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海外代购近年迅速发展,随着中国留学生群体数量的日益增长,大量中国留学生从事海外代购工作,本文主要分析了中国留学生海外代购中所遇到的风险问题,并提出了一些相应的风险防范措施。  相似文献   

调查结果表明,珠三角高职学生的消费行为和消费观念总体上是适度、合理、有节制的,但也出现了消费主义的倾向。高职院校应通过开展社会主义核心价值观教育、消费教育、人文教育和建设好校园文化,引导学生树立正确、理性、健康的消费观念。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between Japanese firms’ exposure to the exchange rate risk and their risk management. Following Dominguez (1998) and others, we first estimate the firms’ exposure to the exchange rate risk by regressing their stock prices on the exchange rate and the market portfolio. We next investigate possible influences of various risk management measures on the firms’ foreign exchange exposure. Risk management variables include financial and operational hedging, the invoice currency choice, and the price revision strategy (pass-through) of 227 listed firms in 2009, which were collected from a questionnaire survey of Japanese firms listed in the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Our main findings are as follows: First, firms with greater dependency on sales in foreign markets have greater foreign exchange exposure, judged by the market. Second, the higher the US dollar invoicing share, the greater the foreign exchange exposure is, which can be reduced by both financial and operational hedging. Third, yen invoicing reduces foreign exchange exposure. These findings indicate that Japanese firms use a combination of risk management tools to mitigate the degree of exchange rate risk.  相似文献   

The present study uses firm survey data of 1033 manufacturing firms operating in Ethiopia in 2011 to examine the impact of Chinese outbound direct investment on the productivity of domestic firms. Particularly, we attempt to answer two questions. Firstly, are Chinese-owned (henceforth foreign) firms more productive than local ones? Secondly, does the presence of foreign firms generate technology spillovers on domestic firms operating in the same industry? Our empirical results show that foreign firms are more productive and that their presence has different spillover effects on the productivity of domestic firms. In particular, we find that domestic firms with higher absorptive capacity experience positive spillovers, while those with low absorptive capacity witness negative spillover. We also find that small firms and non-exporting firms benefit more from spillovers than do other types of domestic firms. In this study, instrumental variables are used to address the potential endogeneity between foreign firm presence and domestic firm productivity.  相似文献   

利用产品相似性指数、区域显示性比较优势指数,对日美高技术产品在中国市场的竞争关系进行实证分析,主要结论为:日美两国高技术产品在中国市场上的竞争程度较低;日本该类产品的竞争力强于美国。其原因在于中日经贸关系更为紧密以及美国对华出口高技术产品的限制。这为中国发展高技术产品提供了机遇:企业通过走产品差异化路线来避开日美的竞争,并以某些产品为突破口建立起竞争优势;而政府也要进行适度的保护和补贴。  相似文献   

This paper examines successive attempts by the Chinese government to equalize social opportunities by redistributing access to higher education. There has been considerable success in improving the social position of labouring class children, partly at the expense of pre-revolutionary élites, but the impact of redistributive educational policies has fallen short of leadership intentions. The main constraints are the ideological ambiguity caused by competing definitions of fairness and equality, the policy clash between equality and modernization, and the political struggle among established and emergent social strata. The educational reforms of the post-Mao era can be seen as mechanisms by which two strata - officials and intelligentsia - are asserting their ideological and material dominance over social reproduction.  相似文献   

Listening comprehension has always been a major problem for Chinese students of English and it has a lot to do with the dissimilarities between English and Chinese ways of pronunciation. This paper tries to explore the discrepancy in terms of the timing and stress property in the two languages and also illustrates the author’s effort to apply the English pronunciation properties in her English teaching.  相似文献   

黄运成  邹惠 《特区经济》2007,224(9):276-277
我国将推出衍生品市场的重要品种股指期货。为借鉴历史,促进我国衍生品市场的稳健发展,对曾爆发的衍生品交易亏损事件、与衍生品有关的金融危机总结,指出衍生品具有的高风险性、杠杆性、虚拟性、国际性等特征决定了衍生品市场本身潜藏的风险;亏损事件体现了对衍生品的不当使用;金融危机与国际投机者的攻击、危机发生国自身的经济金融安排有关;衍生品市场不是这些事件、危机的根本原因,必须辩证看待,予以科学管理和合理利用。  相似文献   

互联网时代下的信息化与旅游业结合,催生了旅游电子商务的发展。文章以大学生为例,在旅游电子商务感知风险维度的基础上进行研究,利用问卷调查法对感知风险进行因素分析,并统计相关因素影响频率。研究发现,感知风险的不同因素对感知风险均存在不同方向的显著影响,进而提出帮助大学生规避相关感知风险的措施。本研究对于开发大学生在线旅游市场和探索新的旅游电子商务营销模式有一定的启示作用,从而更好地促进旅游电子商务的健康发展。  相似文献   

(一)白马骑士(White Knight) 1.骑士在反收购中的作用 黑马骑士(Black knight)是指某些袭击者先秘密地通过收购目标公司分散在外的股票等手段,从而对目标公司形成包围之势,使之不得不接受苛刻的条件,把公司出售,从而实现公司控制权的转移,这些袭击者即称为黑马骑士. 当目标公司在遭受黑马骑士的袭击时,为了不使公司沦入收购者的手中,而选择一家关系密切,并且有实力的公司(即白……  相似文献   

这是反收购的第一道防线,常见的有母子公司之间的“相互持股”及关系较和谐的公司之前的“交叉持股”。  相似文献   

Credit risk mitigation is an efficient bank's credit management instrument, there is some barriers in using collateral & guarantees in China. The article analyzes the operational risks from bank governance and legal environment aspects. Then, the paper puts forward some suggestions.  相似文献   

旅游者动机分类研究对于市场营销和目的地旅游推广具有重要意义。文章以在校女大学生为对象,以东南亚自助游为案例,基于推-拉理论对19个动机因素进行了研究。数据分析结果表明,女大学生自助游动机可分为放松逃逸、游览观光、增长见识、情感体验、学术调研、便利信赖和设施服务七类,并且发现推力因子作用明显大于拉力因子。同时,女大学生是否去过东南亚旅游也对五个自助游动机因素如欣赏美丽的自然风光,亲近了解自然打分产生了影响,产生显著差异的因子中,拉力因子多于推力因子。本文针对以上问题对东南亚的旅游产品开发和营销策略提出一些建议。  相似文献   

The effect of duty drawback on export promotion: The case of Korea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines whether or not the duty drawback system has contributed to promoting Korea's exports. The unit root tests show that they can be assumed to be integrated of order one. Banerjee et al.'s [Banerjee, A., Dolado, J. J., & Mestre, R. (May 1998). Error-correction mechanism tests for cointegration in a single-equation framework. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 19(3), 267–283] small sample error correction mechanism (ECM) test shows that there is no evidence of cointegration. The estimation results show that there are strong evidences of the positive effect of export subsidy in terms of duty drawback on export supply. That is, the efficiently managed duty drawback system may contribute to export promotion significantly.  相似文献   

一带一路的第5年,来华留学生数量逐年增多,在双创的全球大背景下,越来越多的留学生选择了温州这座创新创业氛围浓厚的城市。本课题以温州大学城为例,调查创新创业文化在留学生中的传播现状,分析留学生认知需求和社会支撑之间存在的矛盾,从传播者、传播内容、传播方式和途径4个维度探讨如何促进温州创新创业文化的传播,在提高留学生文化适应水平的同时,构建温州地域文化形象,帮助温州地域文化走出去。  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》1997,8(2):137-155
This paper aims to develop a framework to identify the key determinants of a country's growth in late development and apply the framework to analyze the case of China. I analyze the possible necessary and sufficient conditions for catching up. The analyses suggest that an adequate location, initial human capital and institutional arrangements are among the key determinants; for the majority of developing countries, institutional arrangements alone dictate catching up or not. If the institutional arrangements are efficient, then a follower can achieve what I term long-term potential growth rate provided that there exists an adequate location and initial human capital. The experience of Japan and the East Asian newly industrializing economies is evaluated in the framework. Based on the framework of catching up and the experience of East Asia, the Chinese case is analyzed. The analyses suggest with high probability that China will sustain high growth and get close to its long-term potential growth rate in the coming decades: 7–10% annually in the next 15 years and 5–7% annually in the following 15 years.  相似文献   

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