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黄一凡 《中国外汇》2013,(22):67-68
借助香港ETF的多元化优势,分散地域投资风险,可以作为国内关注海外市场投资者的一项选择。近几年,我国ETF(交易型开放式指数基金)市场发展加速,推出的投资主题逐渐多样化,打破了以前只是追踪股票指数的局面。目前,除了指数ETF,以商品、黄金、闻债等为基准的ETF也柏继推出。相比传统的指数暴金,ETF在交易赞率和效率上确有优势。  相似文献   

在未来全球经济失衡的调整过程当中,我国资本市场面临着国际金融资本转移、人民币升值等重大机遇,但监管体系欠发达、资本市场产业基础薄弱等问题也将制约着这些机遇的利用。另一方面,我国资本市场的发展也可以从提升消费率、促进储蓄转化为投资、提高产业重组效率、改善宏观调控等多方面增强应对全球经济失衡的能力。因此,我国应该通过推进资本项目开放、完善汇率形成机制、做强资本市场产业基础等措施,确保我国资本市场牢牢抓住全球经济失衡带来的发展机遇。  相似文献   

A股市场近期的震荡再次引起了投资者对分散资产配置的兴趣,截至四月,237只股票型基金今年以来总回报率平均是负9.12%,对比明显的是以工银全  相似文献   

大多数投资经理均有一致的看法:对全球经济的冲击主要来自发达国家,而新兴市场的资产负债表则对这些冲击表现出良好的承受力。这意味着吏多的国际投资者正被新兴市场的资产所吸引。这些新兴市场资产的范围不仅涵盖股票市场,也包括本币债券市场。然而,新兴市场货币是否具有投资价值?  相似文献   

李美云 《金融博览》2010,(24):72-73
“不要将技术分析作为一种投资方法,你必须是一位基本面投资者才能在这个市场上真正获得成功。”  相似文献   

大多数投资经理均有一致的看法:对全球经济的冲击主要来自发达国家,而新兴市场的资产负债表则对这些冲击表现出良好的承受力。这意味着吏多的国际投资者正被新兴市场的资产所吸引。这些新兴市场资产的范围不仅涵盖股票市场,也包括本币债券市场。然而,新兴市场货币是否具有投资价值?  相似文献   

货币政策是我国宏观调控的重要政策手段,在货币政策通过利率路径和信贷路径对房地产市场进行调控时,会对房地产市场不同用途的分类市场产生不同的影响。中央银行制定相关货币政策时,应考虑货币政策措施对房地产分类市场的差异性影响。  相似文献   

近期,大盘经历了连续急速的下跌,短期市场风险得到了较好的释放,虽然市场的宽幅震荡给投资者的后续投资带来了一些困惑,但多位专家及大多数业内人士预期,未来市场主基  相似文献   

朱孜芊 《中国外汇》2014,(23):50-53
在我国,对资本市场开放一直较为慎重。一方面,限制国内居民投资境外的股票、债券、基金等金融产品,主要出于对境内机构和居民在涉外投资方面经验不足、风险管理能力较弱的考虑;另一方面,限制非居民投资国内的资本市场,主要是考虑到境外资金投入国内股票市场后,对其资金流向的监控难度较大。目前,对于资本市场的双向开放,我们借鉴了新兴市场国家的合格机构投资者制度。  相似文献   

残酷的经济环境要求企业必须具有竞争力,为了实现最优的价值和效率,越来越多的公司在尝试将其制造流程分解为许多微小元素。与此同时,它们与一群小供应商展开了广泛接触。这些供应商能以具有竞争力的成本完成制造流程中的各个分支任务/阶段。  相似文献   

This paper investigates FTSE 100 index membership changes, which are determined quarterly by market capitalization and should have no information content. Return reversal around index additions and deletions suggests that buying (selling) pressure moves prices temporarily away from equilibrium, consistent with short‐term downward sloping demand curves. In contrast to widely reported results for the S&P 500, there is no evidence of permanent price effects. Further results suggest that investor awareness and monitoring due to index membership do not explain the price effects. There is statistically significant anticipatory trading in stocks that just fail to be promoted to the FTSE 100.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of an analysis of the reconciliations of equity presented as part of the transition from UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (UK GAAP) to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by the largest UK companies. While the overall effect on equity is not significant, the effect of the change in convention on individual line items could have important consequences for financial analysis and contractual obligations. The level of variability between companies means that this change will demand attention to detail by users of financial statements. The paper provides a benchmark for comparison with companies from other accounting traditions making the transition to IFRS.  相似文献   

Ex ante hedging effectiveness of the FTSE 100 and FTSE Mid 250 index futures contracts is examined for a range of portfolios, consisting of stock market indexes and professionally managed portfolios (investment trust companies). Previous studies which focused on ex post hedging performance using spot portfolios that mirror market indexes are shown to overstate the risk reduction potential of index futures. Although ex ante hedge ratios are found to be characterised by intertemporal instability, ex ante hedging performance of direct hedges and cross hedges approaches that of the ex post benchmark when hedge ratios are estimated using a sufficient window size.  相似文献   

This study utilises tests based on ranks and signs suggested by Wright (2000) in addition to the traditional variance ratio test to examine the behaviour of some UK Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) stock indices. The results suggest that the null hypothesis of martingale difference behaviour of the index returns series examined in the study is rejected. The use of the nonparametric based variance ratio tests provide stronger evidence against the martingale difference behaviour than the conventional variance ratio tests, under conditions of both homoskedasticity and heteroskedasticity for the examined series. Moreover, the application of Wrights variance ratio tests in a rolling window framework, indicates that the results for the FTSE returns are consistent neither with a linear AR assumption nor with the white noise hypothesis.We are grateful to Jonathan Wright for programming help. We also thank the editor and an anonymous referee for their constructive comments. All errors and omissions remain ours.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This study examines trading activities before and after the transfer of the FTSE 100 index futures contract from open outcry to electronic trading. Daily order imbalance exhibits strong serial persistence in the electronic limit order market, but not in open-outcry trading. Both excess buying and selling reduce liquidity. In the electronic venue, prior market movements barely affect investors' buying or selling decisions. Excess buy orders do not generate any price impact, but sell orders do. Positive imbalances are more strongly autocorrelated than negative imbalances. No trading elements, such as order imbalance, volume, or open interest, are associated with volatility. Moreover, excess buying decreases volatility. Such evidence suggests that the development and growth of electronic trading has changed the dynamics of trading activities in many important ways.  相似文献   

Using the tail index of returns on U.S. equities as a summarymeasure of extreme behavior, we examine changes in the equitymarkets surrounding the development of program trading for portfolioinsurance, the crash of 1987, and the subsequent introductionof circuit breakers and other changes in market architecture.Recently-developed tests for the null of constancy of the tailindex, versus the alternative of a change at an unknown date,permit inference on changes in extreme behavior over a longtime period while allowing for second-moment dependence in thereturn data. We find strong evidence of a decrease in the tailindex (increase in the probability of extreme events) aroundthe beginning of large-scale program trading, and weaker, butstill substantial, evidence of further significant change inthe tail index following the introduction of circuit breakers.Point estimates of the tail index suggest that the tail indexmay have roughly regained pre-program trading levels. More generally,the results tend to suggest that long samples of U.S. equityreturns should not be treated as samples from a single distributionfunction, particularly in examining extremes.  相似文献   

We investigate the comovement of daily returns from 13 Asian and non‐Asian markets before and after the advent of the Asian crisis in July 1997. For individual pairs of markets, our analysis shows a seven‐fold increase in feedback relations. For the markets as a group, we find a reduction in the number of common factors that generate returns. Since the post‐crisis period included the collapse of the Russian market and attack on the Brazilian real, we also analyze six three‐month subperiods surrounding the crisis. We find that the perceived increase in comovement during the post‐crisis interval was the result of subperiod transitory shocks.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the response of equity analysts following Australian and US listed stocks to the onset of the 2007 Global Financial Crisis. Both groups of analysts reacted quickly by adjusting their forecasts downwards, and initially tending towards being overly pessimistic. Relative to pre‐crisis data, the authors identify sharp declines in earnings forecasts, an increase (decrease) in downward (upward) revisions, and a downward (upward) trend in sell (buy) recommendations. Forecast errors are larger, and dispersion of earnings forecasts is higher. Finally, the most accurate analysts in the pre‐crisis period continue to be significantly more accurate during the crisis period than their peers.  相似文献   

李路阳 《国际融资》2008,91(5):8-11
自2007年3月18号,国务院批准在天津举办首届“中国企业国际融资洽谈会”(简称融洽会),由天津市政府,全国工商联和美国企业成长协会共同主办的融洽会已成功举办了第一届,并即将在今年6月10~12日举办第二届。如果沿着这时间隧道回行就会发现,融洽会的价值与意义已远远超越了会议本身。这也是《国际融资》记者一年来跟踪采访后最想说的话。作为中国经济第三增长极核,心区的天津,在国务院批准天津滨海新区为全国综合配套改革试验区后,正以创新的举措实现在直接融资等金融领域的先行先试,加速营造VC/PE市场大手笔。同时,国务院积极支持天津进行全国性OTC市场(柜台交易市场)的试验  相似文献   

Using a broad data set of 20 US dollar exchange rates and order flow of institutional investors over 14 years, we construct a measure of global liquidity risk in the foreign exchange (FX) market. Our FX liquidity measure may be seen as the analog of the well-known Pastor–Stambaugh liquidity measure for the US stock market. We show that this measure has reasonable properties, and that there is a strong common component in liquidity across currencies. Finally, we provide evidence that liquidity risk is priced in the cross-section of currency returns, and estimate the liquidity risk premium in the FX market around 4.7 percent per annum.  相似文献   

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