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一、引言中国是农业大国,也是世界上人口最多的国家,农业生产安全的重要性不言而喻。同时,中国既是国土面积最大的国家之一,又是世界上自然灾害最严重的国家之一。统计显示,近10年来,中国已成为继日本和美国之后的第三个灾害损失最严重的国家,全国平均每年约有3亿亩农作物受灾,2亿多农村人口受到灾害影响。农业保险与普通的商业保险 相似文献
农业巨灾风险管理中的国家责任 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
农业巨灾风险管理是纯公共物品与准公共物品的集合体。在农业巨灾风险管理过程中,国家应当起到主导作用。完善的立法和制度安排是农业巨灾风险管理顺利进行的依据。法律应当对农业巨灾风险管理领域公共产品的供给进行调整。农业巨灾风险管理的制度模式包括商业化运作模式、政府主导模式和公私伙伴合作模式。公私伙伴合作模式应是我国的理想选择。国家参与农业巨灾风险管理的主要方式包括立法保障、充当最后保险人、财政支持、税收优惠、监督管理。我国应建立农业再保险制度、设立国家农业巨灾风险基金、发行农业巨灾债券,同时制定和完善相关立法。 相似文献
随着我国农业保险业务规模急剧扩张,现行农业保险巨灾风险分散方式弊端日益凸显,严重制约农业保险的持续发展。有鉴于此,可适时发展巨灾债券,作为我国农业保险体系的有益补充。本文在浅析农业保险巨灾债券供求基础上,提出我国发展农业保险巨灾债券的基本思路,并指出当前应着力解决的主要问题。 相似文献
我国遭受自然灾害频繁且严重,每年造成的损失给我国的财政和保险业带来巨大的压力,如何更好地选择农业保险巨灾风险分散制度并发挥补偿机制的作用是我国现在需要解决的问题。本文介绍比较了几种农业保险巨灾风险分散制度,并从政府和农业保险经营者的角度探讨了风险分散制度的选择问题。 相似文献
针对近几年来农业巨灾频繁发生、损失影响较大的问题,本文在分析农业保险等传统巨灾风险管理工具使用现状及劣势的基础上,提出我国应积极发展农业保险再保险、农业巨灾风险基金、农业巨灾证券和指数保险等新型农业巨灾风险管理工具,以进一步有效分散农业生产过程中面临的巨灾风险. 相似文献
试论构建我国农业巨灾风险管理策略——基于风险转嫁视角 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
农业巨灾保险发展滞后和长期以来形成的政府财政救济和灾民损失自担的风险自留管理策略,使我国农业巨灾风险无法有效分散,巨灾损失不能及时补偿,农业巨灾已经严重威胁着我国农业及整个国民经济的发展。通过对美、日、法三国农业巨灾风险管理策略的分析,基于中国农业发展的实际,以发展我国农业巨灾保险为实施农业巨灾风险管理的基础平台,构建以风险转嫁为主、风险控制为辅的综合农业巨灾风险管理策略。 相似文献
农业保险是世界范围内分散农业风险最有效的方式之一,而我国农业保险巨灾风险分散机制的缺失使得农业保险的经营始终面临着巨灾风险.文章通过分析主要发达国家的农业保险巨灾风险分散制度概况,提出了构建我国农业保险巨灾风险分散制度的建议. 相似文献
The growing importance of risk management programs and policies in health care organizations has given rise to a new organizational figure, the risk managers. This paper seeks to better understand their role by looking at their risk work as a form of institutional work. From an inductive study of hospital risk managers in the Quebec health care sector, we provide a situated account of the risk work or ‘the effortful pattern of practices’ accomplished by hospital risk managers at the intra- and extra-organizational levels. The results show that they engage in two broader recursive forms of institutional work. At the intra-organizational level, it is by building bridges, autonomizing teams, legitimizing risk work, and pragmatizing interventions that hospital risk managers contribute to democratizing the risk management practices in their organization. At the extra-organizational level, it is by networking with colleagues, hybridizing knowledge, shaping identity, and debating solutions that they contribute to articulating a professionalization project. We argue that the recursive relationship between these two forms of institutional work, namely democratizing and professionalizing risk management, demonstrates how the risk work done at one level facilitates the risk work accomplished at the other. The paper provides three contributions. First, it opens the black box of the hospital risk managers’ roles by showing the complexity of their risk work, instead of formalizing expectations about their role in a normative way, as is generally the case. Second, this research provides evidence about how actors with limited collective power and resources such as hospital risk managers participate in disseminating risk management programs and policies. Third, the paper offers a multi-level understanding of the ways by which hospital risk managers work to institutionalize risk management program and policies. The paper ends by discussing the importance of gaining a better understanding of the risk managers’ role and their institutional work. 相似文献
基于有限理性的农业巨灾保险主体行为分析及优化 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
基于有限理性的进化博弈分析框架,本文分析了农业巨灾保险主体群落基因复制动态变化过程。研究发现,农民个体是否购买农业巨灾保险关键取决于个体的比较预期收益和其所要承担选择成本的大小。而保险公司与投保农民的博弈轨迹不存在使博弈双方共同稳定的进化稳定策略,只能实现农业巨灾保险市场上平均意义上较优策略。同时,由于农业巨灾风险强破坏性和发生概率分布厚尾性的影响,政府的有效行为具有优化农业巨灾保险主体行为变迁轨迹的效能。 相似文献
政策性农业保险经营技术障碍与巨灾风险分散机制研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文从我国政策性农业保险的发展现状和特征出发,分析了政策性农业保险的主要试点模式,认为目前各地的农业保险试点重财税等政策索要,轻经营技术研究,困扰我国农业保险发展的长期障碍因素并未根除。在深入分析农业巨灾风险难以分散的特性以及对农业保险经营影响的基础上,本文提出了构建我国多层次农业巨灾风险保障体系的建议,包括直接保险公... 相似文献
政策性农业保险参与主体博弈分析及风险防范策略 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文在对政策性农业保险参与主体进行角色定位分析的基础上,剖析了政策性农业保险中政府、保险公司和农户等主体之间以及各级政府之间在不同风险状态下的利益博弈关系,探讨了政府介入政策性农业保险条件下风险补偿的博弈行为,分别从政府、商业保险公司和农户三个主体的角度提出了政策性农业保险风险的具体防范策略。 相似文献
战略风险管理模式是金融企业比较流行的一种全面风险管理模型。本文在分析养老保险公司业务经营及风险管理特殊性的基础上,应用战略风险管理基本思想,提出了当前形势下养老保险公司风险管理的核心问题,并对公司目前面临的风险类别、风险因素以及风险管控措施进行了分析研究。 相似文献
Strategic management accounting (SMA) has been presented as an efficacious approach to strategy formulation and implementation. It also suggests accountants move away from purely financial concerns to give consideration to wider business issues. Management accounting change has attracted significant research attention in recent years. This case study explores the issues which surround change and which enable the adoption of SMA and the repositioning of management accountants to become more strategic. The empirical enquiry is based in one company through a prolonged series of interviews and meetings which enabled activities over a number of years to be reviewed. This revealed an increasing strategic role for management accountants in informing strategic decision‐making and how this role came into being. The research is informed by institutional theories and neoinstitutionalism in particular, to interpret the external and internal influences on the change in roles of some management accountants and the outputs of their work. 相似文献
Enterprise risk management in financial groups: analysis of risk concentration and default risk 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Nadine Gatzert Hato Schmeiser Stefan Schuckmann 《Financial Markets and Portfolio Management》2008,22(3):241-258
In financial groups, enterprise risk management is becoming increasingly important in controlling and managing the different
independent legal entities in the group. The aim of this paper is to assess and relate risk concentration and joint default
probabilities of the group’s legal entities in order to achieve a more comprehensive picture of a financial group’s risk situation.
We further examine the impact of the type of dependence structure on results by comparing linear and nonlinear dependencies
using different copula concepts under certain distributional assumptions. Our results show that even if financial groups with
different dependence structures do have the same risk concentration factor, joint default probabilities of different sets
of subsidiaries can vary tremendously.
Stefan SchuckmannEmail: |
Environmental management accounting in local government: Functional and institutional imperatives 下载免费PDF全文
Wei Qian Roger L. Burritt Gary S. Monroe 《Financial Accountability and Management》2018,34(2):148-165
The challenge of using environmental management accounting (EMA) tools such as full‐cost accounting to improve waste and recycling management has been acknowledged for over a decade. However, research on assessing and understanding local government use of EMA, especially broader levels of EMA, is lacking. This study investigates the link between the nature and drivers of EMA practice for waste and recycling services based on a survey conducted with local governments in New South Wales, Australia. The study finds that although social and organisational factors are related to the uptake of EMA, local governments are subject to stronger functional demands than institutional pressures in their use of more expansive EMA such as indirect and external costs and impacts. This implies that the use of EMA in local government is viewed more as an adaptive activity to cope with functional challenges and achieve efficiency, than as an institutional imperative to achieve social acceptance. 相似文献
Ana Paula Beck da Silva Etges Joana Siqueira de Souza Francisco José Kliemann Neto Elaine Aparecida Felix 《Journal of Risk Research》2019,22(4):513-531
Health care organizations are environments with high management complexity and subject to a constant exposure to risks. Enterprise risk management (ERM) has been studied and applied in different economic environments with the aim of improving organizational performance. However, the health sector still suffers from a lack of attention in this context, in particular with regard to the need for a high degree of financial transparency and for the establishment of process-orientated management, and this provides the motivation for the study described in this paper. An ERM model for health organizations is proposed, based on a systematic literature review and on seven case studies in Brazilian hospitals. An approach to economic risk assessment using indicators such as the cash flow at risk and the variability of costs and receipts from the proposed model is suggested. The health organizations involved in the case studies all interpret ERM as a source of information contributing to corporate governance, and the indicators listed provide constructive data for improvement-driven decision-making. Given the interest expressed by the organizations involved, further application and validation of the proposed model in subsequent studies is suggested. 相似文献
我国银行保险发展的制度因素实证分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
通过考察银行保险在欧美等国家的发展历程,笔者发现,银行保险之所以在全球范围内得到迅猛发展,有其深刻的制度背景。一方面,不同国家银行保险的发展均遵照相同的内在发展规律,即从产生与发展都体现为一种从销售渠道创新到产品创新,再到组织模式和发展模式创新的演绎过程;也都体现出一种从销售渠道融合到服务融合,再到产品融合、组织融合、技术融合、人员融合,以致资本融合的演变过程。另一方面,不同国家银行保险的发展又表现出了巨大的差异性,体现为不同国家和地区,在不同的金融体制、金融监管制度、金融市场环境、税收制度下,为银行保险的发展提供了不同的生存与发展的外部环境,进而决定了不同国家具有不同的银行保险发展模式和市场表现。因此,笔者认为,银行保险的产生与发展,是一定制度环境下的创造性变革,是制度演进的必然结果,是金融一体化的制度变迁过程。本文结合我国十几年银行保险的发展实践,实证研究了法律制度、监管制度、市场环境、利率环境等制度因素对我国银行保险发展的影响,探求了银行保险发展受制度环境影响的内在规律,以期对我国银行保险的发展实践有一定的借鉴意义。 相似文献