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Egyptian governor invites Chinese investment Egypt's North Sinai Governor Mo- hamed Shousha said on August 25 that he welcomes investments from China, partic- ularly in the domains of high technology, tourism, mining and water resources. In an interview with Xinhua, Shousha said there is a great potential for Egypt and China to boost investment in various fields  相似文献   

Bank of China’s loan to Mozambique used to carry out several projects in provinces of Zambézia and Tete According to macauhub, a loan of US$50 million provided by the Bank of China to the former Zambezi Planning Office has made it possible to carry out a variety of development projects, said the chairman of the institution that closed down in 2010. In an interview with weekly Magazine Independente, in its Tuesday edition, Sérgio Vieira said that  相似文献   

Ecobank opens‘China desk' to manage Africa loans Pan-African bank,Ecobank Transnational Inc,will open a China desk next week aimed at easing the flow of Chinese loans for African infrastructure projects,a bank official said on April 6. The desk will be located in Accra and include two Ecobank employees and two senior stafffrom the Bank of China, Henry Ampong,Ecobank's global account manager,told Reuters.You'll see lots of funds being channeled through Ecobank for infrastructure projects especially in Lib...  相似文献   

Chinese, local firms to explore energy-sector opportunities this month Two high-level free briefing sessions exploring business opportunities between Chinese and African companies in the energy sector will take place at Energex Africa, on June 7 and 8, at Gallagher Convention Centre, in Midrand. Energex Africa is an energy solutions event, covering power saving, renewable energy and alternative power sources. Local role-players in the energy sector have an oppor- tu- nity to engage with leaders in the Ch...  相似文献   

张娟 《国际市场》2008,(2):10-13
非洲是一片充满希望的土地,那里有大片原生态的森栋和草原,有储量惊人的矿藏和旖旎的风光。非洲人民充满活力,非洲大陆蕴藏的能量和发展潜力令世界惊叹,上海市外国(对外)投资理进中心、《国际市场》杂志社携手达之路国际控股集团有限公司将在今年3月3日隆重举行“2008达之路非洲投资高峰论坛”。现在,让我仍将镜头拉长,聚焦非洲。[编者按]  相似文献   

刚果河、尼罗河、阿特拉斯山脉、肯尼亚山……当这些名字变得不再陌生时,非洲古老的文明向我们敞开了怀抱。越来越多的中国商人,看中了这块阳光充裕的富饶土地。非洲首富祖龙佳集团日前宣布进入中国,抢滩咨询市场,为中非企业投资提供服务。据称,这是非洲机构在华设立的首家实体机构。  相似文献   

非洲纺织服装业的新商机   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
非洲作为中国政府重点帮助的地区,注定与中国的政治、经济有着密不可分的关系,中非之间友好的政治关系将为双方的经济合作奠定良好的基础,这是一个能够为中非纺织产业合作提供良好契机的时代。  相似文献   

张娟  韩一崝 《国际市场》2012,(Z3):44-45,6
位于非洲大陆最北端的突尼斯(Tunisia),北部和东部面临地中海,隔突尼斯海峡与意大利的西西里岛相望,扼地中海东西航运的要冲,东南与利比亚为邻,西与阿尔及利亚接壤。突尼斯是世界上少数几个集中了海滩、沙漠、山林和古文明的国家之一,是悠久文明和多元文化的融和之地。突尼斯拥有迷人的沙滩、温和的气候、比邻欧洲的地理优势、物美价廉的商品和热情好客的风土人情。突尼斯人十分热情好客,常以椰  相似文献   

从2009年开始,中国超越美国成为南非最大贸易伙伴。2013年,南非与中国的双边贸易额已达651.5亿美元,较上一年增长了8.6%。与此同时,中国在南非的投资也持续增长,2003年1月至今年1月,中国在南非投资额累积达133.33亿兰特(约合12.4亿美元),涉及38个项目,涵盖汽车、通信、金融服务、食品、烟草、化工、工业设备、建筑和运输等多个领域,而这些投资项目为南非创造了1万多个就业机会。  相似文献   

美国对非洲传统贸易政策及其局限性 美国对非洲的传统贸易政策有最惠国待遇、一般普惠制和对最不发达国家的特惠制.截至2006年1月,美国向136个受惠国家或地区的3400多种产品提供免税优惠.  相似文献   

The Forum of China-Africa Cooperation(FOCAC).was held in Nowember, as well as the The 2nd Sino-African Entrepreneurs Conference ,marking the milestone of the China-Africa relations which have experienced the test of several thousand years,  相似文献   

The recent advent of political democracy in South Africa has brought into sharp focus those macroeconomic and labour policies designed to combat unacceptably high unemployment levels, that have escalated steadily to present estimates of approximately 40 per cent of the Economically Active Population. The continuing implementation of neo-liberal orthodox policies, the authors maintain, will aggravate the problem. An alternative theoretical framework containing elements of a neo-Ricardian, post-Keynesian approach and based on research work of the Macroeconomic Research Group (MERG) is advocated. This approach focuses on State-led, demand-inducing policies, while not neglecting the supply side of the labour market in South Africa.  相似文献   

The study was designed to measure the consumer knowledge and attitudes of college students enrolled at a representative Kenyan college. It was hypothesized that six variables (sex, academic level in college, academic major, rural or urban upbringing, having work experience and having completed a course in consumer education) would not be associated with achievement on the 47-item test or with the seven consumer attitude questions. The instrument was developed by the researcher for use in Kenya. Validity was checked by Kenyans as well as experts from the U.S. in test construction. Following a pre-test in Kenya, during the first week of classes in 1980, all students (n = 508) completed the instrument. Analysis of variance and chi-square tests were used to analyse the data. Achievement was 31.3 (67.9%) on the consumer education test which was considered a moderate score. Having completed a consumer education course was one variable associated with higher scores on the test. Students majoring in Dairy and Food Science Technology as well as Home Economics did better than other majors on the test. In general, the students strongly supported attitudes expected of rational and responsible consumers.  相似文献   

本文对南非进口皮毛能否传播狂犬病及其危害性进行了分析.狂犬病病毒在自然环境中,很容易丧失活力,接触传播是其主要传播途径;南非年均气温较高,对于从南非进口至中国的皮毛来说,从收集到长途运输,以及我国对进口皮毛实行的严格的定点加工处理,足以使狂犬病病毒丧失活力,故南非进口皮毛传播狂犬病的危害性可以忽视.  相似文献   

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