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This paper commences by considering that the current global climate of terrorism and human suffering demands a more critical consideration of flawed expectations. Addressed here is the flawed expectation of consistency in organizational life. Work life narratives from people with unseen chronic illness, that is, illness that is ongoing, may not be treatable or curable, and cannot be seen by colleagues, are considered to portray the problematic outcomes of expectations of consistency. Respondents of this phenomenological study demonstrate that expectations of consistency, from themselves and others, were unreasonable as their responses to situations and their illness demands varied from day to day and minute to minute—a problem for one working in the rational workplace. What is concluded is that recognition of the postmodern perspective, especially its appreciation of the multiphrenic qualities in these peoples lives, may assist understanding of these people's experiences, as well as the experiences of other traumatized individuals. Adherence to flawed expectations may make things worse.  相似文献   

The role of the sociopathic bully is considered in terms of his/her responsibility for acts of evil in organizations. First, the literature on bullying is considered with the suggestion made that the term bully may be something of a euphemism, contributing to the problem of bullying not being taken sufficiently seriously. Bullying is then considered as a means of torture in organizations. The case study is introduced, where the author—an academic—is daring to share her story. Several of Biderman's constructs of coercion (Amnesty International, 1975. Report on Torture. London: Gerald Duckworth.) are used to showcase the case material shared which, when taken together, depict the relentless and deliberate nature of the bullying that took place. The paper concludes with an evil outcome of the bullying but, also, the success of the target in surviving. Some practical considerations as to what to do if bullying takes place are considered.  相似文献   

企业家的战略领导能力对企业的发展具有关键作用。尤其是在当今企业内外环境瞬息万变的时代,企业家是否具有战略领导能力更成为企业能否获得长久发展的决定性因素。企业家的战略领导能力中,战略规划能力能够使企业抓住稍纵即逝的机会,始终走在正确的道路上;战略创新能力能够使企业充满活力,克服各种路径依赖,获得可持续发展。基于光友集团和宝山集团两个农业龙头企业的创业与发展历程,本文对企业家战略领导能力在企业发展中的作用做了初步验证。  相似文献   

李丽娥 《价值工程》2012,31(1):246-247
研究探讨了一例高功能自闭症儿童在接受融合教育的背景下,进行幼儿园融合教育、特教中心教育和家庭教育三位一体的综合教育干预,前后测的结果表明了这种综合教育对自闭症儿童的康复有较好的疗效。  相似文献   

This article draws on theories from knowledge and project management to develop an understanding of how knowledge sharing is encouraged and hindered in the context of a multifirm network assembled to execute an innovative shipbuilding project. The empirical data are based on a qualitative case study, collected from in‐depth face‐to‐face interviews in China and Norway, with the key people from a ship owner, shipbuilder, and ship technology supplier. The research indicates three interesting findings: First, differences in organizational culture (not national culture) hamper knowledge sharing. Second, a strategic misalignment made knowledge sharing difficult. Third, protecting knowledge by patenting and secrecy barely influenced the knowledge sharing processes. Based on previous research and lessons learned from case study experience, we suggest a framework to analyze challenges and links in project networks.  相似文献   

和谐管理理论具有目的性、关注人的能动性与积极性在不确定性消减中的作用以及双规则机制的互动耦合使用三大特色。在和谐管理理论的指导下,2001年以来,L研究所进行了一系列管理变革,并取得了一定的成功,但仍存在着变革缺乏系统性等问题,与和谐管理解决管理问题的思路有所不一致。研究结果认为:如果正确运用和谐管理理论指导该研究所的管理变革实践,将能够为其提供更为系统全面的管理变革方案,并避免上述问题的出现,快速有效地促进其战略目标的实现。  相似文献   


This paper investigates the relationship between workplace bullying and employee outcomes in a healthcare setting. Drawing on HR process theory, we investigate the mediating role of the perceived effectiveness of implementation of anti-bullying practices on employee outcomes and whether targeted line manager training was a moderator of that relationship. Our multi-level analysis (utilising responses from 1507 employees within 47 hospitals with matched HR Director interviews), finds that the relationship between workplace bullying and employee outcomes is partially mediated by employees’ perceived effective implementation of intended anti-bully practices. The mediated relationship is moderated by targeted line manager training in anti-bullying practices. The mediated moderation model illustrates that it is effective implementation of anti-bullying practices enhanced by targeted training that is required to reduce bullying probabilities and their associated negative employee outcomes. The paper contributes to resource based view of the firm, HR process and human capital theories. The implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This case study explores the experience of a company in a controversial industry sector and its efforts to act in a socially responsible manner when establishing a presence in a regional market. We examine the management of stakeholder relationships and communication, and identify the challenges associated with implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Our findings highlight the importance of ongoing and broad stakeholder identification, prioritization and management. This case study demonstrates the key role of commitment from senior management and front‐line employees and the importance of a CSR champion. Commitment must be demonstrated at a local level to facilitate community engagement, feedback and monitoring. Finally, the findings highlight the externality of stakeholder networks and their non‐centric relationship with the company. Thus, a company is not the centre of the stakeholder network; the network has a life of its own, regardless of a company's involvement or non‐involvement. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

案例教学对于MBA学员管理能力提升的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文采用实证研究的方法,对大连、山东、北京等地的216名MBA学员进行了案例教学有效性认知的问卷调查,并选择了一个31人的MBA班进行了案例教学与传统讲授的教学效果比较研究。研究结果表明:案例教学在”学习分析问题的思路”、“提高解决问题能力”、“改善思考方式”和“锻炼沟通能力”等方面的效果大大优于传统讲授;而且在本研究的八项管理能力中,除了“创新能力”外,案例教学对于其他七项管理能力提升的有效性都得到了MBA学员的高度认可。  相似文献   

本文采用探索型案例研究的方法,以4个复杂产品系统研发机构为案例,围绕着复杂产品系统的研发团队组织有效性进行了研究和分析。多案例研究发现:复杂产品系统的研发团队在组织形式方面呈现多层级、多类型的特征,而且这些特征与复杂产品系统自身的技术复杂程度、研制一体化程度、客户类型、产品交付周期等因素相关。通过案例分析和讨论,提出并构建了"复杂产品系统的研发团队组织有效性模型",并对该理论模型中的测量变量给出了测量等级。  相似文献   

案例研究的基本方法——对经典文献的综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在管理学中案例研究是一种重要的研究方法,本文对Yin博士"案例研究两部曲"以及《管理学会评论》和《管理科学季刊》中案例研究方法的经典文献从案例研究的概念、步骤和品质方面进行综述,最后对案例研究方法的误解进行了讨论。  相似文献   

This study examines the development and impact of diversity and equality management systems (DEMS). A national sample of human resource managers from 155 Canadian firms responded to surveys about their firm's diversity and equality management (DEM) practices. Cluster analysis and latent class modeling identified three distinct approaches to DEM: classical disparity DEMS showing limited development of DEM‐related practices, institutional DEMS involving complex selection mechanisms and monitoring of employment statistics, and configurational DEMS linking diversity to business strategy. Hypothesis‐testing analyses indicated that both institutional and configurational DEMS were predicted by coverage by the Canadian employment equity program, federal contractor status, and the presence of a diversity expert on staff. Only configurational DEMS was predicted by inclusion of HRM in developing business strategy. Configurational DEMS positively predicted the employment of workers with disabilities and members of visible minority groups as well as ROA. These findings support the proposition based on strategic human resource management (SHRM) theory that DEM practices should be considered as bundles and that vertical linkage to strategy is important for DEM effectiveness. As such, SHRM theory explains how managers can structure strategic responses to institutional pressures that go beyond requirements to achieve strategic goals. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

本文主要是从跨文化研究的视角探讨源自西方的案例法(包括案例教学、案例开发和案例学习)在中国工商管理教育的应用中所面临的文化上的挑战.作者具体地探讨了中西方在权力差距、个体主义和集体主义、对不确定性的规避、特殊主义和普遍主义、情绪中立和情绪外露等文化维度上的差异对案例教学的影响.最后,作者认为渗透着西方的两分法思维方...  相似文献   

在中资银行战略引资步伐加快、外资话语权逐步提升的情况下,本文通过对美国新桥投资集团控股深圳发展银行案例的分析,对外资话语权的提升与中资银行的经营绩效之间的关系进行了探讨。研究发现,外资话语权的提升与中资银行的盈利能力和经营效率之间不存在明显的正相关关系,而外资充分的话语权有助于中资银行防范与化解信贷风险和增强抵御风险能力以及提高业务发展能力;另一方面,外资话语权的提升却与中资银行的业务创新能力呈现负相关的关系。在此基础上,本文提出了有关战略引资的建议。  相似文献   

未能将创新原型真正融入组织新情境是导致我国企业大量引进型管理创新以失败告终的重要原因。因此,基于适配理论,对江西移动效率管理创新的实现过程进行探索性案例研究,研究发现,引进型管理创新的实现需要创新原型同时与组织外部和内部环境实现有效适配,其中与外部环境的适配旨在满足环境动态性需求,明确创新目标与定位;与内部环境适配则依赖系统问题诊断,强调与组织问题及根源的映射关系,旨在提出针对性创新举措。  相似文献   


The primary aim of this study is to examine the nature, extent and workplace experiences of voice in an industry characterized by vulnerable workers with precarious term of employment. Using qualitative data on the practice of voice and participation among a sample of construction and building materials & products manufacturing firms, we found that the motivation of workers to fulfil their basic human needs take precedence over other needs such as voice and participation intention. The extent to which employee voice was embedded in the organizational policies was found to rely primarily upon the need for compliance with minimum labor legislation and ISO quality management factory regime. Our findings also suggest that voice and participation beyond regulatory and ISO quality compliance remain at the sole discretion of the management that advocated a carrot and stick orientation. The article concludes with the discussion of theoretical and practical implications of the findings and identification of a number of new avenues for future research.  相似文献   

This article synthesizes the large and burgeoning literature on framing to unpack how frames achieve resonance with an audience. The analysis identifies two main resonance types: cognitive, based on an appeal to audiences’ beliefs and understandings, and emotional, based on an appeal to audiences’ feelings, passions, and aspirations. For each type, this paper delves into distinct mechanisms, applications, and outcomes to shed light on the complex bases for audiences’ reactions to framing and the factors that can hinder or favour resonance. Applications for this conceptualization of resonance and future venues of research are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

本文从社会资本的视角出发,研究上市公司非公开发行背后的深层动因。我们构建的理论框架表明,非公开发行不仅是上市公司的一种融资手段,而且是其获得社会资本的一条重要途径。在此理论框架下,我们以蒙牛乳业为个案,分析了蒙牛乳业通过非公开发行引入中粮集团,既获得金融资本,又获得社会资本的过程。本文的研究结论不仅对理论界从新的角度理解上市公司非公开发行背后的深层动因有重要启示作用,而且对上市公司采用非公开发行筹资实践有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

案例研究在管理学中是一种重要的研究方法.本文首先从案例研究法的特点入手,结合中国情境化理论的来源和内涵,阐明该方法的功能与作用;然后通过对案例研究法适用条件的分析,进一步论述了该方法与中国情境化理论的结合;最后深入探讨如何更有效地在中国情境下运用案例研究法以及该方法给我们带来的启示.  相似文献   

中美政府绩效审计比较:基于案例的视角   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对中美政府绩效审计的六个案例进行了比较研究。研究发现中美两国政府绩效审计在审计项目选择、审计目标、审计标准和审计建议方面存在很大的差异。在比较分析的基础上,对今后我国开展政府绩效审计提出了五条合理化建议。  相似文献   

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