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Under the economic globalization trend and new domestic and international competitive environment, how to develop and upgrade the comprehensive strength and international competence, and how to promote marketization and internationalization have becomes the very focuses of China's commercial banks. Since the 1990s, the marketing paradigm of customer-orientation has replaced the product-orientation, therefore, perceived value, the variable from consumer's perception, begins to draw academic and financial fields' attention. However, few studies tended to analyze the relationship between perceived value, word-of-mouth communication intention, and satisfaction. Also, no study combined customer perceived value with the loyalty model of B & R, thus the authors make a new attempt in this regard, and hope that the conclusion will provide useful reference for financial activities.  相似文献   

中国高新技术产业研发资本存量和研发产出效率   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
邓进 《南方经济》2007,5(8):56-64
本文运用中国高新技术产业的面板数据,在测算研发资本存量的基础上.构建了柯布一道格拉斯型研发生产函数.研究了研发生产的要素投入问题、研发生产的性质及其相关影响因素。研究发现:(1)在我国高新技术产业研发生产中,研发资本的贡献高于研发人员的贡献,研发生产过程表现出规模报酬递增的特征;(2)外资产权、企业规模对研发产出效率呈显著正效用;国有产权、以企业数为指标的市场结构以及绩效(利润和税收)对研发产出效率呈显著负效用:(3)我国国有及国有控股高新技术企业产权清晰度较高.对研发产出效率负面影响较小;法制不健全、政策不稳定等外部因素对我国高新技术产业研发产出效率负面影响较大。  相似文献   

出口退税对我国出口影响的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用1985-2004年的样本数据,运用Eviews软件测算出出口退税额与我国外贸出口之间的相关系数和回归系数,结论是:在99%的显著水平上,出口退税对我国出口增长的促进作用十分明显,出口退税率的调整将会使得我国的出口受到直接的影响.  相似文献   

Small-scale commercial poultry enterprises are often promoted and used by the government and non-governmental organisations in development projects to generate income and to improve food self-sufficiency and alleviate malnutrition, as poultry is an excellent source of protein. This study shows that the majority of small-scale commercial poultry producers in KwaZulu-Natal come from previously disadvantaged communities and have significantly lower enterprise growth rates than larger poultry producers. The results of a block-recursive regression analysis of data gathered from a sample of 123 poultry farmers in the province indicate that enterprise growth rate is constrained by poor access to credit, high transaction costs and unreliable local markets. Government policies should focus on reducing transaction costs by improving education and physical infrastructure, sponsoring training and mentoring services for small-scale commercial poultry producers, and helping these emerging entrepreneurs to formalise the business institutions needed to manage co-owned resources and to market products collectively.  相似文献   

运用计量经济模型分析河北省对外贸易与经济增长之间的关系,结果表明:对外贸易对河北经济增长有很强的拉动作用,其中出口对经济增长的贡献要高于进口,而净出口对经济增长的作用不明显.  相似文献   

Mexican President Felipe Calderón took office in December 2006. From the outset, his government deployed an aggressive security policy to fight drug trafficking organizations in what became known as the “Mexican Drug War.” The policy earned considerable criticism since a heavy number of unintended casualties resulted from the frontal assault waged against the drug cartels. In this article, we evaluate the effects of the Mexican Drug War on Mexican states’ economic growth. To do so, we study the effects of the rise in the homicide rate and changes in a state-level approximation of the military budget on economic growth. Using dynamic panel data econometrics, we find that while the growth in the number of homicides had negative and significant effects on state GDP growth, state military expenditures aimed at fighting drug trafficking had a positive and significant effect on the per capita economic growth rate.  相似文献   

袁芳 《特区经济》2009,(6):28-29
随着经济全球化进程的加速,外商投资在广东经济发展中的作用越来越受到重视。本文从FDI与广东的GDP、就业、进出口总额和固定资产投资等方面进行实证分析,验证FDI对广东经济增长的促进作用,并在此基础上提出一些吸引外资的建议。  相似文献   

Regression analysis is used to tease out the relative significance of influences on the supply and demand for the exports of China and India. On the supply side, the value-added tax in China has discouraged export supply. The elimination of the rebate on those taxes will discourage exports. Higher wages discourage exports, but the share of exports by foreign invested enterprise is a positive influence, as is a higher share of value added in output and greater experience in exporting. On the demand side, exports depend in part on aggregate income levels in importing countries. Relative wages have been more important than exchange rates in determining the demands for Chinese and Indian exports. This evidence does not support the pressures for a devaluation of the RMB. There is also evidence of the positive significance of the accustomization of purchasers to buying Chinese exports.  相似文献   

●长沙交通学院李春森认为 :法规制度建立的目的并不是惩处谁 ,它只不过是维护公司正常的经营管理秩序 ,确保投资人、职工的利益和企业整体经济效益的手段 ,因此在建立企业责任追究制度同时应建立预防违法违规的行为控制机制和完善其他配套企业管理制度。预警系统有利于防微杜渐 ,防止少数人不良思想的得逞。在有关会议和场合要对公司各级负责人进行必要的思想教育 ,树立正确的价值观。企业的各项经济活动要有良好的制度机制 ,权力的运用必须受到监督和制约 ,办事程序应公开化 ,有利于避免决策失误 ,防止少数人营私舞弊及出现管理上的漏洞。…  相似文献   

改革开放以来漳州经济增长的实证分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文依据经济增长理论 ,运用经济计量方法 ,考察漳州市改革开放以来经济增长的变化情况 ,实证分析了影响漳州经济增长的主要因素 ,从中找出问题和差距 ,并提出若干政策建议。  相似文献   

秦泽念 《重庆与世界》2014,(2):29-31,45
一段时间以来,我国区县一级党委政府围绕保障和改善民生进行了积极实践,但也还存在保障水平不高、顶层设计不善、部门协同不力、社会参与不够等突出问题.从重庆九龙坡区的实践来看,我国区县党委政府要深入推进保障和改善民生实践,必须坚持系统抓好经济发展、提升战略认识、加强组织领导和强化科学统筹四个方面的工作.  相似文献   

魏靖 《亚太经济》2002,(3):56-58
本文通过对近期我国货物出口增长乏力现象进行实证分析。从理论和实践两方面阐述了产生这一现象的主要成因,并就此提出当前我国应采取的相应对策。  相似文献   

企业家人力资本供给,受企业家“定位前”人力资本原始积累的基本影响,但取决于企业家“定位中”与“定位后”人力资本持续变动的“有机构成”。在此两阶段,特定的组织场景逐渐“嵌入”企业家“心智模型”,由此生成企业家“背景取向型人力资本”,进而驱动企业家进入“适应性学习”过程。由这类企业家主导的企业有能力实现成长的持续性。文章基于对苏浙皖企业家经营实践与心路历程的实地调研,对这种人力资本“供给”的机理做了理论分析与实际论证。  相似文献   

民营企业有"两不”、"四自”、"四权”等特征,针对由创业期向成长期跨越这一  相似文献   

Based on data of 31 Chinese provinces over the period 1980–2004, the study in this paper presents new evidence on the effects of structural shocks and structural transformation on growth and convergence among the Chinese regions. The division of overall regional growth in labour productivity into three components – growth due to structural shocks, growth due to structural transformation and a ‘residual’ indicating growth due to region-specific changes – provides us with a better framework than the traditional one-sector Solow growth model for attributing growth and convergence to various different sources. Among other findings, the study has shown that during 1990–1999, structural shocks worked to widen the gap between rich regions and poor regions in China, while structural transformation worked to narrow the gap.  相似文献   

李荣华 《改革与战略》2010,26(2):145-147
文章利用单位根平稳性检验和协整检验的理论,通过对1996—2007年度我国高新技术企业R&D投入与技术创新之间协整分析和因果关系检验,建立了二者之间的误差修正模型,揭示了我国高新技术企业R&D投入与技术创新的动态均衡关系,并提出增加高新技术企业R&D投入、促进技术创新的对策。  相似文献   

人力资本存量、R&D投资与中国工业增长转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业是中国当前三大产业中的支柱产业,工业增长模式的体制转轨很大程度上反映了中国经济增长模式的转轨方向和现状。文章借助1990年-2007年的统计数据进行计算和实证检验发现:中国工业企业从上世纪90年代初以依靠人力资本存量和物质资本存量积累的增长模式转变为新世纪以来以R&D投资带来的技术进步和工业劳动力投入为主要产出支撑的新模式,虽然这种增长转轨并未彻底完成,但已经证明集约化增长模式将逐步成为中国经济可持续发展的主要途径。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of openness on China's regional productivity growth. We build a model of technology diffusion in which follower economies achieve productivity growth by taking advantage of technology spillovers from the world technology frontier. We hypothesize that China's regional productivity growth is a positive function of regional openness and a negative function of the current level of regional productivity. Empirical analysis in this paper focuses on how openness affects productivity growth in the Chinese provinces. We examine two effects of openness on regional productivity growth in China: the direct growth effect and the convergence effect. By using a variety of panel data regression techniques, we show that the direct growth effect of openness is the main effect while the convergence effect is insignificant. The findings of this paper lend strong support to the claim that the opening-up of China promotes the country's economic growth.  相似文献   

资源匮乏是企业发展过程中的重要绊脚石,化解此问题对新企业成长具有重要意义.从资源获取视角切入,基于资源基础理论和创业拼凑理论,探究创业拼凑对新企业绩效的作用机理,以及网络关系在两者之间的中介机制,对京津冀地区177家新企业问卷数据进行回归分析.结果表明:创业拼凑能够通过对内外资源的整合,实现对资源的即时利用,有助于企业绩效提升;拼凑行为的开展会推动企业积极构建商业关系与政府关系,进而作用于企业发展过程;良好政治关系有利于与合作伙伴等建立稳定的商业关系.研究结论有助于缓解新企业资源尴尬的窘境以及进一步为网络关系中资源的获取与转移使用提供新的视角.  相似文献   

勾晓瑞 《改革与战略》2010,26(4):108-111
高技术硅产业关系到电子信息及光伏太阳能产业的发展。通过进行计划指导下的战略性布局、建立信息共享机制、完善区域发展评价体系、整合资源、加强研发、成立国家产业工人基地等措施以及鼓励中小企业配套生产,可以培育我国硅产业国际市场竞争力。  相似文献   

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