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随着社会的不断进步对油气资源的需求不断增加,清蜡防蜡也成为油田开发过程中一项重要技术内容,在开发中原油本身的物性特征和不同油田开发所面临的环境和条件的复杂性,油井出现结蜡现象也越来越多,而不同地区、不同时期的油井结蜡又有着不同的状况,所以油井清蜡防蜡也要结合具体问题进行具体分析。本文主要针对油井结蜡问题的影响因素进行了分析,对清蜡防蜡工艺应用进行了探讨,旨在通过本文的分析探讨。  相似文献   

本文介绍了油井原油结蜡的原因及影响,并在此基础上总结了油井防蜡、清蜡技术,以期为我国油田开发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

介绍了精蜡防腐技术的材料组成、适用范围、优异性;分析了精蜡防腐技术的施工工艺,加深了对该技术的的理解,达到了精蜡防腐技术应用的合理化的目的。  相似文献   

油田生产过程中,随着油流温度和压力的下降,油流中的石蜡就会结晶析出,沉积在管壁上,导致油井结蜡。油井结蜡后会导致油井产量的下降,同时增加了油流的阻力,极易引发油井的生产事故,给油田生产带来不利的影响。需要设计最佳的清防蜡的技术措施,解决油井结蜡的问题,不断提高油井的产能,达到油田生产的技术要求。  相似文献   

本文结合实践经验探讨了油井结蜡的规律及可能带来的危害,并在此基础上分析了两种常见的油井清蜡防蜡技术,包括蒸汽洗井清防蜡技术及化学清防蜡技术。  相似文献   

埕海二区油井液量低,造成井口温度偏低,油井结蜡严重。机械清蜡受地面井场条件的限制,在钻井,采用,地面工艺同时交叉作业的情况下无法实施。针对此现象寻求适合埕海油田的清防蜡方式,通过实验化学清防蜡工艺对于埕海油田没有效果。因此重点对防蜡涂层油管在埕海油田进行试验,试验效果明显。因此,本文对防蜡涂层油管的基本工艺原理及现场应用情况进行了详细的介绍,并提出埕海油田清防蜡工作下步建议。  相似文献   

伴随着社会经济的不断发展,我国石油业发展异常迅速。但是,从目前来看,我国大多数油田中会存在油田结蜡问题,油田结蜡会影响到石油的生产,严重情况下还会造成人员伤亡情况出现。本文主要对油井结蜡、结垢的产生原因及结蜡、结垢的危害进行分析,并在此基础上,对油井清蜡、除垢技术进行简要阐述。  相似文献   

每种常规洗井方式在洗井过程中都会多少存在一些弊端,研制并应用了移动式电加热器洗井工艺取得了较好的清蜡效果。  相似文献   

油井清防蜡技术的应用是保障油井采油、增产顺利实现的关键,要把握好不同清防蜡技术的特点做到合理应用,为油井生产提供支持。  相似文献   

目前,国内外油田开发中都面临着一个非常重要的难题就是油井结蜡问题。而这一问题在很大程度上对油井的正常生产造成了严重影响,即采油的工作效率与速度都会受到阻碍。因此,在原油开采中,需要对油井结蜡这一重要问题进行治理。本文主要对油井结蜡的影响因素及其清防蜡技术的应用进行了相关分析,同时对其应用效果进行了论述。  相似文献   

通过对我国能源结构的分析,对传统采煤工艺和采煤方法对环境的影响和破坏的了解,本文重点强调了发展绿色工业,适应循环经济,对煤炭绿色开采的重要性。旨在推广绿色开采技术,建设绿色矿山,以实现煤炭产业的"低开采、低排放、高利用"。  相似文献   

Different knowledge types have their own specific features and tasks in the learning process. Procedural knowledge is used in craft and technology education when students solve problems individually and share their working knowledge with others. This study presents a detailed analysis of a one student’s learning process in technology education and the procedural knowledge used during learning tasks. Thus, procedural knowledge is mainly produced when acting, and includes students’ goal-directed actions related to the craft, design and technology processes and their learning content. These knowledge practices also include multiple interactions with teachers and other students. The findings show six different knowledge practices: observing, checking and asking, revising, guided representative action, self-directed representative action, and comprehended action. These knowledge practices actively relate to each other, and, in concert, they constitute chains of actions that constitute two different types of procedural knowledge: proactive knowledge and executive knowledge. We conclude by discussing how these knowledge practices can be used to develop our understanding of the teaching and learning of craft, design and technology.  相似文献   

This paper has grown out of a long standing personal concern that the current approaches to design teaching are too narrowly based and that they can distort the very activity that they set out to encourage. A survey of the comments made in Examiner's Reports of pupil's work in public design examinations during 1986 & 1987 provides some insight into the difficulties that pupils experienced in carrying out their design activities.Design activity in schools developed from the beginnings initiated by the curriculum development projects of the late 1960's and early 1970's. These put forward methodical approaches to designing which have become widely used in UK secondary schools and which are now firmly embedded in the publications and project assessment framework of the current national examinations.The present study suggests that, while these methodical approaches clearly work, they imply a logical progression of thought which does not necessarily parallel the pattern of human thinking. It is recognised that pupil's design folios written up at the end of a project can be made to describe a logical, systematic procedure which has more to do with the assessment framework than the actual developments of design ideas during the project. Indeed, teachers and candidates were being actively encouraged to base their work on these structured frameworks:The actual style and quality of the folder presentation is also important. This is particularly so when working to a detailed mark scheme. Certainly it is easier to mark a folder which broadly follows the pattern of the mark scheme than one which is very erratic. Teachers are advised as to the advantages of using the mark scheme as a teaching tool and as a guide for folder presentation. NEA, 1986.Finally, the paper examines some more recent developments in the procedural models of design activity and the way in which professional designers approach their work. These insights provide an indication of the way forward for school design work and its assessment.  相似文献   

通过汾河下游段河道生物护堤和生物固岸的实践,阐述了防洪河道土堤采用优化栽植乔灌木林带,及在弯道险段岸坡、河底插植矮化的紫穗槐、绵柳等灌木林带,控制河势的方法;对平原冲积性复式河道生物治理,作了进一步分析和探讨,并提出了护堤林带可持续发展的管理措施。  相似文献   

In this paper, a holistic analytical framework for tracing and understanding the progress of e-development is developed and adopted in an empirical case study of China’s e-development since 1998. In particular, the progress is analyzed systematically by benchmarking various ICT infrastructure and e-devices, the composition of Internet users, and the key dimensions of e-government, e-working, e-commerce, and e-networking. In addition, the questions of whether the geographical digital divide in the country has been narrowed is examined. Our findings show that (1) China has made noticeable progress in the e-development since 1998; yet, progress varied in different dimensions; (2) based on the overall performance, 2004 can be considered as the watershed for China to move from the formative stage to the developmental stage; (3) during the e-development, digital disparities in China have dramatically decreased at the provincial level, however, the urban-rural digital gap widened. We suggest that other than promoting affordable ICT possession, the wider and more diversified e-applications for different walks of life will be important for China to move towards the mature stage.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2007,31(6-7):389-400
The paper examines current trends and policy issues related to broadband access and use in the rural areas of European Union (EU) member states. It draws selectively on the findings of a recently completed, multi-country project focused on current and future trends in broadband provision, applications and use in the enlarged European Union.The paper reviews key aspects and examples of the research literature and policy initiatives related to socio-economic and policy aspects of broadband, especially those focused on spatial inequalities of network rollout, access and use. It presents the main trends and issues related to broadband access and use in rural areas in EU countries and considers some related implications and conclusions.  相似文献   

露天矿选采工艺的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合国内外实际情况,论述了选采工艺在露天煤矿的应用,找出适合特定露天矿的选采工艺。  相似文献   

端帮开采技术在中国的发展前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了端帮开采技术在中国发展前景,尤其针对内蒙古鄂尔多斯地区煤矿进行了分析可行性论证。  相似文献   

Research in adoption of new mediatechnologies for social identity and its relationship to lifestyle has received little attention. The purpose of thisstudy is to link consumers’ lifestyle orientation and media use to the adoption behavior of new media technologies in urban China. Key findings indicate that (1) lifestyles significantly affect innovativeness; (2) the upscale socioecono-mic profile of earlier adopters was consistent with early research; and (3) adoption of certain new media technologies appeared to project certain social identities such as ‘life expansionists’, ‘sophisticated and fashionable’,and ‘pleasurable and enjoyable’. The results have important implications for marketing managers and media planners.  相似文献   

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