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Syria Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah al-Dardari headed a professional delegation to China and the First Meeting of the Syria- China Joint Business was held with the attendance of the Deputy Prime Minister at the main hall of CCPIT(China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)this July.Mr.Mon Couja,Managing Director of PracTech Co.in Syria and also a member of Board of Directors of the Syrian-Chinese Businessmen Council on Syrian side,was among the delegation.During this Meeting,Syrian-Chinese Businessmen Council of both sides worked together to yield a closer ties between each other,Mr.Mon Couja was one of them. Mr.Couja wrote those words in his e-mail,"I thank you,China's Foreign Trade,for this opportunity to communicate with our friends,the Chinese people. Kindly don't hesitate to contact me for any further cooperation."We can sum- mary it in three keywords:Opportunity,Friendship and Cooperation. Yes,China and Syria,the two friends,with the efforts from both sides,will continuously seek more opportunities and cooperation in the coming days. By Editor  相似文献   

2019会展产业展洽会(CEIE,以下简称"展洽会")以"大变局下的机遇与挑战"为主题,由《中国会展》杂志社、中国会展业联盟主办,国家会展中心(天津)有限责任公司、中国会展企业家俱乐部联合主办,北京优众国际会展服务有限公司特别协办、广州交易会广告有限公司协办。来自各地方城市会展主管部门负责人、国内外展会主办方、世界500强企业、会展行业龙头企业以及各大新闻媒体记者等近500人出席了本次大会。  相似文献   

The old industrial base is lying in Northeast China. Although boasting many advantages such as talents, resources, transportation, environment, the region still have many disadvantages that needs opening up and reform. Revitalizing the Northeast region is an important task for China to built well-off society in an all-round way in the new century. It is also a big strategy made after developing costal region and western region by Chinese leaders according to current situation, which is a driving force  相似文献   

营销学面临的新机遇与新挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,营销学是一门研究交换的科学,也是一门不断创新的科学,其核心概念是交换,研究重点是交换的有效性,强调的是个性与差异化。当前经济的全球化、小康社会的全面建成、社会经济的变革、信息技术的创新以及商品的品牌化趋势给营销学的发展带来了新机遇与新挑战。文章指出,营销学必须在了解其本源的基础上遵循规范化的思路去发展。  相似文献   

In this editorial, we call attention to the underresearched issue of women in logistics and supply chain management. Despite growing interest in the field and the much recognized gap in talent, women remain underrepresented in the field—and particularly in the senior ranks. We explore some of the reasons offered in existing literature for this deficiency. While progress is noted, much work remains to be carried out. Rigorous research can be instrumental in illuminating the path forward. Possible avenues for research, including an array of research questions, are presented in this call for action.  相似文献   

随着中国经济的迅速发展,对能源等原材料的需求急剧上升。由于缅甸的能源资源丰富,中缅地缘相近,中缅在能源安全、政治经济上的相互依赖使中国与缅甸的能源合作达到了前所未有的密切程度,中国在缅甸投资中的负面效应对未来中国在缅经济活动形成了挑战,印度、泰国与中国在缅甸的能源竞争在新的条件下将会更加激烈。为妥善处理双方利益争端,寻求双方共同利益面,创造共赢。我国需要积极推动和介入缅甸国内政治改革,保持和发展与缅甸良好的政治关系,更好协调彼此核心利益,加强公共外交,妥善处理与缅甸国内的反对派和民众的关系,寻找彼此优势合作,互利双赢、共同发展,在缅甸能源合作领域上,中国需要建立各能源消费国之间的平衡,减少不良竞争,风险共担。  相似文献   

自2018年2月朝鲜半岛南北关系互动带动多边联动促成东北亚地缘紧张关系大幅缓和,中朝、中日、中韩、韩朝等区域内国家双边关系改善,带动通商合作升温及区域一体化意识提升,中国坚定推动东北亚区域合作的努力等,使东北亚区域出现了久违的双边影响多边的合作新征兆,也为黑龙江依托现有对俄及日韩贸易、投资和人文为中心的合作,扩大对东北亚区域合作带来新契机。与此同时,中美贸易摩擦的不确定性、新一轮美朝无核化谈判的扑朔迷离,日韩关系的持续对立等因素也为上述向好发展势头带来诸多负面影响,为应对上述不确定性的挑战,黑龙江省应抢抓中日韩关系改善的新契机以及中俄迈入新时代的利好,深耕自由贸易试验区的新利好。依托"一带一路"倡议积极对接东北亚区域合作;积极参与"一带一路"倡议下的东北亚通商设计;成立服务地方国际合作的"东北亚开发银行";建立多边机制的"东北亚联广域学";合力推动"东北亚地方旅游共同体"建设。  相似文献   

Adversely affected by the international financial crisis,China's auto exports suffered a huge loss.It is reported that China's auto exports have declined for 12 consecutive months since August 2008 because of a big contraction in the international auto market due to the financial crisis.  相似文献   

Since its pre-colonial history, Mexico has demonstrated two contrary tendencies: the outward-looking, global trader and the protective, nationalist instinct. Today, the seven major constitutional reforms of the PRI government reflect the former. However, the teacher’s union, some presidential advisors, and the criminal justice system reflect a preference for the latter. The more progressive sectors of Mexican society assert the need to participate in the global economy, but latent protective and nationalist tendencies throw up challenges. This article examines several contemporary examples of each tendency and demonstrates how they coexist uneasily in modern Mexico.  相似文献   

后危机时代中国-东盟自贸区面临的机遇与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融危机对中国-东盟自由贸易区产生了深远影响,后危机时代中国-东盟自由贸易区机遇与挑战并存,既有国际贸易环境得到改善、双方共同抵御贸易保护、东亚区域合作加强等利好方面,也存在着中国威胁论、双方竞争加剧以及贸易风险加大等不利因素。我国要抓住合作机遇,优化产业结构,推动人民币区域化进程,实现双方的互利共赢。  相似文献   

随着我国电子商务的快速发展,电子商务逐渐成为市场发展的主流,给企业带来了难得的发展机遇。其在企业中的应用有效降低了生产成本,提高了工作效率,扩大了市场规模,改变了企业与合作者之间的关系,为企业与消费者提供了直接沟通的渠道。但电子商务的运用也给企业带来了一定的挑战:需构建电子商务环境,对业务流程进行重组,会计理论与会计实务须完善,加强电子商务人才的培养。我国应抓住电子商务给企业带来的机遇,同时积极应对挑战,有效提高企业市场竞争力,促进企业电子商务的健康发展。  相似文献   

This article calls on companies – and governments – in Europe to welcome competition in their markets. Liberalisation of Europe's utility sectors has lagged behind the Single Market generally, to the detriment of consumers and industrial users – except in telecommunications where new technology has forced the pace. The author argues that the potential advantages for incumbents of loss of domestic market dominance are outweighed by the advantages of embracing competition and access to overseas markets: they benefit from the discipline of benchmarking, lessened regulatory pressures and fewer barriers to access to markets abroad. He compares the strategies of Electricité de France and British Telecom to illustrate this.  相似文献   

海南兰花营销:发展机遇与挑战同在,价值存在提升空间。但一直以来海南兰花产业发展缓慢,目前流通模式仍是“公司+基地+农户”,导致物流成本居高不下。网络营销有利于兰花形成产、供、销一体化,降低成本。随着海南兰花网络营销条件日趋成熟,电子商务平台的构建,为供应链中生产、采购、销售等各个环节提供了实时信息和技术服务。能促使兰花生产从粗放型向集约型转变,有效地实现市场信息、技术信息和产品信息的共享,能大大提高兰花的附加值与竞争力,增加销售额。海南应加大政府资金投入,提高从业人员的素质,加强与教育部门等单位合作;健全兰花产品质量标准体系;大力研发新品种。调整兰花品种,完善物流体系,早日成为国内最大的兰花交易网络平台。  相似文献   

随着世界经济全球化、贸易自由化、金融一体化不断加速,加快我国金融改革,尽快实现真正的金融混业经营是一种历史的必然选择.我国金融业发展迅速,企业和居民的金融服务需求提高,刺激并促进金融混业的发展.但在混业经营完全放开的情况下,目前已经处于市场领先的金融机构会更加强大,新起步的金融控股公司和中小型金融机构将在业务范围、人才引进、市场份额、客户资源、品牌影响力等方面面临巨大挑战.  相似文献   

Yang Zhenhuai, Chairman, China Energy Conservation Association:China such has a large population,but natural resources as infields, water, oil and gas, etc.,are in comparative scarce. The zoology environment is comparatively weak. During the past 20 years, the economic growth has been realized mainly on through resource exploitation, heavy pollution and expansion, the environmental pollution and zoological destruction have developed to a very serious extent.……  相似文献   

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