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2004年,广西林业出现了前所未有的发展好势头,预测实现林业总产值210亿元,同比增长7%,比2000年增加近60亿元.其中林产工业发展尤其蓬勃,人造板生产能力在上年250万m3的基础上,将新增110万m3,预计全年全区人造板产量可突破200万m3,比上年增长30%.  相似文献   

林业产业发展现状分析与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
进入新世纪,我国林业产业总产值以高于国民经济6~8个百分点的速度快速增长。2008年全国木材产量达到7894.33万m3,人造板产量达到8171.41万m3。但仍存在产业结构不合理、产业整体素质不高、资源支持能力弱、贸易摩擦频发、产业管理弱等问题。因此必须打牢林业发展基础,增强林业产业发展的动力,培育林业产业新的经济增长点。目前的金融危机,对林业产业调整结构、推进产业升级、转变发展方式形成市场倒逼机制。  相似文献   

2004年,广西林业出现了前所未有的发展好势头,预测实现林业总产值210亿元,同比增长7%,比2000年增加近60亿元。其中林产工业发展尤其蓬勃,人造板生产能力在上年250万m3的基础上,将新增110万m3,预计全年全区人造板产量可突破200万m3,比上年增长30%。木浆造纸略有增长,松脂、松香、松节油等林化产品生产保持稳定,松香松节油深加工产量预计达到5.5万吨,比上年增长22%。作为广西林业的经济支柱,林产工业起到了越来越重要的作用。为此,记者采访了广西壮族自治区林业局黎梅松局长:记者:广西的林产工业近年有了长足的进步,形成了基地与企业同时发展…  相似文献   

从世界木材和人造板产量的增长情况看(见附表),稳定或降低原木采伐量,增加人造板的产量,已成为世界林业生产的发展趋势。这种趋势,在工业发达国家表现尤为明显。 1966~1977年的12年间,全世界原木增长16.7%,人造板增长达93.7%。原木的增  相似文献   

改革开放三十多年来,作为全国重点集体林区之一的福建省在林业建设上取得了辉煌的成绩,全省森林面积达767万h㎡,森林覆盖率63.1%,居全国首位,全省活立木蓄积量、商品木材、人造板、纸浆、松香等主要林产品产量都位居全国前列.  相似文献   

利用外资是加快林业发展的重要动力,也是新时期林业经济结构调整、促进产业优化升级、增强林业国际竞争力的重要组成部分。“十五”期间。广西积极合理有效地利用外资。促进和拉动了林业产业快速发展.实现了重大的战略性突破。确立了林浆纸一体化产业在广西林业乃至广西经济中的支柱地位。实现了人造板工业的跨越式发展,2005年人造板产量是2000年的七倍多.进入了人造板大省行列。新造速生丰产林近l000万亩,是“九五”期间的十倍。大部分是高质量、高集约度的短轮伐期工业原料林。实现了由采伐天然林为主向采伐人工速生丰产林为主的转变。  相似文献   

利用外资是加快林业发展的重要动力,也是新时期林业经济结构调整、促进产业优化升级、增强林业国际竞争力的重要组成部分。“十五”期间,广西积极合理有效地利用外资,促进和拉动了林业产业快速发展,实现了重大的战略性突破。确立了林浆纸一体化产业在广西林业乃至广西经济中的支柱地位,实现了人造板工业的跨越式发展,2005年人造板产量是2000年的七倍多,进入了人造板大省行列。新造速生丰产林近1000万亩,是“九五”期间的十倍,大部分是高质量、高集约度的短轮伐期工业原料林,实现了由采伐天然林为主向采伐人工速生丰产林为主的转变。据正在进…  相似文献   

“绿色GDP”中的林业核算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从"绿色GDP"的发展与完善的角度分析林业核算的缺陷,如森林资源核算问题;环境核算问题;会计核算与统计核算不协调等,并提出相应的完善"绿色GDP"中的林业核算措施。  相似文献   

“九五”期间我国林业发展状况分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全面介绍了我国林业发展水平、“九五”计划执行情况及主要成就,分析了“九五”林业发展的主要特点及存在问题,对“九五”林业发展作了初步展望。我国现有林地总面积26329.5万 hm~2,其中森林面积15894.1万 hm~2,森林覆盖率16.55%;现有活立木蓄积量124.9亿 m~3,其中森林蓄积量112.7亿 m~3。“九五”期间,预计完成造林面积2456.6万 hm~2,义务植树96.8亿株,完成绿色通道建设里程12.6万 km;完成木材产量29037万m~3,竹材产量26.5亿根,人造板产量6143万 m~3,主要林产品产量1445万吨;全社会固定资产投资完成452.8亿元;林业第一、第二产业增加值4216.77亿元;年进口额379.77亿美元,原木进口量3261万 m~3,出口额303.98亿美元;林业科技贡献率由“八五”时期的21%提高到“九五”时期的27.3%。  相似文献   

正广西国有高峰林场创建于1953年,是广西林业厅直属大型国有林场,正处级事业单位,是一家集一二三产业融合发展的综合性林场。高峰林场主营速丰林、经济林、人造板、商贸物流、土地开发利用、金融服务等,林场场部位于广西首府南宁市兴宁区,综合实力在广西林业系统中排名第一,居全国前列。高峰林场森林经营面积超过140万亩,森林覆盖率达85.5%,是广西规模最大的国有林场;林场控股的广西华峰林业集团股份有限公司,是广西最大的人造板企业,也是全国知名的大型人造板生产  相似文献   

以辽宁省彰武县2006~2012年林业产值统计数据来分析林业产业结构的变动情况。运用灰色关联度分析方法计算出彰武县5个不同时间段林业产业结构的灰色关联度,分析彰武县林业产业结构现状和动态变化,找出三次产业及其产业内部的优势、劣势因素,并应用灰色预测模型GM(1,1)对彰武县2013~2017年林业产值进行发展趋势预测。研究结果表明:彰武县林业总产值与第二产业的关联度最大,与第三产业关联度最弱;在各产业内部,第一产业与花卉的关联度最大,第二产业与人造板制造关联度最大,第三产业与林业公共管理及其他组织服务的关联度最大;未来五年,彰武县林业第二产业将快速发展,第一产业发展缓慢,第三产业发展滞后。  相似文献   

以木材产品贸易对林业的影响为核心,对木材产品的进口和出口情况进行详细的统计分析,并运用弹性理论分析林业产值对木材产品进口和出口的敏感度,以此来初步证明木材产品贸易对林业的影响。研究表明,原木、锯材、刨花板、木家具、纸和纸制品的进口敏感度均高于木材总产品的进口敏感度1.382,尤其以刨花板和木家具的敏感度最大,为136.018,说明这些产品的进口额变化对林业产值变化的影响非常显著,进口额增加1%,将使林业产值成倍地增长。  相似文献   

Using a simple neoclassical type growth model including both man-made and natural capital as inputs to production, the theoretical basis for a U-shaped relationship between agricultural intensification and farm household investment in renewable resource capital is established. As development of technology, infrastructure, or markets increase the relative return to investment in man-made capital over natural capital, resource depletion occurs as man-made capital is substituted for lower return natural capital. Once returns are equalized, both man-made and natural capital are accumulated. If labor and these forms of capital are complementary, the output effects outweigh the substitution effects in the long run, leading to net accumulation of natural as well as man-made capital as a result of such technological or market development. Population growth also induces investment in both man-made and natural resource capital in the long run by increasing their marginal products. However, population growth causes declining per capita levels of both natural and man-made capital and production per capita in the long run, if technology is fixed and decreasing returns to scale. The model thus supports the Boserupian argument of induced intensification and resource improvement, as well as the Malthusian argument of the impoverishing effects of population growth. However, population growth may also induce development of infrastructure, markets, and technological or institutional innovation by reducing the fixed costs per capita of these changes, though these developments may not occur automatically. Government policies can play a large role in affecting whether these potential benefits of population growth are realized. In addition, credit policies may reduce resource degradation caused by substitution of man-made for natural capital, by allowing farmers to accumulate man-made capital (such as fertilizers) without depleting their natural capital. Policies to internalize the external environmental costs of using man-made capital will reduce both types of capital and production, indicating a clear trade-off between addressing environmental concerns on the one hand and reducing poverty and promoting resource conservation investments on the other. By contrast, internalizing the external benefits of investments in resources increases wealth and production per capita in the long run. The ‘intertemporal externality’ due to a higher private than social rate of time preference does not justify interventions to promote investments in resource capital; rather it argues for the promotion of savings and investment in general.  相似文献   

In recent years, parastatal grain marketing boards have re‐emerged as important elements of grain markets in eastern and southern Africa, yet little is known about how farmers are responding to their scaled up activities. This article develops a conceptual model of farmers’ production decisions in the context of dual output marketing channels (government and private sector) when output prices at harvest time and the availability of one of the marketing channels are unknown at planting time. It then applies the model to the case of Zambia and uses nationally representative household‐level panel survey data to estimate the effects of the Food Reserve Agency (FRA), the government parastatal maize marketing board, on smallholder crop production and fallow land. The FRA buys maize from smallholders at a pan‐territorial price that typically exceeds market prices in major maize producing areas. Results suggest that increases in the farmgate FRA maize price raise farmer maize price expectations, which induces a supply response. Smallholders respond to an increase in the FRA price by extensifying their maize production. On average, a 1% increase in the FRA price is associated with 0.06% increases in smallholders’ maize area planted and quantity harvested. There is also some evidence that farmers reduce the area of land under fallow in response to FRA incentives but there is no evidence of reductions in the area planted to other crops.  相似文献   

农牧交错地带在我国农业生产中占有十分重要的地位,而水资源又是该地区农业发展瓶颈。以内蒙古伊金堆洛旗为例,对农牧交错地带种植业中自然降水资源的利用进行了分析,认为由于降水不合宜,地力不足,盲目开垦和水分利用率低,存在着粮豆单产严重依赖降水且产量不高的问题,并从作物,水,地力等方面提出了对策。  相似文献   

基于水产品出口依存度,贡献率和拉动度的测算,运用协整分析、回归分析、Granger因果检验对山东水产品出口和渔业经济总产值两者相关关系进行实证分析。从统计分析看,山东水产品出口依存度高于全国水平,近十年水产品出口对渔业经济增长年均贡献率超过百分之百,年均拉动度近百分之五,但渔业经济总量高速增长同时,水产品出口额增长幅度减缓;从计量分析看,水产品出口额与渔业经济总产值存在正向的协整关系,水产品出口拉动作用明显,且在相当一段时间内存在。  相似文献   

This study examines the national effect of U.S. direct payments on the extent and direction of biased technical change on U.S. agriculture. We also assess the economic significance of the estimated bias effects for economic policy modeling endeavors involving a reduction of domestic support payments. A two outputs (livestock and crops) and four inputs (labor, capital, land, and material) translog cost function was estimated from national time series (1948–2011) data. Results indicate that payments do not induce output‐biased technical change. We do find evidence of Hicksian bias that is land using and material input saving attributable to support payments. Global computable general equilibrium simulations suggest that price and output effects of discontinuing direct payments are 1/4 to 1/3 the size once the bias effects are incorporated.  相似文献   

This study employs the propensity score matching model to examine the impact of the adoption of water conservation and intensification technologies on farm output and income among small-scale lowland rice farmers in the Northern Region of Ghana. The matching was conducted based on the Mahalanobis distance combined with the propensity score. Balancing tests by checking the mean standardized absolute bias in the matched sample were conducted as well as a sensitivity analysis was conducted to check for hidden bias due to unobservable selection. The empirical results show a positive and significant impact of the adoption of bunds technology on input demand as well as a positive but insignificant impact on output supply and net returns. Adopters of the dibbling technology were found to have higher output supply, whereas no statistically significant difference was found between the incomes of adopters and nonadopters of dibbling seed method. The results, however, reveal a positive and significant effect on output and net returns when the dibbling method is combined with intensified weeding. The estimates were found to be relatively insensitive to hidden bias.  相似文献   

基于PLS模型的中国林业产值影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用1994~2007年关于中国林业投入与产出的相关数据,采用偏最小二乘回归法,对影响中国林业产出的诸种投入因素进行研究。实证研究发现:中国林业产出主要受林业固定资产投资、林业基本建设投资和林业从业人员人数以及从业人员年均工资等投入因素的影响;且各种投入影响因素对林业第一、二、三产业的影响程度存在差异。为此,建议:保持林业投入适度增长,加大对林业劳动力的教育和培训力度,增强其再就业能力;加强林业固定资产投资和林业基本建设投资,尤其是营林固定资产投资和森工基本建设投资;借助林权制度改革,多渠道拓宽就业途径,以促进林业劳动力向第三产业转移。  相似文献   

In a recent article, Oehmke reported that a high internal rate of return for investment in research when the interaction between research and price policy costs was disregarded could become very low or even negative when the effects of research on the costs of price policy were considered. In this paper, the social returns from research in the presence of the price policies considered by Oehmke are reexamined using a simple geometric approach. The analysis suggests that an output subsidy in a small importing economy, an output subsidy in a closed economy, and a target price in a large exporting economy will on Oehmke's assumptions - cause only small reductions in the internal rate of return from investment in research. This implies that the apparent underinvestment by governments in agricultural research cannot be explained away by a large upward bias, known to governments, in measured rates of return due to failure to account for interactions between research and the costs of price policy measures.  相似文献   

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