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在发展鄂西生态文化旅游圈战略规划的背景下,借鉴国内外利用铁路开发旅游线路的成功经验,充分利用地区内规划建设的铁路资源,结合鄂西旅游资源分布,以我国中部地区综合交通枢纽武汉为中心,打造以铁路为主要交通方式的旅游线路,开拓鄂西生态文化旅游市场。  相似文献   

"两圈一带"战略是湖北省委、省政府全面落实科学发展观,形成的在较长时间内指导整个湖北经济社会发展的总体发展战略。"两圈一带"战略的形成是湖北对以往"中部崛起"等发展战略的承继,是对湖北全省区域发展的重新协调。"两圈一带"中的武汉城市圈,鄂西生态文化旅游圈,湖北长江经济带三个部分有着丰富的内涵,三者各有侧重,同时一带挑起两圈,统一于科学发展,该战略对湖北当前和未来的发展有着十分重大而深远的意义。  相似文献   

关于武汉城市圈旅游发展问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着武汉城市圈被批准为"两型社会"综合改革配套试验区,武汉城市圈旅游面临加快发展的新机遇。从区域旅游资源状况和旅游发展面临的形势分析,要进一步推进武汉城市圈内旅游资源的整合,加速旅游市场一体化,建立有效的政策支持和保障机制,促进武汉城市圈旅游新一轮的快速发展。  相似文献   

建设武汉城市圈是实施"中部崛起"的重要战略举措。在分析武汉城市圈交通现状的基础上,介绍了城市圈内的轨道交通网络体系,并从城市圈空间发展、带动城市圈旅游业发展、增加社会经济效益和体现环境效益及增强区域经济竞争力等方面,阐述轨道交通在武汉城市圈发展中的作用。  相似文献   

为适应武汉城市圈经济社会发展需要,城际铁路的开通运营可以更好地满足沿线城市圈客流的出行需求。在阐述武汉城市圈城际铁路现状的基础上,针对客流需求、票制票种、财务折旧等影响因素进行分析,提出武汉城市圈城际铁路经营策略,即:运输组织匹配客流需求,票种类型适应市场供求,补贴优惠符合可持续运营需要,沿线城际铁路配套设施设备,城际铁路沿线资源综合开发利用,不断提高武汉城市圈城际铁路经营效果。  相似文献   

在分析武汉城市圈交通现状的基础上,介绍武汉城市圈城际轨道交通规划.从促进湖北经济快速发展,为实现"中部崛起"战略目标提供运输保障;促进产业发展与布局一体化建设;促进统筹城乡建设一体化;推动两型社会创建,实现城市圈可持续发展等方面分析城际轨道交通对武汉城市圈建设的影响.  相似文献   

打造武汉城市圈,应该注重区域创新系统的建设。通过构建区域创新共同体,完善区域创新运行机制,培育区域创新环境,达到提高区域创新能力的目的,进而推动武汉城市圈快速发展。  相似文献   

针对武汉城市圈社会经济发展、铁路网现状及规划、城市轨道交通规划,提出利用武汉城市圈丰富的铁路资源参与城市交通的构想,对其建设必要性、可行性进行了论证,并结合铁路网和城市发展的特点提出了实施方案,供相关决策者参考.  相似文献   

正保神高速正式通车,湖北"县县通高速"5月28日,保神高速正式开通。通车后,保康至神农架的车程将从2.5小时左右缩短至1小时内。保神高速起于湖北省保康县后坪镇,与保宜高速相接,终点位于神农架林区阳日镇。路线全长43公里,设立收费站3个,其中,匝道收费站2个,站名从东至西依次为五道峡、尧治河,主线收费站1个,站名神农架。据了解,保神高速是湖北省"九纵五横三环"高速公路规划网和"鄂西生态文化旅游圈"建设的重要组成部分,  相似文献   

武汉—孝感铁路是武汉城市圈铁路交通网络的重要组成部分,根据武汉枢纽内既有车流情况及武汉城市圈铁路交通网络建成后的运输模式,提出武孝铁路原则上以不过江引入枢纽为宜,即引入既有汉口站。在此基础上,研究武孝铁路引入汉口站的3个方案,结合汉口站既有规模和疏解区格局,从行车组织、工程投资及运营成本、城市现状及规划、相邻拟建工程等方面进行分析,建议采用武孝铁路自汉口站东端咽喉线路别引入方案。  相似文献   

Late modernity in developed nations is characterized by changing social and psychological conditions, including individualization, processes of competition and loneliness. Remaining socially connected is becoming increasingly important. In this situation, travel provides meaning through physical encounters, inclusion in traveller Gemeinschaft based on shared norms, beliefs and interests, and social status in societies increasingly defined by mobilities. As relationships are forged and found in mobility, travel is no longer an option, rather a necessity for sociality, identity construction, affirmation or alteration. Social contexts and the underlying motivations for tourism have changed fundamentally in late modernity: non-tourism has become a threat to self-conceptions. By integrating social and psychological perspectives, this paper expands and deepens existing travel and mobilities discussions to advance the understanding of tourism as a mechanism of social connectedness, and points to implications for future tourism research.  相似文献   

交通对旅游的影响及发展对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
交通是旅游业发展的必要条件,但我国的旅游交通由于各地区公路等级差距大、基础设施滞后、服务质量有待提高、旅游交通发展与环境保护矛盾等问题,存在交通对旅游发展的影响和制约,为此提出科学规划旅游交通,改善交通基础设施,提高交通服务质量,推进交通营运管理现代化和加强各交通部门间协作等对策。  相似文献   

Tourism as a tool for development was first mooted in the 1970s. Recently, focus has been on the role of ecotourism, pro-poor tourism and community-based tourism (CBT). This has been so in Lao People's Democratic Republic, where international tourism is a vital source of foreign exchange and employment and an important feature of the government's poverty-alleviation strategy. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) finances many infrastructural projects facilitating tourist movement in the Lower Mekong Basin, and with the Lao Government and the Netherlands Development Agency (SNV) is a key player in donor-assisted, community-based tourism (DACBT). The development of DACBT in Lao PDR is discussed in some detail, especially the Nam Ha Ecotourism Project, and is compared briefly with the role of the private sector in tourism development in Southern Lao PDR. It is concluded that while DACBT projects can indeed alleviate poverty and develop financial and cultural capital, private sector tourism enterprises also have an important role in poverty alleviation, and it should not be assumed that DACBT is the only – or necessarily the most efficient – form of pro-poor tourism.  相似文献   

In recent times there has been discussion about whether studies of tourism are variously a disciplinary, multi-disciplinary or inter-disciplinary pursuit and how these relate to the institutional landscapes and practices of higher education. For some academics, these discourses are somewhat arid, but we would contend they are vital as they serve to set the epistemological terms of references for tourism scholars and play a not insignificant role in orchestrating knowledge production about tourism. This paper revisits some of these concerns relating to disciplinarity, and it suggests that disciplines as we understand them today are an artefact of previous academic divisions of labour which still dominate current institutional regulatory regimes. The purpose of the paper is to suggest that tourism studies would benefit greatly from a post-disciplinary outlook, i.e. a direction ‘beyond disciplines’ which is more problem-focused, based on more flexible modes of knowledge production, plurality, synthesis and synergy. Three possible approaches to the post-disciplinary study of tourism are identified by drawing on lessons from studies of political economy. While post-disciplinary studies of tourism have considerable potential to further our understanding of several major contemporary research themes, their introduction may be frustrated by the tourism academy and frameworks of academic governance.  相似文献   

在论述都市圈概念及其基本特征的基础上,提出通过计算节点重要度确定各个城市在都市圈中的重要度,在相对重要的城市间利用万有引力模型进行经济引力分析,计算城市间的经济联系强度,以判断都市圈中两个城市间是否有必要修建城际轨道交通,并以西安都市圈为例,说明方法的应用.  相似文献   

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