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杨洁 《时代经贸》2007,5(6X):157-158
本文通过比较中外期刊论文摘要的概念和基本要求,探讨了我国当前法学学术论文英文摘要在写译方面存在的主要问题,主张论文的英文摘要应当在整体上注意写译成文。此外,针对我国法学学术论文英文摘要存在的问题,提出了写译建议:专业精准、言简意赅、客观正式  相似文献   

摘要(Abstract)是一篇完整的学术论文必不可少的一部分。有些论文本身的学术水平很高,但因其英文摘要写得不好,极大地影响了其被国际检索机构收录的几率。因此,提高学术期刊论文英文摘要的质量是中国学术期刊(特别是中文版)与国际接轨的重要途径。  相似文献   

于恩江 《时代经贸》2009,(5):228-230
本文选取一篇医学研究论文的英语摘要,通过分析它的人际功能,以期发现该类语篇人际功能方面的一些语篇特征。首先,从语气和情态方面揭示它的人际功能,然后分析它的语旨以解释该语篇人际功能表达的深层原因。结果显示:零主语的小句居多和作者之外的人或事物作主语的小句构成该语篇主语的全部;语篇不存在表示表示个人观点的限定成分;所有语气均是陈述语气;整个语篇绝少表示情态的形式。  相似文献   

A Study of Harmonious Outlook on Technology SU Zhen-feng Outlook on technology is an overall view people have on technology. Industrial outlook on technology is a kind of partial view of technology, which pursues economic profit. Ecological outlook on technology is a kind of view of technology, which regards coordinated development between human being and nature as its basic purpose, scientifically develop and protect resources. Harmonious outlook on technology is a kind of value view on technology, which puts people first, emphasizes coordinated development among human being, economy, nature and society, and realizes balance among different sub-systems.  相似文献   



Land Issues in Industrialization and Urbanization --Taking Brazil as an Example
After reviewing historical evolution of land system and urbanization in Brazil, the paper focuses on the relation between land system and industrialization and urbanization and its result. The study shows that Brazil adopted policies of promoting industry and restraining agricultural development in its process of industrialization and urbanization, which led to a series of problems. China should balance the relation between land system and industrialization and urbanization in its process of accelerating its economic development.  相似文献   

Financial Structure and Financial Crisis,A Study on Measuring Information Risk of Stocks Based on the Corrected PIN Model,Post-Crisis Financial System Architecture - Global Financial Reform and Implications for Korea  相似文献   

Marx's Theory of Labor as Commodity and its Practical Significance
Marx's theory of labor as commodity reveals that in capitalist countries labor become commodity, which leads to inequitable income between capitalists and workers. In current China, labor income makes up a smaller part in income distribution and there exists inequitable income in distribution. So we should pay more attention to the significance of Marx's theory of labor as commodity, strengthen the dominant position of distribution according to labor, protect the interest and right of labor in factors" participation in distribution, increase property income of labor and narrow the wide income gap between different social groups.  相似文献   

Relationship between Financial Institutions and the Economic Growth in China: A Survey of the Mainstream Literature;The Evolution of International Monetary System and China's Choice in the Process of Global Monetary Diversification --An Analysis from Perspective of Monetary Power;Choice of the Intermediate Target of Monetary Policy in China;Risk or Mispricing? A Study on the Cause of Value Effect under the Perspective of Firm Investment;Control of Large Shareholders, Benefits of Control and Sustainable Corporate Growth;  相似文献   

Driving Factors of China's Industrial Structure: 1985 -2010; The Coordinated Development between Productive Service Industry and Strategic Emerging Industry--Based on the General Equilibrium Analysis o...  相似文献   

On Influence of China's Economic Growth on Emission of C02 -Based on Analysis on Time-order Data during 1970-2005 DANG Yu-ting Based on 1970-2005 data, the paper explores the influence of economic growth in China on emission of CO2. The relation between per capita GDP and emission of CO2 in China has a N shape. The proportion of tertiary industry in GDP is in negative relation with the emission, while exporting and importing is in positive relation. In the coming 10 years, the paper foretells that the emission will increase greatly, so China should adjust commodity structure of importing and exporting, further increase efficiency in using energy and adopt strict policies to protect environment  相似文献   

Public Capital Financing of Local Governments in China: Challenges and Strategies LIU Yuhui SHEN Keting (Institute of Finance and Banking, Chinese Academy of Social Seienee, Beijing, 100732, China; College of Economies, Zhejiang Gongshang University,  相似文献   

A Study on the Relation between Governance and Performance of China's Largest Listed Companies
Abstract: In this paper we designed a corporate governance evaluation system and evaluated the 100 largest China's listed companies of 2008, in order to provide a new proof of the relationship between governance and performance. The results showed that polarization of corporate governance is significant. Financial listed companies have higher governance level than non-financial companies, and state-owned companies have lower governance level than other types of companies. Empirical analysis showed that corporate governance has a positive impact on corporate performance. The indices of shareholder rights, information disclosure and transparency, and equal treatment of shareholders have significant impact on corporate performance. The results of two stage least squares showed that the endogenous of corporate governance is small;The impact of corporate performance on corporate governance is not significant.  相似文献   

Volatility in Chinese Stock Market: An International Comparison
HE Liping WANG Jue (School of Economics and Business Administration, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100089, China; Hanqing Advanced Institute of Economics and Finance, Renmin University of China, Beijing, 100872, China)
Abstract: The paper examines and compares stock price index variability in Shanghai Stock Exchange's A-shares, Dow Jones Industrials, FF-SE 100, and Nikkei 225 over the period from July 1998-July 2008. We summarize some basic statistic parameters and conduct econometric analysis based on GARCH models. Our main finding is that during the period under study, the price volatility was the highest in Shanghai A-shares among the four, and this has been reflected individually in daily returns, weekly returns, and monthly returns. In addition, the high volatility in Shanghai A-shares may be observed in either of the two measurements, magnitude or frequency. The paper also suggests that the high volatility in Chinese A-shares may not be adequately explained by the country's macroeconomic fluctuations or external financial openness.  相似文献   

China - ASEAN Free Trade Area and the New Development of Guangdong Economy Xu Ningning (Executive Secretary-General (China), China-ASEAN Business Council) Abstract: This paper expounds the formation of the ACFTA, its development trend and its role in promoting the Guangdong's economic development from the following aspects. First,  相似文献   

Transition to a Low-carbon Economy under the Constraints of Fossil Energy Depletion and Climate Change WANG Feng (School of Economics and Finance, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710061, China) ...  相似文献   

Effect of Local Government's Expenditure Structure on Economic Growth,On Development of Rural China in View of Comparison -Based on Thinking of Strategy, Path and Farmers t Participation,On Equalization of Public Finance and Basic Public Service,Marginalized Trend of Labor Union in Labor Relation  相似文献   

On Improving Environmental Management System of China
WANG Yi, WANG Yan-qiu, L1 li-ping, Ji Feng This paper makes a study of problems in environmental management system in China and puts forward some ideas to build a new-type environmental management system, based on lessons and process of reforming environmental management system in other countries. In author's opinion, environmental management model should take unified supervision mechanism, coordinated mechanism and integrated decision-making mechanism as its operation mechanism, by which we can remove institutional obstacles in environmental management and combine vertical management with horizontal management.  相似文献   

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