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U.S. trade of beef and live cattle declined substantially after the discoveries of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in Canada and the United States in 2003. In this study, an econometric model is developed to estimate the effects of lifting trade restrictions on U.S. cattle and beef prices. Results show that increases in imports of Canadian cattle and beef would lower prices of slaughter steers, feeder steers, and retail beef, but these negative impacts would be more than negated by the positive effects on prices that would result if beef exports return to near pre-BSE levels.  相似文献   

This paper examines how comparative advantages of major beef exporters changed following the 2003 bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) outbreak, which significantly disrupted the U.S. beef trade until approximately 2007. Using longitudinal data on beef export values and constructed revealed comparative advantage measures, we show that while some measures of the long-run impacts of BSE on U.S. beef export competitiveness have returned to pre-2003 levels, the U.S.’s comparative advantage has not. We also examine a hypothetical scenario of no BSE event in 2003 and predict that in the absence of the BSE outbreak, the U.S. beef sector would have been increasingly more competitive by 2017 than it actually was. Long-term trade competitiveness may not simply return to normal even after a short-term disruption.  相似文献   

Canada's cattle/beef sector has already weathered a shock after a 2003 case of BSE resulted in closed borders and industry restructuring. Now, the sector has to adjust to similar shocks due to COVID-19. This paper examines the supply chain from the consumer up to the cow–calf producer by considering consumer reactions, labor market constraints, and supply response. A quarterly market model of North American cattle and beef markets is used to examine price and revenue impacts associated with the market disruptions. Depending on the scenario, there is considerable price and revenue suppression at all levels of the market.  相似文献   

Between May 2003 and July 2005, the U.S. beef industry faced a total ban on Canadian cattle imports following the discovery of BSE in Canada in May 2003 and restrictions on U.S. beef exports following the discovery of BSE in the United States in December 2003. When the United States reopened its border to Canadian cattle in July 2005, shipments were restricted to cattle less than 30 months of age. The total ban on Canadian cattle imports and restrictions on U.S. beef exports overlapped between January 2004 and July 2005. The restrictions on Canadian cattle imports and U.S. beef exports overlapped for some time after July 2005. This paper addresses theoretically and empirically how to disentangle the impact on the U.S. beef industry of the BSE-related beef trade interruptions in the presence of overlaps and imperfect competition. Entre mai 2003 et juillet 2005, l'industrie bovine américaine s'est vue imposer une interdiction d'importer des bovins canadiens à la suite de la découverte d'un cas d'ESB au Canada en mai 2003 ainsi que des restrictions quant aux exportations de bœuf américain à la suite de la découverte d'un cas d'ESB aux États-Unis en décembre 2003. En juillet 2005, les États-Unis ont rouvert leur frontière aux bovins canadiens vivants de moins de 30 mois uniquement. L'interdiction absolue d'importer des bovins canadiens et les restrictions sur les exportations de bœuf américain se sont chevauchées entre janvier 2004 et juillet 2005. Les restrictions sur les importations de bovins canadiens et les exportations de bœuf américain se sont chevauchées pendant quelque temps après juillet 2005. Le présent article s'est penché sur les façons, théoriques et empiriques, de démĉler les répercussions que les interruptions du commerce du bœuf attribuables à l'ESB ont eues sur l'industrie bovine américaine en présence de chevauchements et de concurrence imparfaite.  相似文献   

We analyze Canadian beef cattle cycles using time‐series properties of four variables: total cattle inventories, beef cow inventories, beef supply, and beef prices. Our aim is to provide up‐to‐date estimates of the duration of the cycles, and to determine whether or not some of the recent market shocks can be associated with changes in the nature of the cycles. Spectral decomposition of the variables reveals 10‐year cycles in total cattle inventories, beef cow inventories, beef supply, and beef prices. Seasonal and annual cycles are also found in beef supply and prices, respectively. Using intervention analysis, exchange rate appreciation, feed price escalation, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) are modeled as pure jumps. Exchange rate and feed price shocks are modeled as having started in 2002 and 2007, respectively, and persisted up to the end of the sample period, while BSE is modeled as a shift for the period 2003 to 2005. We find significant impacts of the three shocks on total inventories, but beef supply appears to have been impacted by exchange rates and BSE. A spectral comparison of the pre‐ and post‐shock periodograms of beef supply reveals a 58% reduction in the peak amplitude of the beef supply cycle.  相似文献   

The discovery of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly known as ‘mad cow disease’, in Japan caused anxiety about consuming beef and beef products. As a result, there was a sudden fall in sales of beef that hurt the Japanese beef industry as well as major beef exporters to Japan. We analyse factors that affect Japanese consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) price premiums for BSE‐tested beef and estimate the mean WTP for BSE‐tested beef using data obtained from a consumer survey in Japan. A single‐bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation model is used to recover the premium amount. We find that attitudes to food safety, reduction in beef consumption following the BSE outbreak, and being female all have a statistically significant positive effect on the WTP for BSE‐tested beef. Interestingly, demographic variables such as age and income do not affect the WTP, possibly indicating that the BSE scare similarly affected multiple segments of the population. In our sample, consumers are willing to pay a premium on average of greater than 50 per cent for BSE‐tested beef.  相似文献   

Under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), there has been a dramatic increase in the integration of markets for live cattle and beef products in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. These markets were severely disrupted in 2003 by the confirmation of single cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in Canada and the United States. The bulk of this disruption could have been avoided if the countries had developed more closely coordinated risk management programs based on the guidance of international standards. The BSE events illustrate that failure to address regulatory integration leaves integrated markets vulnerable to recurring disruptions.  相似文献   

A resurgence of consolidation in the U.S. meat packing industry in the past few decades has stimulated academic and policy debate. Issues raised include the role of cost economies in driving these patterns, and the effects on the agricultural sector (cattle producers) from market power. Here, plant level cost and revenue data for U.S. beef packing plants are used to estimate a cost-based model incorporating cattle- and output-market pricing behavior. The robust results indicate little market power exploitation in either the cattle input or beef output markets, and that any apparent evidence is counteracted by cost efficiencies such as utilization and scope economies.  相似文献   

A systems model was estimated to determine the effects of declining U.S. retail beef demand on farm-level beef prices and production. Retail beef demand declined by nearly 66% from 1976 to 1999. Results indicate autonomous shifts in retail demand significantly impacted farm-level demands and production. Based on equilibrium multipliers, the 1976–99 reduction in beef demand decreased real slaughter cattle prices and production by 32.1% and 11.2%, respectively. Real feeder cattle prices and production decreased by 8.0% and 22.6%, respectively. Combining the decreases in farm prices and production, slaughter and feeder cattle producers experienced a real revenue reduction of $13.3 billion (61%) due to the long-term decline in demand.  相似文献   

Household-level Nielsen Homescan data from 2002 to 2006 were used to identify Canadian consumers'; reactions to the early Bovine spongiform encephalopathy discoveries that severely impacted Canada's beef industry. Consumers reacted to the initial BSE event by purchasing more fresh beef, apparently to support struggling ranchers. Reaction to each subsequent BSE discovery, however, was negative and diminishing in magnitude. The results were consistent across 3 measures of monthly beef purchases: participation, units purchased, and beef expenditure. Failing to account for the context of individual BSE events would have produced little evidence of consumer reaction, a common finding among prior North American BSE studies.  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to examine market integration between Australian and U.S. beef prices at the farmgate level. If these two prices are found to be integrated then it can be alleged that Australian beef prices can be used as a world price in empirical analyses and/or as a ‘reference price’ to measure the level of support accorded the U.S. beef sector. Co-integration analysis and a time-varying parameter estimation procedure based on the Kalman filter model are applied. The paper distinguishes between steer and cow beef segments and it uses monthly data over the 1972:1 to 1993:2 period. The results indicate that Australian and U.S. beef prices are co-integrated, albeit not fully and that the degree of convergence between the various price pairs has not substantially increased over time. The results also suggest that Australian prices can not unequivocally be adopted as a world price in empirical analyses.  相似文献   

Mandatory country of origin labeling (COOL) has become a thorny issue in U.S.–Canada bilateral trade relations. We undertake an ex post investigation of the impact of the law on U.S. imports of Canadian beef, feeder, and fed cattle. Using a partial equilibrium framework, we derive U.S. import demand equations for Canadian cattle and beef, and employ the Bai and Perron (1998, 2003) procedure for detecting multiple structural breaks with break points being endogenously determined. We find evidence that COOL may have caused significant structural change in U.S. imports of Canadian feeder and fed cattle. L’étiquetage du pays d'origine obligatoire est devenu un sujet épineux des relations commerciales entre le Canada et les États‐Unis. Dans la présente étude, nous effectuons une analyse ex post des répercussions de la Loi sur les importations américaines de viande de b?uf, de bovins d'engraissement et de bovins finis. À l'aide d'un modèle d’équilibre partiel, nous avons dérivé des équations de demande d'importation de bovins et de viande de b?uf de la part des États‐Unis et nous avons utilisé les tests de Bai et Perron (1998, 2003) pour déceler les ruptures structurelles multiples, dont les points de rupture ont été déterminés de façon endogène. Les résultats de notre étude montrent que l’étiquetage du pays d'origine peut avoir causé un changement structurel considérable sur les importations de bovins d'engraissement et de bovins finis.  相似文献   

We compare consumer valuations of beef ribeye steaks from cattle produced without growth hormones or genetically modified corn in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Results suggest that French consumers place a higher value on beef from cattle that have not been administered added growth hormones than U.S. consumers; however, valuations of non-hormone-treated beef are statistically indistinguishable across Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Results also suggest that European consumers place a much higher value on beef from cattle that have not been fed genetically modified corn than U.S. consumers.  相似文献   

In this article, we estimate a model of oligopsony behavior under imperfect monitoring of rival actions to analyze weekly marketing margin data for the U.S. beef packing industry. Oligopsonists are hypothesized to follow a discontinuous pricing strategy in equilibrium, and we focus on shocks in the normal throughput of supply as a potential catalyst for regime switching between cooperative and noncooperative phases. We adopt an algorithm developed by Bellone (2005) that relies on Hamilton’s (1989) multivariate first‐order Markov process to test for the cooperative/noncooperative switching behavior. We find strong evidence that links switching conduct by packers to disruptions in coordinating the derived demands for processed beef with the supply of live cattle. Once switched, cooperative regimes lasted an average of 21 weeks, while noncooperative regimes averaged 33 weeks. The average marketing margin for processed beef was 68% lower in the noncooperative regimes compared to the cooperative regimes. This led to an annual average increase in profits of 408 million dollars to the beef packing industry and about an 8–9% reduction in live cattle prices.  相似文献   

A North American beef industry model incorporating a hypothesized relationship between beef advertising and processor oligopoly power was estimated and used to evaluate various advertising options faced by Canadian cattle producers. Generic and branded advertising significantly increased Canadian and U.S. beef demand. As well, historic generic beef advertising expenditure in Canada returned a net profit to Canadian producers. However, additional Canadian producer investment in generic beef advertising in Canada lowered producer profits, while investment in Canadian or U.S. brand advertis- ing or U.S. generic advertising generated positive net returns.
Nous avons construit un modèle mathématique pour le secteur nord-américain de la viande de boeuf, incorporant un rapport hypothétique entre la publicité du produit et le pouvoir oligopolistique au niveau du secteur de la préparation-transformation. Nous avons utilisé le modéle pour évaluer diverses options de publicité auxquelles font face les producteurs de bavins canadiens. La publicité générique et la publicité de marque ont procuré un accroissement de la demande de viande bovine tant au Canada qu'aux États-Unis. De plus, les dépenses engagées au cours des années au chapitre de la publicité générique de la viande bovine au Canada ont valu aux producteurs canadiens un bénéfice net. En revanche tout accroissement des investissements consacrés à la publicité générique par ces producteurs s'est soldé par une baisse des profits à la production, alors qu'aux États-Unis il se révélait en général rentable. Par aileurs, l'intensification de la publicité de marque s'est montrée rentable dans les deux pays.  相似文献   

This article uses national, quarterly data to conduct an empirical analysis of pre‐committed meat and fish demand by U.S. and Japanese households using the generalized almost ideal demand system (GAIDS). Pre‐committed demand represents the component of demand that is insensitive to both income and price adjustments. U.S. consumers are found to hold significant positive pre‐committed demand for beef and pork, while Japanese consumers appear to possess significant, positive pre‐committed demand for beef and fish. This provides evidence to partially explain observed differences in Japanese and U.S. consumer reactions to nonprice and nonincome effects in beef, pork, poultry, and fish. In addition, based on in‐ and out‐of‐sample performance, the more general GAIDS is preferred to the almost ideal demand system (AIDS) for both the U.S. and Japanese demand systems. Results lend to improved demand modeling efforts and more complete understanding of true market forces at hand in meat and fish markets for these culturally diverse consumer groups.  相似文献   

While previous studies have investigated country‐of‐origin effect from various angles, the extent to which Country‐of‐Origin Labelling (COOL) affects U.S. beef imports from specific countries remains unexplored. Using data from 1,079 consumers from the United States, we examined consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for Canadian and Australian beefsteaks. We also estimated WTP for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)–tested traceability‐enabled, tenderness‐assured, and natural beef. The results from both a mixed logit model and a latent class model (LCM) revealed unobserved taste heterogeneity and important differences in the WTP between the imported and domestic steak. The LCM, for instance, estimated the range of discount needed for consumers to switch from U.S. to Canadian steak as $1.09 to $35.12 per pound. This strongly suggested that U.S. consumers prefer domestic‐originated beef to imported beef. In addition, consumers were found to be willing to pay significant amount for BSE‐tested, traceability‐enabled, and tenderness‐assured beef. Bien que des études antérieures aient examiné les répercussions de l’étiquetage du pays d’origine sous différents angles, les répercussions de cet étiquetage obligatoire sur les importations étatsuniennes de b?uf en provenance de pays spécifiques ne l’ont pas été. À l’aide de données tirées d’un échantillon de 1079 consommateurs étatsuniens, nous avons examiné le consentement à payer (CAP) pour du bifteck en provenance du Canada et de l’Australie. Nous avons également examiné le CAP des consommateurs pour du b?uf provenant d’un animal ayant subi un test de dépistage de l’ESB, traçable, de tendreté assurée et naturel. Les résultats obtenus à l’aide d’un modèle logit mixte et d’un modèle à classes latentes ont révélé une hétérogénéité non observée du goût et des écarts importants dans le CAP pour du bifteck provenant des États‐Unis et de l’extérieur du pays. Le modèle à classes latentes, par exemple, a révélé que les écarts de rabais nécessaires pour que les consommateurs délaissent le bifteck américain pour le bifteck canadien variaient de 1,09 While previous studies have investigated country‐of‐origin effect from various angles, the extent to which Country‐of‐Origin Labelling (COOL) affects U.S. beef imports from specific countries remains unexplored. Using data from 1,079 consumers from the United States, we examined consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for Canadian and Australian beefsteaks. We also estimated WTP for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)–tested traceability‐enabled, tenderness‐assured, and natural beef. The results from both a mixed logit model and a latent class model (LCM) revealed unobserved taste heterogeneity and important differences in the WTP between the imported and domestic steak. The LCM, for instance, estimated the range of discount needed for consumers to switch from U.S. to Canadian steak as $1.09 to $35.12 per pound. This strongly suggested that U.S. consumers prefer domestic‐originated beef to imported beef. In addition, consumers were found to be willing to pay significant amount for BSE‐tested, traceability‐enabled, and tenderness‐assured beef. Bien que des études antérieures aient examiné les répercussions de l’étiquetage du pays d’origine sous différents angles, les répercussions de cet étiquetage obligatoire sur les importations étatsuniennes de b?uf en provenance de pays spécifiques ne l’ont pas été. À l’aide de données tirées d’un échantillon de 1079 consommateurs étatsuniens, nous avons examiné le consentement à payer (CAP) pour du bifteck en provenance du Canada et de l’Australie. Nous avons également examiné le CAP des consommateurs pour du b?uf provenant d’un animal ayant subi un test de dépistage de l’ESB, traçable, de tendreté assurée et naturel. Les résultats obtenus à l’aide d’un modèle logit mixte et d’un modèle à classes latentes ont révélé une hétérogénéité non observée du goût et des écarts importants dans le CAP pour du bifteck provenant des États‐Unis et de l’extérieur du pays. Le modèle à classes latentes, par exemple, a révélé que les écarts de rabais nécessaires pour que les consommateurs délaissent le bifteck américain pour le bifteck canadien variaient de 1,09 $à 35,12 $ la livre. Ces résultats montrent clairement que les consommateurs étatsuniens préfèrent le b?uf des États‐Unis plutôt que le b?uf importé. Les résultats montrent également que les consommateurs sont prêts à payer plus cher pour du b?uf provenant d’un animal ayant subi un test de dépistage de l’ESB, traçable et de tendreté assurée.  相似文献   

This case considers two major management decisions facing the Leachman Cattle Company, the largest U.S. beef cattle seedstock producer. The first decision relates to continued expansion into international markets. Such expansion has tremendous potential, but also introduces a host of logistical problems and risks. The second decision concerns the development and market integration required to produce a branded beef product based on Piedmontese beef cattle.  相似文献   

Canadian exports of beef and live cattle to the United States have increased significantly since the late 1980s. Hog and pork exports have increased since the mid-1990s. Major factors affecting exports of beef, pork, cattle and hogs from Canada to the United States include the exchange rate, increased Canadian production, Canada-U.S. price differentials and trade liberalization under the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement of 1989. Increased Canadian exports have resulted in small but significant reductions in U.S. domestic prices of beef, pork and hogs.  相似文献   

The U.S. pork and beef sectors are rapidly moving from traditional cash markets to formal vertical linkages. In 1999, 27% of hogs and 65% of cattle were traded in the cash market and packers owned 18% of hogs and 5% of cattle; the rest were procured via marketing contracts. Contrary to popular opinion that plant efficiency is the impetus for the change, packers clearly identified quality concerns as the dominant reason for using marketing contracts or self-production. Quality standards and procurement systems to achieve them will increase in importance with the introduction of more branded pork and beef products.  相似文献   

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