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Margaret J. Lay 《The Journal of risk and insurance》2020,87(4):935-968
This article builds a new model of capital structure and nonpension investment decisions to show that regulatory and investment incentives created by accrued pension obligations exacerbate traditional agency problems between stockholders and bondholders. The article identifies conditions under which firms with accrued pension liabilities have an incentive to choose an overly risky capital structure, invest in risky projects with negative net present value, and/or under-fund their pension accounts. 相似文献
In this paper, we investigate how the accounting measurement basis affects the capital market pricing of a firm's shares, which, in turn, affects the efficiency of the firm's investment decisions. We distinguish two broad bases for accounting measurements: input‐based and output‐based accounting. We argue that the structural difference in the two measurement bases leads to a systematic difference in the efficiency of the investment decisions. In particular, we show that an output‐based measure has a natural advantage in aligning investment incentives because of its comprehensiveness. The (first‐)best investment is achieved when the output‐based measure is noiseless and manipulation free. In addition, under an output‐based measure, more accounting noise/manipulation always leads to more inefficient investment choices. Therefore, if an output‐based accounting measure is highly noisy and easy to manipulate in practice, the induced investment efficiency can be quite low. On the other hand, an input‐based accounting measure, while not as comprehensive, may induce more efficient investment decisions than an output‐based measure if some noise is unavoidable in either measure. The reason is twofold. First, input‐based measures may be associated with less noise and limited manipulation in practice. Second, and more importantly, we show that under an input‐based measure, a slight increase in accounting noise/manipulation may lead to more efficient investment choices. In fact, the (first‐)best result is achieved when the noise/manipulability is small but positive. In other words, for an input‐based measure, being less comprehensive makes small but positive accounting noise/manipulability desirable. Two extensions of the basic model are also explored. 相似文献
本文用盈利反应系数来测度证券市场对不同规模的事务所及其所提供的审计服务的反应.研究发现,投资者对"大规模事务所"中的"本土大所"的盈利反应系数并不显著较高,但是其对"四大合作所"的盈利反应系数则显著较高,这说明投资者认为"四大合作所"的审计质量高于"本土大所"的审计质量.亦说明要想赢得投资者的青睐,"本土大所"需要进一步增强自己的品牌声誉,在"做大"的同时要"做强". 相似文献
We study a structural model that allows us to examine how credit spreads are affected by the interaction of macroeconomic
conditions and firm characteristics. Unlike most other structural models, our model explicitly incorporates equilibrium macroeconomic
dynamics and models a firm's cash flow as primitive processes. Corporate securities are priced as contingent claims written
on cash flows. Default occurs when the firm's cash flow cannot cover the interest payments and the recovery rate is dependent
on the economic condition at default. Our model produces the following predictions: (i) credit spread is mostly negatively
correlated with interest rate; (ii) credit spread yield curves are upward sloping for low-grade bonds; (iii) firm characteristics
have significant effects on credit spreads and these effects also vary with economic conditions. These predictions are consistent
with the available empirical evidence and generate implications for further empirical investigation. 相似文献
This paper re-examines the effects of nominal contracts on the relationship between unanticipated inflation and an individual stock's rate of return. This study differs in three main ways from previous research. First, announced inflation data are used to examine the effects of unanticipated inflation. Second, a different specification is used to obtain more efficient estimates. Third, additional nominal contracts are considered. The empirical results indicate that time-varying firm characteristics related to inflation predominately determine the effect of unanticipated inflation on a stock's rate of return. A firm's debt-equity ratio appears to be particularly important in determining the response. 相似文献
股票流动性是金融市场微观结构的核心议题,其影响因素问题受到了人们的广泛关注。然而,以往的研究存在两个方面的重要缺陷:一是多数研究仅关注了股权结构对股票流动性的影响,而忽略了公司特征因素的作用;二是以往股权结构视角的研究由于存在研究设计上的问题,使得实证结论的可靠性不高。本文使用2003-2009年沪深两市仅发行了A股的上市公司为样本,采用高频交易数据构造买卖价差以衡量股票流动性,考察了公司特征、股权结构与股票流动性之间的关系,以及股权分置改革对这一关系的影响,得到了与以往研究不同的实证结论。针对这些结论,本文给出了符合我国制度背景的理论阐释。 相似文献
遵义.以著名的遵义会议奠定了这个城市在中国革命历史上的重要地位.历史悠久。遵义开元会计师事务所就位于这座中国革命历史名城的中心。湘江河在城市中心静静流淌而过,河道两边绿树成荫。河岸边一座高楼上.“遵义开元会计师事务所”(以下简称:遵义开元所)映入我们的眼帘。走进遵义开元所的办公楼.办公环境干净整洁,绿色植物为安静的办公环境凭添了几许生机。会议室里.一群员工正围在一起. 相似文献
早就听说贵州的凯里山青水秀,气候宜人,民族风情浓郁,有"百节之乡"的美誉.一走进凯里,一座气势宏伟而富有民族特色的建筑--凯里民族体育场就展现在我们眼前. 相似文献
It is argued that the sustainability of external debts depends on the stationarity of the current account balance. This study tests for the stationarity of current account deficits for a sample of sixteen Latin American countries, employing a new test, advocated by Breuer et al. (2002), that allows one to test for unit roots in heterogeneous panel data sets. This version of the augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test involves estimating ADF regressions within a seemingly unrelated regression (SURADF) framework. The benefits of creating a panel to overcome low test power are well known, but this particular test also offers key advantages over existing alternative panel data unit root tests. Unlike previous tests, this one identifies which members from within the panel are responsible for rejecting the null hypothesis of joint nonstationarity. In addition, the SURADF test does not presume disturbances that are independently and identically distributed. Using annual data covering the period 1979-2001, this study finds strong evidence in favor of current account mean-reversion for at least twelve Latin American countries. 相似文献
王全在 《内蒙古财经学院学报(综合版)》2012,10(4):12-14
如何克服高等教育同质化倾向,是当今高等学校必须面对的一个重要问题,内蒙古财经大学会计学院多年来根据内蒙古经济社会发展的需要和学科发展的规律,结合自身实际,采取了多种措施和手段,取得了很大的成绩,依托学科优势,构建了特色明显的会计学科教育模式与实践。 相似文献
合伙文化与我国会计师事务所改革——经验证据与分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究我国合伙制会计师事务所及会计师事务所体制改革问题,必然要研究合伙文化,我国的传统合伙文化是否适合合伙制会计师事务所?对此有不同认识,本文通过调查研究及对我国的传统文化的定性与定量分析, 认为我国发展合伙制会计师事务所具有一定的合伙文化基础。 相似文献
高质量审计度量存在争议①,以区域性事务所作为低质量审计的代理变量②检验低质量审计需求的公司特征,结果表明,公司规模、公司所处地域经济水平以及公司是否有发行外资股与区域性事务所选择负相关,公司负债水平与区域性事务所选择正相关,第一大股东持股比例与区域性事务所选择呈倒"U"型关系,而股权制衡可以在一定程度上制约"一股独大"公司选择区域性事务所. 相似文献
俄罗斯会计改革与国际协调的有关情况 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
财政部会计司赴俄罗斯考察团 《会计研究》2006,(4):86-91
本文介绍了俄罗斯会计改革现状及其推进国际协调的基本态度、策略选择、具体方式、实施方案和准备工作等,并结合考察期间所见所想对深化我国会计改革、推进会计国际趋同提出了建议。 相似文献
This study examines the stock price reaction to the internal control reporting required under Section 404 of the Sarbanes‐Oxley Act of 2002 for three distinct groups of firms. After controlling for general stock price movements, we find that stock returns are most negative for firms that delay filing of their internal control reports, continue to be negative for firms with ineffective internal controls, and are positive for firms with effective internal controls. The decrease in stock prices of the first two groups is more pronounced for those with a lower return on assets, higher growth rate in sales, and no prior disclosure of their internal controls weaknesses. Our results indicate that market participants value the reliability of financial information ensuing from Section 404 compliance, irrespective of firm size and debt proportion. Thus, regulators and policymakers worldwide should consider mandating comparable SOX 404 compliance for all publicly held companies to improve the accuracy and reliability of financial reports. 相似文献
对会计师事务所内部治理的几点认识 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
如何搞好会计师事务所的管理,是注册会计师行业一直关注的热门话题。下面结合工作实践,简要谈一下自己对事务所内部治理的几点认识。 建立人尽其才的用人机制 搭建良好的执业平台一般来看,注册会计师具有较强的自主意识和独立的价值观。与一般员工相比,他们有非常明确的奋斗目标,有发挥自己专长成就事业的强烈追求,更在乎自身价值的实现,并期望得到社会的认可。我们要充分尊重注册会计师的这种个性特点,在事务所内形成人尽其才的机制。事务所人员构成一般大致可以分为三类。一类是退休人员。他们中的不少人有原单位的退休工资… 相似文献
Mary E. Barth 《Abacus》2015,51(4):499-510
Financial accounting is essential to financial accountability, which is essential to a prosperous society. There are many examples of how improvements to financial accounting, supported by research, have enhanced financial accountability. Such research requires a strong relation between accounting academics and practice; this relation has ebbed and flowed during the life of Abacus. The relation seems to ebb when accounting academics embrace related fields and flows when the relevance to accounting practice emerges. Economics and finance have provided new perspectives and meaningful insights about the information investors need to make informed decisions. Regardless, there are many intriguing and open questions awaiting accounting research that can provide insights into how financial accounting—and thus financial accountability—can be improved. The future is bright for financial accounting researchers who do research relevant to accounting practice and want to contribute to a prosperous society. 相似文献
为加强注册会计师行业人才培养,建立一支在质量和数量上能够满足我国经济和资本市场发展战略以及现代企业制度需要的执业队伍,适应注册会计师职业国际化发展的新形势,中国注册会计师协会制定了《关于加强行业人才培养工作的指导意见》(以下简称“三十条”),明确提出了加强注册会计师行业人才培养工作的指导思想、总体思路、培训 相似文献
会计准则导向和会计监管的一个经济博弈分析 总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22
本文运用博弈论分析方法,对会计准则导向的选择和会计监管之间的关系进行了分析,从理论上确定了特定会计准则和会计监管环境下投资者和企业管理层的博弈均衡特征。理论结果表明,会计准则导向的选择与会计监管的有效程度相关,准则导向的变迁应该与具体的会计监管环境相适应。在相对会计监管较弱的环境中,选择规则导向的会计准则,限制企业管理层的会计选择空间将能促使企业管理层的如实报告行为,提高会计信息可靠性的基本质量特征。基于转轨经济的国情,完善会计监管制度是当务之急。 相似文献