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利益相关者理论下的会计政策选择研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利益相关者理论是在契约理论的基础之上丰富和发展起来的,其根基并没有超脱企业契约的范畴,是环境推动的结果.企业之所以能够存在,不仅与股东和经理人员有关,而且与消费者、债权人、供应商、员工和政府等紧密相关.企业是利益相关者结成的关系契约,利益相关者的价值最大化是利益相关者理论下的会计政策选择的目标.会计政策选择权属于企业的剩余控制权,从利益相关者理论角度看,会计政策选择权应属于利益相关者.利益相关者通过不同的方式影响着企业,进而通过相应的公司治理结构和具体运行机制进行会计政策选择,并受到一定外在约束机制的制约.以利益相关者理论为基础,遵守会计政策选择的原则、在相应会计政策选择的内外约束机制下,达成利益相关者的价值最大化目标.  相似文献   

利益相关者对企业会计政策选择的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晶 《会计师》2010,(7):20-21
<正>企业是利益相关者构成的关系契约,利益相关者的价值最大化是企业会计政策选择的目标。各利益相关者因提供了不同的资源而有着不同的利益需求,从而对会计政策选择产生的影响是不同的。  相似文献   

由于目前对上市公司会计政策的选择尚缺乏明确的规范,而管理当局利用自身优势形成了对会计政策选择的事实控制,其自利选择倾向问题十分突出,不同程度地损害了其他利益相关者的利益.根据利益相关者理论,上市公司会计政策选择应最大程度上实现各方利益均衡,为此,当前应通过建立利益相关者共同治理模式,完善会计准则及准则制定机制,建立有效的约束激励机制等措施,使上市公司会计政策选择趋向合理化.  相似文献   

龚俊 《云南金融》2011,(4X):127-127
会计政策选择应是提高企业价值的方式,但现实中我国部分上市公司并没有正确运用其应有的选择权,反而以此为契机进行利润操纵,损害其他利益相关者。本文在深入分析我国上市公司会计政策选择存在的主要问题后,从多方面剖析原因,并提出了应对措施,以期对优化我国上市公司会计政策选择有所裨益,实现选择的规范化和最优化。  相似文献   

会计政策选择应是提高企业价值的方式,但现实中我国部分上市公司并没有正确运用其应有的选择权,反而以此为契机进行利润操纵,损害其他利益相关者。本文在深入分析我国上市公司会计政策选择存在的主要问题后,从多方面剖析原因,并提出了应对措施,以期对优化我国上市公司会计政策选择有所裨益,实现选择的规范化和最优化。  相似文献   

上市公司会计政策选择的伦理思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近年来,我国上市公司中"内部人控制"①问题十分严重。公司管理当局通过控制会计政策的选择权,选择利于自身利益最大化的会计政策,由此造成中小股东利益受侵害的现象较为严重。如何减少冲突,化解矛盾,直接关乎我国上市公司各利益相关者的利益,从长远看,决定着上市公司的健康成长,影响着资源的优化配置和资本市场的持续健康发展。本文对普遍存在的会计政策选择失当现象,没有简单地论定为是公司管理当局道德伦理丧失,而是选择新的视角,从伦理学的角度,深度挖掘会计政策选择的伦理基础,研究基于伦理内在要求的会计政策选择目标,深入分析会计政策的利益实现机制,并基于优化会计政策选择的考虑,提炼出会计伦理建设的原则和保障措施,以期有利于治理我国上市公司管理当局利用会计政策选择操纵会计信息的问题。  相似文献   

会计政策是企业会计信息生成的基础,贯穿于企业会计确认、计量、记录报告的整个会计过程,是会计发挥其功能作用的重要实现形式。当前,国际金融危机给企业带来了严重影响。会计政策选择正是一种经济和政治利益的博弈规则和制度安排。可以在一定程度上减轻企业的负面影响。文章从会计政策选择的本质和影响因素出发.介绍了企业可从存货计价、固定资产折旧、人民币算和公允价值计量四方面进行会计政策的选择。以及我国企业会计政策选择中存在的问题和相应的对策。  相似文献   

企业会计政策选择研究——基于利益相关者理论   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
新企业会计准则的国际趋同,使会计信息系统的重点从会计记录向会计政策的选择转化。企业会计政策的选择受多重因素影响,但不同的利益主体产生的影响不同。本文基于利益相关者理论,将利益主体划分为强势和弱势两大类,并通过调查分析两类利益主体对会计政策选择的参与意识、影响方式、影响程度及产生的经济后果等方面进行了研究。  相似文献   

基于公司治理的会计政策选择   总被引:67,自引:0,他引:67  
李姝 《会计研究》2003,(7):24-27
本文在介绍公司治理和会计政策选择基本概念及其相互关系的基础上 ,阐述了两种不同的公司治理模式下会计政策选择所表现出的一些特点。进而论述了公司治理相关利益主体对会计政策选择的影响 ,以及现阶段我国会计政策选择的现状 ,并提出从公司治理入手 ,提高会计政策选择的公允性。  相似文献   

企业会计政策选择机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙莎 《现代会计》2008,(1):15-18
在计划经济体制下,我国企业会计政策选择的余地甚微,但随着社会主义市场经济体制和现代企业制度的建立和完善,我国企业进行会计政策选择的外部环境和内在动因已经具备,使企业会计政策的选择成为必然,企业通过会计政策的选择,促进企业目标的实现,还可以应对不断出现和变化的新情况、新问题,另外,企业各利益相关者为各自的利益驱动,也会迫使企业进行会计政策的选择,以选择有利于自身利益的会计政策,达到各自的目的。因此,如何正确选用会计政策以恰当表达有效传递会计信息给不同的利益相关者,成为企业会计工作中不可回避的问题。  相似文献   

与提高会计信息质量的相关性相适应,完善和应用公允价值计量是一种趋势。作为五大计量属性之一,基于理论上的局限性,应用上大量的假设和前提,公允价值计量是可供选择的计量方法之一。因此,要积极、稳妥地推进公允价值的计量,提高会计信息的质量,更好地服务于经济发展。  相似文献   

会计政策的可选择性为企业真实反映经济业务实质创造条件的同时,也为企业管理当局操纵会计盈余提供了机会.分析和检验会计政策选择的动因对企业会计准则的完善与企业会计行为的监管均具有十分重要的现实意义.本文以低值易耗品摊销方法选择为切入点,选取符合我国企业特征的契约变量,运用均值检验和Logistic回归方法对低值易耗品摊销方法的选择动因进行了实证检验,结果证实了实证会计理论中的政治成本假设和报酬契约假设.  相似文献   

The accounting policy choice literature has identified many factors which have been shown to be useful in explaining cross-sectional variation in the accounting methods used by public companies. One relationship which has been relatively unexplored in this literature is the potential effect of international trade on accounting choice. This study proposes that international trading activities may create incentives for firms to choose income increasing accounting policies. This proposition was tested by examining the depreciation choices of a sample of Canadian firms. Results suggest that importers were more likely to choose income increasing accounting methods than non-importers, while exporting was not found to be related to this accounting choice. These diverging results may be caused by the declining value of the Canadian dollar (relative to the US dollar), which tends to benefit exporters, but is of detriment to importers.  相似文献   

This article shows how the difference between the observed frequencies of accounting policy choice and the outcome of a random policy choice, where each available method has an equal chance of being selected, may be fully explained with a statistical model. The process of harmonization is described in a way that identifies departures from equiprobable accounting policy choice as either: (a) the systematic effects of harmonization, or (b) the effects of systematic divergence from international harmony where the frequency of adoption of differing accounting methods varies across countries, or (c) the effects of company-specific accounting policy choices. The understanding of harmony that underlies previous attempts to measure harmonization is such that, with respect to a particular financial statement item, a situation of maximum harmony is reached when all companies in all countries use the same accounting method. From the standpoint of modelling the harmonization process. however, a different concept of harmony may be more useful. In this article, therefore, we posit a state of distributional harnzony in which, other things being equal, the expected distribution of accounting policy choices is the same in each country. In this theoretical state. the odds of selecting a given accounting method from those available for a particular financial statement item are identical for each country. A major advantage of this benchmark is that it provides a basis for distinguishing between two possibly conflicting components of the international harmonization process: between-country harmonization and within-country standardization. A hierarchy of nested statistical models is then used to describe accounting policy choices made by companies with an international shareholding and registered in Europe, where the European Union has been involved in a program of accounting harmonization. The accounting policies analysed in depth in this article comprise the treatment of goodwill and accounting for deferred taxation. The results are compared with the comparability index method used previously in harmonization research studies.  相似文献   

We examine the implications of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) for financial statement comparability. We posit that the increased difficulty of estimating future cash flows and the increased opportunity for earnings management with increased EPU reduce the quality of earnings and its comparability. Consistent with this reasoning, we find a negative relation between earnings comparability and lagged EPU. Further, the association between EPU and comparability is more negative for firms that have poorer accruals quality and higher earnings volatility. We do not find that accounting policy choice is systematically related to the association between EPU and comparability. These results suggest that cross-sectional differences in accounting estimates rather than accounting policies influence the relation between EPU and comparability.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a framework for understanding management's decision‐making on observable accounting policy choices. The framework is used to hypothesize how country, industry, and topic factors influence policy choice under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The hypotheses are tested on the choices made by the largest firms from 10 jurisdictions on a comprehensive set of IFRS policy topics, which are hand‐collected from the financial statements. The results are consistent with the framework: country factors are particularly influential when the choice does not affect an important accounting number; and industry and topic factors influence the choice on some topics. Overall, we find that country factors have the greatest influence on IFRS policy choice.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence on several matters relating to accounting for government grants under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Focusing on grants related to assets, we trace the development of International Accounting Standard (IAS) 20, outline some of the problems of current accounting practice, and suggest why these have not been addressed by the standard-setter. Then, by hand-collecting data relating to 559 firms from 15 countries, we empirically analyze several issues. We show that asset grants are economically important for some firms and that the frequency of grants is significantly different across the countries. For the non-financial firms in our sample, we identify the grant-related accounting policy choice: a firm can either show the grant as deferred income or net it against the asset. The options are roughly equally popular overall but the firm’s country of domicile is strongly associated with the choice. Further, as a key element of disclosure quality for this topic, we investigate whether or not the balance sheet-related numbers relating to grants are disclosed, finding that many firms do not disclose them. Disclosure quality is better for firms which use the ‘deferred income’ option, and it is also better in countries where a higher proportion of firms has received government grants. International differences and poor disclosure are detrimental to international comparisons, so we conclude that the policy choice should be removed from the accounting standard.  相似文献   

论会计政策选择目标   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
会计政策选择作为特定主体的一种理性行为,必然存在一定的目标。会计政策选择的目标不直接等同于会计目标。宏观会计政策选择的目标应当是基于资源优化配置的以决策有用的真实收益为核心的目标体系,微观会计政策选择的目标为企业价值最大化。宏观会计政策选择与微观会计政策选择目标的不一致,决定了会计目标的实现形式。  相似文献   

Accounting rules affect fundamental areas of social interaction encompassing groups that have diverse and conflicting interests regarding financial reporting. In the absence of a coherent social choice theory, concepts of legitimacy can be used to assess the acceptance of accounting standard-setting processes and their resulting norms. In this paper, we analyze the standard-setting process in Europe. Accounting rules in Europe are developed in a two-stage process involving both private standard-setting and public rule-making. From a structural perspective, the European Union (EU) is well positioned to develop legitimate accounting procedures. However, the original purpose and the ensuing legitimacy of its control mechanism are jeopardized when EU structures are used and sometimes abused for policy formation and the creation of EU-IFRS.  相似文献   

会计政策选择能否恰当,直接影响着企业所提供的会计信息质量,进而影响外部信息使用者的决策。文章以沪深两市医药类上市公司2011到2013连续三年的会计年报的数据为样本,统计分析了医药类上市公司会计政策的选择情况和存在的问题,对规范医药类上市公司会计政策选择提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

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