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Bauer's views on vicious circles, the ‘widening’ gap between rich and poor countries, central planning, foreign aid and the appeal of Marxism in less developed countries are summarised. There is a discussion and summary of an appropriate analysis of the issues raised by Bauer. Attention is concentrated on the evidence related to a ‘widening’ gap, the potential failures of the price mechanism and the effects of foreign aid. It is suggested that Bauer's analysis is superficial, even though this may also be true of some he criticises, and that the case for aid remains strong.  相似文献   

How do people value freedom of choice? Drawing on economics and psychology the paper provides an hypothesis and empirical evidence on how individuals may value freedom of choice and derive utility from it. It is argued that the degree of perceived control that individuals have over choice – a construct known as the locus of control in psychology – regulates how we value freedom of choice. People who believe that the outcome of their actions depends on internal factors such as effort and skills (the ‘internals’) have a greater appreciation of freedom of choice than people who believe that the outcome of their actions depends on external factors such as fate or destiny (the ‘externals’). We find some evidence in support of this hypothesis using a combination of all rounds of the World and European Values Surveys. A variable that measures freedom of choice and the locus of control is found to predict life satisfaction better than any other known factor such as health, employment, income, marriage or religion, across countries and within countries. We show that this variable is not a proxy of happiness and measures well both freedom of choice and the locus of control. ‘Internals’ are found to appreciate freedom of choice more than ‘externals’ and to be happier. These findings have important implications for individual utility, social welfare and public policies.  相似文献   

We consider a game where agents can synchronize or stagger their decisions. We compare the outcomes of both timing patterns, and show that spillovers and strategic interactions are crucial for such a comparison. A typology used in industrial organization, distinguishing four cases (‘Fat-Cat’, ‘Top Dog’, Lean and Hungry’, ‘Puppy Dog’), allows us to compare the actions taken in the staggered variant and in the synchronized one. The staggered variant exhibits cycles and players are both better-off when there are strategic complementarities between them. A timing game is then set-up so as to endogenize the choice between the two variants we study.Two examples are developed: (i) Bertrand competition and (ii) a wage setting game when there are two monopoly unions in two interrelated firms. We show that the staggering of price decisions generates counter-cyclical mark-ups in the first example, and the staggering of wage decisions generates cycling output in the industry in the second example.  相似文献   

Established corporations are often at a disadvantage vis à vis technology-based entrepreneurial firms when it comes to generating and adapting to radical technological and business-model innovation. Consequently, industrial corporations increasingly wanted to participate in the financial or strategic success of start-ups. The tool of choice for many corporations was Corporate Venture Capital (CVC). CVC had already seen two waves of popularity in the USA when it was introduced in Germany in the early 1990s. This development is often assumed to have come to a halt in 2001, when so-called ‘New Economy’ spiraled into decline.This paper analyzes central attributes of strategy, investment and organization of the CVC units active in Germany in 2000 and 2003. We find evidence for a continuation of strong CVC activity in Germany. We differentiate between CVC units that were a) active at both points in time, i.e. ‘survivors’ b) those that have closed down since 2000, i.e. ‘losers’ and c) those that were founded after 2000, ‘new entrants’. The comparison of the characteristics allows us to make inferences for the use of CVC.  相似文献   

This paper provides some extensions and qualifications concerning the empirical evidence for the positive impact of exports on growth, using a model of Feder. In particular, the ideas of ‘critical minimum effort’ and ‘diminishing returns’ with respect to the export sector are given some empirical support.  相似文献   

Behavioral conformity in games with many players   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  

We incorporate endogenous time preference in a simple Diamond-type economy with production and analyze the resulting dynamics both for the competitive and command equilibrium. We assume an individual's rate of time preference is decreasing in consumption (decreasing marginal impatience) and show that this intuitively more appealing assumption is consistent with a stable, non-trivial competitive equilibrium. Analysis of the competitive equilibrium indicates that the observed ‘non-convergence’ of cross-country per capita income could partially be explained by cross-country differences in ‘innate patience’. Examination of the local dynamics around the ‘optimal’ solution suggests that this particular preference structure exhibiting diminishing marginal impatience may generate endogenous business cycle phenomenon.  相似文献   

Political institutions and economic volatility   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We examine the effect of political ‘institutions’ on economic growth volatility, using data from more than 100 countries over the period 1960 to 2005, taking into account various control variables as suggested in previous studies. Our indicator of volatility is the relative standard deviation of the growth rate of GDP per capita. The results of a dynamic panel model indicate that democracy reduces economic volatility. We also find that some dimensions of political instability and policy uncertainty increase economic volatility.  相似文献   

Many studies investigate the relationship between R&D and patents applying knowledge production functions. Using aggregated R&D may underestimate the productivity of ‘R’, as mainly ‘R’ but not ‘D’ leads to patents. Disaggregating ‘R’ and ‘D’ shows a significant premium of ‘R’ towards patenting.  相似文献   

This essay formalizes the model of international growth advanced by W. Arthur Lewis in his 1979 Nobel Prize address and by Ragnar Nurkse in the 1950's. Both of them employed the model to support their respective cases for pursuit of a ‘balanced growth’ strategy by the LDC's. The purpose of the formalization undertaken here is to examine the theoretical consequences for the secular ratio of LDC to MDC incomes as the Lewis-Nurkse growth process unfolds. The paper explores whether or not growth in Lewis-Nurkse fashion must mean persistent poverty for the LDC's. In addition, the formalization provides an explicit characterization of economic ‘dependence’.  相似文献   

Households sometimes have two recycling options. Curbside recycling collections are convenient, but do not provide payment. Alternatively, payment might be available from ‘reverse vending machines’ or drop-off centers, but some transaction costs would be incurred. We examine policies to encourage efficient product design and recycling in a setting with these two recycling options plus the option of putting recyclables in the trash. We find value in having two parallel recycling options. Constrained optimal outcomes can be attained by combining a ‘deposit–refund’ with a modest disposal fee. Furthermore, producers should not be permitted to keep deposits, that are not claimed by consumers.  相似文献   

Utilizing the fact that natural resources are randomly distributed among countries, we investigate how public income shocks have different long run economic effects dependent on constitutional arrangements. We find that (i) the so-called ‘resource curse’ is present in democratic presidential countries—but not in democratic parliamentary countries, (ii) being parliamentary or presidential matters more for the growth effects of natural resources than being democratic or autocratic, and (iii) natural resources are more likely to reduce growth when proportional electoral systems are in place than when the electoral systems are majoritarian. The two first effects appear very robust, the last effect less so.  相似文献   

Windfall revenues from foreign aid or natural resource exports can weaken governments’ incentives to design or maintain efficient tax systems. Cross-country data for developing countries provide evidence for this hypothesis, using a World Bank indicator on “efficiency of revenue mobilization.” Aid’s negative effects on quality of tax systems are robust to correcting for potential reverse causality, to changes in the sample, and to alternative estimation methods. Revenues from natural resources are also associated with lower-quality tax systems, but results are somewhat sensitive to the choice of resource dependence indicators, and to a few extreme values in the data. Disaggregating by resource type, revenues from fuel exports are found to be more strongly associated than revenues from metals and ores exports with inefficient tax systems.  相似文献   

Simple sequencing problems with interdependent costs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we analyze simple sequencing problems under incomplete information and interdependent costs. We prove the necessity of concave cost function for implementability of such problems. Implementability means that one can achieve aggregate cost minimization in ex-post equilibrium. We also show that simple sequencing problems are implementable if and only if the mechanism is a ‘generalized VCG mechanism.’ We then consider first best implementability, that is implementability with budget balancing transfer. We prove that for implementable n agent simple sequencing problems, with polynomial cost function of order (n−2) or less, one can achieve first best implementability. Finally, for the class of implementable simple sequencing problems with “sufficiently well behaved” cost function, this is the only first best class.  相似文献   

Recently the use of the so-called ‘Pantula principle’ has been suggested as a means of determining deterministic components in cointegrating models (see Ahking in Journal of Macroeconomics 24, 2002, and Hatemi-J in Economic Modelling 19, 2002). Moreover, the procedure is suggested in the widely used CATS in RATS program (see [Hansen, H., Juselius, K., 1995. CATS in RATS. Estima, United States]). In this paper, we examine, by means of Monte Carlo simulation, the properties of the ‘Pantula principle’. We investigate the five models contained within the Johansen methodology and find that the ‘Pantula principle’ is heavily biased towards choosing the model with an unrestricted constant when the model with a restricted trend is the true one. We suggest a modification that reduces this bias to an important extent.  相似文献   

In this paper, a micro-founded model analyzing the effects of ‘regionalization’ on economic activity is developed. It shows that the spatial division of public competencies can have an impact on the growth rate via the efficiency of governmental choices: initially advantageous for weak levels, decentralization (/reduction of regional size) becomes limited due to the risk of underestimation of the real profitability of public expenditure by local governments (non-internalized cross-border effects). In accordance with the theory, a transversal estimation for a sample of 51 countries for the 1990s establishes a ‘bell-shaped’ relation between indicators of regionalization and the quality of governance.  相似文献   

In this paper we publish for the first time the econometric model of the UK economy recently developed at City University Business School (CUBS). The differentiating feature of the CUBS model is its concern with the ‘supply side’ and its attempt to estimate an aggregate production function. The model distinguishes between markets in goods and services, labour, capital, money and foreign exchange.  相似文献   

Designing tax policy in federalist economies: An overview   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The emerging economic federations of the European Union, Russia, and South Africa, along with the established federations in Australia, Canada, and the United States, confront the task of designing the institutions for federal fiscal policy. This paper reviews the literature on the design of tax policy in federalist economies. We conclude that taxation by lower level governments can lead to significant economic inefficiencies and inequities. The usual ‘assignment’ view of federalis recommends central government policies — for example, resident-based taxation or grants-in-aid — to correct these failures. These recommendations assume that the central government will act as a benevolent social planner. The ‘political economy’ view of federalism suggests that this assumption is in error and that additional federalist institutions must be considered. Alternative legislative structures and constitutional rules are considered.  相似文献   

Over 40 years of conventional economic analysis has not reached consensus on the effect of foreign aid on recipient country growth. We provide new insight into this relationship by using a network approach to characterize the topological properties of the Organization for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD) foreign aid network. Viewing the OECD foreign aid community as an interdependent and complex system, we characterize not only the amount of aid but also the position of both donor and recipient within the network. We find that the degree centrality of the recipient, with an edge inclusion threshold that sets a minimum share of a donor’s aid to a particular recipient, is significantly correlated with the growth impact of that donor’s aid. Contrarily, aid is uncorrelated with growth with a recipient‐side filter on the importance of the donor to the recipient. These results suggest that the importance of a recipient within the donor’s network, rather than the volume of aid alone, is associated with the growth impact of bilateral aid. We explore mechanisms for these findings that include the complementarity of aid from multiple attentive donors. Our findings speak to the aid–growth puzzle and suggest that network metrics may illuminate non‐obvious channels of aid impact.  相似文献   

An explicit relationship between innovations in the spot exchange rate and innovations in its driving variables is derived in the context of the ‘asset market theory’ of the exchange rate. The relationship forms a theoretical basis for regression results in ‘news’ form that have been reported in the literature.  相似文献   

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