似文献   

This paper examines the transmission of the 2008 US financial crisis to four Latin American stock markets using daily stock returns from 2006 to 2010, analyzing before, during and after the 2008 financial crisis. The empirical evidence presents a financial contagion by showing persistently higher and more volatile pair-wise conditional correlations during the crisis period. This indicates there are structural changes in mean and volatility of the correlation coefficients due to the 2008 financial crisis in Latin American markets. The results here could be useful in international portfolio diversification decision-making in Latin American region. In addition, the predicting the volatility in different markets could be a useful input for reducing financial instability in crisis episodes to policy makers.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the transmission mechanism of mortgage premium to characterize the relationship between the housing market and business cycle for the U.S. We find that mortgage premium is crucial for the amplification and propagation of the model to match the main properties of U.S. housing market and business cycles. The counterfactual analysis suggests that had the Federal Reserve raised the interest rate in 2003Q1, it would have curbed the housing market boom before the crisis, yet failed to alleviate the precipitous decline in housing market activity after the crisis. Moreover, the pre-emptive monetary policy aimed to contain the housing market boom can effectively lower volatilities of major economic aggregates; however, it also exerts a significantly negative effect on the levels of these economic aggregates. Thus, using monetary policy to stabilize asset price inflation involves a trade-off between the volatility and the level of economic activity.  相似文献   

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