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Pioneering advantage in manufacturing firms has received much attention in the management and marketing literature. Few research studies, however, have been conducted to investigate the pioneering advantages and disadvantages involved in new service development, especially across several geographic regions. We build a theoretical framework of pioneering advantage in service industries based on the distinguishing characteristics of services. From this framework, we develop a set of testable propositions about the importance of several types of pioneering advantage (economic, preemptive, technological, and behavioral advantages) to service managers. Specifically, we propose that all of these types of pioneering advantages are important to service managers, and that these managers perceive that pioneering results in improved firm performance. We also propose that, due to the distinguishing characteristics of services such as intangibility and heterogeneity, service managers will not perceive the risks of pioneering in a service industry to be severe. In addition, we propose that certain types of pioneering advantage will be more important to service managers in Western countries than in Asian Pacific countries due to cultural and business environmental differences. In particular, we propose that service managers from Western firms perceive preemptive advantages of pioneering to be more important than do their Asian Pacific counterparts, and service managers from Asian Pacific firms perceive behavioral advantages of pioneering to be more important than do their Western counterparts. To test our propositions empirically, we develop a set of pioneering principles from the literature. We then collect and analyze data from a sample of 982 senior managers in service industries from nine countries: the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong,1 South Korea, and Singapore. We find evidence of several significant cross‐cultural differences consistent with our propositions. In fact, seven of the eight propositions are strongly or partially supported. The only nonsupported proposition concerned the importance of technological advantage. We find that technological advantages of pioneering are much less important to service managers than are other pioneering advantages. We conclude with strategic recommendations for managers involved in new service development and international or global competition, and provide directions for future research. We note that the insights from this study can help managers from both the West and the Asian Pacific region to better understand their global competitors who pursue a new service pioneering strategy, and can potentially help them select entry deterrence strategies more effectively.  相似文献   

我国粗放型的经济增长方式,迫切需要通过转型升级来提升竞争力。通过国际比较可知,我国经济自改革开放以来发展较快.但近年来存在较为明显的相对困境。文章从制造业与生产性服务业两方面分析了我国的产业发展现状,指出了我国经济和产业在发展中存在的难题.进而从挖掘政策红利、改变发展方式、加快制造业转型、提速服务业升级、促进产业融合等方面提出了破除我国产业发展困境的措施安排。  相似文献   

Real options and MNE strategies in Asia Pacific   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Asia Pacific offers a lot of promising growth opportunities, but it also presents high levels of uncertainty for multinational enterprises (MNEs). In this paper, we introduce real options theory as a theory of investment under uncertainty, and we discuss its implications for MNEs and their strategies with a focus on the emerging economies in Asia Pacific. We suggest that MNEs must recognize the various sources of uncertainty, as well as the various options embedded in their investments, and real options theory can help them structure and design their investments to benefit from uncertainty. In particular, MNEs need to develop the dynamic capabilities of managing real options in their investments to respond to the evolving economic and institutional environment in the region. This paper also provides several implications for policy makers in Asia Pacific to stimulate investment activities in the region and to help their firms venture successfully in the international market place.
Jing LiEmail:

Tony W. Tong   is an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado. He obtained his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. His current research applies real options theory to study firms’ corporate development activities and growth initiatives. His research in these areas has been published or accepted in journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of International Business Studies, and Organization Science. Jing Li   is an Assistant Professor of International Business at the Faculty of Business Administration at Simon Fraser University, Canada. Her research focuses on alliance activities in China, capability building of Chinese firms, and applications of real options theory to international strategy. Her research in these areas has appeared in the Journal of World Business, Advances in Strategic Management, and Managerial and Decision Economics.  相似文献   

以现代服务业的内涵及发展趋势为论述基点,在阐述现代服务业与新型工业化之间的"耦合"现象的基础上,比较深入地分析了新型工业化过程中现代服务业存在的突出问题,主要表现在现代服务业发展滞后、服务支撑体系不完善、体制性政策性约束等方面。进而,对加快发展现代服务业,推进我国新型工业化进程的有效措施进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the interdependence of telecommunications manufacturing, services, and user industries in the Mississippi Delta region of the US to understand the social and economic prospects of poorer rural areas of the US as advanced technologies rapidly proliferate. An underlying assumption is that telecommunications industries should not be viewed only by the employment they directly support; they should also be analyzed in terms of their linkages to other industries and how those linkages influence the competitiveness and growth prospects of businesses and public institutions in the region by building a capable community of technology users. The absence of leading telecom manufacturing and service firms in rural Delta counties together with low levels of connectivity suggest that digital divide problems are very real for the region. The central economic development challenge should be to ensure that rural businesses, government, health care, education, and non-profit institutions gain access to an advanced telecommunications infrastructure and that they develop the capacity to leverage this access to enhance their performance and expand their reach.  相似文献   

产业融合:横向产业研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
现代产业横向上的相互交融,使得我们很难判断一小企业在传统产业结构里的具体位置.同样,发展什么产业是推动经济增长的主要动力,也变得模糊下清了。现代经济以知识为主的高级生产要素逐步取代了传统的有形低级生产要素,这是一个重要的历史趋势。在这个条件下,本文将传统产业结构纵向糅合并横向切断,分析商品的形成过程及相应的企业组织形式,并归纳出包括研发设计、生产制造和营销服务三个核心元素的横向产业模式。警示企业或区域寻找其具有核心竞争力的横向产业,是更切合现代产业和区域经济持续发展的方向.  相似文献   

The first decade of the Asia Academy of Management   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
This paper briefly reviews the history of the Asia Academy of Management, the official sponsor of the Asia Pacific Journal of Management. It is suggested that establishing the Asia Academy of Management is a response to the new challenges of the academic institutional environment, both in Asia and in the mainstream management research community. Judging from the achievements in terms of reputation in the region, publication citations, school rankings, and internal organizational development, this new venture has added significant value to the global academic community. The challenges facing the Asia Academy, however, include the need to attract more interested parties to actively involve in its activities, more genuine cooperation among Asian and non-Asian institutions, and a need to affirm the contributions of Asian management studies.
Chung-Ming LauEmail:

Chung-Ming Lau   (PhD, Texas A&M University) is professor in the Department of Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was the founding President of the Asia Academy of Management, where he served as President during 1998–2006 and now serves as its Secretary. He has also served on the editorial board of the Asia Pacific Journal of Management from 2002 to 2007, including one term as Senior Editor (2004–2007). His teaching and research interests include strategic change, organization culture, and management of Chinese organizations. He has published in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Applied Psychology, Management International Review, Organization Science, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, and other major journals in management and international business.  相似文献   

Asia Pacific Journal of Management - China’s growing economic importance has led to a significant increase in the volume of empirical research about business and management in this country...  相似文献   

王妤  李剑 《工业技术经济》2016,35(2):105-113
经济发展新常态背景下,对我国经济发展和产业结构调整提出了新的要求,我国产业升级面临新压力和新机遇。本文采用普通最小二乘法探索了我国新常态下的经济增长与产业结构关系,研究得出:经济增长与产业结构之间存在协整关系;产业结构变动是经济增长的格兰杰原因,但是不能得出经济增长是产业结构变动的格兰杰原因,经济增长与产业结构之间存在单向的影响关系;定量测算得出第一、二、三产业增加值的估计系数分别为0.2563、0.5325、0.2357,第一、二、三产业增加值与经济增长之间均存在正相关关系。  相似文献   

全球化和信息技术发展为后起国家的产业升级提供了新的选择。通过发展服务外包,新兴经济国家可充分发挥后发优势,这些国家的产业升级有可能突破传统的线性路径。相对于制造业,中国服务业的市场化和国际化水平较低。发展服务外包将为中国产业升级带来新的机遇。本文以全球化为视角,探讨服务外包与后起国家产业升级的路径变化,并运用SWOT方法,分析我国发展服务外包的优势与差距,提出推进服务外包发展、促进产业升级的政策措施。  相似文献   

一个创意多样化利用("一意多用")是创意产业中重要的经济现象。本文提出"一意多用"概念,对其三个存在条件和两种基本表现形式进行了详细分析,进而构建了一个从创意到商品的运作流程框架,并提出"一意多用"的三种发展模式。文章还从创业理论和新增长理论两个视角分别提出了"一意多用"促进创意产业成长的独特机制。最后,从创意生成和创意开发两个基本层面提出发展创意产业的政策建议。  相似文献   

This article attempts to identify the emerging pattern of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and/or international production in the Asian Pacific region. The internationalisation of production has accelerated in the Asian Pacific region as competitive advantage has shifted and as protectionist measures have changed traditional source patterns. The Asian Pacific region has evolved into an interactive international production system comprising three tiers of countries: Japan, the four Asian Newly Industrialized Countries (ANICs), and the four developing countries of the Asian Pacific region (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand). The fundamental economic reality which has molded this system is the dynamic complementarity in location advantages of the three tiers.The authors are in the Department of International Business at The University of Michigan. W. Chan Kim is the author of a forthcoming book on Asian Business. Vern Terpstra is a former president of the Academy of International Business and the author of books on international business.  相似文献   

金秋十月,对于玩具行业来说是一个举足轻重的月份。虽然去年玩具重大召回事件的影响已渐渐远去,国内玩具企业在抓质量重品牌上的策略越来越清晰明了,但受全球经济形势不景气的影响,我国玩具行业目前遇到的挑战仍然巨大。已经成功举办了六届的中国国际玩具、模型及婴儿用品展览会(以下简称中国玩具展)依托强大的组织机构和其在世界专业玩具展览会中的重要地位,已经成为亚洲地区仅次于香港玩具展的第二大玩具展览会。在世界经济不景气及玩具行业面临巨大挑战的情况下,第七届中国玩具展于10月9日-11日在上海新国际博览中心顺利举行,为世界玩具行业同仁提供了在打好最后一季营销战的巨大平台。  相似文献   

后金融危机时代,各国都在积极寻求发展新兴产业来推动经济的发展。战略性新兴产业是实现我国2020年减排目标的需要和经济发展方式转变的突破口。通过对战略性新兴产业价值评价指标的分析,认为降低能耗强度和减排是产业价值实现的重点,开展低碳经济转型是我国战略性新兴产业发展的关键。  相似文献   

Japanese horizontal keiretsu and the performance implications of membership   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Our study investigates the effect of Japanese horizontal keiretsu group membership on firm risk and return. Like prior studies, our results show that horizontal keiretsu membership has a negative effect on firm profitability. However, we find that horizontal keiretsu networks are likely to increase the gap between targeted and realized returns, which we call the outcome–aspiration gap. Moreover, in contrast to prior studies, our results indicate that keiretsu membership does not enable member firms to reduce risks by smoothing profitability. Instead, our findings provide evidence that is counter to the conventional notion that Japanese horizontal keiretsu allows their member firms to trade off profits for reduced risk.
Anthony GoerzenEmail:

Takehiko Isobe   is Professor of Management at the Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University. He received his PhD from Keio University. His research interests include the effects of search behavior and strategic changes on corporate performance. He has published his research in the Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, and Journal of International Business Studies. His research received the 2004 Best Paper Awards from the Asia Academy of Management. Shige Makino   is Professor at the Department of Management in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received his PhD from the Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario. His current research focuses on investigating the effects of non-economic factors on economic activities in international business practices. His research has appeared in leading journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Strategic Management Journal, and Organization Science among others. He is the vice president of the Association of Japanese Business Studies and has been serving as editorial board member in many international journals. Anthony Goerzen   earned his PhD from the Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario. His research interests center on multinational enterprises, more specifically the organizational and performance effects of interfirm networks, cross-border alliances, and geographic locations. He has published his research in the Strategic Management Journal, Management International Review, Academy of Management Executive, and Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Aside from several book chapters, he has also written a book entitled Networks and Location based on his doctoral thesis which won the Udayan Rege Best Dissertation Award 2000–2002 (a biannual PhD thesis competition held by the Administrative Science Association of Canada) and was selected into the final four of the Gunnar Hedlund Best Dissertation Award 2002 (sponsored by the Institute of International Business and the European International Business Association) as well as the Barry Richman Best Dissertation Award 2002 (sponsored by the Academy of Management).  相似文献   

高技术在中国产业发展中的地位和作用   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
在资源和能力有限的条件下,对传统技术和高技术进行选择,是关系发展中国家产业发展前途的重大战略问题。西方产业向中国的转移和西方产业技术向中国的扩散,是现阶段中国产业发展和产业技术进步的主要内容。在中国已经经历了20多年的持续快速增长的今天,各类产业(无论是成熟产业还是新兴产业)都面临着技术进步的艰巨任务。在现行世界经济体系中,高技术的高附加值利益将得到更大的强化;传统技术和传统产业的规模竞争和利润摊薄,使得其附加价值趋向降低;而高技术产业的高增长和高附加值(垄断利润)倾向则将长期保持。在中国现阶段的工业化进程中,一方面,需要发展高技术产业以拓展产业空间;而在这一过程中,高技术产业链的分解以及各产业间的融合,使得中国在整体工业技术水平不高的条件下也能在高技术产业领域中获得很大的发展空间;另一方面,要实现高技术同传统产业的结合,将高科技注入传统产业,以提高传统产业的竞争力,使得高技术的运用成为推动传统产业发展的重要力量。因此,买技术、换技术、学技术和开发自主知识产权的技术,在中国工业化过程中以及高技术产业的发展过程中都具有重要的意义。在现阶段,中国高技术产业的发展既要力争有所突破,也要做到量力而行。尤其是要通过科技资源配置体制的改革,形成高技术产业发展有效的市场竞争秩序,以促进高技术产业的长期持续发展。  相似文献   

The service industry is of fundamental relevance for the economies of industrialized countries, as the service industry produces the highest growth in the gross domestic product. In this regard, new service development (NSD) represents a critical resource for competitive survival and a decisive factor of growth in the service industry. However, service firms across many industries are increasingly faced with the challenge of determining how best to manage their development of new service offerings. Although researchers have shown growing interest in NSD issues, this area is still underutilized. Furthermore, although the heterogeneity of the service industry has been emphasized for years, the current body of research on NSD mainly focuses on specific service environments, providing data that are often not comparable across different service sectors. Additionally, there is no study to date that comprehensively examines innovation activities and the relevance of service innovations’ success factors within different service industries. The aim of this exploratory study is to establish a more balanced picture of the nature of innovation activities in terms of NSD characteristics and success factors in the heterogeneous service industry. From this perspective, this paper begins with an examination of the factors that contribute to the success of NSD. Based on a meta‐analysis of new service success factor studies, 17 different success determinants are classified and aggregated to service‐related success determinants. Subsequently, a cluster analysis of 1016 service companies is used to identify different service innovation types. For the service sector, four service innovation types are determined: efficient developers, innovative developers, interactive adopters, and standardized adopters. Furthermore, based on interviews with service innovation managers, the previously identified success factors are examined for each innovation type using a standardized survey. Finally, based on the results of this exploratory study, the paper concludes with recommendations for NSD management and research propositions for each service innovation type. These propositions support innovation managers to successfully manage service innovations for the innovation type they are operating in.  相似文献   

在全球经济增长缓慢背景下,创意经济表现出巨大活力。世界已进入创意经济的时代,伦敦作为创意之都,其文化创意产业发展模式的研究对其他国家地区的文化创意产业发展具有借鉴作用。从产业竞争优势理论出发,通过归纳影响伦敦文化创意产业因素,对伦敦文化创意产业的竞争优势进行分析。  相似文献   

Moriya Koyama, Japanese Vice-Minester of Posts and Telecommunications, outlines the need for and format of the recent reforms in Japan's telecommunications. Importantly, the principle of competition has been introduced throughout Japanese telecommunications, with private enterprises now able to provide main categories of service. The principles of impartiality between domestic and foreign suppliers and of fairness in competition have been enshrined in the reform. Further, Japan wishes to promote cooperation in the Pacific basin area to develop economic growth throughout the region.  相似文献   

合理的产业结构是区域经济健康发展的前提。它有利于充分利用区域资源。发挥区域优势,提高区域产业经济效益,增强区域经济实力。产业结构在整个经济结构中居于主导地位,它的变动对经济增长有着决定性的影响。定量化的研究产业结构变动对经济产生的效益是一项非常困难的工作,而用偏离——份额分析法可以大致分析出各产业变动对经济的贡献。因此。文章运用偏离——份额法对全国东部、中部和西部三大区域的产业结构进行效益分析。  相似文献   

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