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"印后加工技术"是印刷工程本科专业的一门重要的专业核心课程.本论文根据印刷工程本科专业的教学特点,在"印后加工技术"课程教学中,从培养印刷工程专业学生的实践技能和素质教育,深化教学改革,构建合理的课程体系与完善的教学内容入手,利用各种教学方法和手段,提高学生的培养质量;加强实践环节,在培养学生实际技能等方面提出了一些教学改革的设想和措施.  相似文献   

根据包装设计艺术与印前设计的特殊关系及印刷教学中存在的主要问题,对包设专业的"印刷与制版工艺"课程的教学改革进行分析,提出了师生互设疑问"教与学"、实例教学、加强实践环节、实行有专业特色的考核等提高教育教学质量的具体教学改革措施.本改革对促进包设专业学生尽快适应职业角色具有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

以颜色视觉理论贯穿色彩学教学体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本论文在论述颜色科学的研究目标和研究方法的基础上,结合多年教学经验,强调颜色视觉属性和颜色视觉理论在印刷色彩学教学中的重要作用.从颜色视觉理论的高度用CIE色度体系的计算公式构筑颜色视觉模型,使学生可以更好地理解计算公式的色彩意义,更好地掌握印刷色彩学知识.  相似文献   

本文分析了当前印刷包装工程专业在学生实践和科研创新能力培养方面普遍存在的问题,结合印刷色彩学相关课程,设计具有开放性和创新性的综合实验.在丰富学生第二课堂、为学生获得创新学分提供途径的同时,也锻炼和培养了学生的实践能力,创新能力和团队协作能力.  相似文献   

本论文针对"印刷品质量检测与控制"课程特点,探讨了在印刷工艺、材料,设备等不断变化的形势下,随着印刷品质量检测和控制手段的更新,该课程体系的优化、实验内容的改进、教材的建设、教学方法的改善等内容,突出知识更新和实践性,注重学生素质和能力的培养,强调课程教学应与工业生产实践尽可能保持一致.  相似文献   

针对当前高等教育"创新人才培养模式,增强学生科学实验、生产实习和技能实训成效"的改革和发展要求,简要分析了包装工程专业"包装印刷技术"课程教学改革的意义和目的.围绕突出专业实践教学,强化工程技能培养的思路,重点阐述了具体的教学改革与实践,包括知行统一,理论教学内容"必需,够用",切合产业需要;加强实践教学,以多媒体教学模拟生产现场;以学生为中心,提高动手能力,实施校企合作等.此外,探讨了对"包装印刷技术"课程传统考核方法的改革.  相似文献   

"计算机集成印刷系统"课程知识体系的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究在探讨"计算机集成印刷系统"(CIPPS)课程设置的必要性和迫切性基础上,提出了课程的知识领域、重点内容和知识体系,重点讨论了制定课程知识体系的指导思想.有关印刷专家、教授的意见表明,本文提出的"计算机集成印刷系统"课程的知识体系是合理可行的.  相似文献   

归纳性教学模式是一种典型的信息加工型教学模式,通过在教学中引导学生对资料信息进行组织、加工和归类处理,辨析各类型信息之间的相似性和差异性,产生并验证假设,帮助学生通过探究过程建构知识和技能.本文详细总结了归纳性教学模式的理论和方法在"包装材料学"教学实践中的运用.通过界定课程研究内容的深度和广度,恰当采用多种媒介旱现教学内容信息,组织归纳课程的目标内容,有效地加强学生对课程基础知识的深入理解和长期记忆,提高学生运用所学知识和技能解决包装工程实际问题的能力.  相似文献   

《机械设计》课程设计是该课程在教学过程中至关重要的一个环节,在提高教学质量的同时,也提高了学生的机械设计能力和创新能力,对培养学生分析和解决工程设计问题的能力起着重要的作用.本文针对该门课程设计的现状及存在的问题,进行深入的分析和研究,然后以如何提高《机械设计》课程设计的教学质量为切入点,从课程设计的选题、绘图、指导、综合答辩四个方面提出了该课程设计改革的思路和基本措施.  相似文献   

实验与实践教学是理工类专业教育教学的重要组成部分,本文就如何加强对学生实践能力的训练和改革实验与实践课程体系,提出了一套初步的思路和设想,即通过构建以能力培养为核心的工程类专业的实验和实践教学体系,建立起适合新世纪发展的印刷工程专业培养计划.在解决专业感性认识问题后,通过"3个层面的综合训练+毕业设计"使学生全面掌握不同印刷产品的生产工艺流程,达到工程实践训练的目的.  相似文献   

通过对《印花技术及实训》课程传统授课情况的分析,结合高职学生具有形象思维的特点,将隐性知识管理融入项目化课程教学改革中,从课程能力目标、课程效果评价、促进教师专业成长以及高职学生的可持续发展等方面阐述了基于隐性知识管理的项目化课程教学改革的可行性,最后提出了本门课程继续努力的方向。  相似文献   

This study presents the case of development and evaluation of a STEM-oriented 30-h robotics course for junior high school students (n = 32). Class activities were designed according to the P3 Task Taxonomy, which included: (1) practice—basic closed-ended tasks and exercises; (2) problem solving—small-scale open-ended assignments in which the learner can choose the solution method or arrive at different answers; and (3) project-based learning—open-ended challenging tasks. The research aimed at exploring students’ working patterns, achievements in learning the course, and the impact of this experience on students’ motivation to learn STEM subjects. Evaluation tools included a final exam on factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge in the STEM subject learned in the course, class observations, interviews with the students, and administrating an attitude questionnaire before and after the course. Since the experimental class was quite heterogenic in regard to students’ prior learning achievements and motivation to learn, some of the students completed just the basic exercises, others coped well with the problem-solving tasks, and only a few took it upon themselves to carry out a complex project. However, all students showed high motivation to learn robotics and STEM subjects. In summary, robotics provides a very rich and attractive learning environment for STEM education. Yet, the realization of this potential depends largely on careful design of the course methodology and especially the students’ assignments in the class. One should recognize that often only some students are capable of learning a new subject on their own through project work, and these students also need to gain additional knowledge and skills before dealing with complex projects.  相似文献   

印刷过程中,印刷供墨量是决定颜色复制质量的关键因素之一,通常是通过胶印机操作台调节墨键开度来控制。本实验根据印刷机供墨原理设计了印刷测试图并进行印刷实验,得到不同印刷供墨量对应的密度值;通过数据处理计算出油墨密度与印刷机墨键开度之间的函数关系。该研究结果可作为印刷过程墨量自动控制的数学模型。  相似文献   

Technology is one of eight learning areas of the New Zealand national curriculum. It aims to develop a broad technological literacy through students participating in programmes in which the practice of technological development is experienced, as is knowledge informing practice, and students gain an understanding of technology as a domain in its own right. In New Zealand children begin school at 5 years of age and this paper describes a classroom research project during which these students design and then construct a photo frame. The inducement for this development arose from students needing to safely transport home and then display a class photograph. This provided the opportunity for developing technological knowledge and skills within a real and relevant context—two key drivers when working with young students (Ministry of Education 2007) [MoE]. The results of this project suggest that teaching technology to five-year-old students is achievable and a valuable addition to other learning opportunities provided in the new entrant classroom. Strategies are suggested that will enable students to successfully achieve their goals whilst gaining a simple understanding of the technological process. By making good use of these it is possible to create a worthwhile and imaginatively challenging activity that reflects the essence of the technology education curriculum.  相似文献   

Engineering design practice has been recognized as an effective approach to engage students in STEM learning. However, we noticed that students who possessed strong STEM knowledge did not necessarily perform well on their design projects. Thus, this study sought to explore factors that shaped students’ design objectives and means. A design-based research was adopted using a single group teaching experiment, in which students’ performance in relation to conceptual knowledge, engineering design practice, and their STEM attitudes were assessed in different design complexity groups. Based on the findings of this study, we concluded that students’ interest and metacognitive skills might be the key factors affecting their motivation during the engineering design process. Their abilities in predictive analysis and testing/revising were core elements affecting their design thinking. Our work provides preliminary evidence on how students form and present different design purposes and objectives in an engineering design project.  相似文献   

STEM-oriented engineering design practice has become recognized increasingly by technology education professionals in Taiwan. This study sought to examine the effectiveness of the application of an integrative STEM approach within engineering design practices in high school technology education in Taiwan. A quasi-experimental study was conducted to investigate the respective learning performance of students studying a STEM engineering module compared to students studying the technology education module. The student performances for conceptual knowledge, higher-order thinking skills and engineering design project were assessed. The data were analyzed using quantitative (t test, ANOVA, ANCOVA, correlation analysis) approaches. The findings showed that the participants in the STEM engineering module outperformed significantly the participants studying the technology education module in the areas of conceptual knowledge, higher-order thinking skills, and the design project activity. A further analysis showed that the key differences in the application of design practice between the two groups were (a) their respective problem prediction and (b) their analysis capabilities. The results supported the positive effect of the use of an integrative STEM approach in high school technology education in Taiwan.  相似文献   

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