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<正>清朝陈澹然的《寤言二·迁都建藩议》里有句名句:"不谋万世者,不足谋一时;不谋全局者,不足谋一域。"对于未来金科物业踌躇满志,社区运营数据标准建立者、家庭健康预警机制制定者、真正家庭个性化服务提供者,这三个是金科物业未来的发展目标,金科物业再一次向着"社区综合服务商"实现华丽转身后,这家做服务"后服务"的科技型企业值得期待!  相似文献   

周文辉 《企业活力》1998,(12):14-15
市场风云变幻,驾驭市场的营销将领若逆流而上,则阻力重重;如果能顺势而为,则可达“四两拔千斤”之功效谋势如能达到炉火纯青的地步,征战市场就能做到势如破竹。谋势,理应成为营销将领的看家本领。“自古不谋万世者,不足谋一时;不谋全局者,不足谋一城。”识势,就...  相似文献   

管洲 《企业研究》2002,(5):43-45
战略规划一直是小企业经理的包袱。目前我国的多数企业缺人才,缺资金,缺时间,缺乏推动企业快速成长的经营战略规划,然而,“不谋全局不足谋一域,不谋万世不足谋一时”,倘若哪家企业希望能在某一领域脱颖而出,并迅速成长壮大起来,那么战略性的超前思维就成为这个企业成长不可缺少的推助器。  相似文献   

不谋万世,不足谋一时:不谋全局,不足谋一域,企业家首先要胸怀全局,目光远大,能够从全局上、长远上思考问题,能够在变动中把握局势发展的大方向。营销战略,则是企业面对激烈变化的环境,严峻竞争的挑战,为谋求生存和发展而作出总体性、长远性的营销策略规划,是企业家用来指挥市场竞争的经营艺术。  相似文献   

杨利兵 《河北企业》2009,(11):26-26
一、企业战略的涵义与作用 "战略"源于古代兵法,属军事术语,我国古代兵书早就提及过"战略"一词,意指对战争形势做出的全局谋划。三国时期著名政治家、军事家、战略家孔明对战略还有一段精辟的论述:"不谋万事,不足谋一时;不谋全局,不足谋一域。"并通过对当时错综复杂的政治、经济、军事形势进行分析,确立了“三分天下”的战略思想.成为刘备立国之本,成就了蜀国的基业。  相似文献   

<正>同一位企业家交谈,他向我提出这样一个问题:他按照自己确定的经营目标,不遗余力地带领员工奋进,结果往往因员工的懈怠而最终使自己也灰心丧气,这是为什么? 这一问题在当前带有一定的普遍性。我们是否可以做这样一个假设:这位企业家确定的经营目标是建立在充分的调研、分析、论证基础之上的一个  相似文献   

<正>"不谋万世者,不足谋一时;不谋全局者,不足谋一域。"十年间,仁和物业用心耕耘,从幸福企业到幸福社区再到幸福生活,让更多的人加入到中正幸福生活圈中,享有幸福。坚守品质不忘初心10年来,山西仁和物业管理有限公司坚持以"工匠精神"注入到物业服务的方方面面。在公司内推行"零缺陷服务","急业主之所急,想业主之所想",始终将业主需求放在首位;并建  相似文献   

<正> 古人云:"不谋万世者,不足谋一时;不谋全局者,不足谋一城。远谋方有深韬略。"商场如战场,经营也如行军打仗,不谋怎么能行呢?广告作为企业经营的重要活动必须经过慎密谋划,才出师有名、马到成功。一、广告要谋划什么要做成功的广告,必须谋划,然谋划什么如何谋划,并不是人人皆知的。笔者认为广告谋划要考虑以下几个基本问题。(1)如何利用广告,使用什么媒体才能符合道,刺激需求。(2)在什么时间、什么地点作广告会效果更好些。(3)看别家的广告有何感想,哪些是值得学习借鉴的,哪些是引以为戒的。(4)对广告投入产出进行合计,如何以少的投入换回好的效果。(5)细致地琢磨我的产品要卖给谁,我的广告要给谁看,如何才能让人家看到,又如何才能让人家感兴趣……要做得到就要想得到。因此,一个成功广告策划的背后是深入细致的调查,深思熟虑的研究,群策群力的谋划。  相似文献   

在人生的大舞台上,他把拼搏、进取、奉献、实干作为自己的人生信条;他把立党为公、执政为民作为自己的执政理念。他到方正林业局任职两年多的时间里,一步一个脚印地践行着他心中的承诺:把“促进企业可持续发展,加强林区城镇化建设,为职工群众谋福祉”作为谋政的第一目标。他就是省五一劳动奖章获得者、方正林业局局长王清文。  相似文献   

在担任中国普天信息产业集团公司总裁两年之后,欧阳忠谋谢幕了。欧阳忠谋对自己的退休或者离职,心中非常清楚。2002年9月,在接受《中国企业家》专访时,一方面,欧阳忠谋对普天集团的整合信心很大(他甚至高兴地接受本刊以“削藩”形容他的整合打算);另一方面,欧阳忠谋也承认,他年已过60岁,组织上让他干到什么时候,他就干到什么  相似文献   

It is argued here that traditional export strategy research (encompassing the study of internationalization processes and export performance) is characterized by weak theoretical foundations and could benefit from a reorientation towards a dynamic capabilities perspective (DCP). We seek to draw on insights from DCP in order to devise a theoretical basis that could enrich export strategy research. Although our development of DCP insights builds on previous work, it also adds a crucial distinction between knowledge stocks and informational architecture. Changes in architecture are of greater importance. Following this elaboration of the dynamic capabilities perspective, we outline some implications and guidelines for future export strategy research.  相似文献   

Causality: a Statistical View   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Statistical aspects of causality are reviewed in simple form and the impact of recent work discussed. Three distinct notions of causality are set out and implications for densities and for linear dependencies explained. The importance of appreciating the possibility of effect modifiers is stressed, be they intermediate variables, background variables or unobserved confounders. In many contexts the issue of unobserved confounders is salient. The difficulties of interpretation when there are joint effects are discussed and possible modifications of analysis explained. The dangers of uncritical conditioning and marginalization over intermediate response variables are set out and some of the problems of generalizing conclusions to populations and individuals explained. In general terms the importance of search for possibly causal variables is stressed but the need for caution is emphasized.  相似文献   

2009年9月,李登海被评为“全国道德模范”和“100位新中国成立以来感动中国人物”,10月1日,他还在北京参加了国庆观礼。  相似文献   

This article is about quality of service. It presents an overview and a summary model of current thinking on the topic. Many examples and illustrations are presented. Aspects of quality include: Quality of results and quality of process; search, experiential and credence quality; reality vs. perception; expectations vs. perceptions; customer satisfaction and technical quality. Various approaches and techniques are presented to improve performance quality—quality functions deployment, moving the line of visibility, blueprinting and failsafing—and conformance quality—guaranteeing, mystery shopping, recovering and measuring.  相似文献   

Stochastic Optimization: a Review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We review three leading stochastic optimization methods—simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, and tabu search. In each case we analyze the method, give the exact algorithm, detail advantages and disadvantages, and summarize the literature on optimal values of the inputs. As a motivating example we describe the solution—using Bayesian decision theory, via maximization of expected utility—of a variable selection problem in generalized linear models, which arises in the cost-effective construction of a patient sickness-at-admission scale as part of an effort to measure quality of hospital care.  相似文献   

This paper examines major linkage measures in the literature from different perspectives and attempts to clarify some of the controversies over them. The examination and clarification suggest more refined backward and forward linkage measures for linkage indices construction. The measures are then applied to analyse the linkages of Hawaii’s agriculture sectors.  相似文献   

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