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基于世贸组织谈判的博弈模型对多哈回合前景的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱宇 《国际贸易问题》2007,292(4):40-43
本文通过构建一个简单的博弈模型来研究多边贸易谈判的未来前景。揭示出参与世贸组织(WTO)实质谈判和激烈讨价还价的是少数几个跨国集团联盟,随着时间的推移,各谈判集团中的强硬派官员会逐渐增多,当谈判代表全部由强硬派构成的时候,协议很难达成。导致强硬派不妥协的主要原因是各方对农业利益持有零和博弈的观点。谈判恢复和协议的最终达成依赖于各方对农业生产者利益的让步。  相似文献   

《跨大西洋贸易和投资伙伴关系协议》谈判被认为是历史上最大双边贸易协议谈判,如果协议达成,将会给美欧带来颇丰的经济和地缘政治利益,因此双方对该协议都抱有很大期望并为谈判设定了较高标准.但是,双方在诸多敏感问题如农产品补贴、转基因、地理标志等方面都存在分歧,这给谈判增加了不小的难度.无论该自由贸易和投资协议最终能否达成,中国都应积极关注,因为一旦达成最终的协议,将有可能动摇中国在世界贸易体系中的地位.  相似文献   

归零法地位的变动反映了多边贸易规则的变化,归零法支持方和反对方在多边贸易谈判中的不同策略促成了反倾销归零规则的变化.本文首先阐述了归零法地位变动的本质,回顾了归零法地位变动的历程,分析了多边贸易谈判中各成员不同策略下规则的变动对归零法地位变动的影响,并提出反归零集团成员参与归零法谈判的博弈策略.  相似文献   

世界贸易组织多哈回合谈判受挫原因及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章指出,世界贸易组织最主要的职能是组织和推动多边贸易谈判,多哈回合是世界贸易组织成立以来的第一轮多边贸易谈判,自启动至今屡遭挫折,其主要原因是:区域经济一体化组织深入发展,世界经济力量对比发生了变化;谈判领域和内容越来越敏感,改革接近零和博弈;谈判中发展中成员联合程度提高,影响力扩大;世界贸易组织自身决策机制等存在缺陷。文章提出,为促进世界贸易自由化发展,世界贸易组织应加快改革进程,慎重增加谈判议题,扩大管辖范围;切实做好现有规则和协议的执行与落实;改革决策机制,提高解决现实问题的效率;平衡各方利益,进一步增强世界贸易组织的民主性和公平性,以继续发挥自由贸易主导者和推动者的作用。  相似文献   

谈判的根本目的是使最终的成交条件接近对方的底线,从而使得己方的谈判利益最大化。在很多商务谈判中,谈判双方的利益是矛盾而对立的,而谈判利益的的分配主要取决于谈判双方的谈判实力的对比,谈判实力越强,谈判中获得的利益也就越多。  相似文献   

美国在中美知识产权方面大做文章,其原因是保护知识产权可减少企业损失,解决对华贸易逆差,继续要求我国放宽市场准入条件,在双方互列报复与反报复清单、双边贸易战一触即发之际,谈判最终达成协议。本文从四个方面简略分析了促成协议达成的原因所在。  相似文献   

农业谈判历来都是多边谈判难点所在,乌拉圭回合农业协定的达成标志着农业第一次被纳入多边贸易体系监管之中。目前的多哈农业谈判是在此基础上进行的新一轮农业谈判,具体说来,其进步之处在于四个方面,即是更加明确的谈判目标,更加注重发展中国家的利益,在棉花方面取得重要进展,力度更大的削减内容和要求。  相似文献   

王荣武  李红 《商业研究》2002,(15):35-36
集体协商谈判是雇主和雇员群体之间的交易行为,能够使双方的效用和利益发生改进。其存在和发生作用的前提,就在于企业和雇员双方信息不对称,同时各自追求其自身的最大利益。集体协商谈判也是双方博弈的过程,在对工资、工作环境等内容的谈判中,一方效用改进的同时往往伴随着另一方效用的改进,因此其谈判结果是双赢的。同时,集体协商谈判也保障了企业生产的正常进行,维护了工人的正常利益。我们发现,工会的独立性与力量是企业集体协商谈判开展的重要条件。  相似文献   

WTO负责农业谈判和非农产品市场准入(NAMA)谈判的两位官员于7月17日分别向世贸组织成员散发了关于上述谈判的妥协方案,它们是根据WTO成员政府在谈判中的最新立场作出的,是对关税削减公式、给贸易造成扭曲的农业补贴削减公式和其他相关条款等方面可能达成的协议的评估,旨在各成员能在这两个方案的基础上弥合分歧,最终达成一项全面的多哈回合全球贸易协议。  相似文献   

集体协商谈判是雇主和雇员群体之间的交易行为,能够使双方的效用和利益发生改进,其存在和发生作用的前提,就在于企业和雇员双方信息不对称,同时各自追求其自身的最大利益,集体协商谈判也是双方博弈的过程,在对工资,工作环境等内容的谈判中,一方效用改进的同时往往伴随着另一方效用的改进,因此其谈判结果是双赢的,同时,集体协商谈判也保障了企业生产的正常进行,维护了工人的正常利益,我们发现工会的独立性与力量是企业集体协商谈判开展的重要条件。  相似文献   


Although they are often complex, negotiations are practical problems that can be solved with the aid of specialized, ad hoc methods. We introduce a problem-solving approach to difficult negotiations inspired by the established solution-oriented discipline of engineering, which we term “Negotiation Engineering”. It is based on the reduction of problems to their most formal structures and the heuristic application of quantitative methods for problem solving. We argue that mathematical language in negotiations helps to increase logical accuracy in negotiation analysis and allows for the use of a variety of existing helpful mathematical tools to achieve a negotiation agreement. We demonstrate the practicability and usefulness of this approach using four case studies in the area of international diplomacy in which Negotiation Engineering was applied to achieve negotiation solutions.  相似文献   

Constructivist Negotiation Ethics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The success of Discourse Ethics is premised on the discovery and use of shared values. If this is true what type of negotiation style, especially when used in an intercultural setting, is best suited to make use of shared values. Research focusing on moral arguments between Germans and Americans uncovered an array of shared values. But the existence of shared values, by itself, was not an adequate predictor of a negotiation's success. What did prove to be a predictor of success was the use of a Constructivist style of negotiation by both parties.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes a parametric theory of negotiation as a basis forshedding light on negotiation support system possibilities. Previously, thetheory has been used to analyze prior research accomplishments in the area ofnegotiation support systems. Here, we discuss implications of the theory thatare relevant for future research and development of negotiation supportsystems. The implications are concerned with three topics: a high-levelgeneric characterization of these systems, an identification of theirpossible support functions, and a taxonomy for classifying suchsystems.  相似文献   

邵咏涛 《国际市场》2002,(10):46-47
正确地把握谈判进度 资深的谈判者这都承认,谈判的进度总是由占优势的一方决定.因此,如果你是急于想要成交的一方,你必须使你的谈判进度适于你希望的生意伙伴的进度表.仅仅因为时间正敲击你的议事日程而期望使他们加快进度是绝对没有希望的.要有耐心,机会总会留给有耐心的谈判者.  相似文献   

自2008年6月第四次战略经济对话上中美双方领导人就正式启动双边投资协定(BIT)谈判达成共识以来,谈判已经进行了九轮。但在九轮的谈判中,双方仅限于技术性磋商,进展缓慢,根本原因在于双方分歧较大,主要集中在美国范本中的准入前国民待遇和负面清单模式,这两个问题对我国现有经济管理体制和外商投资政策构成了一个很大的挑战。因此,中美之间的双边投资协定谈判似乎注定将是一个漫长的过程。  相似文献   

A model of the negotiation process is developed and tested on a sample of motor carriers that provide contractual service in distribution channels. The result indicate that expectation of continuity in a channel relationship leads to cooperative negotiating behavior. This cooperative (integrative) negotiating behavior, in turn, results in mutually beneficial outcomes. In addition, perceived dependence has a weak effect on negotiating behavior and outcomes. Managers are advised about conditions and outcomes of the use of both cooperative and arms-length negotiating strategies.  相似文献   

Trust is a crucial quality in the development of individuals and societies and empathy plays a key role in the formation of trust. Trust and empathy have growing importance in studies of negotiation. However, empathy can be rejected which complicates its role in negotiation. This paper presents a linguistic analysis of empathy by focusing on rejection of empathy in negotiation. Some of the rejections are due to failed recognition of the rejector’s needs and desires whereas others have mainly strategic functions gaining momentum in the negotiation. In both cases, rejection of empathy is a phase in the negotiation not a breakdown.  相似文献   

Negotiation in engineering design   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Concurrent design may shorten the duration of a design project, reduce cost, and improve quality of the final design. However, due to the diversified problem-solving knowledge and different goal setting between design agents, it may increase the number of conflicts and make the project more difficult to manage. In this article, a goal-directed negotiation model for resolving conflicts in a cooperative design environment is presented. The proposed model generates negotiation sets, analyzes utilities derived for each design agent, and evaluates them based on three decision rules: maximization of the joint utility, minimization of individual utility differences, and minimization of individual utility differences and maximization of joint utility. A compromise solution is reached iteratively. The approach proposed in this articles is concerned not just with satisfying design constraints, but attempts to maximize system objectives. An example of the poppet relief valve is used to demonstrate the negotiation concept.  相似文献   

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