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Talk of deindustrialization among both academics and the publictypically provokes images of closed factories and displacedauto and steel workers from the 1970s and 1980s. In this context,industrial decline is associated with the end of a golden postwarage of economic prosperity. It is often cast in terms of notonly a loss of ability among U.S. manufacturers to compete withtheir German and Japanese counterparts but also a general declensionin American society, featuring domestic  相似文献   

从法律的角度看新公共管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二十世纪七十年代末八十年代初首先启端于英美国家的新公共管理已经成为概括西方公共管理最新发展趋势的一个学术概念,并且在理论上和实践上得到了迅速发展。但是,新公共管理理论或者称之为新公共管理改革基本上都发生在英、美、澳、新西兰等盎格鲁-撒克逊体系的国家。本文试图从法学的角度找出其原因。英美法系和大陆法系之划分是法学中公认的法律分类法;而新公共管理中的核心思想是利用私法契约采提供公共服务。本文通过对两大法系和契约制度的分析,认为作为大陆法系的我国基于政治法律传统应该选择法治国家模式进行政府管理改革。  相似文献   

Corporate Wasteland, written by Steven High with photographsby David Lewis, argues that deindustrialization is a culturalas well as an economic process, and that popular memory shapedthe political response to plant shutdowns and job loss in theGreat Lakes region. The authors use oral history, photography,and archival research to explore the role of landscape in formingthat popular memory. The creation of the "Rust Belt" crossednational borders, and High and  相似文献   

Cross-cultural competencies are now specified as critical outcomes in U.S. higher education. Yet an analysis of accredited business programs in New England revealed that students frequently were not required to take courses about the Middle East. The study findings indicate that, for a region of economic and political importance to the United States, a gap exists between the curricular internationalization signaled by accreditation and how accreditors assess this internationalization.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(6):728-748
In an era when financial markets were only beginning the move from personal to impersonal relations, this paper examines the role of Jewish brokers in the market for Bank of England stock at a time when their status as recent immigrants, subject to constraints due to religion and ethnicity, made them unlikely intermediaries beyond their own communities. Using formal network analysis, an examination of their activity during the first half of 1720 suggests a marginal role. However, as the Bubble began to burst a few Jewish financiers became disproportionately involved as purchasers of a stock clearly on the decline.  相似文献   

Hong Kong's economic successes are evident. As ever, the interpretation of this phenomenon at the level of politics, culture, human capital and business organization is less obvious, though a familiar list of the ‘usual suspects’ of ‘explanations’ has emerged. Hong Kong now faces new and renewed challenges which are linked to shifts in the industrial structure, emerging market demands and the interconnected upgrading of both production and human resources, in addition to the implications of reunification. Key themes of national competitiveness, deindustrialization and the upgrading of production facilities and human resources are all shown to be important, but also multi-layered and hazy concepts.  相似文献   

In 1986, New Zealand introduced the Fair Trading Act, legislation aimed at consumer protection. This act was modeled after similar Australian legislation, while taking into account the legislation and precedents of other countries including the United States, England, and Canada. Although wording of different nations' legislation is often similar, unique national conditions may give rise to different interpretations. The emergence of the Act may indicate a movement toward minimal international standards in consumer protection legislation among common law countries and to a lesser extent, a large number of Western nations. This paper examines the content and performance of the Act concerning deceptive advertising. Available evidence suggests that the frequency and severity of deceptive advertising has declined. Knowledge of the New Zealand experience provides insight into the evolution of consumer protection legislation and insight for American firms planning commerce there.  相似文献   

In the 1960s, Kaldor defined the manufacturing sector as the engine of growth, suggesting that industrialization might help accelerate growth rates in low income economies. This is still relevant in today’s world, where growth rates in countries in the middle income trap slow down, extending their time in the trap. In some of these economies, industrialization slows down while others face “premature deindustrialization.” Adding to this scenario, this paper describes, in Kaldorian fashion, the streamlined features of industrialization, technical capabilities and technical progress, which offer explanations as to why sectoral industrial policies are necessary in releasing countries from the trap. It presents a taxonomy of industrial policies and discusses how industrial policy and science, technology and innovation policies should be sequenced along the process of industrialization. Finally, the paper develops a methodology to identify the “strategic” sectors on which industrial policy could focus.  相似文献   

苏州市出口增长下滑的趋势及原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自2008年以来,受国外进口需求下降、价格竞争优势减弱和国内供给能力下降等因素的影响,苏州市出口总额、对欧美经济体的出口额和主要商品的出口增长率均呈现下滑趋势。由于原有竞争力下降和新竞争力不足等原因,苏州市出口增长面临较大的压力,目前不能仅仅依赖产业升级,而必须以新的思路来解决苏州市出口面临的困难。  相似文献   

Many people who jump into the restaurant business hoping to make it big end up failing. But success is still possible, as demonstrated by the case of Applebee's franchisee Pub Ventures of New England.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(4):88-116
This article, which builds on previous studies published in Business History, documents the largest employers of labour in the Edwardian United Kingdom. It provides a more comprehensive coverage than hitherto by indicating several important firms which have previously escaped enumeration. More specifically, it demonstrates the neglected importance of several large companies in the coal industry and in metallurgy. With the identification of large employers in Wales, Scotland and the north-east of England, it also redresses an imbalance caused by previous under-enumeration of large firms in ‘Outer Britain’. This more comprehensive coverage also contributes to analysis of several aspects of big business in twentieth-century Britain: first, it contributes to analysis of concentration, analysis which can be undertaken for the whole economy or with reference to specific sectors; second, it reveals firms which exhibited economic dynamism, stasis or decline; third, it is indicative of the impact of internal growth and amalgamation for individual companies; fourth, it discloses many of the firms which would have had recourse to an internal labour market. An international perspective is adopted by comparative analysis of similar developments in Britain's major rivals, the USA and Germany. All told, it sheds important light on both the emergence of big business and the historiography of this phenomenon, reaffirming a revisionist view that British companies were larger and more varied in their activities than previously suggested.  相似文献   

It has become common practice to blame the rapid collapse of the German economy after its having reached a 3% GDP growth high in the year 2000 on the oil-price shock, the burst of the New Economy bubble and the overall slowdown of the world economy around this time. However, the exceptional decline is striking if one looks at the other European countries, in particular the member states of the European Monetary Union. Is this decline in fact the result of the negative fiscal demand shock to the German economy caused by the use of the UMTS licence auction revenues to service outstanding loans?  相似文献   

Public services worldwide have been subject to externally imposed reforms utilizing tools such as financial incentives and performance targets. The adverse impact of such reforms on a public service ethos has been claimed, but rarely demonstrated. Individuals within organizations work beyond their formal contracts of employment, described as Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), to further organizational interests. Given New Public Management reform and the subsequent contextual changes in the way in which public sector organizations are managed and funded, the present study theorizes that OCB directed towards the organization may be ‘crowded-out’. This article tests the relationships between public service ethos and OCB and it presents empirical evidence from a study in England (n = 433) of the ability of each dimension of this ethos to predict OCB.  相似文献   


The Northeast's share of US food processing activity has decreased significantly over the last three decades as many food processing firms have exited the region and located elsewhere, particularly in the South and the West. This decline has been most severe in New Jersey, the state that is frequently cited as having the most stringent business and regulatory climate in the nation. To investigate why food processors have found the New Jersey environment to be so unfriendly, this study organized focus groups of food processing industry executives, trade organizations and researchers. The findings suggest that the area of environmental and other regulation is the most problematic for food processors. Other areas of concern include, in order of importance, taxation and fiscal problems, economic barriers to development and expansion, high cost of doing business, education, training and labor concerns, communication and public relations, and transportation. Policy makers in New Jersey, and in other northeastern states facing similar food processing declines, interested in the retention and economic development of food processing firms need to be cognizant of the impediments currently constraining the industry. Industry-based public policy recommendations for enhancing the business climate for food processors are presented.  相似文献   

自然资源到底是诅咒还是福音,为什么一些国家从资源中受益而一些国家却从中受损?从跨国视角并基于实践案例对此进行专门研究,并提出相关假设来对资源诅咒问题进行阐述,如自然横财造成反工业化,干中学的暂时缺失阻碍了经济增长,良好的制度和没有腐败会转变资源诅咒为祝福等,这些研究对资源富裕的贫穷国家和地区制定政策提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

This study estimates the probability of being satisfied with community‐based health care services in a rural area and compares the formation of satisfaction for elders and younger disabled adults. Using data from a state in New England, USA, a multivariate binomial logit model was used to estimate the probability of being satisfied. The formation of satisfaction differs for rural disabled adults and elders. Two out of five need characteristics were found to influence satisfaction with quality of care, and four out of six enabling characteristics were found to influence satisfaction. The impact of these characteristics differs for disabled elders and adults, pointing to the need to differentiate the disabled population when developing systems of home‐based care.  相似文献   

The paper develops an open economy dynamic model with bequests and credit constraints. The agricultural sector uses only labor, the industrial sector needs an indivisible investment. Under autarky, productive agriculture provides the funds needed for investment in industry and in equilibrium credit constraints are not binding. If agriculture is not sufficiently productive, the price of the industrial good must be high enough to make the industrial sector sustainable. In an open economy, if the country has the comparative advantage in agriculture, deindustrialization may occur over time. Deindustrialization is welfare-reducing when the negative wealth distributional effects swamp the gains from trade.  相似文献   

The paper develops an open economy dynamic model with bequests and credit constraints. The agricultural sector uses only labor, the industrial sector needs an indivisible investment. Under autarky, productive agriculture provides the funds needed for investment in industry and in equilibrium credit constraints are not binding. If agriculture is not sufficiently productive, the price of the industrial good must be high enough to make the industrial sector sustainable. In an open economy, if the country has the comparative advantage in agriculture, deindustrialization may occur over time. Deindustrialization is welfare-reducing when the negative wealth distributional effects swamp the gains from trade.  相似文献   

Otfried Garbe 《Intereconomics》1977,12(9-10):251-256
Economic independence and a New Economic Order were international political issues long before the North-South controversy was heard of. They were set out as objectives in the USA as early as the beginning of the 19th century. There are striking parallels, even in phraseology and argumentation, between the political-economic conflict between the USA, a weak ex-colonial state, and England, the world power of that time, and the North-South controversy going on at present.  相似文献   

The title of this book, bringing to mind several recent politicalpolemics, might lead one to expect an indictment of recent presidentialadministrations for attempting to dismantle cherished New Dealprograms. Robert Shogan has a different "killing of the NewDeal" in mind, however, namely that of the New Deal's zeitgeistof policy activism and "bold, persistent experimentation." ByAugust 1935, virtually all of the landmark New Deal programshad been enacted, and Franklin D. Roosevelt himself declaredthat  相似文献   

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