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当前大学生就业能力统计调查与对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王军 《当代经济》2010,(11):106-107
培养大学生就业能力,促进大学毕业生顺利就业,是高校人才培养的目标和方向、是大学生实现人生理想和自身价值的重要保障、是促进社会和谐稳定的重要举措。当前高校毕业生就业形势日趋严峻,毕业生就业率的高低和就业质量的好坏影响着学校的声誉,决定着学校的生存和发展。然而,通过统计调查,我们发现当前大学生就业能力明显不足,迫切需要采取综合措施,努力提高大学生的就业能力。  相似文献   

随着高等学校毕业生规模不断扩大,毕业生就业难的问题越来越凸显。如何增强大学生就业能力,解决大学生就业难的问题,是全社会关注和重视的焦点,是高等学校正着手研究的重要问题。分析影响大学生就业难的几点原因,提出提高大学生就业能力的具体措施和对策。  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业好坏已成为衡量一个学校办学质量好坏的重要标志.高校毕业生就业形势的好坏、就业率的高低,不仅直接影响一个学校的招生形势和生源质量,从长远来看.也关系到一个学校的生存与发展,因而高校就业工作指导的重要性也日益突出.本文就高校就业存在的问题阐明了自己的看法和如何提高大学生的就业能力提出了几点建议,最后为大学生就业指出新的发展方向.  相似文献   

提高大学生就业能力的对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对大学生就业难的现状,本文提出基于提高"就业能力"的大学生培养目标和模式,并从引进体验式学习方式、改善实习环节、教师培养和拓宽教师选拔途径及调整大学生心态等方面提出提高大学生就业能力的途径。  相似文献   

随着金融危机的爆发,大学生就业困难问题日益突出.针对高校、大学生、和政府都在不同程度上影响大学生的就业能力和就业结果,本文从三个层面阐述了提高大学生就业能力、进而改善就业状况的指导对策.  相似文献   

在职业教育市场化、高等教育大众化的今天,大学毕业生就业难问题,成了牵动人心的热点话题。笔者以为,提高大学生就业能力必须做到:一要加强大学生就业观念教育,更新其择业理念,使其树立正确的职业发展意识;二要加强高校人文素质教育,提高大学生的人文职业素养;三要完善大学生社会实践教育,培养学生适应社会的能力;四要建立健全一整套就业指导体制机制,指导帮助大学生切实提高就业能力。  相似文献   

崔峥 《时代经贸》2011,(8):228-228
大学生就业问题已成为全社会和高校关注的焦点、热点问题,而矛盾也日益突出,可以说这是一种结构性的矛盾。在严峻的现实条件下,是否具备良好的就业能力,成为大学毕业生能否就业的关键,也是其获得持久就业和职业生涯的保证。本文将试图对提高大学生就业能力问题进行探索和总结,最终深化认识并指导学生成功就业。  相似文献   

大学毕业生就业问题不仅关系到毕业生的幸福和希望,更关系到经济发展与社会稳定。大学生就业难的问题日益成为人们关心的焦点。从三个方面分析了大学生就业能力不足的原因,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

大学生就业问题已成为全社会和高校关注的焦点、热点问题,而矛盾也日益突出,可以说这是一种结构性的矛盾.在严峻的现实条件下,是否具备良好的就业能力,成为大学毕业生能否就业的关键,也是其获得持久就业和职业生涯的保证.本文将试图对提高大学生就业能力问题进行探索和总结,最终深化认识并指导学生成功就业.  相似文献   

大学生就业问题早已不是个人的问题,它作为一种社会现象受到越来越广泛的关注。大学生的就业能力直接决定着其能否顺利就业,所以,高校的就业能力的培养至关重要,而做好大学生的职业生涯规划对提高其就业能力意义重大。  相似文献   

Global climate change has been identified as the ftrst of the top ten environmental problems in the world,As climate change will have serious effects on the social and economic development and everyday living of people in the world,many of the countries and governments are taking untiring efforts to combat climate change.As one of the important mechanisms of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Kyoto Protocol,Clean DevelopmentMechanism (CDM) has not only provided chance.for developed countries to ftdfill greenhouse emission reduction obligations,but also provided an opportunity for developing countries to combat climate change under the sustainabledevelopment frame.The dual objectives of developed countries' GHG emissions' reduction obligation achievement and developing countries'sustainable development will be achieved under the CDM.As a country with responsibility,China has been positively developing CDM projects and promoting energy saving and emissions reduction during the three years after the Kyoto Protocol came into force,and CDM projects development has always been in the front tank in the world However,as the vast clime within China,notable differences occur in different regions.In order to promote the CDM development in China,it is necessary to have regional CDM capability construction in accor dance with the practicality in different regions.Based on the Slat Analysis of developed CDM projects and current CDM development status in China,problems in the CDM development of China,including the inefficiency in sinall and medium-sized CDM Projects development,over centralization of CDM development scope and especially the differentiated provincial CDM projects developing capability are pointed out in the paper.What's more,reasons forthe problems are analyzed from the leading factors,including policy orient,information asymmetry and weak CDMcapability.In order to promote CDM projects development in China,a new CDM capability construction model is put forward in the paper  相似文献   

Global climate change has been identified as the first of the top ten environmental problems in the world. As climate change will have serious effects on the social and economic development and everyday, living of people in the world, many of the countries and governments are taking untiring efforts to combat climate change. As one of the important mechanisms of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Kyoto Protocol, Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has not only provided chance for developed countries to fulfill greenhouse emission reduction obligations, but also provided an opportunity for developing countries to combat climate change under the sustainable development frame. The dual objectives of developed countries' GHG emissions' reduction obligation achievement and developing cotmtries'sustainable development will be achieved under the CDM. As a country with responsibility; China has been positively developing CDM projects and promoting energy saving and emissions reduction during the three yeors after the Kyoto Protocol came into force, and CDM projects development has always been in the front tank in the world. However; as the vast clime within China, notable differences occur in different regions. In order to promote the CDM development in China, it is necessa~T to have regional CDM capability construction in accordance with the practicality in different regions. Based on the Slat Analysis of developed CDM projects and current CDM development status in China, problems in the CDM development of China, including the inefficiency in small and medium-sized CDM Projects' development, over centralization of CDM development scope and especially the differentiated provincial CDM projects developing capability are pointed out in the paper: What's more, reasons for the problems are analyzed from fire leading.factors, including policy orient, information asymmetry and weak CDM capability, In order to promote CDM projects development in China, a new CDM capability, construction model is put forward in the paper.  相似文献   

Traditional measures of unemployment can mask important changes in the labor market across time. We therefore use broader definitions of unemployment to estimate time-varying job-matching efficiency rates that are consistent with vacancies and hiring activity data for the U.S. Our efficiency rates are then modelled along with employment data to study their dynamic, non-linear relationship. We find that including marginally attached workers and part-time workers for economic reasons helps explain the changes in employment patterns observed after the global financial crisis. This finding emphasizes the importance of accounting for labor underutilization, particularly during the latest economic recovery.  相似文献   

大学生就业营销策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张帆 《时代经贸》2007,(7Z):49-50
近年来,高校大学生就业难的问题日趋突出。高校缺乏应对机制、大学生对自身能力的要求不明确在很大程度上导致了就业危机。大学生就业市场营销注重从就业市场需求出发制定战略决策,在周密细致的市场调研、市场细分、目标市场选择和市场定位的基础上,制定市场营销组合策略,即产品、价格、地点、促销的组合。各个高校要结合自己的特点和优势,研究营销策略,开展就业指导,努力为毕业生就业广辟渠道。  相似文献   

高校贫困生是高校学生中的特殊群体,其心理和思想具有自卑、自闭、敏感等独特的特点,应该对此特别关注。贫困大学生的救助应是全方位的,应体现以人为本的原则,其中只有以思想教育为主的救助才能使其真正脱贫。具体途径有,引导贫困生正确理解贫困,坚强面对;给予贫困生更多的关爱,建立自信;抓楷模、塑典型,树立精神榜样等。  相似文献   

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