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The article examines the widespread belief that indigenous entrepreneurshipis less well represented in African countries than in otherparts of the developing world. The evidence shows no dearthof ability among Africans to identify business opportunitiesand to act upon them—the two quintessential characteristicsof entrepreneurship. But the management problems these businesseshave sometimes encountered suggest that there may be a continuingrole for expatriates, provided the industries are fundamentallysound. Small businesses appear to have a better chance of successand are more viable than some of the heavily protected and subsidizedtransnational enterprises. The article finds that successful industrial entrepreneurs havecome from a variety of religious, cultural, and educationalorigins. It casts doubt on the efficacy of training programsto teach entrepreneurial skill and argues instead that a liberaleconomic regime is more likely to encourage entrepreneurship.Equally important is a well-grounded and widely dispersed growthof income, especially among small-scale cultivators, which leadsto a growth of demand for what small businesses produce.   相似文献   

In this paper, we examine whether the 'reverse' weekend effect recently documented by Brusa, Liu and Schulman (2000) is concentrated in a few industries or widely spread across all the industries. The findings in this paper indicate that the 'reverse' weekend effect exists not only in broad indices, but also in most industries . The results suggest that the 'reverse' weekend effect may be driven by economic events that affect all industries, rather than industry‐specific factors . Although the patterns of Monday returns are similar between broad indices and industry indices, they are different between the pre ‐ and the post ‐1988 periods. Monday returns tend to be negative in the pre ‐1988 period, but tend to be positive in the post ‐1988 period, for both broad market indices and industry indices. These conclusions are valid even after considering the influence of the month‐of‐the‐year and the week‐of‐the‐month effects.  相似文献   

Peter Hall 《Futures》1978,10(6):469-475
Until 1970 most old European cities did not show the US trend of population and employment losses. But a forthcoming study suggests that this is changing. Europe's established industries are being challenged on the world market by the developing countries, European youth is rejecting (or failing to gain entry to) the industrial system and new technologies are altering traditional spatial distributions. These trends may herald the emergence of a new Europe-in a small-scale, convivial decentralised future as visualised by Schumacher and Illich.  相似文献   

This study examines the competitive conditions in the banking industries of eleven Latin American countries for the period 1993–2000. For these countries, the time interval under examination corresponds to an era characterized by substantial reforms to restructure their banking systems, increased consolidation and foreign bank penetration. The banks in our sample are found to be earning their revenues as if operating under monopolistic competition, as in many other developed and emerging financial systems. The results indicate that, overall, market concentration is not significantly related with competitive conduct. At the country level, however, we do observe a decline in competition for Brazil, Chile, and Venezuela in late 1990s which may be attributable to increased consolidation. Further, we observe that deregulation and opening up of the financial markets for foreign participation serves as an important catalyst to increase the competitiveness of banking markets. Higher degree of competition in the sector, in return, is associated with reduced bank margins and profitability but improved cost efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of prior investment experience in specific industries on subsequent investment decisions. Using households’ trading records from a large discount broker between 1991 and 1996, I find that prior success in a given industry increases the likelihood of subsequent purchases in the same industry. The effect is stronger for more recent experiences and for less sophisticated or diversified investors, and it is not wealth enhancing. The results suggest investors categorize industries at a highly resolved level, finer than the Fama–French ten-industry classification. Similar effects are also apparent for size- and value-based categories but at smaller magnitudes.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether product market competition reduces agency problems between controlling shareholders and minority shareholders in Japan. In particular, we examine firms’ dividend policies in competitive versus concentrated industries. In a large sample of Japanese firms, we find that firms in more competitive industries pay more dividends, are more likely to increase dividends and are less likely to omit dividends. Furthermore, the impact of firm‐level agency problems on dividend payouts is weaker in highly competitive industries. The results suggest that product market competition can be an effective industry‐level governance mechanism that can force managers to disgorge cash to outside investors.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of industry life‐cycle stages on within‐industry acquisitions and capital expenditures by conglomerates and single‐segment firms controlling for endogeneity of organizational form. We find greater differences in acquisitions than in capital expenditures, which are similar across organizational types. In particular, 36% of the growth recorded by conglomerate segments in growth industries comes from acquisitions, versus 9% for single‐segment firms. In growth industries, the effect of financial dependence on acquisitions and plant openings is mitigated for conglomerate firms. Plants acquired by conglomerate firms increase in productivity. The results suggest that organizational forms' comparative advantages differ across industry conditions.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the behavior of survey forecasts in Brazil during the inflation targeting regime, when managing expectations is one of the cornerstones of the conduct of monetary policy. The distinctive database of the survey conducted by the Central Bank of Brazil (BCB) among professional forecasters allows for a thorough investigation of the epidemiology, determinants, and performance of forecasts. The main results are: i) top performing forecasters are influential to other forecasters; ii) survey forecasts perform better than vector autoregressive model-based forecasts; iii) common forecast errors prevail over idiosyncratic components across respondents; iv) inflation targets play an important role in inflation expectations; and v) agents perceive the BCB as following a Taylor rule consistent with inflation targeting. The last two suggest high credibility of the monetary authority.  相似文献   

We investigate the role of labor unions in the performance of venture capital (VC)‐backed firms. Using a large sample of initial public offering firms from 1983 to 2013, we find that VC‐backed firms in highly unionized industries have lower Tobin's Q and are less likely to survive. This effect is robust to endogeneity concerns and to controlling for industry and firm characteristics. The findings suggest that strong labor rights impede innovative firms’ performance and survival, thereby adversely affecting innovation, economic growth, and employment.  相似文献   

In 1999, new monetary policy regimes were adopted in Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico, combining inflation targeting with floating exchange rates. These regime changes have been accompanied by lower volatility in the monetary stance in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, despite higher inflation volatility in Brazil and Colombia. This paper estimates a conventional New Keynesian model for these four countries and shows that: i) the post-1999 regime has been associated with greater responsiveness by the monetary authority to changes in expected inflation in Brazil and Chile, while in Colombia and Mexico monetary policy has become less counter-cyclical, ii) lower interest-rate volatility in the post-1999 period owes more to a benign economic environment than to a change in the policy setting, and iii) the change in the monetary regime has not yet resulted in a reduction in output volatility in these countries.  相似文献   

We examine the wealth effects of horizontal takeovers on rivals of the merging firms, and on firms in the takeover industry's supplier and customer industries. Inconsistent with the collusion and buyer power motives, we find significant positive abnormal returns to rivals, suppliers, and corporate customers for the subsample of takeovers with positive combined wealth effect to target and bidder shareholders. Overall, our findings suggest that the average takeover in our sample is driven by efficiency considerations. However, we find evidence suggesting that horizontal takeovers increase the buyer power of the merging firms if suppliers are concentrated.  相似文献   

We study patterns of new lists, delisting and mergers in deregulated industries in the 1973 to 2017 period. Consistent with prior research, we find that merger activity tends to cluster in deregulated industries. But we provide new evidence that new lists and overall delisting also cluster in deregulated industries, with new lists preceding delisting. We also find that deregulated industries are growing in size and value prior to deregulation and grow significantly larger, more valuable and more competitive following deregulation. The results are consistent with the linkage of deregulation and industries undergoing significant change; deregulation aids in industry adaptation to change and facilitates expansion. Moreover, the results provide a specific mechanism by which industries undergo event waves.  相似文献   

Using a unique data set of corporate philanthropic activities, we find that direct giving activities are positively associated both with higher levels of innovation and innovation that is more influential, collaborative, and original. Our results suggest that much of what is ostensibly promoted as philanthropy actually reflects research‐related networking activities. The effect of direct giving on innovation is more pronounced in more opaque firms and more innovative and competitive industries. These findings provide evidence of the distinct motives by which firms choose between direct giving and foundation giving. Our study suggests that firms can use direct philanthropy to expand firm‐boundaries by developing innovation with research partners.  相似文献   

浅析我国外商直接投资存在的问题及对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
改革开放以来 ,我国积极利用外商直接投资 ,充分促进了我国经济的发展。但我国在利用外商直接投资中 ,存在着地区分布不平衡、产业结构不合理、投资规模偏小和技术水平偏低等问题。本文在分析上述问题的基础上 ,提出了加强国家政策引导、注重跨国公司引进等措施 ,以促进我国国民经济健康发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines whether firms in noncompetitive industries benefit more from good governance than do firms in competitive industries. We find that weak governance firms have lower equity returns, worse operating performance, and lower firm value, but only in noncompetitive industries. When exploring the causes of the inefficiency, we find that weak governance firms have lower labor productivity and higher input costs, and make more value‐destroying acquisitions, but, again, only in noncompetitive industries. We also find that weak governance firms in noncompetitive industries are more likely to be targeted by activist hedge funds, suggesting that investors take actions to mitigate the inefficiency.  相似文献   

This paper empirically shows that the cost of bank debt is systematically higher for firms that operate in competitive product markets. Using various proxies for product market competition, and reductions of import tariff rates to capture exogenous changes to a firm's competitive environment, I find that competition has a significantly positive effect on the cost of bank debt. Moreover, the analysis reveals that the effect of competition is greater in industries in which small firms face financially strong rivals, in industries with intense strategic interactions between firms, and in illiquid industries. Overall, these findings suggest that banks price financial contracts by taking into account the risk that arises from product market competition.  相似文献   

基于对出口价值构成中行业增加值出口的形式、流向以及途径的区分,从价值链的视角改进了传统的显性比较优势指数,测算12个主要贸易大国1995~2011年制造业和服务业各行业的显性比较优势。结果表明:贸易格局的总体趋势表现为发达国家在巩固制造业高端环节优势的同时又将服务业特别是金融服务业、信息服务业以及商务网络等方面的优势渗透进来,建立起服务于全球的新体系,新兴市场国家则逐渐在不同要素密集度以及不同层次的制造业方面加紧布局。加强贸易与产业的结合,有助于我国通过增加值间接出口的方式参与国际竞争。  相似文献   

We examine the association between product market competition and earnings management activities. We use the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), a widely used measure for market concentration, as a proxy for product market competition. We examine two forms of earnings management: accrual-based and real activity-based. Our results are mixed, but generally suggest that both income-increasing accrual manipulation and real activity-based manipulation are more prevalent among firms in low competition industries than those in high competition industries. Our findings are robust to various measures of earnings management, alternative measures of product market competitions, and different subsamples. We further explore the reasons why firms in low competition industries are more inclined to manage earnings and find that the market consequences of missing important earnings targets are more severe among firms in low competition industries than those in high competition industries.  相似文献   

A growing number of developing economies are providing cashtransfers to poor people that require certain behaviors on theirpart, such as attending school or regularly visiting healthcare facilities. A simple ex ante methodology is proposed forevaluating such programs and used to assess the Bolsa Escolaprogram in Brazil. The results suggest that about 60 percentof poor 10- to 15-year-olds not in school enroll in responseto the program. The program reduces the incidence of povertyby only a little more than one percentage point, however, andthe Gini coefficient falls just half a point. Results are betterfor measures more sensitive to the bottom of the distribution,but the effect is never large.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the sub-prime mortgage crisis, we set out to investigate the spillover effects of returns and volatility in the US stock market on the stock markets of Brazil, Russia, India, China and Vietnam (BRICVs). The results of our application of the ARJI (autoregressive conditional jump intensity) model reveal that the greatest contagious effects of returns and volatility from the US market before the crisis were felt by Russia; however, following the crisis, the most intense spillover effects are found to be on Vietnam. While India, the most efficient of these markets, demonstrates the lowest total long-run risk, an inverse situation is discernible for both China and Brazil. Our results therefore suggest that in the design of their asset allocation strategies, investors with risk aversion should consider investing greater proportions of their funds in India, while being conservative in both Brazil and China to avoid inefficient and risky investment.  相似文献   

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